Why do you need a gun?


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8W91EWQv4Fc&NR=1]YouTube - Why You Need A Gun[/ame]
Any questions
Asking somebody to lay down and die doesn't always work. Sometimes a little more assistance is needed.
Let's see, if some dope decides to break into my house which poses a huige threat to me and my roomies, I would def need a gun to kill the crook.
I can't understand those who think banning guns would work. Do people think that street gangs will follow the law. Even when we keep felons from owning them, they still find a way to get a hold of them.
Let the reasonable citizens keep them.
If a mugger decides to kill you and has a gun, how does having something other than a gun going to save your life?
An armed Public is the last line of defense against the Tyranny of Government. The Last Check in the play book of Checks and balances. It must never be taken away.
I have never questioned my right to own a gun or the need. I have, however, done my best to avoid that intersection in Las Vegas since I first saw this video a couple of years ago...
I don't NEED a gun, but I have the right. so I don't have to a reason. I mean I don't NEED the right to not allow soldiers to just move into my home, but I have the right anyway.
Let's see, if some dope decides to break into my house which poses a huige threat to me and my roomies, I would def need a gun to kill the crook.

I can't understand those who think banning guns would work. Do people think that street gangs will follow the law. Even when we keep felons from owning them, they still find a way to get a hold of them.

You have no idea how much I agree with you. The U.K banned private ownership of self loading handguns in the mid '90s. What happened? The inevitable. Crime involving handguns skyrocketed and the demand was met by unscrupulous villains from the Balkans who needed a market to flog all the guns disappearing from military bases.

In some parts of Europe you can now swap a gun for a packet of cigarettes.
Simply put I need a gun to shoot the SOB who wants to take my guns away when the Left sends them. :)

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