CDZ Why Do You Support Abortion

However, that value does not supercede the rights of the woman that is carrying that defenseless child

I already know you "retort" ... it's the LAW. Well guess what? Laws can be changed, and you know why. Because sometimes even your "precious" law can be WRONG! I know that's hard for you to believe....

Sometimes it's helpful to think like an independent human being, and not like a programmed machine.
Hey, we're against the Death Penalty... but kill all the babies you want..... oooookay.....
.. when a 5 week old fetus has a heart?

Because a heart isn't particularly novel. All vertebrates have them. The real hallmark of a human soul is self-awareness. But that's not necessarily why I'm opposed to the government banning abortion. In my view, regardless of whether you consider abortion "murder" or not, banning abortion is a cure worse than the ailment. The idea that a woman's womb is "public property" is repugnant to me.
.. when a 5 week old fetus has a heart?

Because a heart isn't particularly novel. All vertebrates have them. The real hallmark of a human soul is self-awareness. But that's not necessarily why I'm opposed to the government banning abortion. In my view, regardless of whether you consider abortion "murder" or not, banning abortion is a cure worse than the ailment. The idea that a woman's womb is "public property" is repugnant to me.
Vaginas must be public property these days, as women apparently have lost the right to say "no, I will not have unprotected sex with you because I am at a very fertile time in my cycle".
.. when a 5 week old fetus has a heart?

Because a heart isn't particularly novel. All vertebrates have them. The real hallmark of a human soul is self-awareness. But that's not necessarily why I'm opposed to the government banning abortion. In my view, regardless of whether you consider abortion "murder" or not, banning abortion is a cure worse than the ailment. The idea that a woman's womb is "public property" is repugnant to me.

It's the value of the life inside the woman.

That living human being is defenseless. They had no choice or say in the matter.
We have no right to legalize the killing of a human being, no matter where they are - and most especially when they are unable to defend themselves.
.. when a 5 week old fetus has a heart?

Because a heart isn't particularly novel. All vertebrates have them. The real hallmark of a human soul is self-awareness. But that's not necessarily why I'm opposed to the government banning abortion. In my view, regardless of whether you consider abortion "murder" or not, banning abortion is a cure worse than the ailment. The idea that a woman's womb is "public property" is repugnant to me.

It's the value of the life inside the woman.

That living human being is defenseless. They had no choice or say in the matter.
We have no right to legalize the killing of a human being, no matter where they are - and most especially when they are unable to defend themselves.

We have no right to enter a woman's womb to find out what's in there.
The government can dictate what goes into your body but not what comes out.

If our reproductive rights, or at least a woman's, are totally off the record and private, then how can our digestive rights not have equal rights to our reproductive rights?
.. when a 5 week old fetus has a heart?

Can keep a heart beating on your desk. Doesn't make it a living being.

I'm generally against abortion. But would be 'ok' with it in the event of the abortion spares the woman's life or reproductive health, or in the case of rape. Shouldn't force victims of sexual assault to carry their attacker's babies. That's just common sense. And it's actually a tactic of war in African countries. If we're so much more evolved, not doing it would seem sensible. And I"m kinda teetering on a high wire in the case of discovered or diagnosed profound disabilities. If the kid's gonna be born AFU, instead of forcing the poor kid to go through life miserable, isn't it better to simply end suffering before it begins?

Statistics say most abortions are for economic reasons. The mother simply can't afford a baby or another baby. That should stop. There's pleanty of people who's bend over backwards to take the kid off your hands. I myself was adopted.

And while the notion of population control has merit, the difference at the expense of killing babies isn't significant enough to justify allowing it. Better ways to control population like making birth control more widely available and reducing the stigma.
.. when a 5 week old fetus has a heart?

Can keep a heart beating on your desk. Doesn't make it a living being.

I'm generally against abortion. But would be 'ok' with it in the event of the abortion spares the woman's life or reproductive health, or in the case of rape. Shouldn't force victims of sexual assault to carry their attacker's babies. That's just common sense. And it's actually a tactic of war in African countries. If we're so much more evolved, not doing it would seem sensible. And I"m kinda teetering on a high wire in the case of discovered or diagnosed profound disabilities. If the kid's gonna be born AFU, instead of forcing the poor kid to go through life miserable, isn't it better to simply end suffering before it begins?

Statistics say most abortions are for economic reasons. The mother simply can't afford a baby or another baby. That should stop. There's pleanty of people who's bend over backwards to take the kid off your hands. I myself was adopted.

And while the notion of population control has merit, the difference at the expense of killing babies isn't significant enough to justify allowing it. Better ways to control population like making birth control more widely available and reducing the stigma.

You place it upon yourself to play GOD?

Who are you to decide what life is worth?

Hardships can and are overcome daily.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--
.. when a 5 week old fetus has a heart?

Can keep a heart beating on your desk. Doesn't make it a living being.

I'm generally against abortion. But would be 'ok' with it in the event of the abortion spares the woman's life or reproductive health, or in the case of rape. Shouldn't force victims of sexual assault to carry their attacker's babies. That's just common sense. And it's actually a tactic of war in African countries. If we're so much more evolved, not doing it would seem sensible. And I"m kinda teetering on a high wire in the case of discovered or diagnosed profound disabilities. If the kid's gonna be born AFU, instead of forcing the poor kid to go through life miserable, isn't it better to simply end suffering before it begins?

Statistics say most abortions are for economic reasons. The mother simply can't afford a baby or another baby. That should stop. There's pleanty of people who's bend over backwards to take the kid off your hands. I myself was adopted.

And while the notion of population control has merit, the difference at the expense of killing babies isn't significant enough to justify allowing it. Better ways to control population like making birth control more widely available and reducing the stigma.

You place it upon yourself to play GOD?

Who are you to decide what life is worth?

Hardships can and are overcome daily.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--

Leaders lead. If you'd rather give it up to non-existant deities stand aside. Men working.
.. when a 5 week old fetus has a heart?

Can keep a heart beating on your desk. Doesn't make it a living being.

I'm generally against abortion. But would be 'ok' with it in the event of the abortion spares the woman's life or reproductive health, or in the case of rape. Shouldn't force victims of sexual assault to carry their attacker's babies. That's just common sense. And it's actually a tactic of war in African countries. If we're so much more evolved, not doing it would seem sensible. And I"m kinda teetering on a high wire in the case of discovered or diagnosed profound disabilities. If the kid's gonna be born AFU, instead of forcing the poor kid to go through life miserable, isn't it better to simply end suffering before it begins?

Statistics say most abortions are for economic reasons. The mother simply can't afford a baby or another baby. That should stop. There's pleanty of people who's bend over backwards to take the kid off your hands. I myself was adopted.

And while the notion of population control has merit, the difference at the expense of killing babies isn't significant enough to justify allowing it. Better ways to control population like making birth control more widely available and reducing the stigma.

You place it upon yourself to play GOD?

Who are you to decide what life is worth?

Hardships can and are overcome daily.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--

Leaders lead. If you'd rather give it up to non-existant deities stand aside. Men working.

You're not a leader of anyone but yourself.
that's a gd lie about the bending over to adopt. they will often adopt a healthy white male baby, but will they pay for the woman's inability to work, the post partum depression, the medical bills? will they put half a million $ into escrow, to GUARANTEE the kid a proper upbringing, without mooching off of the taxpayer? no, they will NOT. Not any of it. So eff your sanctimonious claims about "life'. Cause you don't give a damn about that woman or that kid.
However, that value does not supercede the rights of the woman that is carrying that defenseless child

I already know you "retort" ... it's the LAW. Well guess what? Laws can be changed, and you know why. Because sometimes even your "precious" law can be WRONG! I know that's hard for you to believe....

Sometimes it's helpful to think like an independent human being, and not like a programmed machine.
Its your opinion the law is wrong. Maybe it is and maybe it isnt. That is up to each person to decide for themselves. Like I said before I am against abortion but value the right of the mother carrying the baby to abort since its her body. To me that really has nothing to do with the law humans established. Its the law of nature.
that value does not supercede the rights of the woman that is carrying that defenseless child

In your opinion....
Thats correct. You did ask for opinions didnt you?

absolutely! That was more for the benefit of others, lest they be swayed by you! ;) Of course, everyone on this board most likely already has a hard stance on the issue... so I suppose this is just an exercise and potentially an educational opportunity for a few here and there....
The abortion issue always boils down to a moral decision of when a human life begins. The government, at any level, has no more power to force moral decisions on the people than one person has the power to push their morals upon another. If you feel that a human life exists at conception then you should morally object to abortion. If you believe that a human life begins with the first breath once it leaves the womb then abortion would be acceptable for you. If you believe the human life begins between those two points then you have to decide when.

Having a heartbeat doesn't make it human... Some babies are born inside out or without necessary parts and die a horrible death while the mother looks on. Did she murder the offspring by giving it birth? Would it have been worse to abort it?

Moral questions have no legal answers.
The abortion issue always boils down to a moral decision of when a human life begins. The government, at any level, has no more power to force moral decisions on the people than one person has the power to push their morals upon another. If you feel that a human life exists at conception then you should morally object to abortion. If you believe that a human life begins with the first breath once it leaves the womb then abortion would be acceptable for you. If you believe the human life begins between those two points then you have to decide when.

Having a heartbeat doesn't make it human... Some babies are born inside out or without necessary parts and die a horrible death while the mother looks on. Did she murder the offspring by giving it birth? Would it have been worse to abort it?

Moral questions have no legal answers.
While I agree, its more complicated than that. As a man not only do I not have the right to force my morality upon a woman, I dont even have a voice in it unless its specifically my child.
The abortion issue always boils down to a moral decision of when a human life begins. The government, at any level, has no more power to force moral decisions on the people than one person has the power to push their morals upon another. If you feel that a human life exists at conception then you should morally object to abortion. If you believe that a human life begins with the first breath once it leaves the womb then abortion would be acceptable for you. If you believe the human life begins between those two points then you have to decide when.

Having a heartbeat doesn't make it human... Some babies are born inside out or without necessary parts and die a horrible death while the mother looks on. Did she murder the offspring by giving it birth? Would it have been worse to abort it?

Moral questions have no legal answers.

If people want to kill a human being inside themselves, they should have to do so at their own risk.
The government should stay out of it. Legalizing is like supporting it (or enabling it)
The abortion issue always boils down to a moral decision of when a human life begins. The government, at any level, has no more power to force moral decisions on the people than one person has the power to push their morals upon another. If you feel that a human life exists at conception then you should morally object to abortion. If you believe that a human life begins with the first breath once it leaves the womb then abortion would be acceptable for you. If you believe the human life begins between those two points then you have to decide when.

Having a heartbeat doesn't make it human... Some babies are born inside out or without necessary parts and die a horrible death while the mother looks on. Did she murder the offspring by giving it birth? Would it have been worse to abort it?

Moral questions have no legal answers.

If people want to kill a human being inside themselves, they should have to do so at their own risk.
The government should stay out of it. Legalizing is like supporting it (or enabling it)

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