Why does anyone care about slavery in America 153 years ago?

Liberal media (PBS especially) relentlessly show stuff about slavery, and old black & white footage from Jim Crow days, to keep blacks angry, when all the while, they're getting Affirmative Action favoritism. Keeps the AA covered up, and deflected from.

What about legacy admissions Professor? You have a problem with those? Those kids have lower grades and GPA’s than the AA kids.
The way AA gets booted around here, you would think that every single poster here competed hard to get into Harvard.
What bullshit.

AA is reverse discrimination. Equal opportunity based on merit should be the rule, no special treatment for anyone for any reason. Equal, do you understand the meaning of that word?
Yup. And when the economic indicators for blacks are EQUAL to that of whites, and when they are EQUALLY represented in all the systems of power, I will be the first to say the days of AA are fairly over.

we cannot correct the wrongs of the past by committing more wrongs in the present. we cannot correct past discrimination by committing present discrimination. everyone in the USA has equal opportunity. yes, some have to work harder to achieve it than others, but that has always been the case. the constitution guarantees equal opportunity, not equal results.
I agree the constitution does not guarantee equal results for all, but when a group is consistently dealing with a much higher rate of unemployment than the predominant one, and when that group has a much higher rate of incarceration and a much higher rate of death due to poor medical care and a lower rate of education, it indicates something somewhere is unequal on the ground. It doesn't really have anything to do with the past. It is happening now and causing those results now. There is an underlying cause for it. People like to blame it on genetic inferiority or laziness or inborn criminality or whatever other horseshit but in fact it is about consistent, systemic inequality that is still keeping a large percentage of blacks in poverty and without the opportunities necessary to pull them out of it. These things take time--generations, in fact--and it is working. But we are not done yet. Getting closer, though.
Race-Baiting division is big business for Democrats. As long as they see political gain in Race-Baiting, they won't move on.
The administration in NAFTA negotiations is headed in right direction regarding Mexico's low wages paid to auto workers:

It is also stipulating that 40 percent of the components of cars and 45 percent of the components of pick-up trucks be made in areas where wages are above $16 an hour — far higher than the average wage in Mexico's auto sector. And Mexico appears flexible enough to accept rules demanding some amount of a wage increase.

North America: The State of NAFTA Talks, One Year Later
.... when most of what you purchase is made by slaves today?
How is it possible for people to lament so much about our slave history, when day after day they gleefully buy products basically made by slaves?
Today's slaves are not forced into labor, they are not bought and sold like 150 years ago.... but make no mistake about it - they exist everywhere. And you are wearing the results of their labor right now.
Did you know most slave owners in America paid their slaves? In many counties they were required by law to do so.
Is it not disingenuous to cry about slavery that existed 150+ years ago....and then consistently choose products made using slave wages?
I love when history illiterates display their ignorance on a public forum. Way to kick your own ass.
Race-Baiting division is big business for Democrats. As long as they see political gain in Race-Baiting, they won't move on.
What about legacy admissions Professor? You have a problem with those? Those kids have lower grades and GPA’s than the AA kids.
The way AA gets booted around here, you would think that every single poster here competed hard to get into Harvard.
What bullshit.

AA is reverse discrimination. Equal opportunity based on merit should be the rule, no special treatment for anyone for any reason. Equal, do you understand the meaning of that word?
Yup. And when the economic indicators for blacks are EQUAL to that of whites, and when they are EQUALLY represented in all the systems of power, I will be the first to say the days of AA are fairly over.

we cannot correct the wrongs of the past by committing more wrongs in the present. we cannot correct past discrimination by committing present discrimination. everyone in the USA has equal opportunity. yes, some have to work harder to achieve it than others, but that has always been the case. the constitution guarantees equal opportunity, not equal results.
I agree the constitution does not guarantee equal results for all, but when a group is consistently dealing with a much higher rate of unemployment than the predominant one, and when that group has a much higher rate of incarceration and a much higher rate of death due to poor medical care and a lower rate of education, it indicates something somewhere is unequal on the ground. It doesn't really have anything to do with the past. It is happening now and causing those results now. There is an underlying cause for it. People like to blame it on genetic inferiority or laziness or inborn criminality or whatever other horseshit but in fact it is about consistent, systemic inequality that is still keeping a large percentage of blacks in poverty and without the opportunities necessary to pull them out of it. These things take time--generations, in fact--and it is working. But we are not done yet. Getting closer, though.
Blacks are inferior, that's why-- they just like to beat around the bush about saying it
The government automatically registered my son for conscription the day he turned 18.

He asked me why.

I said to my son that this is how the government lets you know that it thinks it owns you, son.

And when you start creating wealth, they'll send you a letter every year on April 15th further reminding you that they own you, that they own all of your income, and that they set the terms for which you may keep a portion of it. They further remind you that if you do not consent, then, they will send men with guns from the government to put you in a cage and force you to testify against yourself in front of an uninformed jury.

Slavery never went away.
The government can't sell your son to another family when he is 5. A man with guns cannot legally rape your wife (or husband). You are not considered 3/5 of a person with no right to vote. You are not legally prohibited from sitting in certain parts of a restaurant or using a certain bathroom or water fountain because of your color.

What you are describing may be too much government intervention, but it is not slavery.

LOL, if one has no idea what the 3/5ths clause meant one shouldn't talk about it.
LOL. It was for the census and representation in Congress, wasn't it? Because in some southern states there were actually more blacks than whites and they of course could not vote? Which would give them an unfair advantage over states that did not have so many slaves?

If you know you can understand that it would have given the South control over congress. Talk about it correctly or don't talk about it all. Was it fair to blacks? No, but it kept their owners from gaining and controlling the power.
The government automatically registered my son for conscription the day he turned 18.

He asked me why.

I said to my son that this is how the government lets you know that it thinks it owns you, son.

And when you start creating wealth, they'll send you a letter every year on April 15th further reminding you that they own you, that they own all of your income, and that they set the terms for which you may keep a portion of it. They further remind you that if you do not consent, then, they will send men with guns from the government to put you in a cage and force you to testify against yourself in front of an uninformed jury.

Slavery never went away.
The government can't sell your son to another family when he is 5. A man with guns cannot legally rape your wife (or husband). You are not considered 3/5 of a person with no right to vote. You are not legally prohibited from sitting in certain parts of a restaurant or using a certain bathroom or water fountain because of your color.

What you are describing may be too much government intervention, but it is not slavery.

LOL, if one has no idea what the 3/5ths clause meant one shouldn't talk about it.
LOL. It was for the census and representation in Congress, wasn't it? Because in some southern states there were actually more blacks than whites and they of course could not vote? Which would give them an unfair advantage over states that did not have so many slaves?

If you know you can understand that it would have given the South control over congress. Talk about it correctly or don't talk about it all. Was it fair to blacks? No, but it kept their owners from gaining and controlling the power.
A tangential argument having almost nothing to do with the main ideas of this thread. You got something a little more on point to say, now that you got that out of your system?
.... when most of what you purchase is made by slaves today?
How is it possible for people to lament so much about our slave history, when day after day they gleefully buy products basically made by slaves?
Today's slaves are not forced into labor, they are not bought and sold like 150 years ago.... but make no mistake about it - they exist everywhere. And you are wearing the results of their labor right now.
Did you know most slave owners in America paid their slaves? In many counties they were required by law to do so.
Is it not disingenuous to cry about slavery that existed 150+ years ago....and then consistently choose products made using slave wages?

There is still slavery, in the form of political slavery.

Also there is still slavery in the world, especially in Africa.

And Apple made it's fortune off of child slave labor in China!
The government automatically registered my son for conscription the day he turned 18.

He asked me why.

I said to my son that this is how the government lets you know that it thinks it owns you, son.

And when you start creating wealth, they'll send you a letter every year on April 15th further reminding you that they own you, that they own all of your income, and that they set the terms for which you may keep a portion of it. They further remind you that if you do not consent, then, they will send men with guns from the government to put you in a cage and force you to testify against yourself in front of an uninformed jury.

Slavery never went away.
The government can't sell your son to another family when he is 5. A man with guns cannot legally rape your wife (or husband). You are not considered 3/5 of a person with no right to vote. You are not legally prohibited from sitting in certain parts of a restaurant or using a certain bathroom or water fountain because of your color.

What you are describing may be too much government intervention, but it is not slavery.

LOL, if one has no idea what the 3/5ths clause meant one shouldn't talk about it.
LOL. It was for the census and representation in Congress, wasn't it? Because in some southern states there were actually more blacks than whites and they of course could not vote? Which would give them an unfair advantage over states that did not have so many slaves?

If you know you can understand that it would have given the South control over congress. Talk about it correctly or don't talk about it all. Was it fair to blacks? No, but it kept their owners from gaining and controlling the power.
A tangential argument having almost nothing to do with the main ideas of this thread. You got something a little more on point to say, now that you got that out of your system?

So what would you call it then?
And how is it not a global disgrace that people knowingly buy products every single day made using said labor?
And how do you bring about awareness?
It is true, modern slaves are not owned. But they are absolutely forced into labor. Read about it.
Read about Foxconn, the worlds largest electronics manufacturer.
The concrete bunkers they keep their workers in have chain nets around the whole building to catch people trying to kill themselves. 13 suicides in one year at one factory.
How is this not slave labor?
And is it useful to argue that semantic instead of concentrating on how globalism and corporatism is using this labor to enrich themselves and put people out of jobs all over the world?

The government automatically registered my son for conscription the day he turned 18.

He asked me why.

I said to my son that this is how the government lets you know that it thinks it owns you, son.

And when you start creating wealth, they'll send you a letter every year on April 15th further reminding you that they own you, that they own all of your income, and that they set the terms for which you may keep a portion of it. They further remind you that if you do not consent, then, they will send men with guns from the government to put you in a cage and force you to testify against yourself in front of an uninformed jury.

Slavery never went away.
The government can't sell your son to another family when he is 5. A man with guns cannot legally rape your wife (or husband). You are not considered 3/5 of a person with no right to vote. You are not legally prohibited from sitting in certain parts of a restaurant or using a certain bathroom or water fountain because of your color.

What you are describing may be too much government intervention, but it is not slavery.

LOL, if one has no idea what the 3/5ths clause meant one shouldn't talk about it.
LOL. It was for the census and representation in Congress, wasn't it? Because in some southern states there were actually more blacks than whites and they of course could not vote? Which would give them an unfair advantage over states that did not have so many slaves?

If you know you can understand that it would have given the South control over congress. Talk about it correctly or don't talk about it all. Was it fair to blacks? No, but it kept their owners from gaining and controlling the power.
A tangential argument having almost nothing to do with the main ideas of this thread. You got something a little more on point to say, now that you got that out of your system?

Nope, you tried to take it out of context to make your point. Sorry. AND you leave my tan genitals out of this!!!!!!
What about legacy admissions Professor? You have a problem with those? Those kids have lower grades and GPA’s than the AA kids.
Must not be too big an issue. I've hardly even heard of it, + it's Off topic, and your use of the word Professor, the way you use it, is a form of personal harassment. Noted and reported.
Migrants from west Africa being ‘sold in Libyan slave markets’
UN migration agency says selling of people is rife in African nation that has slid into violent chaos since overthrow of Gaddafi

West African migrants are being bought and sold openly in modern-day slave markets in Libya, survivors have told a UN agency helping them return home.

Trafficked people passing through Libya have previously reported violence, extortion and slave labour. But the new testimony from the International Organization for Migration suggests that the trade in human beings has become so normalised that people are being traded in public...

Migrants from west Africa being ‘sold in Libyan slave markets’

Actual slavery, happening now.
But it does highlight the fact how corporatism, the investor class and their lackeys in our government has moved millions of good paying jobs overseas to fatten their own pockets.
And the very Americans who lost those jobs, and many like them... line up at the stores every weekend buying the very products they use to make. You talk about dumb.
Sometimes they have no choice, with no other comparable products to buy. Wanna shop around ? OK. You try 5 different stores for a certain item. They all have it, and they're all made overseas. Donald Trump should have ran for president 25 years ago.
It's not to "keep blacks angry." It is to TRY for the umpteenth time to educate the white, clueless population as to why blacks are where they are. Angry, misrepresented, and still seen as inferior.
Well, you can hold that opinion, but I disagree with it. Whites know what has occurred in our history, slavery and Jim Crow both. They don't need PBS' relentless barrage of old civil rights struggle days broadcasts.

Blacks today are better off than ever, and generally better off than whites, with all the advantages of Affirmative Action going to them. Leftist media like PBS knows this, and works hard to keep it covered up, using the old B & W films to smother it.
It's not to "keep blacks angry." It is to TRY for the umpteenth time to educate the white, clueless population as to why blacks are where they are. Angry, misrepresented, and still seen as inferior.
Well, you can hold that opinion, but I disagree with it. Whites know what has occurred in our history, slavery and Jim Crow both. They don't need PBS' relentless barrage of old civil rights struggle days broadcasts.

Blacks today are better off than ever, and generally better off than whites, with all the advantages of Affirmative Action going to them. Leftist media like PBS knows this, and works hard to keep it covered up, using the old B & W films to smother it.

Blacks should be livid at Democrats for endlessly importing low end workers to take the jobs of poor blacks
Migrants from west Africa being ‘sold in Libyan slave markets’
UN migration agency says selling of people is rife in African nation that has slid into violent chaos since overthrow of Gaddafi

West African migrants are being bought and sold openly in modern-day slave markets in Libya, survivors have told a UN agency helping them return home.

Trafficked people passing through Libya have previously reported violence, extortion and slave labour. But the new testimony from the International Organization for Migration suggests that the trade in human beings has become so normalised that people are being traded in public...

Migrants from west Africa being ‘sold in Libyan slave markets’

Actual slavery, happening now.

Africa. The continent of slavery. What slavery occurred in America is a drop in the bucket compared to that which has gone on in Africa, since hundreds of years before the first slave ships arrived in America. Since then, slavery has never ceased for a minute in Africa.

It has long been the tradition for Arabs from the Saudi area and North Africa to go into central Africa and capture and sell slaves. They often wind up on Muslim Arab North African farms, and live there as slaves, as was reported in the book "Escape From Slavery" by Francis Bok, and they're still doing it now across most of the 3rd world, and even in eastern Europe.



In fact, slavery of black Africans is so endemic in the Islamic world, that there is an Arabic word (abed or abeed) which has 2 meanings > black and slave.
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