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Why does an innocent honest loving prez. keep obstructing justice?

Please cut us a break..... Trump has spewed nothing but hatred towards the Democrats since before he was elected..... his whole campaign was a campaign of spewing lies and hatred. His rhetoric has gotten people murdered in masses, by his insane followers

His entire presidency has been him spewing lies and hatred and his followers cheering it.

Me thinks you need to open your eyes, and heart to God and truth, Godboy.

Trumpsters hate our Nation and all of the democratic institutions that has kept us a democratic republic for over 200 years.... everyone working for government according to you all, are corrupt deep staters, except the one person who truly is corrupt, Donald Trump.... it's sad to watch our great country being destroyed by all of you...

2a. Freudian projection
The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”
Can somebody please explain to us dumb people, those of us who find Trump and his entire administration the most corrupt pile of shit in all our history, why this decent, honest, hard working man, ie Trump over and over and over, keeps moving the goal posts of justice? Innocent mf's don't do this shit and because Trump is soooo innocent, why oh why does this clown, keep obstructing the congress from doing their equal branch of justice on his white ass.
Witness In Trump-Ukraine Scandal Ordered Not To Appear Before Congress
The State Department blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from giving a deposition scheduled before a House impeachment panel.

because its fun to watch the TDSers lose their collective minds,,,
Because you love it when Trump fucks over America as you mock those that actually care about our country.
Your party is notoriously known as the hate America party, so spare us your silly lies. You want to burn ALL the flags and when the national anthem comes on, you cant kneel fast enough.
Please cut us a break..... Trump has spewed nothing but hatred towards the Democrats since before he was elected..... his whole campaign was a campaign of spewing lies and hatred. His rhetoric has gotten people murdered in masses, by his insane followers

His entire presidency has been him spewing lies and hatred and his followers cheering it.

Me thinks you need to open your eyes, and heart to God and truth, Godboy.

Trumpsters hate our Nation and all of the democratic institutions that has kept us a democratic republic for over 200 years.... everyone working for government according to you all, are corrupt deep staters, except the one person who truly is corrupt, Donald Trump.... it's sad to watch our great country being destroyed by all of you...
And this blind allegence they have for Trump can not be simply because he's making white mf's feel good again. No amount of self indulged feel good about being white again praise is worth trashing this nation, our allies trust and pilfering the treasure for person gain. None of it is worth and the GOP senate, every last one of these monsters should be out of office and harrassed for the rest of thier lives into hell.
Can somebody please explain to us dumb people, those of us who find Trump and his entire administration the most corrupt pile of shit in all our history, why this decent, honest, hard working man, ie Trump over and over and over, keeps moving the goal posts of justice? Innocent mf's don't do this shit and because Trump is soooo innocent, why oh why does this clown, keep obstructing the congress from doing their equal branch of justice on his white ass.
Witness In Trump-Ukraine Scandal Ordered Not To Appear Before Congress
The State Department blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from giving a deposition scheduled before a House impeachment panel.

because its fun to watch the TDSers lose their collective minds,,,
Because you love it when Trump fucks over America as you mock those that actually care about our country.
I can't for the life of me understand these people that find what Trump is doing, has done and will do to damage this nation, okay? And what is so distressing, so frustrating, so insane, these are the same exact senators, who went bat shit crazy of Hillary, Holder and Obama for the slightest little things. The deficit alone is enough to want Trump gone and yet, these Trump bitches are perfectly okay with Trump trashing this nation for his own gain. THERE MUST BE SOME TYPE OF PUNISHMENT FOR THE GOP AND THEIR FAILURES TO PROTECT THIS NATION FROM TRUMP AND A PAGE IN A HISTORY BOOK WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH.

your hypocrisy is noted,,,
Nothing complicated about the answer. The President knows the Senate does not have the votes to convict him. He will defy any orders from the HoR with impunity.
Trump is nothing without the GOP senate having his back and those that give the GOP senate signs of approval....all will have the residual effects of destruction on their hands once this man is gone and I pray its soon.
Can somebody please explain to us dumb people, those of us who find Trump and his entire administration the most corrupt pile of shit in all our history, why this decent, honest, hard working man, ie Trump over and over and over, keeps moving the goal posts of justice? Innocent mf's don't do this shit and because Trump is soooo innocent, why oh why does this clown, keep obstructing the congress from doing their equal branch of justice on his white ass.
Witness In Trump-Ukraine Scandal Ordered Not To Appear Before Congress
The State Department blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from giving a deposition scheduled before a House impeachment panel.

because its fun to watch the TDSers lose their collective minds,,,
Because you love it when Trump fucks over America as you mock those that actually care about our country.
I can't for the life of me understand these people that find what Trump is doing, has done and will do to damage this nation, okay? And what is so distressing, so frustrating, so insane, these are the same exact senators, who went bat shit crazy of Hillary, Holder and Obama for the slightest little things. The deficit alone is enough to want Trump gone and yet, these Trump bitches are perfectly okay with Trump trashing this nation for his own gain. THERE MUST BE SOME TYPE OF PUNISHMENT FOR THE GOP AND THEIR FAILURES TO PROTECT THIS NATION FROM TRUMP AND A PAGE IN A HISTORY BOOK WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH.

your hypocrisy is noted,,,
There's no comparison, Trump is indeed the devil
Can somebody please explain to us dumb people, those of us who find Trump and his entire administration the most corrupt pile of shit in all our history, why this decent, honest, hard working man, ie Trump over and over and over, keeps moving the goal posts of justice? Innocent mf's don't do this shit and because Trump is soooo innocent, why oh why does this clown, keep obstructing the congress from doing their equal branch of justice on his white ass.
Witness In Trump-Ukraine Scandal Ordered Not To Appear Before Congress
The State Department blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from giving a deposition scheduled before a House impeachment panel.

because its fun to watch the TDSers lose their collective minds,,,
Because you love it when Trump fucks over America as you mock those that actually care about our country.
I can't for the life of me understand these people that find what Trump is doing, has done and will do to damage this nation, okay? And what is so distressing, so frustrating, so insane, these are the same exact senators, who went bat shit crazy of Hillary, Holder and Obama for the slightest little things. The deficit alone is enough to want Trump gone and yet, these Trump bitches are perfectly okay with Trump trashing this nation for his own gain. THERE MUST BE SOME TYPE OF PUNISHMENT FOR THE GOP AND THEIR FAILURES TO PROTECT THIS NATION FROM TRUMP AND A PAGE IN A HISTORY BOOK WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH.

your hypocrisy is noted,,,
There's no comparison, Trump is indeed the devil

that TDS youre carrying is starting to effect your mind,,,
After eight years of Obama invoking an executive order to keep his IRS head from testifying about punishing political enemies, Operation Fast/Furious that shipped illegal weapons to Mexico, the strange case of shipping boxcar loads of taxpayer cash to a country that supports terrorism and using the FBI to spy on a opposition candidate you think Trump is corrupt over a freaking phone call? Give me a break.
Can somebody please explain to us dumb people, those of us who find Trump and his entire administration the most corrupt pile of shit in all our history, why this decent, honest, hard working man, ie Trump over and over and over, keeps moving the goal posts of justice? Innocent mf's don't do this shit and because Trump is soooo innocent, why oh why does this clown, keep obstructing the congress from doing their equal branch of justice on his white ass.
Witness In Trump-Ukraine Scandal Ordered Not To Appear Before Congress
The State Department blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from giving a deposition scheduled before a House impeachment panel.

because its fun to watch the TDSers lose their collective minds,,,
Because you love it when Trump fucks over America as you mock those that actually care about our country.
I can't for the life of me understand these people that find what Trump is doing, has done and will do to damage this nation, okay? And what is so distressing, so frustrating, so insane, these are the same exact senators, who went bat shit crazy of Hillary, Holder and Obama for the slightest little things. The deficit alone is enough to want Trump gone and yet, these Trump bitches are perfectly okay with Trump trashing this nation for his own gain. THERE MUST BE SOME TYPE OF PUNISHMENT FOR THE GOP AND THEIR FAILURES TO PROTECT THIS NATION FROM TRUMP AND A PAGE IN A HISTORY BOOK WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH.

your hypocrisy is noted,,,
There's no comparison, Trump is indeed the devil

Trump is living in your head rent free. That's all I need to know.
Hillary managed to comply for 8 years of testimony, Holder managed, Clinton managed, everybody on the left managed to give the GOP congress all these testimony they demanded, yet the democrats can't??

Are you serious? Hillary destroyed evidence that Congressional investigators asked for and then lied about doing so! Holder was found in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about Fast & Furious! You're holding them up as examples of innocent and honest? That's hilarious!
Can somebody please explain to us dumb people, those of us who find Trump and his entire administration the most corrupt pile of shit in all our history, why this decent, honest, hard working man, ie Trump over and over and over, keeps moving the goal posts of justice? Innocent mf's don't do this shit and because Trump is soooo innocent, why oh why does this clown, keep obstructing the congress from doing their equal branch of justice on his white ass.
Witness In Trump-Ukraine Scandal Ordered Not To Appear Before Congress
The State Department blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from giving a deposition scheduled before a House impeachment panel.

Because they are not interested in justice.

The goal of the left-wing is not to find justice. The goal is to destroy Trump. They are not trying to find illegal activity. They are trying to find anything they can use to make Trump look bad.

They know nothing illegal is going to magically be found in Trumps tax records. But they are hoping they can make him look bad, any way they can. If they can find he didn't donate much to charity, they'll plaster that all over the news every single day for the next year.

So when you know that this is a witch hunt, the solution is simply to refuse to play their game.

These are evil people. These are the Jessie Smolletts of politics. They will just dig until the end of time, even when there is nothing to dig up, and keep doing it until the find a dirty Kleenex that Trump missed the trash can with, and blow that up into some big hoax, to destroy him.

I would do the same thing as Trump, if I was in his position. Trump knows these are corrupt terrible people. He knows working with them will accomplish nothing. How many attempts to destroy Trump in the past 4 years? Dozens.

So yeah, I agree with everything Trump is doing.

And by the way, you agree with what Trump is doing too. Hillary specifically destroyed evidence. Then she lied about it. You had people refusing to testify about the actions of previous administration.

Were all those people deserving of being impeached too? If not, then you can't complain about Trump either.
Can somebody please explain to us dumb people, those of us who find Trump and his entire administration the most corrupt pile of shit in all our history, why this decent, honest, hard working man, ie Trump over and over and over, keeps moving the goal posts of justice? Innocent mf's don't do this shit and because Trump is soooo innocent, why oh why does this clown, keep obstructing the congress from doing their equal branch of justice on his white ass.
Witness In Trump-Ukraine Scandal Ordered Not To Appear Before Congress
The State Department blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from giving a deposition scheduled before a House impeachment panel.

because its fun to watch the TDSers lose their collective minds,,,
Because you love it when Trump fucks over America as you mock those that actually care about our country.
Your party is notoriously known as the hate America party, so spare us your silly lies. You want to burn ALL the flags and when the national anthem comes on, you cant kneel fast enough.
Please cut us a break..... Trump has spewed nothing but hatred towards the Democrats since before he was elected..... his whole campaign was a campaign of spewing lies and hatred. His rhetoric has gotten people murdered in masses, by his insane followers

His entire presidency has been him spewing lies and hatred and his followers cheering it.

Me thinks you need to open your eyes, and heart to God and truth, Godboy.

Trumpsters hate our Nation and all of the democratic institutions that has kept us a democratic republic for over 200 years.... everyone working for government according to you all, are corrupt deep staters, except the one person who truly is corrupt, Donald Trump.... it's sad to watch our great country being destroyed by all of you...

Hillary managed to comply for 8 years of testimony, Holder managed, Clinton managed, everybody on the left managed to give the GOP congress all these testimony they demanded, yet the democrats can't??

Are you serious? Hillary destroyed evidence that Congressional investigators asked for and then lied about doing so! Holder was found in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about Fast & Furious! You're holding them up as examples of innocent and honest? That's hilarious!
what evidence did Hillary destroy?
After eight years of Obama invoking an executive order to keep his IRS head from testifying about punishing political enemies, Operation Fast/Furious that shipped illegal weapons to Mexico, the strange case of shipping boxcar loads of taxpayer cash to a country that supports terrorism and using the FBI to spy on a opposition candidate you think Trump is corrupt over a freaking phone call? Give me a break.
You assfucks know nothing.
After Citizens United, all kinds of organizations sought status so their donors could write off their donations. This status said that the group's focus could not be political.

There for when you dumbasses named your groups, Patriot this or thst, or Tea Oasrty this or rthat, they were investigated. The same held for liberal group[s.

You people were that fucking stupid. Of course, they were investigated.

Fast & Furious did not ship any guns into mexico yu fucking moron.

Trump & hos campaign is communicating with Russians & lying about it. One member was picked up on a wire tap.,
Can somebody please explain to us dumb people, those of us who find Trump and his entire administration the most corrupt pile of shit in all our history, why this decent, honest, hard working man, ie Trump over and over and over, keeps moving the goal posts of justice? Innocent mf's don't do this shit and because Trump is soooo innocent, why oh why does this clown, keep obstructing the congress from doing their equal branch of justice on his white ass.
Witness In Trump-Ukraine Scandal Ordered Not To Appear Before Congress
The State Department blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from giving a deposition scheduled before a House impeachment panel.
WOW!....you nailed it tiger.....
Can somebody please explain to us dumb people, those of us who find Trump and his entire administration the most corrupt pile of shit in all our history, why this decent, honest, hard working man, ie Trump over and over and over, keeps moving the goal posts of justice? Innocent mf's don't do this shit and because Trump is soooo innocent, why oh why does this clown, keep obstructing the congress from doing their equal branch of justice on his white ass.
Witness In Trump-Ukraine Scandal Ordered Not To Appear Before Congress
The State Department blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from giving a deposition scheduled before a House impeachment panel.

because its fun to watch the TDSers lose their collective minds,,,
Because you love it when Trump fucks over America as you mock those that actually care about our country.
Your party is notoriously known as the hate America party, so spare us your silly lies. You want to burn ALL the flags and when the national anthem comes on, you cant kneel fast enough.
Please cut us a break..... Trump has spewed nothing but hatred towards the Democrats since before he was elected..... his whole campaign was a campaign of spewing lies and hatred. His rhetoric has gotten people murdered in masses, by his insane followers

His entire presidency has been him spewing lies and hatred and his followers cheering it.

Me thinks you need to open your eyes, and heart to God and truth, Godboy.

Trumpsters hate our Nation and all of the democratic institutions that has kept us a democratic republic for over 200 years.... everyone working for government according to you all, are corrupt deep staters, except the one person who truly is corrupt, Donald Trump.... it's sad to watch our great country being destroyed by all of you...
And this blind allegence they have for Trump can not be simply because he's making white mf's feel good again. No amount of self indulged feel good about being white again praise is worth trashing this nation, our allies trust and pilfering the treasure for person gain. None of it is worth and the GOP senate, every last one of these monsters should be out of office and harrassed for the rest of thier lives into hell.
every last one of these monsters should be out of office and harrassed for the rest of thier lives into hell.
you said it,the 20% congress sucks.......can you imagine the 2 political parties gone forever?...
Can somebody please explain to us dumb people, those of us who find Trump and his entire administration the most corrupt pile of shit in all our history, why this decent, honest, hard working man, ie Trump over and over and over, keeps moving the goal posts of justice? Innocent mf's don't do this shit and because Trump is soooo innocent, why oh why does this clown, keep obstructing the congress from doing their equal branch of justice on his white ass.
Witness In Trump-Ukraine Scandal Ordered Not To Appear Before Congress
The State Department blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from giving a deposition scheduled before a House impeachment panel.

Simply stated it's called Kabuki theater being done by the Dems.
President Trump is correct in not complying.
Hillary managed to comply for 8 years of testimony, Holder managed, Clinton managed, everybody on the left managed to give the GOP congress all these testimony they demanded, yet the democrats can't??

Are you serious? Hillary destroyed evidence that Congressional investigators asked for and then lied about doing so! Holder was found in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about Fast & Furious! You're holding them up as examples of innocent and honest? That's hilarious!
what evidence did Hillary destroy?

She paid to have her servers professionally "bleached"! Do you really not know this, Dave?
After eight years of Obama invoking an executive order to keep his IRS head from testifying about punishing political enemies, Operation Fast/Furious that shipped illegal weapons to Mexico, the strange case of shipping boxcar loads of taxpayer cash to a country that supports terrorism and using the FBI to spy on a opposition candidate you think Trump is corrupt over a freaking phone call? Give me a break.
You assfucks know nothing.
After Citizens United, all kinds of organizations sought status so their donors could write off their donations. This status said that the group's focus could not be political.

There for when you dumbasses named your groups, Patriot this or thst, or Tea Oasrty this or rthat, they were investigated. The same held for liberal group[s.

You people were that fucking stupid. Of course, they were investigated.

Fast & Furious did not ship any guns into mexico yu fucking moron.

Trump & hos campaign is communicating with Russians & lying about it. One member was picked up on a wire tap.,

They didn't get shipped into Canada, Dave! Are you trying to prove that you're clueless?
Simply stated it's called Kabuki theater being done by the Dems.
President Trump is correct in not complying.
The democrats are running a dog and pony show in the House. They will not come forward with their so called whistleblower (really a CIA plant as reported by the NY Times), they will not give republicans the power to call people to testify,
etc. Trump shouldn't comply and go along with this transparently shameful show.

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