Zone1 Why do you need gods?

You decided to go with a definition from...checks notes...1989?

Want to use a 1989 definition of 'conservative' and see if it matches up with what Republicans call conservative today?

No, I didn't think so.
You decided to go with a definition from...checks notes...1989?

Want to use a 1989 definition of 'conservative' and see if it matches up with what Republicans call conservative today?

No, I didn't think so.
Last time I checked the OED was still the best source for definitions
Again, its is not in man to guide his own path. "O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps." Jer. 10:23. Why? Only God is omniscient.

No..........I "understand" what God has revealed to us......through the Inspired Word of God. As just stated, NO ONE knows the entirety of what God represents (no one knows the mind of God expect that which He has choosen to reveal) I presented no idea's (philosophies) of my own, I presented information which reads the same for everyone that would but attempt to comprehend it, by Book, Chapter and Verse.

I, nor no man is special.........God has no respect of person. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. We all live, die, love, hurt, become ill, strive to overcome.....etc., God has promised those who worship Him nothing extra in this life. The reward of a spiritual eternity in fellowship and service to God comes when the race called life is over. All we are offered is good adivse to help us live a righteous and pleasant threating others as we would be treated, with love and truth. Expecting nothing else and accepting nothing less from others. Sometimes the truth is.........God does not always grant us the things we wish.....but the things we need (and we may not even comprehend it at the time).

If I am sick will I pray to God? Of course......I will pray to God to place me in the hands of the most capable, competent, professional care that is available to me in the hopes of recovey from my illness.

Why do I understand and someone like you does not? Its not magic, "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, Rightly dividing the word of truth." -- 2 Tim. 2:15 What is truth? The word of God is truth (the scriptures) -- John 17:17. We as Christians are thereby commanded to worship in spirit (our minds in comprehending the will of God as revealed) and in truth (that same word that God has revealed) (John 4:24)..........reveals that God is a Spirit and the only way to communicate with Him is through the Spirit and the Word that spirit has inspired (TRUTH). As All scripture is inspired of God, and is good for doctrine, for rebuking, for correction, for teaching, making the righteous perfect/complete in relation on how to worship God. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

I make no claims of knowing anymore than what is revealed. Why? Because God has given to us.........through Christ Jesus, EVERYTHING pertaining to life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3). One must adhere to the revelations presented through the Word of God that was inspired to print by Christ Jesus and His hand picked apolstes (2 Peter 1:15-16) as the Christ commanded, "If you love Me you will keep My commandments" (John 14:15-16)

How does God communicate with us today........through His Son. "God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers (ancestors), through the prophets. Has in these last days (mankind has been in the last days now for over 2000 years, since the ascension of the Christ to His throne in heaven) by His Son (Jesus), Whom He (God) has appointed heir of ALL THINGS.........." -- Heb. 1:1-2
Was this spell check or a freudian Slip: "All we are offered is good advise to help us live a righteous and pleasant threating others as we would be treated... :laughing0301:
So, do you believe Jesus Christ is God? I would think so, right? After he was resurrected, he appeared to a couple of disciples: Luke 24:39. "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have." How do you reconcile this with John 4:24? You cannot say that after he went back to heaven, he discarded his resurrected body because nowhere in the Bible does it say this. Quite the contrary. So, I would reconcile this as a mistranslation by someone who wanted the people to think God is mysterious and has no form, which isn't a "Spirit" anyways. So, the correct reconciliation would be that the verse means "God is Spiritual." So, in order to know God or receive personal prophecy, one would have to be spiritual or caught up in the spirit. Not that the Father or the Son only have their Spirits without flesh and bone. Their Spirits are resurrected into glorified personages with their resurrected flesh and bone. This creates the eternal being that cannot be destroyed. How? We don't know, do we.

"NO ONE knows the entirety of what God represents" Oh, so now it's about the "entirety." LOL! You stated a lot of things that there is no recorded information about and then rejected things that are in the Bible such as the Three Degrees of Glory in Heaven and much more. So far, I've strictly kept to what's written in the Bible. And, when I venture to other information from latter-day prophets, I state so. You just go off on tangents and that is your right to.
Was it the Christians job in the 1700's and 1800's to stand up for slaves for being treated like glorified apes and not human beings and murdered if they got out of line?

If not, what are they good for?

Many Christians believed in the Curse of Ham.
Religion fills a void. Modern libs, fill that void with political zealotry and hate.

Do you want to address that Truth, or would you like to dodge some more?

Religion fills voids with fear, ignorance, hate, and false, wrongheaded dogma.

And the vast majority of liberals are persons of faith; it’s the Christo-fascist right that uses that false, wrongheaded religious dogma to justify and promote conservative racism, bigotry, and hate.

Religion fills voids with fear, ignorance, hate, and false, wrongheaded dogma.

And the vast majority of liberals are persons of faith; it’s the Christo-fascist right that uses that false, wrongheaded religious dogma to justify and promote conservative racism, bigotry, and hate.

Wacism? LOL!!! This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality since the mid 60s.

It is ignorant and hateful of you to deny that, and smear good people with such hateful lies.
This seems to have shut ding's mouth.
You may read every post but I don't. If you wanted me to respond you should have used the reply button. But since it's obvious you are desperate to hear my wisdom. Objective reality is literally existence. And yes, God is objective reality because God is existence. You and I live in an alternate reality. Our existence (the alternate reality) can not be created from non-existence. This should be self evident to anyone with half a brain.
All you are doing is showing everyone that a) you don't understand what a man is (understandable, since your personality repels men) and b) you have no clue that a man who has had operations to remove male genitalia cannot give birth. And c) a woman who has transitioned to a man still has all the lady parts that menstruate.

You're not smart. You want to use 'woman' interchangeably with 'female' and you throw a hissy-fit when I slap you down.

Same as it ever was. :lol:
Looks like I shut up Communist Barbie's mouth, too. Good times!

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