Why does anyone need a high-capacity magazine?

Personally i don't have any 30 round magazines because I know that 30 rounds can be fired in virtually the same amount of time with 3 ten round magazines.

WINNER.. Smarter than any Democrat law-maker that makes you... I've watched pros with LEVER ACTION rifles pump out 10 rounds in about a second or two..

And we KNOW from the Vegas shooter that an AR-15 is NOT a "military weapon"... Because with those bump stocks, he BURNT OUT AND MELTED 2 or 3 of them and needed 5 in the room.. BECAUSE -- they are purposely designed to be DIFFERENT from "weapons of war"...

But this dialogue is goin nowhere because those nanny authoritarians think they can fix the "crazy shooter" issue... Probably not until they screw up due process and Liberties for the 99..9907% for law abiding citizens..

THIS --- is what the ARROGANCE and the abuse of power in Australia looked like when the nanny staters started to THREATEN confiscation from legal gun owners.... This is what turns on the left.... They just get aroused by the thought of bare butted gun owning convicts who don't comply... Dontcha Wry????

Only the Military and State Forces should have large capacity magazines for Riot Control and to put down any Popular Uprising.

Moron, the 2nd Amendment was written to help protect people against tyranny and you actually want to guarantee it. BTW, idiot, now you have the government committing Posse Comitatus against the citizenry of the nation using the military and state forces to come in with high capacity automatic assault weapons to gun down and slaughter unarmed people for rioting or a mere uprising. Assholes like you are too dangerous to live and should be denied oxygen.

Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia
133, and I don't buy it, unless you were shot or clubbed in the head on duty... Or are Christopher Dorner's ghost.

133 huh. How do you know?

I took a test, duh.

BTW, were there a lot of bigots in your PD, or were you the only one?

Which test and when? SB5, WAIS? Or was it one of those on-line whose validity and reliabiltiy are not noted. I ask because in Grad School I took a two semester coursed in "Testing for Counselors". A course where we tool most of the standardized tests and learned to score them.

I'm not intolerant of all gun owners, only those who have little tiny man organs and need to parade their guns around. Kind of like those guys in trench coats though they rarely hurt anyone.

Instead of repeating your fixation about "tiny little man organs:" you MIGHT go out on the web and view how QUICKLY you can fire thru 10 round magazines... It's a "feel good" thing... You know the stuff that lefties want to have to SAY they've fixed the "crazy shooter" problem.....

That gives you a hard on right????

No Mr. Mod, it does not give me a hard on, a question which has nothing to do with a forum on politics.

That said, mocking the insane gun owners who believe any person can own any arm because some 18th Century author wrote, "shall not be infringed" is as obsolete today as it was in 1791.
Only the Military and State Forces should have large capacity magazines for Riot Control and to put down any Popular Uprising.

Moron, the 2nd Amendment was written to help protect people against tyranny and you actually want to guarantee it. BTW, idiot, now you have the government committing Posse Comitatus against the citizenry of the nation using the military and state forces to come in with high capacity automatic assault weapons to gun down and slaughter unarmed people for rioting or a mere uprising. Assholes like you are too dangerous to live and should be denied oxygen.

Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia

People who attack others' lives even metaphorically are too dangerous to ever be allowed to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, a knife, a car, etc, and ought to be put in a cage 24/7/365.
Only the Military and State Forces should have large capacity magazines for Riot Control and to put down any Popular Uprising.
Moron, the 2nd Amendment was written to help protect people against tyranny and you actually want to guarantee it. BTW, idiot, now you have the government committing Posse Comitatus against the citizenry of the nation using the military and state forces to come in with high capacity automatic assault weapons to gun down and slaughter unarmed people for rioting or a mere uprising. Assholes like you are too dangerous to live and should be denied oxygen.
Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia
People who attack others' lives even metaphorically are too dangerous to ever be allowed to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, a knife, a car, etc, and ought to be put in a cage 24/7/365.
The bill of rights was created because of people like you.
133, and I don't buy it, unless you were shot or clubbed in the head on duty... Or are Christopher Dorner's ghost.

133 huh. How do you know?

I took a test, duh.

BTW, were there a lot of bigots in your PD, or were you the only one?

Which test and when? SB5, WAIS? Or was it one of those on-line whose validity and reliabiltiy are not noted. I ask because in Grad School I took a two semester coursed in "Testing for Counselors". A course where we tool most of the standardized tests and learned to score them.

I'm not intolerant of all gun owners, only those who have little tiny man organs and need to parade their guns around. Kind of like those guys in trench coats though they rarely hurt anyone.

Instead of repeating your fixation about "tiny little man organs:" you MIGHT go out on the web and view how QUICKLY you can fire thru 10 round magazines... It's a "feel good" thing... You know the stuff that lefties want to have to SAY they've fixed the "crazy shooter" problem.....

That gives you a hard on right????

Funny how they let cops have high cap mags. If I don't need them, then neither do they.
Only the Military and State Forces should have large capacity magazines for Riot Control and to put down any Popular Uprising.

Moron, the 2nd Amendment was written to help protect people against tyranny and you actually want to guarantee it. BTW, idiot, now you have the government committing Posse Comitatus against the citizenry of the nation using the military and state forces to come in with high capacity automatic assault weapons to gun down and slaughter unarmed people for rioting or a mere uprising. Assholes like you are too dangerous to live and should be denied oxygen.

Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia

People who attack others' lives even metaphorically are too dangerous to ever be allowed to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, a knife, a car, etc, and ought to be put in a cage 24/7/365.

Good. Come and take mine. Try to lock me up, butthole. See what you get.
That said, mocking the insane gun owners who believe any person can own any arm because some 18th Century author wrote, "shall not be infringed" is as obsolete today as it was in 1791.

Hence, the reason they provided us with an amendment process, which you people can't accomplish because despite what you want to believe the country is not on board with your agenda.
That said, mocking the insane gun owners who believe any person can own any arm because some 18th Century author wrote, "shall not be infringed" is as obsolete today as it was in 1791.
You are correct - mocking gun owners is obsolete.
Meantime, about ten people are killed with regular magazined rifles a year while 9 die of road texting every day.
Democrats want to grab the rifles.
That said, mocking the insane gun owners who believe any person can own any arm because some 18th Century author wrote, "shall not be infringed" is as obsolete today as it was in 1791.
You are correct - mocking gun owners is obsolete.
Meantime, about ten people are killed with regular magazined rifles a year while 9 die of road texting every day.
Democrats want to grab the rifles.
Of course they do.
The state cannot have a monopoly on force, so long as the citizenry remains armed.
133, and I don't buy it, unless you were shot or clubbed in the head on duty... Or are Christopher Dorner's ghost.

133 huh. How do you know?

I took a test, duh.

BTW, were there a lot of bigots in your PD, or were you the only one?

Which test and when? SB5, WAIS? Or was it one of those on-line whose validity and reliabiltiy are not noted. I ask because in Grad School I took a two semester coursed in "Testing for Counselors". A course where we tool most of the standardized tests and learned to score them.

I'm not intolerant of all gun owners, only those who have little tiny man organs and need to parade their guns around. Kind of like those guys in trench coats though they rarely hurt anyone.

Instead of repeating your fixation about "tiny little man organs:" you MIGHT go out on the web and view how QUICKLY you can fire thru 10 round magazines... It's a "feel good" thing... You know the stuff that lefties want to have to SAY they've fixed the "crazy shooter" problem.....

That gives you a hard on right????

No Mr. Mod, it does not give me a hard on, a question which has nothing to do with a forum on politics.

That said, mocking the insane gun owners who believe any person can own any arm because some 18th Century author wrote, "shall not be infringed" is as obsolete today as it was in 1791.

In the 18th Century, the Fed govt PAID private citizens to build and sail multi-cannon battleships and interdict pirates and police the seas...

There's the arrogance right there... Thinking that the absolute BRILLIANCE of US Constitution and it's protections of liberties is absolete because your Fed Govt is WISE and HONEST and FAIR enough to decide how far your Liberties go... I KNOW you're excited about that... But no sane person would PUT those liberties into the hands of ANY modern day politician...

If you want to know where the weakness is in our system --- all you got to do is look at the GROSS incompetence and ineptness, and personal stupidity of our current leadership... Like that Insane Clown Circus you call a Dem primary ---------------------------- or Trump...

Only morons and idiots want those morons and idiots to have MORE POWER and control.. They are ADDICTED to power and don't "humbly serve the public" anymore...

But you keep lusting for that power if that's what gets you off....

Go LOOK at the goddamned threatening message from the Govt of Australia to legal law abiding gun owners.. They do apparently whack off to the idea of humiliating and punishing their citizens...
133, and I don't buy it, unless you were shot or clubbed in the head on duty... Or are Christopher Dorner's ghost.

133 huh. How do you know?

I took a test, duh.

BTW, were there a lot of bigots in your PD, or were you the only one?

Which test and when? SB5, WAIS? Or was it one of those on-line whose validity and reliabiltiy are not noted. I ask because in Grad School I took a two semester coursed in "Testing for Counselors". A course where we tool most of the standardized tests and learned to score them.

I'm not intolerant of all gun owners, only those who have little tiny man organs and need to parade their guns around. Kind of like those guys in trench coats though they rarely hurt anyone.

Instead of repeating your fixation about "tiny little man organs:" you MIGHT go out on the web and view how QUICKLY you can fire thru 10 round magazines... It's a "feel good" thing... You know the stuff that lefties want to have to SAY they've fixed the "crazy shooter" problem.....

That gives you a hard on right????

Funny how they let cops have high cap mags. If I don't need them, then neither do they.

More patrol cops SHOULD have proper arms. And it's easy to specify the protocols for when they come out of the trunk... It's obvious you cannot wait the 15 minutes for SWAT to get their boots on..

These idiots proposing "assault weapon" bans are actually writing law that would REMOVE them from private security firms as well... So good luck to all the CEOs and retired Congress critters and celebrities who are gonna have Barney Fife guarding them...
That said, mocking the insane gun owners who believe any person can own any arm because some 18th Century author wrote, "shall not be infringed" is as obsolete today as it was in 1791.


^ Until then: Shutup. Idiot.
That said, mocking the insane gun owners who believe any person can own any arm because some 18th Century author wrote, "shall not be infringed" is as obsolete today as it was in 1791.

View attachment 279075

^ Until then: Shutup. Idiot.

The only thing which made sense was your signature, of course you forgot to post it below your text.

Since it was directed at me, I'll offer a proper use of syntax and spelling:

Until then: Shut up.



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