Why Do You Need A Gun?

I wonder if they would accept as sufficient reason “when seconds count the police are only minutes away?”

Of course, it's known as a "justified" shooting. Legal most places with the exception of California--unless you're a terrorist.
Why do people want to talk? Or show support for a cause? Should we make them tell us why before they open their mouths?
limp wristed bullshit.
Because I WANT one. No other reason or explaining needed.

Maybe we should demand a written reason why people want to vote.

We could require 2 written pages, and correct spelling or it's rejected.

The democrats have tried that before too. It is perfectly in keeping with their ideology.
You nutbags have only had this right that you speak of since 2008. You act like the founding fathers wanted out to have your pacifiers.

Check out the entire text of the 2nd Amendment. It's pretty clear.

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

It's not talking about your personal fears, nutbags.
Personal defense should the occasion arise, again. Even though I was armed at the time, I refrained when the occasion arose for which I needed to defend myself. That will not happen again! This world would be better off without some people, and those individuals wouldn't even be missed by anyone.
Are you speaking from the bench your honor? Who knew you were so important that you could impose the death penalty at your whim.
The democrats are fond of making up rights when it suits them, but not so fond of the ones actually written in the Constitution.
I need guns to protect my family, hunt, and practice with so that when some liberal nut case invades my property I wont need more than one shot. Who gives a hoot as to why an individual should desire to own a gun its their right and privilege unless of course those on the left have other ideas. After all ts not the law abiding individuals you have to worry about, its the nut case liberals and their delusional interpretation of reality.
I need guns to protect my family, hunt, and practice with so that when some liberal nut case invades my property I wont need more than one shot. Who gives a hoot as to why an individual should desire to own a gun its their right and privilege unless of course those on the left have other ideas. After all ts not the law abiding individuals you have to worry about, its the nut case liberals and their delusional interpretation of reality.

You incorrectly believe that you have a right to shoot anyone who walks on your property. This is exactly why you should not be permitted to own a gun. You do not even understand your rights and responsibilities as a gun owner.
Oh I understand perfectly well the law of the land, and yes I do have the right to protect my property, and yes I have a concealed carry permit as well an automatic firearms permit, and federal license to buy and sell firearms. The key word is intent and reasonable cause.
You nutbags have only had this right that you speak of since 2008. You act like the founding fathers wanted out to have your pacifiers.

Check out the entire text of the 2nd Amendment. It's pretty clear.

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

It's not talking about your personal fears, nutbags.

The Founders intended for us to own guns, from the gitgo.
Provided they pass a background check, are willing to learn how to handle and care for their weapon, no problem. As for the founding fathers, I am willing to bet each and everyone of them owned an "unregistered gun" and knew how to shoot them, prove me wrong!
History has proven time and time again weakness does not deter aggression, only the fear of force! Liberals believe that no form of defense or ability to defend ones self will cure all and end violence. The very pacifistic issue now extends and dictates our position on national defense. Talk to those living in Paris, a country with one of the most stringent firearms regulations, or someone who is on their knees begging for their life at the end of a barrel.

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