CDZ WHY do you have to belong to a tribe?

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Ok. I’m spitballing here, I confess. But is it possible that the use of the term “tribes” is itself something that inhibits a discussion?
I'd put the odds of a civil, interesting conversation here at about 100 to 1, but let's give it a shot. I'm really hopeful something interesting will pop up.

Let's take a THEORETICAL person who has strong and sincere disagreements with BOTH PARTIES. This person's opinions on the issues are every bit as strong as that of hardcore party members, but they just don't coincidentally all fall into place with those of a party. Most of this person's views really don't jibe with those of EITHER party, so he practices a little independent thought and comes up with his OWN ideas, sometimes taking parts from both sides, sometimes creating his own ideas.

So tell me: Should this person belong to one of the tribes? Should this person pick a tribe and run with it? Should they submit to the obligation that they have to spin and deflect and lie and attack for their tribe when it is under attack, even when that person really doesn't agree with the tribe? Should this person be allowed to express opinions that don't fall in line with the tribe, without being attacked by the tribe?

Finally, is it in America's best interest for members of the tribe to behave that way? If so, why?

Serious questions.
I totally support Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell because they have an R by their name!
Joe Manchin is a moderate in his party but he took a tough position and stuck by it. Understand the difference?
If manchin was a proud Tweener he would be sitting on the sidelines telling us how much smarter he is than everyone else

and totally USELESS
I totally support Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell because they have an R by their name!
Aw, nice try, but we're beyond that now. This has been a very educational thread.

Your tribe is the orange one, not the GOP. Those people you list are radical evil Hitler Deep State swamp commies, just like me.

Obediently follow the tribe, don't think, or you're outside the tribe and evil.
Aw, nice try, but we're beyond that now. This has been a very educational thread.

Your tribe is the orange one, not the GOP. Those people you list are radical evil Hitler Deep State swamp commies, just like me.

Obediently follow the tribe, don't think, or you're outside the tribe and evil.

Does it give you some kind of perverse pleasure in pretending to have a moral high ground? Because you don't. You are as tribal as anyone on this board.
Does it give you some kind of perverse pleasure in pretending to have a moral high ground? Because you don't. You are as tribal as anyone on this board.
it gives Tweeners like Mac1958 the ability to evade responsibility

they can attack others with never having to defend their ideas
Aw, nice try, but we're beyond that now. This has been a very educational thread.

Your tribe is the orange one, not the GOP. Those people you list are radical evil Hitler Deep State swamp commies, just like me.

Obediently follow the tribe, don't think, or you're outside the tribe and evil.
Ah, so only evil people support the most successful POTUS in modern history, of course!
I gave you dozens of examples of your glowing praise for Joe Biden, and your burning hatred for Donald Trump, just like the DNC and the corporate media wants you to feel. They own you.
Complete with his constant use of DNC talking points. Yep…he’s soo not “ tribal”.
It doesn't matter which 'tribe' is in power in my city, the lakes are still a weedy mess and the beaches, which number a dozen or more, are still without piers or diving boards, taken out in the 1960's.
B.B. Clark Beach.JPG

This popular beach used to have a large horseshoe pier and great diving board. Both were removed for 'budget considerations' but were never restored even though the city has been awash in money for decades. In the meantime they have spent $millions on bike paths.

The floating 'boom' isn't to delineate the swimming area but to keep floating lake weeds from the swimming area. This photo was taken in the spring while the water was clear and too cold for swimming. When it warms the whole area will be choked with Eurasian water milfoil, which is out of control in area lakes due to terrible management by the city, county, and DNR. Meanwhile the bike paths are neat and tidy.
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I'd put the odds of a civil, interesting conversation here at about 100 to 1, but let's give it a shot. I'm really hopeful something interesting will pop up.

Let's take a THEORETICAL person who has strong and sincere disagreements with BOTH PARTIES. This person's opinions on the issues are every bit as strong as that of hardcore party members, but they just don't coincidentally all fall into place with those of a party. Most of this person's views really don't jibe with those of EITHER party, so he practices a little independent thought and comes up with his OWN ideas, sometimes taking parts from both sides, sometimes creating his own ideas.

So tell me: Should this person belong to one of the tribes? Should this person pick a tribe and run with it? Should they submit to the obligation that they have to spin and deflect and lie and attack for their tribe when it is under attack, even when that person really doesn't agree with the tribe? Should this person be allowed to express opinions that don't fall in line with the tribe, without being attacked by the tribe?

Finally, is it in America's best interest for members of the tribe to behave that way? If so, why?

Serious questions.
Well not sure how tribal I am. I have four extremely close friends that have gotten most my free time since I was 13. None of which agree with my politics. As far as time expenditure with blood I spent most of my time with my father who passed in December. Big hole in my life made there. I still have an aunt and uncle I love to spend time with how ever they are older than my father. They are also really wealthy and are spending their golden years traveling. When they are proximate I find time to be with them. My children are beginning their families and I do not get to spend the type of time with em I would like. My four close freinds are where I spend most my free time now a day and they are anything but an echo chamber. They have at times ganged up on me on the politics thing then I just remind them that I am the first phone call they make when they need some ones help and that ends quickly.
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