Why do you hate

Why do so many of you hate God and people of faith?
I don't hate God since I don't believe he exists. I don't hate Zeus either for the same reason. I don't hate people of faith but I do hate what some people of faith have done and continue to do in the name of faith. Flying planes into buildings is an obvious example but enacting laws that affect me in the name of their faith is essentially the same thing.

Maybe you can answer:
  • Why do people of faith hate people of other faiths?
  • Why do people of faith hate people with no faith?
Christians do not hate the person, they abhor the behavior. Christians do not hate people who are not Christian, but are concerned for their eternity. It is very often non-Christians who want to silence those who wish to bear witness in a public way, and make it hard to present a "Christian" view regarding any subject...

Why would a Christian be concerned with what happens to another person for all eternity? I thought that when a person was judged, it was between that person and God, nobody else.

Besides, what can a Christian offer a Buddhist when it comes to salvation and eternal bliss?

Can't get your money back from a bad merchant (Devil's Umbrellas)?
Read any embryology text book. They define a living human being as being from conception to death. It’s called the human life cycle.
When do those text books say a living human being can vote or drive a car?
dont change the subject just because youre losing the debate,,,
Nice try. The question is what is a human being, DNA is one answer but it is hardly the only answer. It is not even the most important answer.
No. It’s the definitive answer.
Because that’s how you see an unborn child.
Wrong. Ding, you are truly a mental weakling. You literally never have any point unless you can respond to thoughts you have invented and put into other people's heads.
Because that’s how you see an unborn child.
Wrong. Ding, you are truly a mental weakling. You literally never have any point unless you can respond to thoughts you have invented and put into other people's heads.
Don't be silly. It's not wrong. Let's go point by point and you can address each one to explain to me where I went wrong.

FortFun's position
Abortion does not end a human life.
The woman does possess the non-human life in her womb.
The woman can choose to end the non-human life that is in her possession.

How is that not describing that you see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner?
What else would you call abortion if not birth control?
Haha...okay. First you tell me what it was before it BECAME "birth control", then. Your words,bud.
According to you? Property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

Exhibit A

Ding playing with his little dollies
Only if you can explain to me how you don't see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

Can you?
Because that’s how you see an unborn child.
Wrong. Ding, you are truly a mental weakling. You literally never have any point unless you can respond to thoughts you have invented and put into other people's heads.
Don't be silly. It's not wrong. Let's go point by point and you can address each one to explain to me where I went wrong.

FortFun's position
Abortion does not end a human life.
The woman does possess the non-human life in her womb.
The woman can choose to end the non-human life that is in her possession.

How is that not describing that you see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner?
All 100% wrong.

But, I'll play the "ding the mental midget" game"

Ding's position:

A fake zombie king talks to him through magical feelings and tells him that he must control all women. Being completely devoted to this fake zombie king, ding does as the voices in his head tell him. Ding, being aware of what a worthless,immoral piece of shit he really is without the fake zombie king to teach him right and wrong, obeys these voices in his head purely out of fear for his own well being, and not for the well being of any other person.
Because that’s how you see an unborn child.
Wrong. Ding, you are truly a mental weakling. You literally never have any point unless you can respond to thoughts you have invented and put into other people's heads.
Don't be silly. It's not wrong. Let's go point by point and you can address each one to explain to me where I went wrong.

FortFun's position
Abortion does not end a human life.
The woman does possess the non-human life in her womb.
The woman can choose to end the non-human life that is in her possession.

How is that not describing that you see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner?
All 100% wrong.

But, I'll play the "ding the mental midget" game"

Ding's position:

A fake zombie king talks to him through magical feelings and tells him that he must control all women. Being completely devoted to this fake zombie king, ding does as the voices in his head tell him. Ding, being aware of what a worthless,immoral piece of shit he really is without the fake zombie king to teach him right and wrong, obeys these voices in his head purely out of fear for his own well being, and not for the well being of any other person.
That doesn't even come close to you explaining how you don't see and want to treat human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.
It's pretty obvious to me that FortFun not only knows he is wrong but is embarrassed by his position.

It would have been better for him to admit that he treats life in the womb as property. At least then he wouldn't be denying his beliefs. As it stands now he has beliefs that are not worth expressing out loud.

Beliefs not worth expressing are beliefs not worth having.
Because that’s how you see an unborn child.
Wrong. Ding, you are truly a mental weakling. You literally never have any point unless you can respond to thoughts you have invented and put into other people's heads.
Don't be silly. It's not wrong. Let's go point by point and you can address each one to explain to me where I went wrong.

FortFun's position
Abortion does not end a human life.
The woman does possess the non-human life in her womb.
The woman can choose to end the non-human life that is in her possession.

How is that not describing that you see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner?
All 100% wrong.

But, I'll play the "ding the mental midget" game"

Ding's position:

A fake zombie king talks to him through magical feelings and tells him that he must control all women. Being completely devoted to this fake zombie king, ding does as the voices in his head tell him. Ding, being aware of what a worthless,immoral piece of shit he really is without the fake zombie king to teach him right and wrong, obeys these voices in his head purely out of fear for his own well being, and not for the well being of any other person.
That doesn't even come close to you explaining how you don't see and want to treat human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.
you must be high. I was explaining your position ,from the perspective of a mental midget who invents low hanging fruit for himself. I.E., a person like you.
but is embarrassed by his position.
...that ding ignores and for which he substitutes his own inventions, in order to male sure he can stick to his well worn copy paste points he plagiarized from religious nutter websites.
Because that’s how you see an unborn child.
Wrong. Ding, you are truly a mental weakling. You literally never have any point unless you can respond to thoughts you have invented and put into other people's heads.
Don't be silly. It's not wrong. Let's go point by point and you can address each one to explain to me where I went wrong.

FortFun's position
Abortion does not end a human life.
The woman does possess the non-human life in her womb.
The woman can choose to end the non-human life that is in her possession.

How is that not describing that you see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner?
All 100% wrong.

But, I'll play the "ding the mental midget" game"

Ding's position:

A fake zombie king talks to him through magical feelings and tells him that he must control all women. Being completely devoted to this fake zombie king, ding does as the voices in his head tell him. Ding, being aware of what a worthless,immoral piece of shit he really is without the fake zombie king to teach him right and wrong, obeys these voices in his head purely out of fear for his own well being, and not for the well being of any other person.
That doesn't even come close to you explaining how you don't see and want to treat human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.
you must be high. I was explaining your position ,from the perspective of a mental midget who invents low hanging fruit for himself. I.E., a person like you.
You can't explain how you don't see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner because you do see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

So while you continue to hurl insults at me for your failure to have a logical basis for your belief, I continue to show the abomination of your beliefs.

Only one of us is satisfied and it's not the one who has to hurl insults.


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