Why do you oppose cutting co2 emissions?

Why do you oppose cutting co2 emissions?

Why you should support cutting emissions
1. It is a green house that will change our climate in bad ways.
2. It is poisonous at high levels.
why do libbies oppose the best way to cut emissions, nuclear power?
Because we have much less expensive and less dangerous methods of generating power. Wind and solar are both way cheaper than nuclear, and with the grid scale batteries being currently being produced, are 24/7. Why are you so determined to make all of us pay far more for our power?
and far less reliable and incapable of meeting our demands now never mind in the future
Why do you oppose cutting co2 emissions?

Why you should support cutting emissions
1. It is a green house that will change our climate in bad ways.
2. It is poisonous at high levels.
why do libbies oppose the best way to cut emissions, nuclear power?
Because we have much less expensive and less dangerous methods of generating power. Wind and solar are both way cheaper than nuclear, and with the grid scale batteries being currently being produced, are 24/7. Why are you so determined to make all of us pay far more for our power?
and far less reliable and incapable of meeting our demands now never mind in the future
Calling bullshit on you. They are shutting down nukes as we post for because of the costs of maintenance.

Ripples from nuclear plant closings overwhelm small towns

For the small, mostly rural towns that are home to 61 U.S. nuclear plants that produce one-fifth of the nation’s electricity, each one has been like the golden goose supplying high-paying jobs and money for roads, police and libraries.

But those same places and their residents are bracing for what may come next due to the soaring costs of running aging reactors that have speeded up the closings of a handful of sites and are threatening at least a dozen more. That’s because once the power stops flowing, so does the money.

Towns that already have seen nuclear plants shuttered are now dealing with higher property taxes, cuts in services and less school funding — a new reality that may linger for decades.

While the nation’s fleet of nuclear power plants wasn’t designed to last forever, closures are happening earlier than expected because repair costs are astronomical and it’s harder to compete with cheaper natural gas-fired plants and renewable energy sources.

The former head of the nuclear industry’s trade group said last year that economic pressures have put 15 to 20 plants at risk of a premature shutdown.
Why do you oppose cutting co2 emissions?

Why you should support cutting emissions
1. It is a green house that will change our climate in bad ways.
2. It is poisonous at high levels.
why do libbies oppose the best way to cut emissions, nuclear power?
Because we have much less expensive and less dangerous methods of generating power. Wind and solar are both way cheaper than nuclear, and with the grid scale batteries being currently being produced, are 24/7. Why are you so determined to make all of us pay far more for our power?
and far less reliable and incapable of meeting our demands now never mind in the future
Calling bullshit on you. They are shutting down nukes as we post for because of the costs of maintenance.

Ripples from nuclear plant closings overwhelm small towns

For the small, mostly rural towns that are home to 61 U.S. nuclear plants that produce one-fifth of the nation’s electricity, each one has been like the golden goose supplying high-paying jobs and money for roads, police and libraries.

But those same places and their residents are bracing for what may come next due to the soaring costs of running aging reactors that have speeded up the closings of a handful of sites and are threatening at least a dozen more. That’s because once the power stops flowing, so does the money.

Towns that already have seen nuclear plants shuttered are now dealing with higher property taxes, cuts in services and less school funding — a new reality that may linger for decades.

While the nation’s fleet of nuclear power plants wasn’t designed to last forever, closures are happening earlier than expected because repair costs are astronomical and it’s harder to compete with cheaper natural gas-fired plants and renewable energy sources.

The former head of the nuclear industry’s trade group said last year that economic pressures have put 15 to 20 plants at risk of a premature shutdown.

Why do you hate plants that thrive on CO2 and return O?
Why are you such a dumb fuck as to post nonsense like that? We are at 400 ppm of CO2, from 280 ppm of CO2, and the plants did quite well in the depths of the glacial periods at 180 ppm of CO2.
Why do you oppose cutting co2 emissions?

Why you should support cutting emissions
1. It is a green house that will change our climate in bad ways.
2. It is poisonous at high levels.
why do libbies oppose the best way to cut emissions, nuclear power?
Because we have much less expensive and less dangerous methods of generating power. Wind and solar are both way cheaper than nuclear, and with the grid scale batteries being currently being produced, are 24/7. Why are you so determined to make all of us pay far more for our power?
and far less reliable and incapable of meeting our demands now never mind in the future
Calling bullshit on you. They are shutting down nukes as we post for because of the costs of maintenance.

Ripples from nuclear plant closings overwhelm small towns

For the small, mostly rural towns that are home to 61 U.S. nuclear plants that produce one-fifth of the nation’s electricity, each one has been like the golden goose supplying high-paying jobs and money for roads, police and libraries.

But those same places and their residents are bracing for what may come next due to the soaring costs of running aging reactors that have speeded up the closings of a handful of sites and are threatening at least a dozen more. That’s because once the power stops flowing, so does the money.

Towns that already have seen nuclear plants shuttered are now dealing with higher property taxes, cuts in services and less school funding — a new reality that may linger for decades.

While the nation’s fleet of nuclear power plants wasn’t designed to last forever, closures are happening earlier than expected because repair costs are astronomical and it’s harder to compete with cheaper natural gas-fired plants and renewable energy sources.

The former head of the nuclear industry’s trade group said last year that economic pressures have put 15 to 20 plants at risk of a premature shutdown.

Why do you oppose cutting co2 emissions?

Why you should support cutting emissions
1. It is a green house that will change our climate in bad ways.
2. It is poisonous at high levels.
why do libbies oppose the best way to cut emissions, nuclear power?
Because we have much less expensive and less dangerous methods of generating power. Wind and solar are both way cheaper than nuclear, and with the grid scale batteries being currently being produced, are 24/7. Why are you so determined to make all of us pay far more for our power?
and far less reliable and incapable of meeting our demands now never mind in the future
Calling bullshit on you. They are shutting down nukes as we post for because of the costs of maintenance.

Ripples from nuclear plant closings overwhelm small towns

For the small, mostly rural towns that are home to 61 U.S. nuclear plants that produce one-fifth of the nation’s electricity, each one has been like the golden goose supplying high-paying jobs and money for roads, police and libraries.

But those same places and their residents are bracing for what may come next due to the soaring costs of running aging reactors that have speeded up the closings of a handful of sites and are threatening at least a dozen more. That’s because once the power stops flowing, so does the money.

Towns that already have seen nuclear plants shuttered are now dealing with higher property taxes, cuts in services and less school funding — a new reality that may linger for decades.

While the nation’s fleet of nuclear power plants wasn’t designed to last forever, closures are happening earlier than expected because repair costs are astronomical and it’s harder to compete with cheaper natural gas-fired plants and renewable energy sources.

The former head of the nuclear industry’s trade group said last year that economic pressures have put 15 to 20 plants at risk of a premature shutdown.

In other words, you just got shot down. LOL
why do libbies oppose the best way to cut emissions, nuclear power?
Because we have much less expensive and less dangerous methods of generating power. Wind and solar are both way cheaper than nuclear, and with the grid scale batteries being currently being produced, are 24/7. Why are you so determined to make all of us pay far more for our power?
and far less reliable and incapable of meeting our demands now never mind in the future
Calling bullshit on you. They are shutting down nukes as we post for because of the costs of maintenance.

Ripples from nuclear plant closings overwhelm small towns

For the small, mostly rural towns that are home to 61 U.S. nuclear plants that produce one-fifth of the nation’s electricity, each one has been like the golden goose supplying high-paying jobs and money for roads, police and libraries.

But those same places and their residents are bracing for what may come next due to the soaring costs of running aging reactors that have speeded up the closings of a handful of sites and are threatening at least a dozen more. That’s because once the power stops flowing, so does the money.

Towns that already have seen nuclear plants shuttered are now dealing with higher property taxes, cuts in services and less school funding — a new reality that may linger for decades.

While the nation’s fleet of nuclear power plants wasn’t designed to last forever, closures are happening earlier than expected because repair costs are astronomical and it’s harder to compete with cheaper natural gas-fired plants and renewable energy sources.

The former head of the nuclear industry’s trade group said last year that economic pressures have put 15 to 20 plants at risk of a premature shutdown.

why do libbies oppose the best way to cut emissions, nuclear power?
Because we have much less expensive and less dangerous methods of generating power. Wind and solar are both way cheaper than nuclear, and with the grid scale batteries being currently being produced, are 24/7. Why are you so determined to make all of us pay far more for our power?
and far less reliable and incapable of meeting our demands now never mind in the future
Calling bullshit on you. They are shutting down nukes as we post for because of the costs of maintenance.

Ripples from nuclear plant closings overwhelm small towns

For the small, mostly rural towns that are home to 61 U.S. nuclear plants that produce one-fifth of the nation’s electricity, each one has been like the golden goose supplying high-paying jobs and money for roads, police and libraries.

But those same places and their residents are bracing for what may come next due to the soaring costs of running aging reactors that have speeded up the closings of a handful of sites and are threatening at least a dozen more. That’s because once the power stops flowing, so does the money.

Towns that already have seen nuclear plants shuttered are now dealing with higher property taxes, cuts in services and less school funding — a new reality that may linger for decades.

While the nation’s fleet of nuclear power plants wasn’t designed to last forever, closures are happening earlier than expected because repair costs are astronomical and it’s harder to compete with cheaper natural gas-fired plants and renewable energy sources.

The former head of the nuclear industry’s trade group said last year that economic pressures have put 15 to 20 plants at risk of a premature shutdown.

In other words, you just got shot down. LOL
no you the so called science lover are stuck in the past

I'm not
Why do you hate plants that thrive on CO2 and return O?
Why are you such a dumb fuck as to post nonsense like that? We are at 400 ppm of CO2, from 280 ppm of CO2, and the plants did quite well in the depths of the glacial periods at 180 ppm of CO2.
You were around back then huh? Were your instruments made from stone knives and bear skins?
What is this delusion of yours that we know nothing of the past?
Why do you oppose cutting co2 emissions?

Why you should support cutting emissions
1. It is a green house that will change our climate in bad ways.
2. It is poisonous at high levels.

Reasons why your claims are ridiculous.

1. It is a GHG that has to date no evidence to support the idea that it causes global warming. It IS however, THE fundamental building block of all life on this planet. CO2 feeds plants. Without plants we all die. It's as simple as that.

2. So is water. In other words the only way you can be poisoned from it is if you intentionally try to do it.
CO2 is a GHG, but increasing it from 280 ppm to over 400 ppm will not cause a warming? My, Mr. Westwall, that is some powerful shit you are smoking.

The last time there was 400 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere, the Earth was a much warmer place. But that is not the worry, it is the rapidity of the change that will cause havoc. And we are seeing that warming now, as we have just had the three warmest years on record in the last 180 years. For the last year, the ice at both poles have been running at record low levels for the time of year. Swiss Re and Munich Re both state that the number of extreme weather events is rising steadily. Sea level rise is already causing problems in some cities and low level island nations.

Plus, what the hell does your statement about CO2 being necessary for plant growth have anything to do with the problem of the rapid rise of CO2 and other GHGs in the atmosphere? Nobody that I know of has suggested reducing the CO2 levels to zero. We had plenty of plant growth during the depth of the glacial periods when the CO2 level was 180 ppm. Getting back around 300 ppm would be a good idea, but not going to happen in the near future due to the residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere.

No, it won't. All of CO2's effect has already occurred. Now the prime mover in global temperature is water vapor. And all that it does is prevent the loss of heat at night. Were there to be no water vapor in the atmosphere the night time temp would be below -200 degrees. The CO2 would retain a few degrees so that we wouldn't be at -298 at night, like it is on the Moon. That's it. The CO2 is such a vanishingly low level in the Earths atmosphere that it simply can't do any of the things claimed.
Why do you oppose cutting co2 emissions?

Why you should support cutting emissions
1. It is a green house that will change our climate in bad ways.
2. It is poisonous at high levels.

Reasons why your claims are ridiculous.

1. It is a GHG that has to date no evidence to support the idea that it causes global warming. It IS however, THE fundamental building block of all life on this planet. CO2 feeds plants. Without plants we all die. It's as simple as that.

2. So is water. In other words the only way you can be poisoned from it is if you intentionally try to do it.

Speaking of CO2, plants and water: Increased atmospheric CO2 also increases the drought tolerance of food crops. The beneficial CO2 byproduct of a power plant in the American mid-west not only helps mid-western mega-farms, it also helps out the poor subsistence farmer in a place like Ethiopia just as much, if not even more. The benefits are global.

CO2 is the green gas.

Why do you oppose cutting co2 emissions?

Why you should support cutting emissions
1. It is a green house that will change our climate in bad ways.
2. It is poisonous at high levels.

Because it actually distracts from the goals of cutting REAL air pollution. So I agree with Muhammed. It's BECAUSE I'm an environmentalist, --- am sick and tired of GW hype BURYING all other enviro issues and the dishonesty of GOVT "science" that classified CO2 as a "pollutant"..
Being conscious of CO2 emissions is fine , having some regulation is fine, crippling Industries because they cant reach some unrealistic emissions number, dreampt up by a Warming Religious Zealot somewhere in Academia is not ok. Some people have issues with the way our government burocratic agencies go about their business.
Were making tractor engines now that cant run right because of the EPA. They need to live in the realm of what is reality and what is possible, unless you wish us to become a service industry nation.

Whose air is it they are polluting? Is it THEIR air? Or is it the air of all the people? It's like going around throwing all your trash all over the place, simply because it's CHEAPER to do that than to produce less trash.

YOU exhale 1000 pounds of CO2 every year. So stop breathing.
All the world's scientists say you are absolutely incorrect.

Well I'm one of the worlds scientists and the only ones who support your statement are the climatologists so your statement is crap.
Because it actually distracts from the goals of cutting REAL air pollution. So I agree with Muhammed. It's BECAUSE I'm an environmentalist, --- am sick and tired of GW hype BURYING all other enviro issues and the dishonesty of GOVT "science" that classified CO2 as a "pollutant"..

So, as the ardent environmentalist you claim to be, and be specific, what have you done to curtail that ominous "REAL air pollution"? What other "enviro issues" have you significantly advanced? What have you done to raise all these very worthy issues that the "GW hype" has been burying, no "BURYING"?

What aim in the realm of reducing "REAL air pollution" is at odds with burning less FFs? For that has to be the silliest meme the denialists have cooked up so far: The fight against climate change / CO₂ emissions is at odds with, and hurting, other environmental concerns.

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