Why Do You Need A Gun?

Because I WANT one. No other reason or explaining needed.

So anyone who wants one should be able to get one?

Is that what he said.......?

The same thing a mentally disturbed person would say right before they used that gun to kill a few people. That is not saying that DarkFury is that mental person, although one never does know for certain. The issue is that if DarkFury can purchase a gun without a background check, then so can the mentally disturbed person whom we do not want having a gun.

and the Sandy Hook shooter....did he get a background check? Or the 19 year old in Britain who got his glock 19 on the Dark Web...and 94 bullets.......

Since you can't own a Glock 19 in Britain....did he get a background check?

It would stop some, but not all. If it stops one from killing ten or twenty, is it worth it? As a sane law abiding citizen, does a thorough background check cause you or me any real inconvenience?

yes.....almost all first denials are false...that means you have to clear it up.....

with the new push for Universal Background checks it will be far worse.....

do you know the difference between the word "sale" and "transfer?" Do you know why Universal background check laws don't use the word "sale" but instead use the word "transfer" and what that will actually do?
The argument as I've heard it goes like this:

"I don't NEED a gun. I WANT guns:

• To protect me and my family
• Because the Second Amendment protects my right to have guns (the one and only time I respect the government since Obama)
• In case I need them to protect myself against the government that protects my Second Amendment right to have guns
• Because they make me strong (and that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be strong if I didn’t have guns because I’ve always had guns so I can’t imagine what it would be like not to have guns and anyone who says they’re stronger than me because they don’t have guns IS A FUCKING LYING PUSSY AND THEY CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES!111!!)

What're you lookin' at, pussy?"

Nope...you aren't listening...typical for a lefty.

the government does not protect the Right to keep and bear arms.....that belonged to is before the first government was ever formed....
Because I WANT one. No other reason or explaining needed.

So anyone who wants one should be able to get one?

Is that what he said.......?

The same thing a mentally disturbed person would say right before they used that gun to kill a few people. That is not saying that DarkFury is that mental person, although one never does know for certain. The issue is that if DarkFury can purchase a gun without a background check, then so can the mentally disturbed person whom we do not want having a gun.

and the Sandy Hook shooter....did he get a background check? Or the 19 year old in Britain who got his glock 19 on the Dark Web...and 94 bullets.......

Since you can't own a Glock 19 in Britain....did he get a background check?

It would stop some, but not all. If it stops one from killing ten or twenty, is it worth it? As a sane law abiding citizen, does a thorough background check cause you or me any real inconvenience?

it doesn't and hasn't stopped any criminals or mass shooters.......and Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent attacks including mass shootings

so if gun ownership saves one life...yes...it is worth people carrying and owning guns.
You say the same about the rest of the Bill of Rights, douche?

...this outcry from nutbags isn't about rights. It's about fear. .

If you insist on putting it that way, douche, isn't that the very reason a Bill of Rights was put into the Constitution?

Nope. Dickbreath. It wasn't fear...it was enlightenment. Liberals like me understand this and don't fear the future.....because we've got those rights. The minute a dumb shit nutbag feels unhappy about something he starts screaming about how he's losing his rights. Well....those rights aren't based on a flimsy foundation and won't be stripped at anyone's whim. Frightened losers think someone is hiding under the bed waiting to grab their rights.

You aren't stupid. You are disagreeable and unbearingly negative....but you've got a brain. Why pretend to stand with a bunch of idiots who can't process information beyond a 5th grade level?

the only reason you will keep those Rights are the guns in the hands of millions of Americans......without the ability to enforce our Rights the Bill of Rights is just a piece of paper...

I'm a gun owner, asshole. And I don't mind taking a test, being registered and buying insurance for it. That's because I'm normal. If my rights REALLY get taken.....I'll do more than type. You.......just want personal security. You live in fear of a PERSON.....not a government.
The argument as I've heard it goes like this:

"I don't NEED a gun. I WANT guns:

• To protect me and my family
• Because the Second Amendment protects my right to have guns (the one and only time I respect the government since Obama)
• In case I need them to protect myself against the government that protects my Second Amendment right to have guns
• Because they make me strong (and that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be strong if I didn’t have guns because I’ve always had guns so I can’t imagine what it would be like not to have guns and anyone who says they’re stronger than me because they don’t have guns IS A FUCKING LYING PUSSY AND THEY CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES!111!!)

What're you lookin' at, pussy?"

Nope...you aren't listening...typical for a lefty.

the government does not protect the Right to keep and bear arms.....that belonged to is before the first government was ever formed....

That's right; it's in the Bible. Can you cite chapter and verse?
The argument as I've heard it goes like this:

"I don't NEED a gun. I WANT guns:

• To protect me and my family
• Because the Second Amendment protects my right to have guns (the one and only time I respect the government since Obama)
• In case I need them to protect myself against the government that protects my Second Amendment right to have guns
• Because they make me strong (and that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be strong if I didn’t have guns because I’ve always had guns so I can’t imagine what it would be like not to have guns and anyone who says they’re stronger than me because they don’t have guns IS A FUCKING LYING PUSSY AND THEY CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES!111!!)

What're you lookin' at, pussy?"

Nope...you aren't listening...typical for a lefty.

the government does not protect the Right to keep and bear arms.....that belonged to is before the first government was ever formed....

That's right; it's in the Bible. Can you cite chapter and verse?

Nope.....I am going with John Locke....

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