Why does God hide himself?

Just as much as your picture of a pretty sunset. It is evidence that there is no need of "God" to produce a pretty sunset.
By saying pretty you just validated my point, thank you.
Really? So, you think that that appreciation of art, and beauty requires divinity? No, it doesn't. It requires personal opinion. Nothing more. That requires intellect. That is a factor of evolution. that is science. Not God. Thank you for playing.
There you go again validating my point. I only wish you had the self awareness to realize what you are saying and how it supports manking being created in the image of God.
You can keep saying that all you like, it doesn't make it so. Man is a product of evolution. Period. There is no God involved. But, it clearly doesn't matter to you. I could respond with gobbedy, boody, bloopety boo, and you would insist that I was brilliantly demonstrating your point, even though all I did was respond with gibberish. This is because, regardless of what anyone says, you will simply choose to ignore what doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, and insist that the rest proves your point.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
By saying pretty you just validated my point, thank you.
Really? So, you think that that appreciation of art, and beauty requires divinity? No, it doesn't. It requires personal opinion. Nothing more. That requires intellect. That is a factor of evolution. that is science. Not God. Thank you for playing.
There you go again validating my point. I only wish you had the self awareness to realize what you are saying and how it supports manking being created in the image of God.
You can keep saying that all you like, it doesn't make it so. Man is a product of evolution. Period. There is no God involved. But, it clearly doesn't matter to you. I could respond with gobbedy, boody, bloopety boo, and you would insist that I was brilliantly demonstrating your point, even though all I did was respond with gibberish. This is because, regardless of what anyone says, you will simply choose to ignore what doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, and insist that the rest proves your point.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
There you go with your preprogrammed ASSumptions again.
4 billion years is not enough time for life to evolve from rocks.
Then stop worshiping a false trinity that diddled a virgin to become a man that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.

Thats what I meant by saying, if you were true to your professed dedication..
Death is inevitable for everyone.

They each cope with it any way they can.

Worship is a personal thing. Lots of major religions have trinities.

Christianity was not the first. Hinduism and also Greek pantheons have a trinity. The idea is not new.

False is a relative thing. You yourself cannot prove one or the other is true or false. So don't pretend hobelim .
Just as much as your picture of a pretty sunset. It is evidence that there is no need of "God" to produce a pretty sunset.
By saying pretty you just validated my point, thank you.
Really? So, you think that that appreciation of art, and beauty requires divinity? No, it doesn't. It requires personal opinion. Nothing more. That requires intellect. That is a factor of evolution. that is science. Not God. Thank you for playing.
There you go again validating my point. I only wish you had the self awareness to realize what you are saying and how it supports manking being created in the image of God.
You can keep saying that all you like, it doesn't make it so. Man is a product of evolution. Period. There is no God involved. But, it clearly doesn't matter to you. I could respond with gobbedy, boody, bloopety boo, and you would insist that I was brilliantly demonstrating your point, even though all I did was respond with gibberish. This is because, regardless of what anyone says, you will simply choose to ignore what doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, and insist that the rest proves your point.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
We can know a lot about God, for instance He created us in the first earth age for His pleasure, (Rev 4:11) When the rebellion occurred, He chose not to destroy us, but to put us in flesh bodies where we could be born innocent of knowledge of the first earth age, and thus would be unawares of what we had previously done. The reason He had to destroy the hybrids in Noah's flood was because the angels who left their first habitation chose not to be born of woman and instead broke with Gods plan of salvation. Thus, they knew about the first earth age and were passing off the information about it to the generations born from them. Gen 6:1-7 We were put here to make a choice between God and Satan through free will, because if God became involved in any way it could be seen as a reason to reject His Just Judgment of our souls. Of course, when you chose yourself, you are choosing Satan, for God must be first before everyone else, including your family members who are merely other souls like yourself who came into this earth age through you, and they also must make that choice for themselves. He wants our unabridged love, which cannot be removed at the slightest whim. He also cannot get involved in your lives if you have free will, unless you ask Him to. But He can intercede in the lives of His elect, who were the only souls who fought against Satan and the one third who rebelled.
Not knowing what you want to know about God, most information about His desires and wishes are spelled out in the Bible. If you ever care to learn. it says that He hides Himself because to be involved in this earth age would enact a reasonable rationale for denying His Judgment. Thus, He will stay a mystery to those who do not seek Him.

I might add, it is difficult to truly love someone whom you do not know. Thus, unless you do seek to know God, how can He know your love is genuine?
silverfoxylassy you should bear in mind that Eusebius believed that Revelation (and Hebrews) were both forgeries.
Really? So, you think that that appreciation of art, and beauty requires divinity? No, it doesn't. It requires personal opinion. Nothing more. That requires intellect. That is a factor of evolution. that is science. Not God. Thank you for playing.
There you go again validating my point. I only wish you had the self awareness to realize what you are saying and how it supports manking being created in the image of God.
You can keep saying that all you like, it doesn't make it so. Man is a product of evolution. Period. There is no God involved. But, it clearly doesn't matter to you. I could respond with gobbedy, boody, bloopety boo, and you would insist that I was brilliantly demonstrating your point, even though all I did was respond with gibberish. This is because, regardless of what anyone says, you will simply choose to ignore what doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, and insist that the rest proves your point.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
There you go with your preprogrammed ASSumptions again.
4 billion years is not enough time for life to evolve from rocks.
You're right. Because the theory of evolution does not, nor has it ever, stated, suggested, inferred, or implied that man evolved from rocks. Rocks have never, and will never, evolve into anything other than rocks. Your understanding of evolution is not just juvenile; it is clearly non-existent.
[QUOTE="Weatherman2020, post: 16695205, member: 42929
There you go with your preprogrammed ASSumptions again.
4 billion years is not enough time for life to evolve from rocks...
lol... obviously it was [enough time to evolve from rocks].
Among the various many things that we do not know, such as why was there a Big Bang, and why do galaxies continue to expand at increasing rates of speed, we also do not know why life began to evolve on this Earth.
By saying pretty you just validated my point, thank you.
Really? So, you think that that appreciation of art, and beauty requires divinity? No, it doesn't. It requires personal opinion. Nothing more. That requires intellect. That is a factor of evolution. that is science. Not God. Thank you for playing.
There you go again validating my point. I only wish you had the self awareness to realize what you are saying and how it supports manking being created in the image of God.
You can keep saying that all you like, it doesn't make it so. Man is a product of evolution. Period. There is no God involved. But, it clearly doesn't matter to you. I could respond with gobbedy, boody, bloopety boo, and you would insist that I was brilliantly demonstrating your point, even though all I did was respond with gibberish. This is because, regardless of what anyone says, you will simply choose to ignore what doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, and insist that the rest proves your point.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?


It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?

About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.

I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
To the various proofs of God from Aristotle, Aquinas, and Descartes, I would also frame and add an astrophysical proof of God in addition:

The increasing speed of expansion of the various galaxies in the Universe as is indicated by their red-shifts is proof that there exists a force at the center of our Universe which continues to drive them. This Force is God.
There you go again validating my point. I only wish you had the self awareness to realize what you are saying and how it supports manking being created in the image of God.
You can keep saying that all you like, it doesn't make it so. Man is a product of evolution. Period. There is no God involved. But, it clearly doesn't matter to you. I could respond with gobbedy, boody, bloopety boo, and you would insist that I was brilliantly demonstrating your point, even though all I did was respond with gibberish. This is because, regardless of what anyone says, you will simply choose to ignore what doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, and insist that the rest proves your point.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
There you go with your preprogrammed ASSumptions again.
4 billion years is not enough time for life to evolve from rocks.
You're right. Because the theory of evolution does not, nor has it ever, stated, suggested, inferred, or implied that man evolved from rocks. Rocks have never, and will never, evolve into anything other than rocks. Your understanding of evolution is not just juvenile; it is clearly non-existent.
Darwin came up with his theory when mankind knew nothing about microbiology. We know a lot now. The discoverer of the human genome went into his work an atheist. He concluded his work saying God did it.
Really? So, you think that that appreciation of art, and beauty requires divinity? No, it doesn't. It requires personal opinion. Nothing more. That requires intellect. That is a factor of evolution. that is science. Not God. Thank you for playing.
There you go again validating my point. I only wish you had the self awareness to realize what you are saying and how it supports manking being created in the image of God.
You can keep saying that all you like, it doesn't make it so. Man is a product of evolution. Period. There is no God involved. But, it clearly doesn't matter to you. I could respond with gobbedy, boody, bloopety boo, and you would insist that I was brilliantly demonstrating your point, even though all I did was respond with gibberish. This is because, regardless of what anyone says, you will simply choose to ignore what doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, and insist that the rest proves your point.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
There you go again validating my point. I only wish you had the self awareness to realize what you are saying and how it supports manking being created in the image of God.
You can keep saying that all you like, it doesn't make it so. Man is a product of evolution. Period. There is no God involved. But, it clearly doesn't matter to you. I could respond with gobbedy, boody, bloopety boo, and you would insist that I was brilliantly demonstrating your point, even though all I did was respond with gibberish. This is because, regardless of what anyone says, you will simply choose to ignore what doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, and insist that the rest proves your point.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
Do you believe in the conservation of energy/matter?
You can keep saying that all you like, it doesn't make it so. Man is a product of evolution. Period. There is no God involved. But, it clearly doesn't matter to you. I could respond with gobbedy, boody, bloopety boo, and you would insist that I was brilliantly demonstrating your point, even though all I did was respond with gibberish. This is because, regardless of what anyone says, you will simply choose to ignore what doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, and insist that the rest proves your point.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
There you go with your preprogrammed ASSumptions again.
4 billion years is not enough time for life to evolve from rocks.
You're right. Because the theory of evolution does not, nor has it ever, stated, suggested, inferred, or implied that man evolved from rocks. Rocks have never, and will never, evolve into anything other than rocks. Your understanding of evolution is not just juvenile; it is clearly non-existent.
Darwin came up with his theory when mankind knew nothing about microbiology. We know a lot now. The discoverer of the human genome went into his work an atheist. He concluded his work saying God did it.
Speaking of red herrings... just because one guy says "God did it," is meaningless. Meanwhile, you have still not acknowledged that you completely misrepresented the theory of evolution by claiming that it, in any way, claims that humans evolved from rocks.
You can keep saying that all you like, it doesn't make it so. Man is a product of evolution. Period. There is no God involved. But, it clearly doesn't matter to you. I could respond with gobbedy, boody, bloopety boo, and you would insist that I was brilliantly demonstrating your point, even though all I did was respond with gibberish. This is because, regardless of what anyone says, you will simply choose to ignore what doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, and insist that the rest proves your point.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
Do you believe in the conservation of energy/matter?
Red herring. We're still dealing with Weatherman's apparent belief that the theory of evolution claims we evolved from rocks. Care to comment on this belief of his?
There you go again validating my point. I only wish you had the self awareness to realize what you are saying and how it supports manking being created in the image of God.
You can keep saying that all you like, it doesn't make it so. Man is a product of evolution. Period. There is no God involved. But, it clearly doesn't matter to you. I could respond with gobbedy, boody, bloopety boo, and you would insist that I was brilliantly demonstrating your point, even though all I did was respond with gibberish. This is because, regardless of what anyone says, you will simply choose to ignore what doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, and insist that the rest proves your point.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
You obviously have no knowledge of the theory on how the earth formed. Again, you're just parroting what someone told you to parrot.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
Do you believe in the conservation of energy/matter?
Red herring. We're still dealing with Weatherman's apparent belief that the theory of evolution claims we evolved from rocks. Care to comment on this belief of his?
Actually it isn't as the conservation of energy/matter tells us that all energy and matter existed when space and time were created and since that time has only changed form. So there is no telling what path the matter/energy in your body has taken to get to this point. You are literally made up of star dust. You came from dust and you shall return to dust. So says science and the Bible.
You can keep saying that all you like, it doesn't make it so. Man is a product of evolution. Period. There is no God involved. But, it clearly doesn't matter to you. I could respond with gobbedy, boody, bloopety boo, and you would insist that I was brilliantly demonstrating your point, even though all I did was respond with gibberish. This is because, regardless of what anyone says, you will simply choose to ignore what doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, and insist that the rest proves your point.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
You obviously have no knowledge of the theory on how the earth formed. Again, you're just parroting what someone told you to parrot.
The theory of how the Earth was formed is one of Geology, and has nothing to do with Evolution, which is one of Biology. No where in the theory of Evolution does it suggest tat we evolved from rocks.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
There you go with your preprogrammed ASSumptions again.
4 billion years is not enough time for life to evolve from rocks.
You're right. Because the theory of evolution does not, nor has it ever, stated, suggested, inferred, or implied that man evolved from rocks. Rocks have never, and will never, evolve into anything other than rocks. Your understanding of evolution is not just juvenile; it is clearly non-existent.
Darwin came up with his theory when mankind knew nothing about microbiology. We know a lot now. The discoverer of the human genome went into his work an atheist. He concluded his work saying God did it.
Speaking of red herrings... just because one guy says "God did it," is meaningless. Meanwhile, you have still not acknowledged that you completely misrepresented the theory of evolution by claiming that it, in any way, claims that humans evolved from rocks.
You also lack any knowledge of biology. If you did, you would know there is not enough timeto go from a super heated rock to Beethoven in 4 billion years.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
You obviously have no knowledge of the theory on how the earth formed. Again, you're just parroting what someone told you to parrot.
The theory of how the Earth was formed is one of Geology, and has nothing to do with Evolution, which is one of Biology. No where in the theory of Evolution does it suggest tat we evolved from rocks.
Again with the ignorance. Geology has everything to do with life supposedly creating itself.

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