Why does God hide himself?

I really don't know God that well , of course I would like to; but I have no need to pretend that I know God ; I mean God would want me to be honest about knowing him. Notice Isaiah 45:15, " Truly you are a God that hides himself; O God of Israel , the Saviour." Why would God hide himself?

Notice Job 36:26 " Behold , God is Great , and we know him not! Neither can the number of his years be searched out." Many believers in God like to claim that they know him , but his word says that we don't. They have been trained to" Assume they know God", and their pride has been swelled so much, they lack the humility to admit they do not know God.

God is Great, and we know him not! Most believers will simply ignore this teaching in the word of God. God is indeed Great, he must be! I think its unusual that God hides himself from , I think , all humans! There are no exceptions, unless God makes the exception.

But I want to look into some biblical reasons as to " Why" God actually does this.
Reminds me of the story of the man fleeing a flood and climbs up on the roof of his house and prays to God to be saved. Soon a man in a canoe shows up and says get in.
The man says no thanks, God will save me.
And the water continues to rise.
A while later a man motor boat shows up and says get in.
The man says no thanks, God will save me.
And the water continues to rise.
An hour later a helicopter hovers overhead and drops a ladder.
The man says no thanks, God will save me.
Soon after the helicopter left the water swept over the roof and the man drowned.
Waking up in heaven in front of Jesus he exclaimed how he kept praying to be saved, why did you ignore my prayers?
Jesus said "I sent a canoe, and motor boat and a helicopter, what more did you want?"

The evidence of God is right in front of everyone if you look. Sunset last night was like a flashing neon sign He is right there. There is no living creature on earth that looks at a sunset and stares at the beauty of creation.

Don't be silly. It is a journey, not an event. And yes, we are children of the devil so to speak. I thought that was made clear at the beginning. We are rebels. Like I have said before, it is a journey, not an event.

I agree, its a journey, and I have even just said as much..

For as long as you continue to defiantly worship the image of a man in the form of a matzo as if he was an edible God you haven't even taken your first wobbly baby steps.
You worry about yourself and I'll worry about myself. Or would you rather I go into the whole you are trying to make me conform to your way of thinking thingee?
I'm not worried about anything. And I am not trying to 'make you' do anything.

If by what I have said you feel some sort of weight or pressure its probably your own conscience.

Try to hear. It will always tell you what is right but it will never make you do anything.
If you were not trying to make me conform to your way of thinking, then you would not try to ridicule my beliefs at every opportunity. The proof is in the pudding.

My phrase, you worry about yourself and I will worry about myself was not intended to imply anything other than stop acting like a militant atheist.

It seems like it is important for you to believe that you have somehow gotten the upper hand on me. That is not surprising as the ego demands payment. You do not know anything about my journey or how I came to my beliefs. I can see how God has worked in my life despite your beliefs about me. There is only one God. It does not matter what we call Him as long as we make the effort to know Him. He will find us. How we come to Him is of little importance.
I really don't know God that well , of course I would like to; but I have no need to pretend that I know God ; I mean God would want me to be honest about knowing him. Notice Isaiah 45:15, " Truly you are a God that hides himself; O God of Israel , the Saviour." Why would God hide himself?

Notice Job 36:26 " Behold , God is Great , and we know him not! Neither can the number of his years be searched out." Many believers in God like to claim that they know him , but his word says that we don't. They have been trained to" Assume they know God", and their pride has been swelled so much, they lack the humility to admit they do not know God.

God is Great, and we know him not! Most believers will simply ignore this teaching in the word of God. God is indeed Great, he must be! I think its unusual that God hides himself from , I think , all humans! There are no exceptions, unless God makes the exception.

But I want to look into some biblical reasons as to " Why" God actually does this.
Reminds me of the story of the man fleeing a flood and climbs up on the roof of his house and prays to God to be saved. Soon a man in a canoe shows up and says get in.
The man says no thanks, God will save me.
And the water continues to rise.
A while later a man motor boat shows up and says get in.
The man says no thanks, God will save me.
And the water continues to rise.
An hour later a helicopter hovers overhead and drops a ladder.
The man says no thanks, God will save me.
Soon after the helicopter left the water swept over the roof and the man drowned.
Waking up in heaven in front of Jesus he exclaimed how he kept praying to be saved, why did you ignore my prayers?
Jesus said "I sent a canoe, and motor boat and a helicopter, what more did you want?"

The evidence of God is right in front of everyone if you look. Sunset last night was like a flashing neon sign He is right there. There is no living creature on earth that looks at a sunset and stares at the beauty of creation.

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The evidence of God is all over the place; yes! But God himself is nowhere near the earth. And there are no scriptures that teach any different. I think God can be " Near a humans conscious belief" , near their heart ; God can draw near to your knowledge; but God himself is not even in our dimension.
The flesh and the blood of the Son of Man (as he called himself).

Saved through work?
Many people were toilet trained into perpetuating what they were taught to believe without ever thinking very deeply at all about it. They couldn't go against that training however irrational and crap in their pants in public if they wanted to without going through a great conflict.

So yes, rising from the dead by cleansing the mind and then bodily ascending into heaven by standing guard over the purity of ones own mind, day by day every day for the rest of your life is very difficult work.....
So you've resigned yourself to going to hell?


hell is for cowards sissy boy.
If heaven takes someone like you, then it's not a very worthwhile place to get into because they let any riff raff in. Like a whorehouse.
The flesh and the blood of the Son of Man (as he called himself).

Saved through work?
Many people were toilet trained into perpetuating what they were taught to believe without ever thinking very deeply at all about it. They couldn't go against that training however irrational and crap in their pants in public if they wanted to without going through a great conflict.

So yes, rising from the dead by cleansing the mind and then bodily ascending into heaven by standing guard over the purity of ones own mind, day by day every day for the rest of your life is very difficult work.....
So you've resigned yourself to going to hell?


hell is for cowards sissy boy.
Hell is nothing more or less than being eternally separated from God.
Anyone who wants to be close to you has to be deranged. :cuckoo:
Don't be silly. It is a journey, not an event. And yes, we are children of the devil so to speak. I thought that was made clear at the beginning. We are rebels. Like I have said before, it is a journey, not an event.

I agree, its a journey, and I have even just said as much..

For as long as you continue to defiantly worship the image of a man in the form of a matzo as if he was an edible God you haven't even taken your first wobbly baby steps.
You worry about yourself and I'll worry about myself. Or would you rather I go into the whole you are trying to make me conform to your way of thinking thingee?
I'm not worried about anything. And I am not trying to 'make you' do anything.

If by what I have said you feel some sort of weight or pressure its probably your own conscience.

Try to hear. It will always tell you what is right but it will never make you do anything.
If you were not trying to make me conform to your way of thinking, then you would not try to ridicule my beliefs at every opportunity. The proof is in the pudding.

My phrase, you worry about yourself and I will worry about myself was not intended to imply anything other than stop acting like a militant atheist.

It seems like it is important for you to believe that you have somehow gotten the upper hand on me. That is not surprising as the ego demands payment. You do not know anything about my journey or how I came to my beliefs. I can see how God has worked in my life despite your beliefs about me. There is only one God. It does not matter what we call Him as long as we make the effort to know Him. He will find us. How we come to Him is of little importance.

I would say how a person died and descended into the netherworld is of no importance.

How you live your life would be of the utmost importance if you were true to your professed dedication.

The fact remains, if scripture is true, for as long as you persist in the sin of turning to a false image of God, you cannot know he who truly is God. Believing false things about God has built a barrier in your mind that perverts all of your perceptions just like malware cripples a computer..

If you were looking for God and went to his house expecting a sanctimonious hypocritical puerile petty tyrant douchebag he would probably smack you upside of your head and send you right back into hell in a flash like lightning coming down from the sky before you even knew what hit you.
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I really don't know God that well , of course I would like to; but I have no need to pretend that I know God ; I mean God would want me to be honest about knowing him. Notice Isaiah 45:15, " Truly you are a God that hides himself; O God of Israel , the Saviour." Why would God hide himself?

Notice Job 36:26 " Behold , God is Great , and we know him not! Neither can the number of his years be searched out." Many believers in God like to claim that they know him , but his word says that we don't. They have been trained to" Assume they know God", and their pride has been swelled so much, they lack the humility to admit they do not know God.

God is Great, and we know him not! Most believers will simply ignore this teaching in the word of God. God is indeed Great, he must be! I think its unusual that God hides himself from , I think , all humans! There are no exceptions, unless God makes the exception.

But I want to look into some biblical reasons as to " Why" God actually does this.
Interesting topic Mickiel .

From modern Philosophy, God is too busy to worry about us humans.

If that were the case then He would not have given us a way to know when we were doing good or rationalizing that we were when we weren't. Trust me, He cares. You just don't understand how it works.
What is the result of God hiding himself? Well one result can be seen right here on thread ; people biting at each other. Talking about each other in ugly terms. Cold and callous, not caring about respecting a thread. Its because God is so far away.
I really don't know God that well , of course I would like to; but I have no need to pretend that I know God ; I mean God would want me to be honest about knowing him. Notice Isaiah 45:15, " Truly you are a God that hides himself; O God of Israel , the Saviour." Why would God hide himself?

Notice Job 36:26 " Behold , God is Great , and we know him not! Neither can the number of his years be searched out." Many believers in God like to claim that they know him , but his word says that we don't. They have been trained to" Assume they know God", and their pride has been swelled so much, they lack the humility to admit they do not know God.

God is Great, and we know him not! Most believers will simply ignore this teaching in the word of God. God is indeed Great, he must be! I think its unusual that God hides himself from , I think , all humans! There are no exceptions, unless God makes the exception.

But I want to look into some biblical reasons as to " Why" God actually does this.
Interesting topic Mickiel .

From modern Philosophy, God is too busy to worry about us humans.

If that were the case then He would not have given us a way to know when we were doing good or rationalizing that we were when we weren't. Trust me, He cares. You just don't understand how it works.

We can know a lot about God, for instance He created us in the first earth age for His pleasure, (Rev 4:11) When the rebellion occurred, He chose not to destroy us, but to put us in flesh bodies where we could be born innocent of knowledge of the first earth age, and thus would be unawares of what we had previously done. The reason He had to destroy the hybrids in Noah's flood was because the angels who left their first habitation chose not to be born of woman and instead broke with Gods plan of salvation. Thus, they knew about the first earth age and were passing off the information about it to the generations born from them. Gen 6:1-7 We were put here to make a choice between God and Satan through free will, because if God became involved in any way it could be seen as a reason to reject His Just Judgment of our souls. Of course, when you chose yourself, you are choosing Satan, for God must be first before everyone else, including your family members who are merely other souls like yourself who came into this earth age through you, and they also must make that choice for themselves. He wants our unabridged love, which cannot be removed at the slightest whim. He also cannot get involved in your lives if you have free will, unless you ask Him to. But He can intercede in the lives of His elect, who were the only souls who fought against Satan and the one third who rebelled.
Not knowing what you want to know about God, most information about His desires and wishes are spelled out in the Bible. If you ever care to learn. it says that He hides Himself because to be involved in this earth age would enact a reasonable rationale for denying His Judgment. Thus, He will stay a mystery to those who do not seek Him.

I might add, it is difficult to truly love someone whom you do not know. Thus, unless you do seek to know God, how can He know your love is genuine?
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I really don't know God that well , of course I would like to; but I have no need to pretend that I know God ; I mean God would want me to be honest about knowing him. Notice Isaiah 45:15, " Truly you are a God that hides himself; O God of Israel , the Saviour." Why would God hide himself?

Notice Job 36:26 " Behold , God is Great , and we know him not! Neither can the number of his years be searched out." Many believers in God like to claim that they know him , but his word says that we don't. They have been trained to" Assume they know God", and their pride has been swelled so much, they lack the humility to admit they do not know God.

God is Great, and we know him not! Most believers will simply ignore this teaching in the word of God. God is indeed Great, he must be! I think its unusual that God hides himself from , I think , all humans! There are no exceptions, unless God makes the exception.

But I want to look into some biblical reasons as to " Why" God actually does this.
Interesting topic Mickiel .

From modern Philosophy, God is too busy to worry about us humans.

If that were the case then He would not have given us a way to know when we were doing good or rationalizing that we were when we weren't. Trust me, He cares. You just don't understand how it works.

We can know a lot about God, for instance He created us in the first earth age for His pleasure, (Rev 4:11) When the rebellion occurred, He chose not to destroy us, but to put us in flesh bodies where we could be born innocent of knowledge of the first earth age, and thus would be unawares of what we had previously done. The reason He had to destroy the hybrids in Noah's flood was because the angels who left their first habitation chose not to be born of woman and instead broke with Gods plan of salvation. Thus, they knew about the first earth age and were passing off the information about it to the generations born from them. Gen 6:1-7 We were put here to make a choice between God and Satan through free will, because if God became involved in any way it could be seen as a reason to reject His Just Judgment of our souls. Of course, when you chose yourself, you are choosing Satan, for God must be first before everyone else, including your family members who are merely other souls like yourself who came into this earth age through you, and they also must make that choice for themselves. He wants our unabridged love, which cannot be removed at the slightest whim. He also cannot get involved in your lives if you have free will, unless you ask Him to. But He can intercede in the lives of His elect, who were the only souls who fought against Satan and the one third who rebelled.
Not knowing what you want to know about God, most information about His desires and wishes are spelled out in the Bible. If you ever care to learn.

God destroyed all of humanity except Noah and his family. And he destroyed all of Primordial man. And he will destroy many more humans in the coming future.
What is the result of God hiding himself? Well one result can be seen right here on thread ; people biting at each other. Talking about each other in ugly terms. Cold and callous, not caring about respecting a thread. Its because God is so far away.
Freedom and free will is the result.

That's what we have today.

Anciently it was not exactly this good. Back then you had to believe the same thing as your king -- like the Protestants in England or the Catholics in Spain.

But people are still starving even today everywhere.
I really don't know God that well , of course I would like to; but I have no need to pretend that I know God ; I mean God would want me to be honest about knowing him. Notice Isaiah 45:15, " Truly you are a God that hides himself; O God of Israel , the Saviour." Why would God hide himself?

Notice Job 36:26 " Behold , God is Great , and we know him not! Neither can the number of his years be searched out." Many believers in God like to claim that they know him , but his word says that we don't. They have been trained to" Assume they know God", and their pride has been swelled so much, they lack the humility to admit they do not know God.

God is Great, and we know him not! Most believers will simply ignore this teaching in the word of God. God is indeed Great, he must be! I think its unusual that God hides himself from , I think , all humans! There are no exceptions, unless God makes the exception.

But I want to look into some biblical reasons as to " Why" God actually does this.
Interesting topic Mickiel .

From modern Philosophy, God is too busy to worry about us humans.

If that were the case then He would not have given us a way to know when we were doing good or rationalizing that we were when we weren't. Trust me, He cares. You just don't understand how it works.

We can know a lot about God, for instance He created us in the first earth age for His pleasure, (Rev 4:11) When the rebellion occurred, He chose not to destroy us, but to put us in flesh bodies where we could be born innocent of knowledge of the first earth age, and thus would be unawares of what we had previously done. The reason He had to destroy the hybrids in Noah's flood was because the angels who left their first habitation chose not to be born of woman and instead broke with Gods plan of salvation. Thus, they knew about the first earth age and were passing off the information about it to the generations born from them. Gen 6:1-7 We were put here to make a choice between God and Satan through free will, because if God became involved in any way it could be seen as a reason to reject His Just Judgment of our souls. Of course, when you chose yourself, you are choosing Satan, for God must be first before everyone else, including your family members who are merely other souls like yourself who came into this earth age through you, and they also must make that choice for themselves. He wants our unabridged love, which cannot be removed at the slightest whim. He also cannot get involved in your lives if you have free will, unless you ask Him to. But He can intercede in the lives of His elect, who were the only souls who fought against Satan and the one third who rebelled.
Not knowing what you want to know about God, most information about His desires and wishes are spelled out in the Bible. If you ever care to learn.

God destroyed all of humanity except Noah and his family. And he destroyed all of Primordial man. And he will destroy many more humans in the coming future.
I don't believe the Noah story.

I think this was a bedtime story concocted for little Jewish kids to scare them into being good.
Don't be silly. It is a journey, not an event. And yes, we are children of the devil so to speak. I thought that was made clear at the beginning. We are rebels. Like I have said before, it is a journey, not an event.

I agree, its a journey, and I have even just said as much..

For as long as you continue to defiantly worship the image of a man in the form of a matzo as if he was an edible God you haven't even taken your first wobbly baby steps.
You worry about yourself and I'll worry about myself. Or would you rather I go into the whole you are trying to make me conform to your way of thinking thingee?
I'm not worried about anything. And I am not trying to 'make you' do anything.

If by what I have said you feel some sort of weight or pressure its probably your own conscience.

Try to hear. It will always tell you what is right but it will never make you do anything.
If you were not trying to make me conform to your way of thinking, then you would not try to ridicule my beliefs at every opportunity. The proof is in the pudding.

My phrase, you worry about yourself and I will worry about myself was not intended to imply anything other than stop acting like a militant atheist.

It seems like it is important for you to believe that you have somehow gotten the upper hand on me. That is not surprising as the ego demands payment. You do not know anything about my journey or how I came to my beliefs. I can see how God has worked in my life despite your beliefs about me. There is only one God. It does not matter what we call Him as long as we make the effort to know Him. He will find us. How we come to Him is of little importance.

I would say how a person died and descended into the netherworld is of no importance.

How you live your life would be of the utmost importance if you were true to your professed dedication.

The fact remains, if scripture is true, for as long as you persist in the sin of turning to a false image of God, you cannot know he who truly is God. Believing false things about God has built a barrier in your mind that perverts all of your perceptions just like malware cripples a computer..

If you were looking for God and went to his house expecting a sanctimonious hypocritical puerile petty tyrant douchebag he would probably smack you upside of your head and send you right back into hell in a flash like lightning coming down from the sky before you even knew what hit you.
All religions have stories of descent into and return from the Netherworld.

The ancient Greeks had Odysseus doing it.

The New Testament has Jesus doing it.

No epic story would be complete without it.
I really don't know God that well , of course I would like to; but I have no need to pretend that I know God ; I mean God would want me to be honest about knowing him. Notice Isaiah 45:15, " Truly you are a God that hides himself; O God of Israel , the Saviour." Why would God hide himself?

Notice Job 36:26 " Behold , God is Great , and we know him not! Neither can the number of his years be searched out." Many believers in God like to claim that they know him , but his word says that we don't. They have been trained to" Assume they know God", and their pride has been swelled so much, they lack the humility to admit they do not know God.

God is Great, and we know him not! Most believers will simply ignore this teaching in the word of God. God is indeed Great, he must be! I think its unusual that God hides himself from , I think , all humans! There are no exceptions, unless God makes the exception.

But I want to look into some biblical reasons as to " Why" God actually does this.
Reminds me of the story of the man fleeing a flood and climbs up on the roof of his house and prays to God to be saved. Soon a man in a canoe shows up and says get in.
The man says no thanks, God will save me.
And the water continues to rise.
A while later a man motor boat shows up and says get in.
The man says no thanks, God will save me.
And the water continues to rise.
An hour later a helicopter hovers overhead and drops a ladder.
The man says no thanks, God will save me.
Soon after the helicopter left the water swept over the roof and the man drowned.
Waking up in heaven in front of Jesus he exclaimed how he kept praying to be saved, why did you ignore my prayers?
Jesus said "I sent a canoe, and motor boat and a helicopter, what more did you want?"

The evidence of God is right in front of everyone if you look. Sunset last night was like a flashing neon sign He is right there. There is no living creature on earth that looks at a sunset and stares at the beauty of creation.

View attachment 114811

The evidence of God is all over the place; yes! But God himself is nowhere near the earth. And there are no scriptures that teach any different. I think God can be " Near a humans conscious belief" , near their heart ; God can draw near to your knowledge; but God himself is not even in our dimension.
In Philosophy, these "evidences" are called the classic "proofs of God".
The flesh and the blood of the Son of Man (as he called himself).

Saved through work?
Many people were toilet trained into perpetuating what they were taught to believe without ever thinking very deeply at all about it. They couldn't go against that training however irrational and crap in their pants in public if they wanted to without going through a great conflict.

So yes, rising from the dead by cleansing the mind and then bodily ascending into heaven by standing guard over the purity of ones own mind, day by day every day for the rest of your life is very difficult work.....
So you've resigned yourself to going to hell?


hell is for cowards sissy boy.
If heaven takes someone like you, then it's not a very worthwhile place to get into because they let any riff raff in. Like a whorehouse.

lol...If you can't get into a place with such low standards just imagine how smelly and repulsive you must have to be to be left outside in the dark....
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Don't be silly. It is a journey, not an event. And yes, we are children of the devil so to speak. I thought that was made clear at the beginning. We are rebels. Like I have said before, it is a journey, not an event.

I agree, its a journey, and I have even just said as much..

For as long as you continue to defiantly worship the image of a man in the form of a matzo as if he was an edible God you haven't even taken your first wobbly baby steps.
You worry about yourself and I'll worry about myself. Or would you rather I go into the whole you are trying to make me conform to your way of thinking thingee?
I'm not worried about anything. And I am not trying to 'make you' do anything.

If by what I have said you feel some sort of weight or pressure its probably your own conscience.

Try to hear. It will always tell you what is right but it will never make you do anything.
If you were not trying to make me conform to your way of thinking, then you would not try to ridicule my beliefs at every opportunity. The proof is in the pudding.

My phrase, you worry about yourself and I will worry about myself was not intended to imply anything other than stop acting like a militant atheist.

It seems like it is important for you to believe that you have somehow gotten the upper hand on me. That is not surprising as the ego demands payment. You do not know anything about my journey or how I came to my beliefs. I can see how God has worked in my life despite your beliefs about me. There is only one God. It does not matter what we call Him as long as we make the effort to know Him. He will find us. How we come to Him is of little importance.

I would say how a person died and descended into the netherworld is of no importance.

How you live your life would be of the utmost importance if you were true to your professed dedication.

The fact remains, if scripture is true, for as long as you persist in the sin of turning to a false image of God, you cannot know he who truly is God. Believing false things about God has built a barrier in your mind that perverts all of your perceptions just like malware cripples a computer..

If you were looking for God and went to his house expecting a sanctimonious hypocritical puerile petty tyrant douchebag he would probably smack you upside of your head and send you right back into hell in a flash like lightning coming down from the sky before you even knew what hit you.
You are more than welcome to question my professed dedication. I don't claim to be a saint. But that isn't what you are doing, you are questioning Christianity itself. Huston Smith said that we should not be expected to understand a religion not our own but if we remember that its adherents are human beings just like us we need not fail miserably. You fail miserably because you don't treat others as you treat yourself.

I have built a false barrier in my mind which perverts all of your perceptions just like malware cripples a computer? Who says things like that? Who exactly do you believe you are? Do you believe you speak for God? What have you accomplished in your life that would make you think that you are qualified to speak to others in this way?

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