Why do you think this NY Times Op-Ed was written?

There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.
It can't be real. I think it's clear that journalists are going to be releasing opinion pieces from roughly 300 different publications to influence the election. They tipped it off a couple of weeks ago. This is just a story that supposedly reinforces a false narrative that Trump is nuts. The Democrats keep repeating this lie in every speech, every hearing, every time they can get cameras to focus on them. They're trying to act like they're saving us from a dangerous dictator. The problem with that is Trump is trying to protect us from THEM.

This op-ed crossed the line. If true, it shows an actual espionage operation is ongoing inside the WH.
It also proved, if true, that there is a Deep-state willing to do anything to stop him.
So on one hand you have people spying on Trump, despite the Deep-State claiming that they aren't.
All of the leaks are either BS or there is some janitor listening in on Trump meetings.

Here's the rub.....if there was any truth to Russian Collusion, a spy or a mole would have been able to prove it by now.
Any Democrat that tries to take advantage of this fake story is pretty stupid, because it only proves that Trump was right all along.
Whoever it is, they're guilty of sedition/treason. If this person really exists, then they are not only undermining the lawful operation of the government, but this person is subject to not only firing, but a long prison term. Course Liz Warren has already foolishly jumped on it. Everyone else, so far, has tried to stay clear of it, because they know how dangerous this situation can become if true.
I think it's fair to wonder if it's real. It's definitely fishy in some ways.

At the same time, we've completely lost our shit, and I don't think I'd be surprised by any name, if it were real.

But given Trump's behaviors since the day he came down the escalator - behaviors proudly cheered on by his followers - any of this is possible.
I don’t think his behavior warrants a spy in the WH. Do you?
I don't like any of this, really. Nor would I like it if it happened with Obama.

This is ugly. But it's also a reflection of us.
It is all an ongoing effort by the establishment/ruling class to remove a President.

I can’t recall an effort like this in all of US history. All while the economy is humming and we are at peace.
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.
It can't be real. I think it's clear that journalists are going to be releasing opinion pieces from roughly 300 different publications to influence the election. They tipped it off a couple of weeks ago. This is just a story that supposedly reinforces a false narrative that Trump is nuts. The Democrats keep repeating this lie in every speech, every hearing, every time they can get cameras to focus on them. They're trying to act like they're saving us from a dangerous dictator. The problem with that is Trump is trying to protect us from THEM.

This op-ed crossed the line. If true, it shows an actual espionage operation is ongoing inside the WH.
It also proved, if true, that there is a Deep-state willing to do anything to stop him.
So on one hand you have people spying on Trump, despite the Deep-State claiming that they aren't.
All of the leaks are either BS or there is some janitor listening in on Trump meetings.

Here's the rub.....if there was any truth to Russian Collusion, a spy or a mole would have been able to prove it by now.
Any Democrat that tries to take advantage of this fake story is pretty stupid, because it only proves that Trump was right all along.
Whoever it is, they're guilty of sedition/treason. If this person really exists, then they are not only undermining the lawful operation of the government, but this person is subject to not only firing, but a long prison term. Course Liz Warren has already foolishly jumped on it. Everyone else, so far, has tried to stay clear of it, because they know how dangerous this situation can become if true.
I think it's fair to wonder if it's real. It's definitely fishy in some ways.

At the same time, we've completely lost our shit, and I don't think I'd be surprised by any name, if it were real.

But given Trump's behaviors since the day he came down the escalator - behaviors proudly cheered on by his followers - any of this is possible.
I don’t think his behavior warrants a spy in the WH. Do you?
I don't like any of this, really. Nor would I like it if it happened with Obama.

This is ugly. But it's also a reflection of us.
It is all an ongoing effort by the establishment/ruling class to remove a President.

I can’t recall an effort like this in all of US history. All while the economy is humming and we are at peace.

They have their racketeering all set up and didn’t want an outsider to fuck it up.
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.
Unless The NY Times plans to rat this person out after the damage is done, there is no way this person is real.

Oh, it was a real person and what they claimed is at least partially true because after it came out Trump's closest advisers were jumping all over each other to be the first one to deny they wrote it. None of them called it BS, they just said "it was not me".
I can’t recall an effort like this in all of US history.
Neither can anyone else. But, according to your wackadoo ideas, the "deep state" has been in place for 100 years. So, even in your fantasyland, this rare event is indication that the president is unique in his unfitness for office.
Why would you side with the criminal ruling class? You have nothing in common with them.
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.
It can't be real. I think it's clear that journalists are going to be releasing opinion pieces from roughly 300 different publications to influence the election. They tipped it off a couple of weeks ago. This is just a story that supposedly reinforces a false narrative that Trump is nuts. The Democrats keep repeating this lie in every speech, every hearing, every time they can get cameras to focus on them. They're trying to act like they're saving us from a dangerous dictator. The problem with that is Trump is trying to protect us from THEM.

This op-ed crossed the line. If true, it shows an actual espionage operation is ongoing inside the WH.
It also proved, if true, that there is a Deep-state willing to do anything to stop him.
So on one hand you have people spying on Trump, despite the Deep-State claiming that they aren't.
All of the leaks are either BS or there is some janitor listening in on Trump meetings.

Here's the rub.....if there was any truth to Russian Collusion, a spy or a mole would have been able to prove it by now.
Any Democrat that tries to take advantage of this fake story is pretty stupid, because it only proves that Trump was right all along.
Whoever it is, they're guilty of sedition/treason. If this person really exists, then they are not only undermining the lawful operation of the government, but this person is subject to not only firing, but a long prison term. Course Liz Warren has already foolishly jumped on it. Everyone else, so far, has tried to stay clear of it, because they know how dangerous this situation can become if true.
I think it's fair to wonder if it's real. It's definitely fishy in some ways.

At the same time, we've completely lost our shit, and I don't think I'd be surprised by any name, if it were real.

But given Trump's behaviors since the day he came down the escalator - behaviors proudly cheered on by his followers - any of this is possible.
I don’t think his behavior warrants a spy in the WH. Do you?
I don't like any of this, really. Nor would I like it if it happened with Obama.

This is ugly. But it's also a reflection of us.
It is all an ongoing effort by the establishment/ruling class to remove a President.

I can’t recall an effort like this in all of US history. All while the economy is humming and we are at peace.
These are definitely unprecedented times. But again, they're a reflection. We've brought this on ourselves.
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.
Unless The NY Times plans to rat this person out after the damage is done, there is no way this person is real.

Oh, it was a real person and what they claimed is at least partially true because after it came out Trump's closest advisers were jumping all over each other to be the first one to deny they wrote it. None of them called it BS, they just said "it was not me".
Haha, right. I especially liked Kelly's denial....all that material, and Kelly only says he didn't call Trump "an idiot". Which, no doubt, he has, many times.
I can’t recall an effort like this in all of US history.
Neither can anyone else. But, according to your wackadoo ideas, the "deep state" has been in place for 100 years. So, even in your fantasyland, this rare event is indication that the president is unique in his unfitness for office.
Why would you side with the criminal ruling class? You have nothing in common with them.
Because they are correct, in this case. Thanks for the softball question.
What an interesting question, I wish I'd thought of it. Off hand I can think of two answers; one, that the author is doing some private arse covering to alleviate the shame of belonging to the current administration; two, that the author has an agenda he/she believes will be advanced by this letter.
I don't know what that agenda may be but it seems obvious to be negative to Trump. Whether it's to shame the relevant parties into Art 25 action, to influence the mid-term elections, to undermine Trump for 2020, to encourage Congress to legislate limits on Trump's options, or all or none of the above is beyond me.
Holy crap, hadn't thought of that, and it should be at the top of the list: Some kind of personal professional agenda.

This is DC, after all.

Surely this person would know they would be outed, and is anticipating/hoping for some kind of reward or advancement.

It makes a good lead-in for the book deal they'll get when booted from the administration.
I can’t recall an effort like this in all of US history.
Neither can anyone else. But, according to your wackadoo ideas, the "deep state" has been in place for 100 years. So, even in your fantasyland, this rare event is indication that the president is unique in his unfitness for office.
Why would you side with the criminal ruling class? You have nothing in common with them.
Because they are correct, in this case. Thanks for the softball question.
If you stop getting your information...well really propaganda from the state run media, your chances of getting informed vastly increase.
I can’t recall an effort like this in all of US history.
Neither can anyone else. But, according to your wackadoo ideas, the "deep state" has been in place for 100 years. So, even in your fantasyland, this rare event is indication that the president is unique in his unfitness for office.
Why would you side with the criminal ruling class? You have nothing in common with them.
Because they are correct, in this case. Thanks for the softball question.
If you stop getting your information...well really propaganda from the state run media, your chances of getting informed vastly increase.
That's nice.
cause it's warfare against trump. as far as i'm concerned it's warfare against our constitution. i don't give a rats ass if you love or hate the president, they won by our system we've all lived by since 1776 and i for one would love to see it continue. however that may be, rome fell.

kingdoms fall.

maybe when both sides swear their fellow countryman is the enemy and then justify it with whatever hate is handy, it's our turn to fall also. especially when we have to look for reasons to hate someone and then justify those stupid reasons.

so yea. it's whatever it takes to take out trump. this is something as far as i know our country has never seen so past references only go so far. now you must ask yourself *why* one side would risk all and take away their own pretenses of hypocrisy if this were just another president. if RUSSIA is involved, they've sure not shown it yet.

so what else would make people risk all? only if you have everything to lose. but the fight itself is going to make us all lose everything if we don't get smart and cut it out.

no one wins this war. we need to stop fighting it.
It’s like having Sam Walton come in and take over as the head of the Al Capone crime syndicate.

Those under Capone would lose their minds and try to remove Walton....probably 2behind the ear.
What an interesting question, I wish I'd thought of it. Off hand I can think of two answers; one, that the author is doing some private arse covering to alleviate the shame of belonging to the current administration; two, that the author has an agenda he/she believes will be advanced by this letter.
I don't know what that agenda may be but it seems obvious to be negative to Trump. Whether it's to shame the relevant parties into Art 25 action, to influence the mid-term elections, to undermine Trump for 2020, to encourage Congress to legislate limits on Trump's options, or all or none of the above is beyond me.
Holy crap, hadn't thought of that, and it should be at the top of the list: Some kind of personal professional agenda.

This is DC, after all.

Surely this person would know they would be outed, and is anticipating/hoping for some kind of reward or advancement.

It makes a good lead-in for the book deal they'll get when booted from the administration.
Sad but true. That's where we are.
I can’t recall an effort like this in all of US history.
Neither can anyone else. But, according to your wackadoo ideas, the "deep state" has been in place for 100 years. So, even in your fantasyland, this rare event is indication that the president is unique in his unfitness for office.
Why would you side with the criminal ruling class? You have nothing in common with them.
Because they are correct, in this case. Thanks for the softball question.
If you stop getting your information...well really propaganda from the state run media, your chances of getting informed vastly increase.
That's nice.
This isn’t so nice.

Stop being a dupe for the ruling class.
Neither can anyone else. But, according to your wackadoo ideas, the "deep state" has been in place for 100 years. So, even in your fantasyland, this rare event is indication that the president is unique in his unfitness for office.
Why would you side with the criminal ruling class? You have nothing in common with them.
Because they are correct, in this case. Thanks for the softball question.
If you stop getting your information...well really propaganda from the state run media, your chances of getting informed vastly increase.
That's nice.
This isn’t so nice.

Stop being a dupe for the ruling class.
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.
Unless The NY Times plans to rat this person out after the damage is done, there is no way this person is real.

Oh, it was a real person and what they claimed is at least partially true because after it came out Trump's closest advisers were jumping all over each other to be the first one to deny they wrote it. None of them called it BS, they just said "it was not me".
You have no idea whether it is true or not, and neither do they, moron.

If they said it was a hoax then they would be able prove it, and because they cannot prove it they assume it is real.
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.

I think you answered your own question.
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.
Unless The NY Times plans to rat this person out after the damage is done, there is no way this person is real.

Oh, it was a real person and what they claimed is at least partially true because after it came out Trump's closest advisers were jumping all over each other to be the first one to deny they wrote it. None of them called it BS, they just said "it was not me".
i think "none of them calling it BS" is a reach. most people will do the same thing about of human nature. now was anyone who said NOT ME *asked* if any of it were true?
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.

I think you answered your own question.
There have been several other interesting ideas on this thread, too.

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