Why Do You Need A Gun?

Not only is owning a gun a constitutional right, here are a few more reasons why someone might need a gun.

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Personal defense should the occasion arise, again. Even though I was armed at the time, I refrained when the occasion arose for which I needed to defend myself. That will not happen again! This world would be better off without some people, and those individuals wouldn't even be missed by anyone.
Are you speaking from the bench your honor? Who knew you were so important that you could impose the death penalty at your whim.

Having my life threatened, I came out of it with a completely different (for me) philosophy. It's not an attitude of arrogance, just the after effects of having looked death in the face. It is possible in adversity to learn something new and change your thinking. Not judge and jury--this nut case caused harm to people other than just me, ended up going to jail, has ripped off everyone he knows, continues to be a real parasite. So, before you condemn me, consider that maybe you'd feel this way if you'd experienced the same thing. Until then, STFU!
Please. Just be honest. Stop with the "it's my right" bullshit.

You say the same about the rest of the Bill of Rights, douche?

Hello again, my very unpleasant internet friend. I see you've kept in character and posted something that highlights your surly nature without even attempting to breach the subject at hand.

I've no problem with the 2nd Amendment as written and as followed for a couple hundred years. But...this outcry from nutbags isn't about rights. It's about fear. The people screaming about gun rights are simply frightened of getting assaulted by a thug. There is no right not to be afraid in this nation.

Now...go suck a dick or something. You need an attitude adjustment. Nobody likes you for a reason.
Because I WANT one. No other reason or explaining needed.

Maybe we should demand a written reason why people want to vote.

We could require 2 written pages, and correct spelling or it's rejected.

Think the libs would be up for that?:haha:

Yeah....the democrats tried that to keep blacks from voting...and eventually they had to stop because it went against the 14th Amendment.....but democrats love to keep people from exercising Rights........
Provided they pass a background check, are willing to learn how to handle and care for their weapon, no problem. As for the founding fathers, I am willing to bet each and everyone of them owned an "unregistered gun" and knew how to shoot them, prove me wrong!

No......technically a background check is un Constitutional. Can you explain the need for a background check?
Because I WANT one. No other reason or explaining needed.

So anyone who wants one should be able to get one?

Is that what he said.......?

The same thing a mentally disturbed person would say right before they used that gun to kill a few people. That is not saying that DarkFury is that mental person, although one never does know for certain. The issue is that if DarkFury can purchase a gun without a background check, then so can the mentally disturbed person whom we do not want having a gun.
Please. Just be honest. Stop with the "it's my right" bullshit.

You say the same about the rest of the Bill of Rights, douche?

...this outcry from nutbags isn't about rights. It's about fear. .

If you insist on putting it that way, douche, isn't that the very reason a Bill of Rights was put into the Constitution?

Nope. Dickbreath. It wasn't fear...it was enlightenment. Liberals like me understand this and don't fear the future.....because we've got those rights. The minute a dumb shit nutbag feels unhappy about something he starts screaming about how he's losing his rights. Well....those rights aren't based on a flimsy foundation and won't be stripped at anyone's whim. Frightened losers think someone is hiding under the bed waiting to grab their rights.

You aren't stupid. You are disagreeable and unbearingly negative....but you've got a brain. Why pretend to stand with a bunch of idiots who can't process information beyond a 5th grade level?

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