Why does Adam Schiff still have his security clearance?

The fact is, Republicans would have probably kept the House in 2018 if not for the phony Russia investigation which Schiff is up to his scrawny pencil neck involved in.
There would never have been a phony impeachment trial and so on....

Here is ( now DNI ) Ratcliffe last year.
He is a proven liar. It should be stripped and he should be removed from the Intel Committee.


but....What IS the ESTABLISHMENT ??

Basically it's many political figures who make politics a career. But beyond that, these are people who, for some kind of gain, trade their influence to highest bidders rather than remaining true to the Constitution and a concept of equality for all. The Establishment is heavily backed by deep pockets both domestic and abroad. These are where all the 'Pork Barrel" slush funds originate.

Given the above, The "Establishment" is a political force that is detrimental to the average American.
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The house should have censored him but Nancy and the Dim’s had his back covered. Now if he had been a republican, with Nancy in charge, he would have been censored and possibly expelled! Don’t believe in the swamp now?
The fact is, Republicans would have probably kept the House in 2018 if not for the phony Russia investigation which Schiff is up to his scrawny pencil neck involved in.
There would never have been a phony impeachment trial and so on....

Here is ( now DNI ) Ratcliffe last year.

That fact is the republicans intentionally handed over the house to Pelosi, this act of treachery was engineered by one absolute "fucktard" of a tranny male named Paul Ryan! Ryan moved right along the path to Fox news, where he is in charge I hear of their polling....
The house should have censored him but Nancy and the Dim’s had his back covered. Now if he had been a republican, with Nancy in charge, he would have been censored and possibly expelled! Don’t believe in the swamp now?

Most of these Senators can say anything, do anything without Liability and they know it. Far as Schiff, yeah I believe he is protected by his cohorts in the Senate. When I think of the money the Bidens made through selling political influence to places like Communist China I have to think he and is family are not the only ones. Then I think what a set back economically it was for them when Trump won the presidency over Hillary.
It stopped the spicket from flowing and I have to wonder what great plans they had under a Hillary presidency? They would have given more technology to communist China for sure, but instead what they got with Trump was tough negotiation with the Communists.
Just imagine the pain this created for the Bidens, Pelosi, Hillary, Schiff, Schummer... I bet they all had their cut planned out, then came along Trump to fuck everything up for them.
Its no wonder Schiff stood up there and lied calling Trump the worlds greatest threat to democracy and calling Trump an agent of Putin. I wonder when he is ever going to show us that irrefutable evidence of Trumps collusion, that he said he possesses.
I wonder why he has waited so long to show us that evidence? Hell, lies don't matter when your a US Senator and have billions of dollars at your finger tips.

Again to the Libs here..... you can see why Trumps proposal early on for Senator term limits was met with instant opposition. They are lying bastards in it for selling their political influence. I mean, why be a member of a Mafia crime family when you can be a politician and make hundreds of Millions on the backs of the US taxpayer ?
They need to re-write the script for the movie "the untouchables"
The fact is, Republicans would have probably kept the House in 2018 if not for the phony Russia investigation which Schiff is up to his scrawny pencil neck involved in.
There would never have been a phony impeachment trial and so on....

Here is ( now DNI ) Ratcliffe last year.

That fact is the republicans intentionally handed over the house to Pelosi, this act of treachery was engineered by one absolute "fucktard" of a tranny male named Paul Ryan! Ryan moved right along the path to Fox news, where he is in charge I hear of their polling....

Ryan took his Koch money and ran to easy street.
To clean up the corruption in Washington 1/3 of those scumbags need to be sent to prison as notice to the rest of the swamp.

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