Why does Congress prevent the CDC from studying gun-related violence?

not an equal comparison, but keep trying.
you are hard pressed to show any instance where a gun by itself has caused harm.
Guns have the potential to be used in a harmful way, but so does a butter knife or fork.

Guy, guns are DESIGNED to cause harm. That's their own real function.

Saying, "Guns only cause harm when the crazy person you sold it to" is like saying, "Defective baby seats only cause harm when you put a baby in one."

That's just crazy talk.

If you held the gun industry responsible for the Mercers and the Holmeses and the Lanzas of the world, you'd see them clean up their act pretty quickly.
Guns are used for several purposes. Guns are used for protection against assaults, protection of property, law enforcement, in wars, for hunting, competition, and many have gun collections that are worth a lot of money. Also, guns are harmless until someone uses them for the wrong reasons. Therefore, it's NOT guns that cause concern, it's PEOPLE that use guns for the wrong reasons. In addition, knives, baseball bats, and other items also cause deaths. Cars and trucks cause deaths. Airplanes and trains cause deaths. We have drugs that cause deaths. Alcohol causes deaths.

GUNS are NOT the issue with violence, suicide, or with anything else. The issue is PEOPLE.
The problem is PEOPLE, and NOT guns. The gun industry is an important and vital industry.

What was that about you not being a gun nut again?

No, guy, the gun industry is not vital.

The gun industry costs America 33,000 lives, 78,000 injuries and 229 BILLION in expenses every year.

Every other industrialized country has figured this out and only limited gun ownership to those with valid needs.
No, I'm NOT a gun nut. I have guns, but I'm not a gun nut. Yes, the gun industry is important and vital. Law enforcement requires guns. The military requires guns. Hunters require guns.

Illegal drugs take lives, alcohol takes lives, cars and trucks take lives, airplanes take lives, trains take lives, knives take lives, baseball bats take lives, hospitals take lives ( 400,000 per year die in hospitals due to infections they get while in the hospital [ negligence and contamination ] ), contaminated food takes lives, industrial accidents takes lives, playground equipment takes lives, air bags in cars take lives, arson takes lives, and the list goes on and on and on and on.
The CDC has no business studying gun control. Their business is viruses, bacteria, protozoans, molds, etc.
Do you have your doctor study computer viruses?

Do you let the foxes study your hen house?

Why is the NRA so adament that research into this be shut down - so adament, pressure is brought on to politicians. A simple question - what is it you don't want people to know?

I'm not a fervent gun control advocate either - but I do happen to think that policy makers should be informed by good data -- something that people like you seem to desire to squash.

I really don't give a crap what the NRA wants or why...I am stating my own opinions on the matter, so how about dealing with me and what I say rather than injecting your bogey man into the discussion? If you want "good data" why would you have the CDC, look at an issue that isn't even near their core competencies, especially when you consider that they are less than objective even within their core competencies? Having the CDC research gun violence is like having the NRA research herpes.
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How can it be stopped? Anyone that wants a gun, can get their hands on a gun. FYI - It's NOT guns, it's people. So, how would it be possible to determine who might go postal, and who might not? The problem is NOT guns, the problem is people. How would you monitor people, and determine which ones are more likely to go postal? How would you stop the domestic violence aspect of it? How would you stop gangs, criminals, and those that without signs or notice, decides to end their life while taking out as many as possible with them?

I'm looking forward to your answers to those questions. And, if you can't answer those questions with doable workable solutions, then you have no point, nor firm ground to base an argument on. Also, even if a study were to be done, and certain areas of violence are founds to be common and widespread, would the study prove to stop gun violence?

I wish I, or anyone else had doable, workable solutions to those problems, but for now no one seems to. That's why the problems need to be studied. If you are willing to just accept the large amounts of unnecessary deaths as "stuff happens" then you are an idiot. The American people have decided that the status quo is not acceptable. The only ones holding up any attempt to improve things are the NRA and their bought and paid for republican politicians, and a few crazy right wingers. Those obstacles will be removed soon.
Well, what can be done even if a study is done? Have any ideas? Or, are just all for wasting tax dollars on nonsense? Lets say for the sake of argument that a study is done, and evidence points to a certain problem. Then what? Still, even after a study is done, there are NO solutions to gun violence, NONE. It is impossible to remove all of the guns, and even more impossible to determine who may, or may not, commit acts of gun violence. Use common sense here, please. Regardless of what a study might indicate, the problem remains one of human behavior. So, how do we alter human behavior?

Hard to say what ideas the study might produce. Why are you afraid to even try? The childish claim that any attempt to prevent unnecessary deaths is the same as confiscating guns is just stupid.
Afraid ?????? .. Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!! ........ very silly and pathetic. As I have already explained in this thread several times, the problem is people, NOT guns. A study into GUN violence would be a waste of tax dollars. We already know what causes GUN violence, it's not a secret. Do you not follow daily headlines? There are hundreds of reasons behind gun violence, and I have listed several in previous comments to this thread. If you follow daily headlines, then you already know what causes GUN violence. And, each and every case, is PEOPLE, NOT guns. We do NOT have a GUN problem, we have a human behavior problem.

We have a crazy RWNJ/NRA/ idiot problem. The right is imploding, and will only be an impediment to progress for a short time longer.

Yes…that is why we won 2 landslide mid term elections and now control over 31 state governments….
look up the definitions of recall and ban.
get back to us when you understand how useless your post was.

Products are banned and recalled when they cause harm.

Unless it's guns. Then you convince the dumb-asses that this dangerous thing in their home provides a benefit.

Oh, today's news. A five year old in Chicago took his fathers gun and shot his 3 year old brother.

And guns are defective they are recalled as well.
The problem is PEOPLE, and NOT guns. The gun industry is an important and vital industry.

What was that about you not being a gun nut again?

No, guy, the gun industry is not vital.

The gun industry costs America 33,000 lives, 78,000 injuries and 229 BILLION in expenses every year.

Every other industrialized country has figured this out and only limited gun ownership to those with valid needs.

The gun industry didn't cost any lives…..democrat policies have though

bill clinton says that guns stop violent crime 1.5 million times a year.

Criminals use guns to murder people in 2014….8,124 times.

Which number is bigger.

Suicide with guns is not an issue because another 19,000 Americans commit suicide without guns….so the people who used guns…will simply use what the other 19,000 used.

And Japan, South Korea, and China have 0 access to guns….and 2 times the suicide rate we have...
The problem is PEOPLE, and NOT guns. The gun industry is an important and vital industry.

What was that about you not being a gun nut again?

No, guy, the gun industry is not vital.

The gun industry costs America 33,000 lives, 78,000 injuries and 229 BILLION in expenses every year.

Every other industrialized country has figured this out and only limited gun ownership to those with valid needs.

The gun industry didn't cost any lives…..democrat policies have though

bill clinton says that guns stop violent crime 1.5 million times a year.

Criminals use guns to murder people in 2014….8,124 times.

Which number is bigger.

Suicide with guns is not an issue because another 19,000 Americans commit suicide without guns….so the people who used guns…will simply use what the other 19,000 used.

And Japan, South Korea, and China have 0 access to guns….and 2 times the suicide rate we have...
Asian people are short, they have more options for suicide since they don't have to have as tall of buildings to jump from.
Often, a curb will be sufficient
How can it be stopped? Anyone that wants a gun, can get their hands on a gun. FYI - It's NOT guns, it's people. So, how would it be possible to determine who might go postal, and who might not? The problem is NOT guns, the problem is people. How would you monitor people, and determine which ones are more likely to go postal? How would you stop the domestic violence aspect of it? How would you stop gangs, criminals, and those that without signs or notice, decides to end their life while taking out as many as possible with them?

I'm looking forward to your answers to those questions. And, if you can't answer those questions with doable workable solutions, then you have no point, nor firm ground to base an argument on. Also, even if a study were to be done, and certain areas of violence are founds to be common and widespread, would the study prove to stop gun violence?

I wish I, or anyone else had doable, workable solutions to those problems, but for now no one seems to. That's why the problems need to be studied. If you are willing to just accept the large amounts of unnecessary deaths as "stuff happens" then you are an idiot. The American people have decided that the status quo is not acceptable. The only ones holding up any attempt to improve things are the NRA and their bought and paid for republican politicians, and a few crazy right wingers. Those obstacles will be removed soon.
Well, what can be done even if a study is done? Have any ideas? Or, are just all for wasting tax dollars on nonsense? Lets say for the sake of argument that a study is done, and evidence points to a certain problem. Then what? Still, even after a study is done, there are NO solutions to gun violence, NONE. It is impossible to remove all of the guns, and even more impossible to determine who may, or may not, commit acts of gun violence. Use common sense here, please. Regardless of what a study might indicate, the problem remains one of human behavior. So, how do we alter human behavior?

Hard to say what ideas the study might produce. Why are you afraid to even try? The childish claim that any attempt to prevent unnecessary deaths is the same as confiscating guns is just stupid.

Exactly. Two aspects of studying death due to guns are suicides and accidental deaths, both of which are well worth studying.
Both have been studied. Do some research.

I have.

You seem to be saying that gun violence is unique. It only needs to be studied once. What a funny idea.
So the majority of suicides in all of these countries...their people don't use guns.....you really think that proves your point......they are killing themselves with everything else.....you should try this again......

But they have a LOWER suicide rate than we do, that's the point.

Because they don't have guns.
Guns can't make anyone do anything...

Man, your pussy must really hurt....
The problem is PEOPLE, and NOT guns. The gun industry is an important and vital industry.

What was that about you not being a gun nut again?

No, guy, the gun industry is not vital.

The gun industry costs America 33,000 lives, 78,000 injuries and 229 BILLION in expenses every year.

Every other industrialized country has figured this out and only limited gun ownership to those with valid needs.

The gun industry didn't cost any lives…..democrat policies have though

bill clinton says that guns stop violent crime 1.5 million times a year.

Criminals use guns to murder people in 2014….8,124 times.

Which number is bigger.

Suicide with guns is not an issue because another 19,000 Americans commit suicide without guns….so the people who used guns…will simply use what the other 19,000 used.

And Japan, South Korea, and China have 0 access to guns….and 2 times the suicide rate we have...

People are being so knee-jerk reactive to any discussion involving guns and research and violence.

The issue of suicide is one example. It's not an issue of numbers per se and the claim isn't that gun ownership directly correlates with suicide rates. But research has shown 51% of suicide deaths are by firearm. Frequently, it's impulsive and if the person can hang in there for a few more days, the urge may pass or they may get help. One reason behind legislation for mandatory waiting times was to address this. A person who feels suicidal, decides to go out and get a gun, but if he has to wait 48 hrs, he may no longer feel he needs to kill himself or take it out on others.
Well, what can be done even if a study is done? Have any ideas? Or, are just all for wasting tax dollars on nonsense? Lets say for the sake of argument that a study is done, and evidence points to a certain problem. Then what? Still, even after a study is done, there are NO solutions to gun violence, NONE. It is impossible to remove all of the guns, and even more impossible to determine who may, or may not, commit acts of gun violence. Use common sense here, please. Regardless of what a study might indicate, the problem remains one of human behavior. So, how do we alter human behavior?

Hard to say what ideas the study might produce. Why are you afraid to even try? The childish claim that any attempt to prevent unnecessary deaths is the same as confiscating guns is just stupid.

Exactly. Two aspects of studying death due to guns are suicides and accidental deaths, both of which are well worth studying.
Study them for what reason? Accidents will happen regardless of any study. And, there's no way to prevent suicide. It'll be just a waste of tax dollars, time, and effort.

Cancer happens regardless of any study. Is it a waste of tax dollrs, time and effort?
Very damn ridiculous. So damn silly. Really a pathetic comment. Now you're doing the "apples and oranges" bullshit. Two entirely different ball games. There's NO way to compare the study of cancer and it's causes, and crazies going postal. Please, at least attempt to sound intelligent.

When you consider the mortality rates then yes....it is comparable. So really - why pay to study ANYTHING more than once, eh?
How can it be stopped? Anyone that wants a gun, can get their hands on a gun. FYI - It's NOT guns, it's people. So, how would it be possible to determine who might go postal, and who might not? The problem is NOT guns, the problem is people. How would you monitor people, and determine which ones are more likely to go postal? How would you stop the domestic violence aspect of it? How would you stop gangs, criminals, and those that without signs or notice, decides to end their life while taking out as many as possible with them?

I'm looking forward to your answers to those questions. And, if you can't answer those questions with doable workable solutions, then you have no point, nor firm ground to base an argument on. Also, even if a study were to be done, and certain areas of violence are founds to be common and widespread, would the study prove to stop gun violence?

I wish I, or anyone else had doable, workable solutions to those problems, but for now no one seems to. That's why the problems need to be studied. If you are willing to just accept the large amounts of unnecessary deaths as "stuff happens" then you are an idiot. The American people have decided that the status quo is not acceptable. The only ones holding up any attempt to improve things are the NRA and their bought and paid for republican politicians, and a few crazy right wingers. Those obstacles will be removed soon.
Well, what can be done even if a study is done? Have any ideas? Or, are just all for wasting tax dollars on nonsense? Lets say for the sake of argument that a study is done, and evidence points to a certain problem. Then what? Still, even after a study is done, there are NO solutions to gun violence, NONE. It is impossible to remove all of the guns, and even more impossible to determine who may, or may not, commit acts of gun violence. Use common sense here, please. Regardless of what a study might indicate, the problem remains one of human behavior. So, how do we alter human behavior?

Hard to say what ideas the study might produce. Why are you afraid to even try? The childish claim that any attempt to prevent unnecessary deaths is the same as confiscating guns is just stupid.

Exactly. Two aspects of studying death due to guns are suicides and accidental deaths, both of which are well worth studying.
And darn if no one in this country is studying those things.

So why is Congress specifically preventing CDC from studying it? They don't put poliitcal pressure on any other studies.
I wish I, or anyone else had doable, workable solutions to those problems, but for now no one seems to. That's why the problems need to be studied. If you are willing to just accept the large amounts of unnecessary deaths as "stuff happens" then you are an idiot. The American people have decided that the status quo is not acceptable. The only ones holding up any attempt to improve things are the NRA and their bought and paid for republican politicians, and a few crazy right wingers. Those obstacles will be removed soon.
Well, what can be done even if a study is done? Have any ideas? Or, are just all for wasting tax dollars on nonsense? Lets say for the sake of argument that a study is done, and evidence points to a certain problem. Then what? Still, even after a study is done, there are NO solutions to gun violence, NONE. It is impossible to remove all of the guns, and even more impossible to determine who may, or may not, commit acts of gun violence. Use common sense here, please. Regardless of what a study might indicate, the problem remains one of human behavior. So, how do we alter human behavior?

Hard to say what ideas the study might produce. Why are you afraid to even try? The childish claim that any attempt to prevent unnecessary deaths is the same as confiscating guns is just stupid.

Exactly. Two aspects of studying death due to guns are suicides and accidental deaths, both of which are well worth studying.

SonnyClark - you think suicide is funny? I don't.
Pleeeeeeeeeez ........... don't be so damn silly ............... of course suicide is NOT funny, in no way. And, I never said nor implied that it was..................... ( FYI -- My son took his life in 2007 at the young age of 31 ) ................ please use common sense .......... NO one thinks suicide is funny. Try not to sound stupid here, please. Try to sound somewhat intelligent. Thanks.

Please. If you rate a post "funny" expect to be called on it. Otherwise use common sense and discuss the issues instead of lobbing dumb insults. And I'm sorry about your son, I truly am. I think suicide is well worth studying - whether it's in trying to prevent access to guns or access to drugs while a person is suicidal.
I wish I, or anyone else had doable, workable solutions to those problems, but for now no one seems to. That's why the problems need to be studied. If you are willing to just accept the large amounts of unnecessary deaths as "stuff happens" then you are an idiot. The American people have decided that the status quo is not acceptable. The only ones holding up any attempt to improve things are the NRA and their bought and paid for republican politicians, and a few crazy right wingers. Those obstacles will be removed soon.
Well, what can be done even if a study is done? Have any ideas? Or, are just all for wasting tax dollars on nonsense? Lets say for the sake of argument that a study is done, and evidence points to a certain problem. Then what? Still, even after a study is done, there are NO solutions to gun violence, NONE. It is impossible to remove all of the guns, and even more impossible to determine who may, or may not, commit acts of gun violence. Use common sense here, please. Regardless of what a study might indicate, the problem remains one of human behavior. So, how do we alter human behavior?

Hard to say what ideas the study might produce. Why are you afraid to even try? The childish claim that any attempt to prevent unnecessary deaths is the same as confiscating guns is just stupid.

Exactly. Two aspects of studying death due to guns are suicides and accidental deaths, both of which are well worth studying.
And darn if no one in this country is studying those things.

So why is Congress specifically preventing CDC from studying it? They don't put poliitcal pressure on any other studies.
They aren't and you know it.
I don't think banning guns has much, if any, effect on suicide rates: World suicide rates by country

Look at the countries listed with the highest rates: Japan, South Korea, Finland, Belgium....
Well, what can be done even if a study is done? Have any ideas? Or, are just all for wasting tax dollars on nonsense? Lets say for the sake of argument that a study is done, and evidence points to a certain problem. Then what? Still, even after a study is done, there are NO solutions to gun violence, NONE. It is impossible to remove all of the guns, and even more impossible to determine who may, or may not, commit acts of gun violence. Use common sense here, please. Regardless of what a study might indicate, the problem remains one of human behavior. So, how do we alter human behavior?

Hard to say what ideas the study might produce. Why are you afraid to even try? The childish claim that any attempt to prevent unnecessary deaths is the same as confiscating guns is just stupid.

Exactly. Two aspects of studying death due to guns are suicides and accidental deaths, both of which are well worth studying.
And darn if no one in this country is studying those things.

So why is Congress specifically preventing CDC from studying it? They don't put poliitcal pressure on any other studies.
They aren't and you know it.
Congress Still Bans CDC Scientists From Studying Gun Violence
I don't think banning guns has much, if any, effect on suicide rates: World suicide rates by country

Look at the countries listed with the highest rates: Japan, South Korea, Finland, Belgium....
The fact remains, gun violence is a relative nonissue in this country.
The "white" progressives look the other way with black on black crime, their outrage is always selective.

Our commander in chief and his loopy wife need to look to their own back yard(Chicago) for the highest crime rate in the country.

Hashtag we have an dumb a$$ president
Well, what can be done even if a study is done? Have any ideas? Or, are just all for wasting tax dollars on nonsense? Lets say for the sake of argument that a study is done, and evidence points to a certain problem. Then what? Still, even after a study is done, there are NO solutions to gun violence, NONE. It is impossible to remove all of the guns, and even more impossible to determine who may, or may not, commit acts of gun violence. Use common sense here, please. Regardless of what a study might indicate, the problem remains one of human behavior. So, how do we alter human behavior?

Hard to say what ideas the study might produce. Why are you afraid to even try? The childish claim that any attempt to prevent unnecessary deaths is the same as confiscating guns is just stupid.

Exactly. Two aspects of studying death due to guns are suicides and accidental deaths, both of which are well worth studying.
And darn if no one in this country is studying those things.

So why is Congress specifically preventing CDC from studying it? They don't put poliitcal pressure on any other studies.
They aren't and you know it.

You might want to read this FORBES article from last Thursday. There is a congressional ban on the CDC studying gun violence.
Congressional Ban Hampers CDC Scientists From Studying Gun Suicides
I don't think banning guns has much, if any, effect on suicide rates: World suicide rates by country

Look at the countries listed with the highest rates: Japan, South Korea, Finland, Belgium....
The fact remains, gun violence is a relative nonissue in this country.
The "white" progressives look the other way with black on black crime, their outrage is always selective.

Our commander in chief and his loopy wife need to look to their own back yard(Chicago) for the highest crime rate in the country.

Hashtag we have an dumb a$$ president

Gun violence isn't a "relative nonissue" - what gives you that idea?

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