Why does anyone care about slavery in America 153 years ago?

.... when most of what you purchase is made by slaves today?
How is it possible for people to lament so much about our slave history, when day after day they gleefully buy products basically made by slaves?
Today's slaves are not forced into labor, they are not bought and sold like 150 years ago.... but make no mistake about it - they exist everywhere. And you are wearing the results of their labor right now.
Did you know most slave owners in America paid their slaves? In many counties they were required by law to do so.
Is it not disingenuous to cry about slavery that existed 150+ years ago....and then consistently choose products made using slave wages?

So what’s your goal with this post? To shut up anyone who thinks that slavery in America was a shameful chapter of our history that we (as a country) still haven’t made amends for.......

....or to bring awareness to those performing slave labor in the rest of the world?

BTW, not being bought and sold is a BIG difference.

And exactly why I made the comparison.
But, it is usual for posters here to always assume the worst. Especially if they think the OP is wearing the opposite color uniform.
Of course the point of the thread is to ONCE AGAIN raise awareness that the very products you buy every single day is made by people who are absolutely slaves.
In my book, if a person has no choice but to work 12 - 16 hour days, 6-7 days a week...and still cannot survive, but must live with other people working the same jobs just to pool enough money together to buy food - is a goddamn slave. Period.

And to be clear, this applies to anyone working for minimum wage in America today. Especially those in the fast food industry forced to sign non-compete contracts who are promoted to “fry cook manager” so they can be forced to work 60 hour weeks with no overtime pay.

Not only are they working for shit wages, they can’t even quit their job and go work for fast food joint across the street for better money because of the non-compete agreement.

If that isn’t a form of slavery I don’t know what is.

So McDonald's makes employees sign a non compete. You're a special one you are.
Liberal media (PBS especially) relentlessly show stuff about slavery, and old black & white footage from Jim Crow days, to keep blacks angry, when all the while, they're getting Affirmative Action favoritism. Keeps the AA covered up, and deflected from.

What about legacy admissions Professor? You have a problem with those? Those kids have lower grades and GPA’s than the AA kids.
The way AA gets booted around here, you would think that every single poster here competed hard to get into Harvard.
What bullshit.
The government automatically registered my son for conscription the day he turned 18.

He asked me why.

I said to my son that this is how the government lets you know that it thinks it owns you, son.

And when you start creating wealth, they'll send you a letter every year on April 15th further reminding you that they own you, that they own all of your income, and that they set the terms for which you may keep a portion of it. They further remind you that if you do not consent, then, they will send men with guns from the government to put you in a cage and force you to testify against yourself in front of an uninformed jury.

Slavery never went away.
The government can't sell your son to another family when he is 5. A man with guns cannot legally rape your wife (or husband). You are not considered 3/5 of a person with no right to vote. You are not legally prohibited from sitting in certain parts of a restaurant or using a certain bathroom or water fountain because of your color.

What you are describing may be too much government intervention, but it is not slavery.

LOL, if one has no idea what the 3/5ths clause meant one shouldn't talk about it.
The sad fact is that the democrats are trying to use past slavery as a political tool today. Creating a lying narrative about who did it, etc. When the fact is that almost all US slavery was done by members of the democrat party of those days and it was the republicans of those days that ended it.

its another attempt to divide this great country so that it can be taken over by the insane globalists that want to destroy the best country in the history of the world. I have seen many countries, and the USA is by far the best. Our poor live like the rich in much of the world.
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The government automatically registered my son for conscription the day he turned 18.

He asked me why.

I said to my son that this is how the government lets you know that it thinks it owns you, son.

And when you start creating wealth, they'll send you a letter every year on April 15th further reminding you that they own you, that they own all of your income, and that they set the terms for which you may keep a portion of it. They further remind you that if you do not consent, then, they will send men with guns from the government to put you in a cage and force you to testify against yourself in front of an uninformed jury.

Slavery never went away.
The government can't sell your son to another family when he is 5. A man with guns cannot legally rape your wife (or husband). You are not considered 3/5 of a person with no right to vote. You are not legally prohibited from sitting in certain parts of a restaurant or using a certain bathroom or water fountain because of your color.

What you are describing may be too much government intervention, but it is not slavery.

LOL, if one has no idea what the 3/5ths clause meant one shouldn't talk about it.
LOL. It was for the census and representation in Congress, wasn't it? Because in some southern states there were actually more blacks than whites and they of course could not vote? Which would give them an unfair advantage over states that did not have so many slaves?
The government can't sell your son to another family when he is 5. A man with guns cannot legally rape your wife (or husband). You are not considered 3/5 of a person with no right to vote. You are not legally prohibited from sitting in certain parts of a restaurant or using a certain bathroom or water fountain because of your color.

What you are describing may be too much government intervention, but it is not slavery.

The government took a half dozen of my brothers and sisters and just gave them away to other families. Though, they paid those families with taxpayer money. Which I assume they stole from taxpayers under the terms which I explained previously.

The other stuff I don't think is relevant to society today, OL.
Liberal media (PBS especially) relentlessly show stuff about slavery, and old black & white footage from Jim Crow days, to keep blacks angry, when all the while, they're getting Affirmative Action favoritism. Keeps the AA covered up, and deflected from.

What about legacy admissions Professor? You have a problem with those? Those kids have lower grades and GPA’s than the AA kids.
The way AA gets booted around here, you would think that every single poster here competed hard to get into Harvard.
What bullshit.

AA is reverse discrimination. Equal opportunity based on merit should be the rule, no special treatment for anyone for any reason. Equal, do you understand the meaning of that word?
The government automatically registered my son for conscription the day he turned 18.

He asked me why.

I said to my son that this is how the government lets you know that it thinks it owns you, son.

And when you start creating wealth, they'll send you a letter every year on April 15th further reminding you that they own you, that they own all of your income, and that they set the terms for which you may keep a portion of it. They further remind you that if you do not consent, then, they will send men with guns from the government to put you in a cage and force you to testify against yourself in front of an uninformed jury.

Slavery never went away.
The government can't sell your son to another family when he is 5. A man with guns cannot legally rape your wife (or husband). You are not considered 3/5 of a person with no right to vote. You are not legally prohibited from sitting in certain parts of a restaurant or using a certain bathroom or water fountain because of your color.

What you are describing may be too much government intervention, but it is not slavery.

LOL, if one has no idea what the 3/5ths clause meant one shouldn't talk about it.
LOL. It was for the census and representation in Congress, wasn't it? Because in some southern states there were actually more blacks than whites and they of course could not vote? Which would give them an unfair advantage over states that did not have so many slaves?

yes, and it was wrong, doesn't exist today. What is your point?
I won't soil my eyes with the WaPo.

Try another source. My statement stands.

The premise of this thread is a pile of shit. About the only place that chattel slavery still exists is in goatfucker-land.

You won't read the Washington Post? I suppose that's because you don't agree with their point of view? You have a lot in common with Trump, it seems.

You might want to try to educate yourself on this issue because slavery is STILL an institution in this world. Since your delicate sensibilities won't let you learn about it through news stories, you might visit Understanding Modern Slavery - Walk Free Foundation #EndSlavery to gain some awareness of the fight to end slavery around the world in one generation.
I won't soil my eyes with the WaPo.

Try another source. My statement stands.

The premise of this thread is a pile of shit. About the only place that chattel slavery still exists is in goatfucker-land.

You won't read the Washington Post? I suppose that's because you don't agree with their point of view? You have a lot in common with Trump, it seems.

You might want to try to educate yourself on this issue because slavery is STILL an institution in this world. Since your delicate sensibilities won't let you learn about it through news stories, you might visit Understanding Modern Slavery - Walk Free Foundation #EndSlavery to gain some awareness of the fight to end slavery around the world in one generation.

much of what WAPO prints is propaganda. They have become the propaganda arm of the dem/lib party. this particular article they got right, good for them.
It is simply easy. It is easy for about half of Americans and the rest of the world to pretend that America invented slavery and colonization and blame America for all those ills.

Look up "Tall Poppy Syndrome" if you're not already aware. It's especially easy for Europeans to do this when most of their nations are crumbling under their feet.

It's easy to be a dimocrap. Super easy.

It requires no brains, no thought, no responsibility to others, no independent thinking, no work, no research.... Nothing.

Notice where ALL dimocrap thought on this board originates. ALL of it.

It all comes from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM. Even this thread.

So rather than come up with original thoughts, dimocraps just parrot what the LSM tells them to parrot and they march merrily, hand-in-hand into the abyss.

Unfortunately, they want to take the rest of the Country with them.

I have no problem with them killing themselves, just leave the rest of us out of it.

Not knowing the difference between chattel slavery and communism or economic servitude is a prime example of the stupidity of dimocraps

You're a moron.
I am conservative. Quite conservative. Probably more than you.
The last time I voted nationally Democrat was over 30 years ago.
This isn't a right vs. left subject. In fact, it should be one we all agree with.
Where I live we lost 15 factories within 90 miles of here over since NAFTA.... all of those factories moving overseas to take advantage of wages so low it is really not wages at all.
I don't give a goddamn about slavery that ended 153 years ago. Not one concern except for the fact we ended it.
What I do care about is just how much I have to go out of my way to buy a product that is not made using slave wages.

Um, not a moron, thanks. And you're conflating.

Slaves do not get paid. What you're talking about might be called low-wage labor or sweat shops, and I'm concerned about that too. But it's not slavery; it's something different, as many posters have pointed out to you.

What are you talking about?
Southern slave owners paid slaves meager wages. In many counties it was required by law.
It is a little known fact. The vast majority of slaves in America received wages. Now that does not, in any way, reduce how horribly wrong the whole slave industry was. Of course it was wrong. And - it is no less wrong today!
Lamenting about how wrong slavery was, while wearing clothes made by people living in horrific living conditions, receiving wages no less insufficient as past slaves received is more than just a bit disingenuous.

This is from the Abolition Project, and I think they would know.

Slavery refers to a condition in which individuals are owned by others, who control where they live and at what they work. Slavery had previously existed throughout history, in many times and most places. The ancient Greeks, the Romans, Incas and Aztecs all had slaves.

What does it mean to be a slave or enslaved person?

To be a slave is to be owned by another person. A slave is a human being classed as property and who is forced to work for nothing. An enslaved person is a human being who is made to be a slave. This language is often used instead of the word slave, to refer to the person and their experiences and to avoid the use of dehumanising language.

What is Slavery?: The Abolition of Slavery Project
The government can't sell your son to another family when he is 5. A man with guns cannot legally rape your wife (or husband). You are not considered 3/5 of a person with no right to vote. You are not legally prohibited from sitting in certain parts of a restaurant or using a certain bathroom or water fountain because of your color.

What you are describing may be too much government intervention, but it is not slavery.

The government took a half dozen of my brothers and sisters and just gave them away to other families. Though, they paid those families with taxpayer money. Which I assume they stole from taxpayers under the terms which I explained previously.

The other stuff I don't think is relevant to society today, OL.
What are you talking about? Foster care? Are you that young?
It is simply easy. It is easy for about half of Americans and the rest of the world to pretend that America invented slavery and colonization and blame America for all those ills.

Look up "Tall Poppy Syndrome" if you're not already aware. It's especially easy for Europeans to do this when most of their nations are crumbling under their feet.

It's easy to be a dimocrap. Super easy.

It requires no brains, no thought, no responsibility to others, no independent thinking, no work, no research.... Nothing.

Notice where ALL dimocrap thought on this board originates. ALL of it.

It all comes from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM. Even this thread.

So rather than come up with original thoughts, dimocraps just parrot what the LSM tells them to parrot and they march merrily, hand-in-hand into the abyss.

Unfortunately, they want to take the rest of the Country with them.

I have no problem with them killing themselves, just leave the rest of us out of it.

Not knowing the difference between chattel slavery and communism or economic servitude is a prime example of the stupidity of dimocraps

You're a moron.
I am conservative. Quite conservative. Probably more than you.
The last time I voted nationally Democrat was over 30 years ago.
This isn't a right vs. left subject. In fact, it should be one we all agree with.
Where I live we lost 15 factories within 90 miles of here over since NAFTA.... all of those factories moving overseas to take advantage of wages so low it is really not wages at all.
I don't give a goddamn about slavery that ended 153 years ago. Not one concern except for the fact we ended it.
What I do care about is just how much I have to go out of my way to buy a product that is not made using slave wages.

Um, not a moron, thanks. And you're conflating.

Slaves do not get paid. What you're talking about might be called low-wage labor or sweat shops, and I'm concerned about that too. But it's not slavery; it's something different, as many posters have pointed out to you.

What are you talking about?
Southern slave owners paid slaves meager wages. In many counties it was required by law.
It is a little known fact. The vast majority of slaves in America received wages. Now that does not, in any way, reduce how horribly wrong the whole slave industry was. Of course it was wrong. And - it is no less wrong today!
Lamenting about how wrong slavery was, while wearing clothes made by people living in horrific living conditions, receiving wages no less insufficient as past slaves received is more than just a bit disingenuous.

This is from the Abolition Project, and I think they would know.

Slavery refers to a condition in which individuals are owned by others, who control where they live and at what they work. Slavery had previously existed throughout history, in many times and most places. The ancient Greeks, the Romans, Incas and Aztecs all had slaves.

What does it mean to be a slave or enslaved person?

To be a slave is to be owned by another person. A slave is a human being classed as property and who is forced to work for nothing. An enslaved person is a human being who is made to be a slave. This language is often used instead of the word slave, to refer to the person and their experiences and to avoid the use of dehumanising language.

What is Slavery?: The Abolition of Slavery Project

there is actual slavery, as defined above, and there is virtual slavery, as practiced today in China, central America, Africa, and the mid east.
Liberal media (PBS especially) relentlessly show stuff about slavery, and old black & white footage from Jim Crow days, to keep blacks angry, when all the while, they're getting Affirmative Action favoritism. Keeps the AA covered up, and deflected from.

What about legacy admissions Professor? You have a problem with those? Those kids have lower grades and GPA’s than the AA kids.
The way AA gets booted around here, you would think that every single poster here competed hard to get into Harvard.
What bullshit.

AA is reverse discrimination. Equal opportunity based on merit should be the rule, no special treatment for anyone for any reason. Equal, do you understand the meaning of that word?
Yup. And when the economic indicators for blacks are EQUAL to that of whites, and when they are EQUALLY represented in all the systems of power, I will be the first to say the days of AA are fairly over.
The government can't sell your son to another family when he is 5. A man with guns cannot legally rape your wife (or husband). You are not considered 3/5 of a person with no right to vote. You are not legally prohibited from sitting in certain parts of a restaurant or using a certain bathroom or water fountain because of your color.

What you are describing may be too much government intervention, but it is not slavery.

The government took a half dozen of my brothers and sisters and just gave them away to other families. Though, they paid those families with taxpayer money. Which I assume they stole from taxpayers under the terms which I explained previously.

The other stuff I don't think is relevant to society today, OL.

would you have been better off living in the streets?
The government automatically registered my son for conscription the day he turned 18.

He asked me why.

I said to my son that this is how the government lets you know that it thinks it owns you, son.

And when you start creating wealth, they'll send you a letter every year on April 15th further reminding you that they own you, that they own all of your income, and that they set the terms for which you may keep a portion of it. They further remind you that if you do not consent, then, they will send men with guns from the government to put you in a cage and force you to testify against yourself in front of an uninformed jury.

Slavery never went away.
The government can't sell your son to another family when he is 5. A man with guns cannot legally rape your wife (or husband). You are not considered 3/5 of a person with no right to vote. You are not legally prohibited from sitting in certain parts of a restaurant or using a certain bathroom or water fountain because of your color.

What you are describing may be too much government intervention, but it is not slavery.

LOL, if one has no idea what the 3/5ths clause meant one shouldn't talk about it.
LOL. It was for the census and representation in Congress, wasn't it? Because in some southern states there were actually more blacks than whites and they of course could not vote? Which would give them an unfair advantage over states that did not have so many slaves?

yes, and it was wrong, doesn't exist today. What is your point?
I was responding to Doc, who called me stupid and assumed I didn't know what the 3/5 thing was about. Thank you for telling me I got it right.
Liberal media (PBS especially) relentlessly show stuff about slavery, and old black & white footage from Jim Crow days, to keep blacks angry, when all the while, they're getting Affirmative Action favoritism. Keeps the AA covered up, and deflected from.

What about legacy admissions Professor? You have a problem with those? Those kids have lower grades and GPA’s than the AA kids.
The way AA gets booted around here, you would think that every single poster here competed hard to get into Harvard.
What bullshit.

AA is reverse discrimination. Equal opportunity based on merit should be the rule, no special treatment for anyone for any reason. Equal, do you understand the meaning of that word?
Yup. And when the economic indicators for blacks are EQUAL to that of whites, and when they are EQUALLY represented in all the systems of power, I will be the first to say the days of AA are fairly over.

we cannot correct the wrongs of the past by committing more wrongs in the present. we cannot correct past discrimination by committing present discrimination. everyone in the USA has equal opportunity. yes, some have to work harder to achieve it than others, but that has always been the case. the constitution guarantees equal opportunity, not equal results.
It is simply easy. It is easy for about half of Americans and the rest of the world to pretend that America invented slavery and colonization and blame America for all those ills.

Look up "Tall Poppy Syndrome" if you're not already aware. It's especially easy for Europeans to do this when most of their nations are crumbling under their feet.

It's easy to be a dimocrap. Super easy.

It requires no brains, no thought, no responsibility to others, no independent thinking, no work, no research.... Nothing.

Notice where ALL dimocrap thought on this board originates. ALL of it.

It all comes from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM. Even this thread.

So rather than come up with original thoughts, dimocraps just parrot what the LSM tells them to parrot and they march merrily, hand-in-hand into the abyss.

Unfortunately, they want to take the rest of the Country with them.

I have no problem with them killing themselves, just leave the rest of us out of it.

Not knowing the difference between chattel slavery and communism or economic servitude is a prime example of the stupidity of dimocraps

You're a moron.
I am conservative. Quite conservative. Probably more than you.
The last time I voted nationally Democrat was over 30 years ago.
This isn't a right vs. left subject. In fact, it should be one we all agree with.
Where I live we lost 15 factories within 90 miles of here over since NAFTA.... all of those factories moving overseas to take advantage of wages so low it is really not wages at all.
I don't give a goddamn about slavery that ended 153 years ago. Not one concern except for the fact we ended it.
What I do care about is just how much I have to go out of my way to buy a product that is not made using slave wages.

Um, not a moron, thanks. And you're conflating.

Slaves do not get paid. What you're talking about might be called low-wage labor or sweat shops, and I'm concerned about that too. But it's not slavery; it's something different, as many posters have pointed out to you.

What are you talking about?
Southern slave owners paid slaves meager wages. In many counties it was required by law.
It is a little known fact. The vast majority of slaves in America received wages. Now that does not, in any way, reduce how horribly wrong the whole slave industry was. Of course it was wrong. And - it is no less wrong today!
Lamenting about how wrong slavery was, while wearing clothes made by people living in horrific living conditions, receiving wages no less insufficient as past slaves received is more than just a bit disingenuous.
One difference is many forms of modern day slavery such as the sex slave trade are unlawful while the racial based chattel slavery system in the U.S. was lawful. The slaves were not considered citizens, barely considered human if at all, therefore had no civil rights to speak of under U.S. law.

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