Zone1 Why do you need gods?

yes, it seems to be a full-throated support for genocide and murder.
Or justice. I wasn't there and therefore I cannot know whether the Amalek behavior matched that of Nazis involved in the Holocaust. There are those who are scholars of the Hebrew faith who say it was.

Do you consider those who were sentenced to death in the Nuremberg trials murdered?
Socialism, YOUR GOD, has murdered more people in 100 years, than all of the people killed by ALL religions in 2,000 years.



generalize much ... and not by a longshot, you just mimic your own religious propaganda.

as well, for religion it's not about no.s


to terrorize the countryside remains after centuries, recorded history their most favorite pastime - the desert religions ...
No, it feels like the God of the OT was a standard issue "olde time god of vengeance and fierce partisanship"
That may be your perspective, but it doesn't appear to be the perspective of people who lived in Biblical times. Personifications of man is a very ancient literary technique. Stars do not wink. That is a human attribute. Walt Whitman said, "Your very flesh will be a poem."

The story of Noah's Ark has a personification of God, attributing human emotions to God. Biblical people saw God as all good and loving. Mankind believed their own behavior was what caused the great flood.

Before you guffaw at the idea that anyone would think that mankind could cause a climate disaster, isn't that what so many believe today? That our behavior is causing disasters such as the recent flood in Kentucky. The US Speaker of the House says we are making Mother Nature angry. We all know, don't we, that nature does not become "angry", that this was a personification of nature?

People of that time believed God created a good world, and something in their behavior was causing an upset of the good that had good pushing back in the form of a flood. What was that behavior?
Are you, perchance, a Marcionite?
No. As I said before, when it comes to the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) I go back to the original meaning in the original language. I have spent years, even decades, on this research.

I do not take the attitude of, "I understand English, therefore I can understand perfectly Old Testament Bible verses." The more I studied the Hebrew, the better I understood I hadn't really understood a thing.
But you clearly believe the Laws of the OT don't apply to Gentiles, correct?
Some of the Laws of the Old Testament do not apply to Jewish women. Some of the Laws of the Old Testament do not apply to Jewish men. Some Laws do not apply to those of certain ages or certain health conditions.

I am speaking of what Jews believe. Jews believe that most of their laws do not apply to Gentiles. They hold the belief that the only laws that apply to everyone are the seven Noahide Laws (those given to Noah). In no particular order these seven are:
  • Do not practice idolatry.
  • Do not curse your Creator.
  • Do not murder.
  • Do not eat a limb of a still-living animal.
  • Do not steal.
  • Harness and channel the human libido.
  • Establish courts of law and ensure justice.
Different religions--even differing denominations of the same religion (such as Christianity) may have more laws than these. Some Laws coincide with the Laws of Judaism, and some do not. In Christianity, Laws vary greatly and we are all of the same faith.
Or justice.

In your eyes does the killing of woman and children count as "justice"?

I wasn't there and therefore I cannot know

You can read what the Bible actually says.

whether the Amalek behavior matched that of Nazis involved in the Holocaust

Let's say it did. Should the Allies have murdered the wives and children of the Nazis after the war?

. There are those who are scholars of the Hebrew faith who say it was.

Same question: is it "justice" to GO OUT OF ONE'S WAY to murder non-combatants and infants in a war?

Do you consider those who were sentenced to death in the Nuremberg trials murdered?


Try again.

I am speaking of what Jews believe. Jews believe that most of their laws do not apply to Gentiles. They hold the belief that the only laws that apply to everyone are the seven Noahide Laws (those given to Noah). In no particular order these seven are:
  • Do not practice idolatry.
  • Do not curse your Creator.
  • Do not murder.
  • Do not eat a limb of a still-living animal.
  • Do not steal.
  • Harness and channel the human libido.
  • Establish courts of law and ensure justice.

Where does it say the Ten Commandments apply to Gentiles?

Different religions--even differing denominations of the same religion (such as Christianity) may have more laws than these. Some Laws coincide with the Laws of Judaism, and some do not. In Christianity, Laws vary greatly and we are all of the same faith.
Lot of hand waiving there. Sorry. I didn't see an answer.

generalize much ... and not by a longshot, you just mimic your own religious propaganda.

as well, for religion it's not about no.s

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to terrorize the countryside remains after centuries, recorded history their most favorite pastime - the desert religions ...

I'm agnostic. I have no belief system. Stalin murdered 60 to million. Mao up to 100 million. Pol Pot killed 25% of the population of his country.

It's called history.

You should read some.

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