CDZ Why do you like/dislike Donald Trump

What do you think of Donald Trump as a Presidential Candidate?

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A bit ago, I made a thread here that referenced an article on Donald Trump, but the parameters of the debate I envisioned weren't as clear as I think they should have been. So I decided to make this thread, which I think makes it a lot clearer. I encourage people to quote excerpts of articles, along with the links to actual articles, or video clips to support one's viewpoint on Trump as a Presidential candidate. Personally, I think he'd make a terrible President. Here's 2 articles that I think make a good case as to why I believe this to be the case:
Ten Reasons to Not Elect Donald Trump

Seven Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Make a Terrible President
I don't like trump


he never left anyone for dead
never donated money to himself for tax write offs
isn't owned by big biz
isn't owned by foreign biz
is a liar but not pathological
is a leader not a cog

anyone that vote 'for' clinton is a complete fool w/o any understanding of just how evil she is

Trump's first priority is Trump. I think a former campaign strategist of his put it best:
**No matter how many times he repeats it, Trump would not be the "best" at being a president, being in shape, fighting terrorism, selling steaks, and whatever other "best" claim he has made in the last 15 minutes.

He would be the best at something, though. He is the best at looking out for Donald Trump — at all costs.

Don’t let our country pay that price.

what makes you think hillary cares?

keeping in mind she's a serial liar.

We're talking about Trump here, not Hillary. Please stick to the subject.
A bit ago, I made a thread here that referenced an article on Donald Trump, but the parameters of the debate I envisioned weren't as clear as I think they should have been. So I decided to make this thread, which I think makes it a lot clearer. I encourage people to quote excerpts of articles, along with the links to actual articles, or video clips to support one's viewpoint on Trump as a Presidential candidate. Personally, I think he'd make a terrible President. Here's 2 articles that I think make a good case as to why I believe this to be the case:
Ten Reasons to Not Elect Donald Trump

Seven Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Make a Terrible President
I have an innate distrust of con artists. Typically I dont like them. When a person says things like they are going to bring back jobs to the US but their actions show they outsource their jobs overseas its plain they are full of it.

Thats because you dont understand business.
I neither like nor dislike Trump. I won't vote for him. He has been instrumental in showing just how far the Republicans have moved away from their base and just how ignorant they can be in demonizing someone. Frankly, he has also been able to bring out the Democrats fear mongering which includes castigating his followers. Not to mention showcasing the fraudulent media. At the very least he has shown exactly how much of a choice you do not have.
A bit ago, I made a thread here that referenced an article on Donald Trump, but the parameters of the debate I envisioned weren't as clear as I think they should have been. So I decided to make this thread, which I think makes it a lot clearer. I encourage people to quote excerpts of articles, along with the links to actual articles, or video clips to support one's viewpoint on Trump as a Presidential candidate. Personally, I think he'd make a terrible President. Here's 2 articles that I think make a good case as to why I believe this to be the case:
Ten Reasons to Not Elect Donald Trump

Seven Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Make a Terrible President
I have an innate distrust of con artists. Typically I dont like them. When a person says things like they are going to bring back jobs to the US but their actions show they outsource their jobs overseas its plain they are full of it.

Thats because you dont understand business.
I understand a man that sets an example by his own actions long before he espouses something to fool illiterates. I dont do certain things in business simply because its against my beliefs no matter how much money I could make doing it. its called being a man which Drumpf is not.
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A bit ago, I made a thread here that referenced an article on Donald Trump, but the parameters of the debate I envisioned weren't as clear as I think they should have been. So I decided to make this thread, which I think makes it a lot clearer. I encourage people to quote excerpts of articles, along with the links to actual articles, or video clips to support one's viewpoint on Trump as a Presidential candidate. Personally, I think he'd make a terrible President. Here's 2 articles that I think make a good case as to why I believe this to be the case:
Ten Reasons to Not Elect Donald Trump

Seven Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Make a Terrible President
I have an innate distrust of con artists. Typically I dont like them. When a person says things like they are going to bring back jobs to the US but their actions show they outsource their jobs overseas its plain they are full of it.

Thats because you dont understand business.
I understand a man that sets an example by his own actions long before he espouses something to fool you illiterates. I dont do certain things in business simply because its against my beliefs no matter how much money I could make doing it. its called being a man which Drumpf is not.

You have to stay competitive or you go out of business XXXX - Mod Edit HereWeGoAgain
Current and past administrations set the bar,he was only playing by their rules.
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A bit ago, I made a thread here that referenced an article on Donald Trump, but the parameters of the debate I envisioned weren't as clear as I think they should have been. So I decided to make this thread, which I think makes it a lot clearer. I encourage people to quote excerpts of articles, along with the links to actual articles, or video clips to support one's viewpoint on Trump as a Presidential candidate. Personally, I think he'd make a terrible President. Here's 2 articles that I think make a good case as to why I believe this to be the case:
Ten Reasons to Not Elect Donald Trump

Seven Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Make a Terrible President
I have an innate distrust of con artists. Typically I dont like them. When a person says things like they are going to bring back jobs to the US but their actions show they outsource their jobs overseas its plain they are full of it.

Thats because you dont understand business.
I understand a man that sets an example by his own actions long before he espouses something to fool you illiterates. I dont do certain things in business simply because its against my beliefs no matter how much money I could make doing it. its called being a man which Drumpf is not.

You have to stay competitive or you go out of business dumbass.
Current and past administrations set the bar,he was only playing by their rules.
A real man stays competitive and sticks to his ethics. Dumb people are being played and he isnt even taking the precautions to hide it from you because he knows some dumb people too ignorant to believe it.
I think he is just awful. Every time he opens his mouth silliness and ridiculousness comes out. He might as well put on a clown costume.
A bit ago, I made a thread here that referenced an article on Donald Trump, but the parameters of the debate I envisioned weren't as clear as I think they should have been. So I decided to make this thread, which I think makes it a lot clearer. I encourage people to quote excerpts of articles, along with the links to actual articles, or video clips to support one's viewpoint on Trump as a Presidential candidate. Personally, I think he'd make a terrible President. Here's 2 articles that I think make a good case as to why I believe this to be the case:
Ten Reasons to Not Elect Donald Trump

Seven Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Make a Terrible President
I have an innate distrust of con artists. Typically I dont like them. When a person says things like they are going to bring back jobs to the US but their actions show they outsource their jobs overseas its plain they are full of it.

Thats because you dont understand business.
I understand a man that sets an example by his own actions long before he espouses something to fool you illiterates. I dont do certain things in business simply because its against my beliefs no matter how much money I could make doing it. its called being a man which Drumpf is not.

You have to stay competitive or you go out of business dumbass.
Current and past administrations set the bar,he was only playing by their rules.
A real man stays competitive and sticks to his ethics. Dumb people are being played and he isnt even taking the precautions to hide it from you because he knows some dumb people too ignorant to believe it.

You know what stock holders are right?
I have an innate distrust of con artists. Typically I dont like them. When a person says things like they are going to bring back jobs to the US but their actions show they outsource their jobs overseas its plain they are full of it.

Thats because you dont understand business.
I understand a man that sets an example by his own actions long before he espouses something to fool you illiterates. I dont do certain things in business simply because its against my beliefs no matter how much money I could make doing it. its called being a man which Drumpf is not.

You have to stay competitive or you go out of business dumbass.
Current and past administrations set the bar,he was only playing by their rules.
A real man stays competitive and sticks to his ethics. Dumb people are being played and he isnt even taking the precautions to hide it from you because he knows some dumb people too ignorant to believe it.

You know what stock holders are right?
You know what chromium is right?
A bit ago, I made a thread here that referenced an article on Donald Trump, but the parameters of the debate I envisioned weren't as clear as I think they should have been. So I decided to make this thread, which I think makes it a lot clearer. I encourage people to quote excerpts of articles, along with the links to actual articles, or video clips to support one's viewpoint on Trump as a Presidential candidate. Personally, I think he'd make a terrible President. Here's 2 articles that I think make a good case as to why I believe this to be the case:
Ten Reasons to Not Elect Donald Trump

Seven Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Make a Terrible President
I have an innate distrust of con artists. Typically I dont like them. When a person says things like they are going to bring back jobs to the US but their actions show they outsource their jobs overseas its plain they are full of it.

Thats because you dont understand business.
I understand a man that sets an example by his own actions long before he espouses something to fool illiterates. I dont do certain things in business simply because its against my beliefs no matter how much money I could make doing it. its called being a man which Drumpf is not.

Everyone has a price and you Asclepias foolishly claiming you don't makes you more dishonest than Trump XXXX-- Mod Edit -- No Flames in the CDZ sjay
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A bit ago, I made a thread here that referenced an article on Donald Trump, but the parameters of the debate I envisioned weren't as clear as I think they should have been. So I decided to make this thread, which I think makes it a lot clearer. I encourage people to quote excerpts of articles, along with the links to actual articles, or video clips to support one's viewpoint on Trump as a Presidential candidate. Personally, I think he'd make a terrible President. Here's 2 articles that I think make a good case as to why I believe this to be the case:
Ten Reasons to Not Elect Donald Trump

Seven Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Make a Terrible President
A bit ago, I made a thread here that referenced an article on Donald Trump, but the parameters of the debate I envisioned weren't as clear as I think they should have been. So I decided to make this thread, which I think makes it a lot clearer. I encourage people to quote excerpts of articles, along with the links to actual articles, or video clips to support one's viewpoint on Trump as a Presidential candidate. Personally, I think he'd make a terrible President. Here's 2 articles that I think make a good case as to why I believe this to be the case:
Ten Reasons to Not Elect Donald Trump

Seven Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Make a Terrible President
I voted "other". Here is a start as to why:

A bit silly, maybe, but the undeniable truth is: there are very scary similarities between theses two men...
A bit ago, I made a thread here that referenced an article on Donald Trump, but the parameters of the debate I envisioned weren't as clear as I think they should have been. So I decided to make this thread, which I think makes it a lot clearer. I encourage people to quote excerpts of articles, along with the links to actual articles, or video clips to support one's viewpoint on Trump as a Presidential candidate. Personally, I think he'd make a terrible President. Here's 2 articles that I think make a good case as to why I believe this to be the case:
Ten Reasons to Not Elect Donald Trump

Seven Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Make a Terrible President
A bit ago, I made a thread here that referenced an article on Donald Trump, but the parameters of the debate I envisioned weren't as clear as I think they should have been. So I decided to make this thread, which I think makes it a lot clearer. I encourage people to quote excerpts of articles, along with the links to actual articles, or video clips to support one's viewpoint on Trump as a Presidential candidate. Personally, I think he'd make a terrible President. Here's 2 articles that I think make a good case as to why I believe this to be the case:
Ten Reasons to Not Elect Donald Trump

Seven Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Make a Terrible President
I voted "other". Here is a start as to why:

A bit silly, maybe, but the undeniable truth is: there are very scary similarities between theses two men...

All very good points. Trump actually appears to have a certain admiration for Hitler. Here's an excerpt from an article in Vanity Fair that I found interesting:
**Donald Trump appears to take aspects of his German background seriously. John Walter works for the Trump Organization, and when he visits Donald in his office, Ivana told a friend, he clicks his heels and says, “Heil Hitler,” possibly as a family joke.

Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

Source: After The Gold Rush

As a matter of fact, Trump's family name is a recent invention. It used to be Drumpf, a much more german sounding name. John Oliver did a memorable video that mentions the name change his family used to have, as well as a lot of other good points on Trump, which can be seen below:
Donald Trump is the worst candidate since the 19th century, when party bosses routinely and openly nominated lackeys and minions that they could control. He would set us back generations in nearly every regard. It's hard to overstate just how important it is for EVERYONE in this country that he not be elected.
Donald Trump represents all that is wrong with America since the 1980s. He is Gordon Gekko, a fictional character in the 1987 film Wall Street, come to life. Except he was always there. Trump is what was commonly referred to way back when as, a member of the 'Lucky Sperm Cub' This was a reference people of his type used amongst themselves as a badge of honor: Success through birthright. It is what many of the founding generation of the United States of America found abhorrent.

It is more about what Donald Trump represents than what he is in reality. He is such a shifting shadow of a persona, it would be difficult for even those closest to him to tell you what he truly is about, what he feels, or thinks, or believes.

I believe Donald Trump is a pure sociopath.

I think you're being kind.... I agree that he's a sociopath. I think that's clear. but I also see him as the internet troll as presidential candidate. he could be any of the pondscum on the board.... which is why they like him so much. and it's really what they mean when they say he "speaks for them".
As strange as it may seem, and perhaps because I am quite newly an active political citizen, I have not received or perceived any direct speech from Donald Trump as offensive, abhorrent or even rudimentary.

I'd like to know your view of the following speech from Mr. Trump:
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Source: Donald Trump’s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

Thank you for initiating a direct discussion about Trump's political campaign. I believe you are the first I have encountered (of the many who have been banning his name) who actually represents politics by modesty and honest inquisitiveness. I appreciate that welcoming forwardness. Again, thank you.

First of all, after briefly inspecting the article you shared as the source for his recorded words, I must begin by stating that I identify myself as a Latino if we are to consider national matters. I was born and raised in Latin America; South America, more precisely.

Now let's take the Latino community in the whole of America as the standard reference to analyze his speech and further discuss it, not just the Latino community in Mexico, the whole of Mexico, or the Latino community of Mexicans in the United States.

The official language of Mexico, the country from which Mexicans come from, is Spanish. In the American continent (the sprawling extent of land separated by nation-state borders), the Latin language (Latino language) has given way to at least three languages officially recognized by current nation-states: Spanish, Portuguese and French. (Creole being the fourth for contention).

Then what I perceive Donald Trump's statement to be in regards to Mexican people relates to how those Mexicans make use of their Spanish in reference to the more inclusive Latin which supports Spanish and at least two other languages in the American continent. Just to reiterate, Donald Trump is campaigning as representative of the whole American continent (The United States of America), although of course partially restricted by other national governors of equal and equalizing authority that represent specific nation-states of America. The (continental; whole) American political system is quite well constructed by juxtaposing physical, geographical boundaries with logical, clausal boundaries.

By my own experience of interacting with people who speak Spanish in America, Latin has been barely recognized as a node for exchange between its three prodigal American products. Of course, that has improved since I myself began giving more attention to learn primary Latin and how it eventually gave way to advanced Latino.

The Latin language truly exceeds in its pragmatics (reason why there are three officially recognized languages product of Latin in various American nation-states), both in addressing personal subtleties and industrial socioeconomic relations. Donald Trump's recognition then matches my own, that Spanish speaking people haven't been promoting the national and public prosperity that their originally guiding language (Latin) bequests to provide for public citizenship as it was designed to. It is not politico-economic authority that is failing the people, but it is the people themselves who are failing their use of the language which was made and given to provide, and not only to plead, slur or defer.

My only complementary comment to his statement would be to explain why he chose to address Mexicans instead of Latinos. Donald Trump's choice to frame Mexicans was probably because of the physical geographical proximity to the USA, the nation-state of his candidacy, and the progressive, gradual nature of political campaigns, and especially of the USA, considering the natural tendency of USA government to reach the whole of continental America. His obtrusiveness in describing the Spanish speaking community as lacking in law and order is of course within references of other languages which politically active Latinos (like myself) should be paying attention to in continued support of Hispanics who are striving for an addressing Latino identity according to what Latin was initially and primarily designed to be providing for.

I recognize the struggle, both of the Mexicans Donald Trump is referring to and also of Donald Trump himself. Although a Latino, I never was Hispanic, and perhaps neither was Donald Trump either, so we must all assist the various parties forming, sending and receiving our multi-transmitted language-based communications.

The Spanish has got to be more accommodating, rather it is hitched by English (as Donald Trump is doing) or with English (as Mexicans are doing).

We can start by understanding the expression "people from Mexico" Donald Trump used to actually mean Hispanics of all kinds, including natural USA citizens who have happened to be at least at some point in time influenced and guided by Mexican Spanish, but that were not able to achieve standard Spanish adaptive fluency to provide adequately for their "discontinued proposing sponsors" and for their "prospecting principal investors" (resulting in the struggling dissonance Donald Trump reiterated and reduced for increased politico-civil activity).
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Things I like about him:

1. I believe he lives this country, perhaps not as much as himself, but more than Hillary abd 0bama.

2. He has the correct attitude toward Muslims and Illegal aliens, even though his actual plan may be a little murky and subject to change.

3. His choices for SCOTUS will not be as leftist as Hillary's.

4. He won't try to infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.

Things I don't like:

1. He's a statist. Which covers a lot of things.
4. He won't try to infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.

Was there ever a candidate for the Presidency of the USA who tried to infringe the 2nd Amendment?

It's a strange observation to be made of a candidate for presidency, if we consider the constitution to be somewhat serious in its primary articles and then especially in its amendments.
Thinks I dislike -- he's an egomaniac loose cannon who has absolutely no qualifications to be president.

Things I like -- He says whatever is on his mind instead of indulging in nothing but cynical calculations as to how to pander to enough diverse identities so as to achieve the Presidency.

For Hillary, it's pretty much the opposite for me. She is an egomaniac who happens to be qualified, but little beyond a shrewd, pandering politician who will say anything to get elected.
4. He won't try to infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.

Was there ever a candidate for the Presidency of the USA who tried to infringe the 2nd Amendment?

It's a strange observation to be made of a candidate for presidency, if we consider the constitution to be somewhat serious in its primary articles and then especially in its amendments.

Not POTUS, but plenty of other politicians, and then there is Hillary who WILL infringe on them and select SCOTUS judges who will uphold it.

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