Why do you hate

but is embarrassed by his position.
...that ding ignores and for which he substitutes his own inventions, in order to male sure he can stick to his well worn copy paste points he plagiarized from religious nutter websites.
This is pretty simple. You don't like the fact that you see human life in the womb as property. So you reject it. But you have no basis for rejecting it because you are literally treating human life in the womb as property; as chattel.

The fact that you can't own this is proof you know abortion is wrong. You literally have to dehumanize the life to make yourself feel better, but you can't even acknowledge that you are dehumanizing it. You can't have it both ways. Either you believe it isn't human which means you believe it is property, or you believe it is human which means you believe it isn't property. Which is it?
Read any embryology text book. They define a living human being as being from conception to death. It’s called the human life cycle.
When do those text books say a living human being can vote or drive a car?
So that is what defines being human to you?
I just rely on science.
A human being has a working human brain.
So mentally handicapped are not human, Adolph?
I believe you said that, not me. Is it murder to let a brain dead/comatose person die?
Wrong. Ding, you are truly a mental weakling. You literally never have any point unless you can respond to thoughts you have invented and put into other people's heads.
Don't be silly. It's not wrong. Let's go point by point and you can address each one to explain to me where I went wrong.

FortFun's position
Abortion does not end a human life.
The woman does possess the non-human life in her womb.
The woman can choose to end the non-human life that is in her possession.

How is that not describing that you see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner?
All 100% wrong.

But, I'll play the "ding the mental midget" game"

Ding's position:

A fake zombie king talks to him through magical feelings and tells him that he must control all women. Being completely devoted to this fake zombie king, ding does as the voices in his head tell him. Ding, being aware of what a worthless,immoral piece of shit he really is without the fake zombie king to teach him right and wrong, obeys these voices in his head purely out of fear for his own well being, and not for the well being of any other person.
That doesn't even come close to you explaining how you don't see and want to treat human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.
you must be high. I was explaining your position ,from the perspective of a mental midget who invents low hanging fruit for himself. I.E., a person like you.
You can't explain how you don't see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner because you do see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

So while you continue to hurl insults at me for your failure to have a logical basis for your belief, I continue to show the abomination of your beliefs.

Only one of us is satisfied and it's not the one who has to hurl insults.

View attachment 263026
Oh look, a ding copy paste. This must be a day that ends in "y".
Read any embryology text book. They define a living human being as being from conception to death. It’s called the human life cycle.
When do those text books say a living human being can vote or drive a car?
dont change the subject just because youre losing the debate,,,
Nice try. The question is what is a human being, DNA is one answer but it is hardly the only answer. It is not even the most important answer.
No. It’s the definitive answer.
Sorry but you don't get to arbitrarily narrow the question just to win an argument.
Read any embryology text book. They define a living human being as being from conception to death. It’s called the human life cycle.
When do those text books say a living human being can vote or drive a car?
dont change the subject just because youre losing the debate,,,
Nice try. The question is what is a human being, DNA is one answer but it is hardly the only answer. It is not even the most important answer.
No. It’s the definitive answer.
Sorry but you don't get to arbitrarily narrow the question just to win an argument.
But he will anyway. He will also then ignore your answer, substitute a new one for you, and then respond to his dolly he invented.

Meet ding. Timewasteus Maximus.
Laws that protect the unborn do not give them more rights than an adult human being, you lying slimeball.
No, that is exactly what they do. The laws say the unborn's right to remain in a women's womb trump the right of the woman to decide what is in her body.
Of course that is simply a lie. Your logic fails.
Is not!
I challenge you to quote a law or proposed law that says that.
Read any embryology text book. They define a living human being as being from conception to death. It’s called the human life cycle.
When do those text books say a living human being can vote or drive a car?
So that is what defines being human to you?
I just rely on science.
A human being has a working human brain.
So mentally handicapped are not human, Adolph?
I believe you said that, not me. Is it murder to let a brain dead/comatose person die?
No. I believe that we are fully human from conception to death.

If your actions directly result in the loss of their life, you are responsible for ending a human life. This is true for any point along the human life continuum; abortion or euthanasia.

To determine if it is murder you would have to look at the motivation, among other things.
Don't be silly. It's not wrong. Let's go point by point and you can address each one to explain to me where I went wrong.

FortFun's position
Abortion does not end a human life.
The woman does possess the non-human life in her womb.
The woman can choose to end the non-human life that is in her possession.

How is that not describing that you see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner?
All 100% wrong.

But, I'll play the "ding the mental midget" game"

Ding's position:

A fake zombie king talks to him through magical feelings and tells him that he must control all women. Being completely devoted to this fake zombie king, ding does as the voices in his head tell him. Ding, being aware of what a worthless,immoral piece of shit he really is without the fake zombie king to teach him right and wrong, obeys these voices in his head purely out of fear for his own well being, and not for the well being of any other person.
That doesn't even come close to you explaining how you don't see and want to treat human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.
you must be high. I was explaining your position ,from the perspective of a mental midget who invents low hanging fruit for himself. I.E., a person like you.
You can't explain how you don't see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner because you do see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

So while you continue to hurl insults at me for your failure to have a logical basis for your belief, I continue to show the abomination of your beliefs.

Only one of us is satisfied and it's not the one who has to hurl insults.

View attachment 263026
Oh look, a ding copy paste. This must be a day that ends in "y".
Read any embryology text book. They define a living human being as being from conception to death. It’s called the human life cycle.
When do those text books say a living human being can vote or drive a car?
dont change the subject just because youre losing the debate,,,
Nice try. The question is what is a human being, DNA is one answer but it is hardly the only answer. It is not even the most important answer.
No. It’s the definitive answer.
Sorry but you don't get to arbitrarily narrow the question just to win an argument.
Good thing I didn't do that.

It is without doubt that DNA is the measure of a genetically distinct human being.

The argument is won not because of anything I did. The argument is won because at conception a new genetically distinct human being has come into existence. This is not opinion. This is a scientific fact.
When do those text books say a living human being can vote or drive a car?
dont change the subject just because youre losing the debate,,,
Nice try. The question is what is a human being, DNA is one answer but it is hardly the only answer. It is not even the most important answer.
No. It’s the definitive answer.
Sorry but you don't get to arbitrarily narrow the question just to win an argument.
But he will anyway. He will also then ignore your answer, substitute a new one for you, and then respond to his dolly he invented.

Meet ding. Timewasteus Maximus.
You shit all over science when science does not suit your purpose.
All 100% wrong.

But, I'll play the "ding the mental midget" game"

Ding's position:

A fake zombie king talks to him through magical feelings and tells him that he must control all women. Being completely devoted to this fake zombie king, ding does as the voices in his head tell him. Ding, being aware of what a worthless,immoral piece of shit he really is without the fake zombie king to teach him right and wrong, obeys these voices in his head purely out of fear for his own well being, and not for the well being of any other person.
That doesn't even come close to you explaining how you don't see and want to treat human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.
you must be high. I was explaining your position ,from the perspective of a mental midget who invents low hanging fruit for himself. I.E., a person like you.
You can't explain how you don't see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner because you do see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

So while you continue to hurl insults at me for your failure to have a logical basis for your belief, I continue to show the abomination of your beliefs.

Only one of us is satisfied and it's not the one who has to hurl insults.

View attachment 263026
Oh look, a ding copy paste. This must be a day that ends in "y".
View attachment 263042
Oh look, another ding copy paste.
dont change the subject just because youre losing the debate,,,
Nice try. The question is what is a human being, DNA is one answer but it is hardly the only answer. It is not even the most important answer.
No. It’s the definitive answer.
Sorry but you don't get to arbitrarily narrow the question just to win an argument.
But he will anyway. He will also then ignore your answer, substitute a new one for you, and then respond to his dolly he invented.

Meet ding. Timewasteus Maximus.
You shit all over science when science does not suit your purpose.
Haha, sure pal. Ding, you have a weaker grasp of science than a high school senior. You are not in a position to judge an educated person like me.
That doesn't even come close to you explaining how you don't see and want to treat human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.
you must be high. I was explaining your position ,from the perspective of a mental midget who invents low hanging fruit for himself. I.E., a person like you.
You can't explain how you don't see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner because you do see human life in the womb as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

So while you continue to hurl insults at me for your failure to have a logical basis for your belief, I continue to show the abomination of your beliefs.

Only one of us is satisfied and it's not the one who has to hurl insults.

View attachment 263026
Oh look, a ding copy paste. This must be a day that ends in "y".
View attachment 263042
Oh look, another ding copy paste.
It’s called content. And, no, it wasn’t copied.

It just seems that way to you because winning arguments don’t need to be changed.
Nice try. The question is what is a human being, DNA is one answer but it is hardly the only answer. It is not even the most important answer.
No. It’s the definitive answer.
Sorry but you don't get to arbitrarily narrow the question just to win an argument.
But he will anyway. He will also then ignore your answer, substitute a new one for you, and then respond to his dolly he invented.

Meet ding. Timewasteus Maximus.
You shit all over science when science does not suit your purpose.
Haha, sure pal. Ding, you have a weaker grasp of science than a high school senior. You are not in a position to judge an educated person like me.
That’s funny. I’ve been a practicing engineer going on 35 years.

What are your credentials?
Many of them are just programmed to by pop culture and indoctrination by bolshevik "educators".

Many of them hate the idea that they can be judged for doing perverse shit, fucking around with anyone or anything that arouses them. Wasting their lives doing dope and as little as possible while whining about "the 1%" or "the Jews" or "The rich" or (insert whatever bed wetter scapegoat) being selfish.


And that is on a good day.
It’s called content. And, no, it wasn’t copied.
Of course it was, almost verbatim, along with the chart. Its one of your standard copy paste jobs, and I doubt there are many postera here who haven't seen you regurgitate it many times.
That’s funny. I’ve been a practicing engineer going on 35 years.
Sure you have. And baby jesus performs miracles, too. Tell us another one.

No, hanging off the porch swing and screaming "choo choo!" does not make one an engineer.

Nor does being an engineer make one a scientist.
It’s called content. And, no, it wasn’t copied.
Of course it was, almost verbatim, along with the chart. Its one of your standard copy paste jobs, and I doubt there are many postera here who haven't seen you regurgitate it many times.
Show me.
Sure, whwn you show me a miracle. Sorry ding, you are not and will never be in a position to demand evidence of anything. You undermined that for life with your insistence on magical nonsense. Nobody in any diacussion with you has any burden of evidence, ever. Take your medicine.

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