Why does fake news matter NOW?

Because its your marching orders. That's the only fucking reason. You idiots blame fake news for Clinton losing when we have had fake news forever. Never occurs to you that she was absolutely fucking terrible. Lost to Trump FFS.
You people really need to face reality.

And it has the added benefit of being able to allow smearing of opinion pieces from the right. They just label places like Briebart "fake news" even though Briebart is up front about it being a "conservative news and opinion site"

So they admit to lying, so that makes it ok to lie? We both know RWNJs take Breitbart lies as gospel.
The Clinton news network(CNN), media matters, MSNBC, etc are the founders of "fake news"... fact
Because its your marching orders. That's the only fucking reason. You idiots blame fake news for Clinton losing when we have had fake news forever. Never occurs to you that she was absolutely fucking terrible. Lost to Trump FFS.
You people really need to face reality.

And it has the added benefit of being able to allow smearing of opinion pieces from the right. They just label places like Briebart "fake news" even though Briebart is up front about it being a "conservative news and opinion site"

So they admit to lying, so that makes it ok to lie? We both know RWNJs take Breitbart lies as gospel.

Opinions are not the same as lying.

Can you point out a specific Briebart lie?
Much of the media is liberal, but it's not always fake. I've seen people on this very board dismiss stories as "liberal media bias" because the media repeated exactly what someone on the right actually said. Hell, they threw Fox News under the bus because Megyn Kelly questioned Trump on things that actually came out of his mouth.
You mean at the debate where she didn't know her role? GRANTED most of our "debates" are bullshit
WTF are you talking about, she didn't know her role? You best not go there, boy.
A debate moderator doesn't debate, lady.
Megyn Kelly asked a question backed up with factual statements. She wasn't debating.
Lol then you didn't watch the debate. Or don't understand what moderators are actually supposed to do.
A moderator is only supposed to ask questions, keep participants on subject and monitor discussion times. They are also supposed to be neutral and she clearly wasn't.
Are we talking about the debate when Megyn asked Trump about his statements about women? That debate? I did indeed watch it and she was posing a question to Trump, which he tried to lie his way out of by saying he only said that stuff about Rosie O'Donnell, and Megyn simply supplied him with more quotes he had said about other women. That is not debating. That is refusing to let him weasel out of a tough question. You liked it well enough when Wallace did it. Why is it so awful when Megyn did it?
You mean at the debate where she didn't know her role? GRANTED most of our "debates" are bullshit
WTF are you talking about, she didn't know her role? You best not go there, boy.
A debate moderator doesn't debate, lady.
Megyn Kelly asked a question backed up with factual statements. She wasn't debating.
Lol then you didn't watch the debate. Or don't understand what moderators are actually supposed to do.
A moderator is only supposed to ask questions, keep participants on subject and monitor discussion times. They are also supposed to be neutral and she clearly wasn't.
Are we talking about the debate when Megyn asked Trump about his statements about women? That debate? I did indeed watch it and she was posing a question to Trump, which he tried to lie his way out of by saying he only said that stuff about Rosie O'Donnell, and Megyn simply supplied him with more quotes he had said about other women. That is not debating. That is refusing to let him weasel out of a tough question. You liked it well enough when Wallace did it. Why is it so awful when Megyn did it?

Wait a minute, when did Wallace do anything like that to Hillary? What Trump said about the women he insulted was A-political. I don't recall Wallace asking Hillary about personal opinions of things.
WTF are you talking about, she didn't know her role? You best not go there, boy.
A debate moderator doesn't debate, lady.
Megyn Kelly asked a question backed up with factual statements. She wasn't debating.
Lol then you didn't watch the debate. Or don't understand what moderators are actually supposed to do.
A moderator is only supposed to ask questions, keep participants on subject and monitor discussion times. They are also supposed to be neutral and she clearly wasn't.
Are we talking about the debate when Megyn asked Trump about his statements about women? That debate? I did indeed watch it and she was posing a question to Trump, which he tried to lie his way out of by saying he only said that stuff about Rosie O'Donnell, and Megyn simply supplied him with more quotes he had said about other women. That is not debating. That is refusing to let him weasel out of a tough question. You liked it well enough when Wallace did it. Why is it so awful when Megyn did it?

Wait a minute, when did Wallace do anything like that to Hillary? What Trump said about the women he insulted was A-political. I don't recall Wallace asking Hillary about personal opinions of things.
I'm sorry I don't have complete recall of the debate, but I remember Wallace ATTEMPTING to get a straight answer out of Clinton about.....shit, I can't remember but I know he tried. SNL even spoofed it.
What Megyn asked Trump was perfectly appropriate, regardless if it made him look like the classless pig he is. Boo hoo for you.
Is there even a consensus on what fake news actually is? Or are you bedwetters going to rape the meanings of those words, too? You know, just throw them around like its nothing?

Jesus Christ. It's pretty fucking obvious what a fake news site is dude. WTF is wrong with you?

Snopes' Field Guide to Fake News Sites and Hoax Purveyors

Snopes? Lol. Are you kidding me. This is another left wing hack job site.

Please kill yourself. You are too stupid to live.
Is there even a consensus on what fake news actually is? Or are you bedwetters going to rape the meanings of those words, too? You know, just throw them around like its nothing?

Jesus Christ. It's pretty fucking obvious what a fake news site is dude. WTF is wrong with you?

Snopes' Field Guide to Fake News Sites and Hoax Purveyors

Snopes? Lol. Are you kidding me. This is another left wing hack job site.

Please kill yourself. You are too stupid to live.

You admonish breitbart and then you follow it up saying snopes has credibility. There was more electrical activity occuring in the primordial stew than what's happening between your ears. Lol. How can you be this dumb?
I have never seen anyone dispute or explain that Pizza email (Podesta?) with strange words in it like Walnut Sauce. Huh? I had never heard of a walnut sauce pizza.

Is it fake news to post their emails? No one ever disputed any of them? They have Electronic fingerprint or can be shown valid (copies are elsewhere). Is all fake? Were those sting videos fake? Was Wasserman fired because she colluded with Hillary against Bernie (caught thru her own fake email?).
A debate moderator doesn't debate, lady.
Megyn Kelly asked a question backed up with factual statements. She wasn't debating.
Lol then you didn't watch the debate. Or don't understand what moderators are actually supposed to do.
A moderator is only supposed to ask questions, keep participants on subject and monitor discussion times. They are also supposed to be neutral and she clearly wasn't.
Are we talking about the debate when Megyn asked Trump about his statements about women? That debate? I did indeed watch it and she was posing a question to Trump, which he tried to lie his way out of by saying he only said that stuff about Rosie O'Donnell, and Megyn simply supplied him with more quotes he had said about other women. That is not debating. That is refusing to let him weasel out of a tough question. You liked it well enough when Wallace did it. Why is it so awful when Megyn did it?

Wait a minute, when did Wallace do anything like that to Hillary? What Trump said about the women he insulted was A-political. I don't recall Wallace asking Hillary about personal opinions of things.
I'm sorry I don't have complete recall of the debate, but I remember Wallace ATTEMPTING to get a straight answer out of Clinton about.....shit, I can't remember but I know he tried. SNL even spoofed it.
What Megyn asked Trump was perfectly appropriate, regardless if it made him look like the classless pig he is. Boo hoo for you.

The question wasn't designed for people to learn about the candidates position or policy, it was designed to be a shock jock question to get everybody talking about Kelly. It backfired.

I too forget the exact question Wallace asked of Hillary, but I know it did have something to do with her position on something wether it was the deplorable comment or something like that. Either way it's an apples to oranges comparison. Nobody is basing their vote on what Donald said about a celebrity. The question was irrelevant.
Megyn Kelly asked a question backed up with factual statements. She wasn't debating.
Lol then you didn't watch the debate. Or don't understand what moderators are actually supposed to do.
A moderator is only supposed to ask questions, keep participants on subject and monitor discussion times. They are also supposed to be neutral and she clearly wasn't.
Are we talking about the debate when Megyn asked Trump about his statements about women? That debate? I did indeed watch it and she was posing a question to Trump, which he tried to lie his way out of by saying he only said that stuff about Rosie O'Donnell, and Megyn simply supplied him with more quotes he had said about other women. That is not debating. That is refusing to let him weasel out of a tough question. You liked it well enough when Wallace did it. Why is it so awful when Megyn did it?

Wait a minute, when did Wallace do anything like that to Hillary? What Trump said about the women he insulted was A-political. I don't recall Wallace asking Hillary about personal opinions of things.
I'm sorry I don't have complete recall of the debate, but I remember Wallace ATTEMPTING to get a straight answer out of Clinton about.....shit, I can't remember but I know he tried. SNL even spoofed it.
What Megyn asked Trump was perfectly appropriate, regardless if it made him look like the classless pig he is. Boo hoo for you.

The question wasn't designed for people to learn about the candidates position or policy, it was designed to be a shock jock question to get everybody talking about Kelly. It backfired.

I too forget the exact question Wallace asked of Hillary, but I know it did have something to do with her position on something wether it was the deplorable comment or something like that. Either way it's an apples to oranges comparison. Nobody is basing their vote on what Donald said about a celebrity. The question was irrelevant.

I'm sorry, this whole question is rather amusing. Your entire political system with its election pageantry and theater has nothing to do with people learning about the candidates' positions or policies. By design.
Lol then you didn't watch the debate. Or don't understand what moderators are actually supposed to do.
A moderator is only supposed to ask questions, keep participants on subject and monitor discussion times. They are also supposed to be neutral and she clearly wasn't.
Are we talking about the debate when Megyn asked Trump about his statements about women? That debate? I did indeed watch it and she was posing a question to Trump, which he tried to lie his way out of by saying he only said that stuff about Rosie O'Donnell, and Megyn simply supplied him with more quotes he had said about other women. That is not debating. That is refusing to let him weasel out of a tough question. You liked it well enough when Wallace did it. Why is it so awful when Megyn did it?

Wait a minute, when did Wallace do anything like that to Hillary? What Trump said about the women he insulted was A-political. I don't recall Wallace asking Hillary about personal opinions of things.
I'm sorry I don't have complete recall of the debate, but I remember Wallace ATTEMPTING to get a straight answer out of Clinton about.....shit, I can't remember but I know he tried. SNL even spoofed it.
What Megyn asked Trump was perfectly appropriate, regardless if it made him look like the classless pig he is. Boo hoo for you.

The question wasn't designed for people to learn about the candidates position or policy, it was designed to be a shock jock question to get everybody talking about Kelly. It backfired.

I too forget the exact question Wallace asked of Hillary, but I know it did have something to do with her position on something wether it was the deplorable comment or something like that. Either way it's an apples to oranges comparison. Nobody is basing their vote on what Donald said about a celebrity. The question was irrelevant.

I'm sorry, this whole question is rather amusing. Your entire political system with its election pageantry and theater has nothing to do with people learning about the candidates' positions or policies. By design.

Yes, I'm sure the question was amusing for Trump haters, but a debate is not supposed to be about entertainment, it's supposed to be about learning the positions of the candidates.

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