Why do you MORONS keep insisting that Hillary won something?

Is Trump attending Hillarie's inauguration?

To what? You do know that Trump won the election right? You do know this? Have you been living in a vacuum??
Did HRC have a higher popular vote count? The answer is yes. That is a fact. Did having a higher vote count win her anything? The answer to that question is no, because the contest was to have the higher electors vote count, not popular vote count.

You are in a argument of samatics. Look up the definition of win.
  1. 1.
    be successful or victorious in (a contest or conflict).
    "the Mets have won four games in a row"
    synonyms: take, be the victor in, be the winner of, come first in, take first prize in, triumph in, be successful in More

  2. 2.
    acquire or secure as a result of a contest, conflict, bet, or other endeavor.
    "there are hundreds of prizes to be won"
    synonyms: secure, gain, garner, collect, pick up, walk away/off with, carry off; More
  1. 1.
    a successful result in a contest, conflict, bet, or other endeavor; a victory.
    "a win against Norway"
    synonyms: victory, triumph, conquest
    "a 1–0 win"
Did HRC have a higher popular vote count? The answer is yes. That is a fact. Did having a higher vote count win her anything? The answer to that question is no, because the contest was to have the higher electors vote count, not popular vote count.

You are in a argument of samatics. Look up the definition of win.

I think your argument is one of semantics... So you are saying she lost the popular vote? Oookkkaayyy....
Did HRC have a higher popular vote count? The answer is yes. That is a fact. Did having a higher vote count win her anything? The answer to that question is no, because the contest was to have the higher electors vote count, not popular vote count.

You are in a argument of samatics. Look up the definition of win.

I think your argument is one of semantics... So you are saying she lost the popular vote? Oookkkaayyy....
I agree, it is an argument of samatics, in other words definitions. I am saying the election was not a contest to get the greatest popular vote. Having a higher popular vote total is not winning simply because that's not the relevant statistic to winning the election. She lost the election because Trump received over 269 electoral votes. All other statistics are irrelevant.

If you want to use the expression: "she won the popular vote" to mean she had the highest popular vote total, well fine. I can thus say : I won the highest stroke count when I play golf. Does doing so for the popular vote or the golf stokes make either Clinton or myself winners? Absolutely not.
I agree, it is an argument of samatics, in other words definitions. I am saying the election was not a contest to get the greatest popular vote. Having a higher popular vote total is not winning simply because that's not the relevant statistic to winning the election. She lost the election because Trump received over 269 electoral votes. All other statistics are irrelevant.

If you want to use the expression: "she won the popular vote" to mean she had the highest popular vote total, well fine. I can thus say : I won the highest stroke count when I play golf. Does doing so for the popular vote or the golf stokes make either Clinton or myself winners? Absolutely not.

I never said the contest was to get the popular vote. It has always been the EC that decides the winner. However, I still call it winning the popular vote. Your golf analogy is a little off whack, because no golfer who scores higher than another one ever wins. Anything. Ever. If you want to have it you way fine. I'll rephrase - more people in the US voted for her to become the next pres. Fact.
I agree, it is an argument of samatics, in other words definitions. I am saying the election was not a contest to get the greatest popular vote. Having a higher popular vote total is not winning simply because that's not the relevant statistic to winning the election. She lost the election because Trump received over 269 electoral votes. All other statistics are irrelevant.

If you want to use the expression: "she won the popular vote" to mean she had the highest popular vote total, well fine. I can thus say : I won the highest stroke count when I play golf. Does doing so for the popular vote or the golf stokes make either Clinton or myself winners? Absolutely not.

I never said the contest was to get the popular vote. It has always been the EC that decides the winner. However, I still call it winning the popular vote. Your golf analogy is a little off whack, because no golfer who scores higher than another one ever wins. Anything. Ever. If you want to have it you way fine. I'll rephrase - more people in the US voted for her to become the next pres. Fact.
I understand it's nitpicking, but in order to "win' there must be some sort of contest to win. There was no contest to win the popular vote.
The bimbo is a 2 time loser, in fact all totaled she lost 3 billion dollars pretending to be a viable candidate for President.

What did she win.

Well I heard she won her bout with John Podesta by a knockout after he told her that Trump won the election


She won by 2.8 million popular votes. Making Trump the most lame duck President ever to be sworn into office. You can't lose the popular vote by that much and expect to get any respect, especially when you got help from RUSSIA and the FBI Director James Comey. They moved the goal posts, and without their help, it would be Hillary Clinton that would be sworn in, instead of Donald Trump.




Calling someone deplorable? Wow, great comeback, it worked well for Clinton, seems you may not be as bright as she is.

My bad. I should call somebody who supports a racist, pussy-grabbing, gold-star family abusing, disabled-person mocking douchebag, what? Exceptionals?

It worked well enough for her that 2.8 million more wanted her in power over him. Fact.
hillary called deplorable things deplorable, so if you aren't any of those deplorable things she specifically described, then she wasn't talking to you.

honorable leaders denounce deplorable things as opposed to empowering them.

pretty simple simple stuff, dum dums. way to step in and own it! :eusa_clap:
Calling someone deplorable? Wow, great comeback, it worked well for Clinton, seems you may not be as bright as she is.

My bad. I should call somebody who supports a racist, pussy-grabbing, gold-star family abusing, disabled-person mocking douchebag, what? Exceptionals?

It worked well enough for her that 2.8 million more wanted her in power over him. Fact.

I never claimed that he got the most votes, nor do I care, she lost. I don't need to worry about her, nor do I. The fact is the libs can't seem to let it go, they whiney butt hurt losers they have proved to be. Her stupid comment was a big part of why she lost an election. She didn't get 50% of those that voted and most Americans weren't compelled enough to go to the polls to vote for her because like Trump she was a bad choice, fact.

We elected who we elected, how some other person who has nothing to do with America thinks is irrelevant to us. We all got our votes and we spoke. I don't care for the results but that is life. I go back to work and move on. We need to move on but liberals seem stuck on stupid and seem to think that she got more votes matters. Liberals lost, not you, you are no part of our process.

The fact is Trump will be sworn in and become President. Our Constitution will make sure he stays in line and if not we have the power to remove him, just as the Constitution put him in.

So the "fact" you keep repeating is just a statistic and an oddity. Get over your little butt hurt and move on in your life like 90% of our country has. We don't involve ourselves in your elections, we don't care who you elect, not sure why you want to try to influence ours, are you Russian?
Naw, that I might attend something a little less deplorable. Maybe a KKK rally??

Calling someone deplorable? Wow, great comeback, it worked well for Clinton, seems you may not be as bright as she is.

defending the kkk, wow great comeback... for a deplorable.

Invoke racism, what a childish, stupid thing to say, but the extreme left and right are both childish and stupid, so you are right on track for the nutters.
I didn't vote for Trump, I don't like him, nor did I care for Clinton. The "deplorables" won an election and a big reason is Clinton pissed people off with her attitude about deplorables. It was a stupid comment that turned people off to her. Sorry you lost, I am going to sit back and see how he does, just like I did Obama. He, like Obama will find it is easier to make a campaign promise than it is to make it happen.

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