Why Do You Need A Gun?

Massachusetts town want to know.

"Crush enemies. See dem driven before you. And listen to da lamentation ov da women."

Your reason? :laugh2:

Mass. town orders conceal-carry applicants to say why they need a gun -- in writing

For those dang wabbits!


Being serious I own one for hunting and the other was for land protection against wild animals...
Massachusetts town want to know.

"Crush enemies. See dem driven before you. And listen to da lamentation ov da women."

Your reason? :laugh2:

Mass. town orders conceal-carry applicants to say why they need a gun -- in writing

I have guns, as do all of my family, we've always been a big gun owning family.

We have guns because we like shooting for sport and we also have guns because we want to be able to protect ourselves from lunatics who might mean us harm.

I do much the same thing plus hunting. It's not a matter of why I want one that is the concern, though, it's a matter of I have the right to own one.
Because I WANT one. No other reason or explaining needed.

Maybe we should demand a written reason why people want to vote.

We could require 2 written pages, and correct spelling or it's rejected.

Think the libs would be up for that?:haha:
Why do people want to talk? Or show support for a cause? Should we make them tell us why before they open their mouths?
limp wristed bullshit.
Massachusetts town want to know.

"Crush enemies. See dem driven before you. And listen to da lamentation ov da women."

Your reason? :laugh2:

Mass. town orders conceal-carry applicants to say why they need a gun -- in writing

I have guns, as do all of my family, we've always been a big gun owning family.

We have guns because we like shooting for sport and we also have guns because we want to be able to protect ourselves from lunatics who might mean us harm.

I do much the same thing plus hunting. It's not a matter of why I want one that is the concern, though, it's a matter of I have the right to own one.

We go hunting, again, hunting has always been popular in my family, we've always had several of our own hunting lodges in Austria, the lodges my family have are Centuries old and very beautiful.

So, hunting, sport and having the ability to defend yourself, and all of these reasons are legitimate and are nobody's business but ours.
Yep to protect myself from some of the lunatics on this site.
Because I WANT one. No other reason or explaining needed.

Maybe we should demand a written reason why people want to vote.

We could require 2 written pages, and correct spelling or it's rejected.

Think the libs would be up for that?:haha:

Well I either support that or better still, cancel elections and have a Totalitarian Right-Wing Dictatorship, this way the Cultural Marxist evil can be dealt with in the usual manner.
Massachusetts town want to know.

"Crush enemies. See dem driven before you. And listen to da lamentation ov da women."

Your reason? :laugh2:

Mass. town orders conceal-carry applicants to say why they need a gun -- in writing

I have guns, as do all of my family, we've always been a big gun owning family.

We have guns because we like shooting for sport and we also have guns because we want to be able to protect ourselves from lunatics who might mean us harm.

I do much the same thing plus hunting. It's not a matter of why I want one that is the concern, though, it's a matter of I have the right to own one.

We go hunting, again, hunting has always been popular in my family, we've always had several of our own hunting lodges in Austria, the lodges my family have are Centuries old and very beautiful.

So, hunting, sport and having the ability to defend yourself, and all of these reasons are legitimate and are nobody's business but ours.

While I do those same things, in the end, the only reason I need and the only answer I need to provide is because I have the right to. I doesn't really matter why someone wants to own guns. If they have a right, it's the only important factor.
I tried taking up knife throwing as a hobby, but hard to hit anything at 100 yards with one.
Personal defense should the occasion arise, again. Even though I was armed at the time, I refrained when the occasion arose for which I needed to defend myself. That will not happen again! This world would be better off without some people, and those individuals wouldn't even be missed by anyone.
Massachusetts town want to know.

"Crush enemies. See dem driven before you. And listen to da lamentation ov da women."

Your reason? :laugh2:

Mass. town orders conceal-carry applicants to say why they need a gun -- in writing

I have guns, as do all of my family, we've always been a big gun owning family.

We have guns because we like shooting for sport and we also have guns because we want to be able to protect ourselves from lunatics who might mean us harm.

I do much the same thing plus hunting. It's not a matter of why I want one that is the concern, though, it's a matter of I have the right to own one.

We go hunting, again, hunting has always been popular in my family, we've always had several of our own hunting lodges in Austria, the lodges my family have are Centuries old and very beautiful.

So, hunting, sport and having the ability to defend yourself, and all of these reasons are legitimate and are nobody's business but ours.

While I do those same things, in the end, the only reason I need and the only answer I need to provide is because I have the right to. I doesn't really matter why someone wants to own guns. If they have a right, it's the only important factor.

We also have a good stock of our families military guns from WWII, and they still work....which is good.
The question of need should never even come up in a country where you have the RIGHT to have. If that RIGHT is a given as ours from the start the question of need has ALREADY been answered.

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