Why does God hide himself?

LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
Do you believe in the conservation of energy/matter?
Red herring. We're still dealing with Weatherman's apparent belief that the theory of evolution claims we evolved from rocks. Care to comment on this belief of his?
Actually it isn't as the conservation of energy/matter tells us that all energy and matter existed when space and time were created and since that time has only changed form. So there is no telling what path the matter/energy in your body has taken to get to this point. You are literally made up of star dust. You came from dust and you shall return to dust. So says science and the Bible.
Okay...that's an entirely different issue. Do w share many of the same chemical components with inanimate objects? Sure. However, no part of the theory of evolution ever suggested that we evolved from inanimate objects. What you are referring to is the theory that, in the p[primordial ooze, the chemicals that occur inanimate objects combined in such a way to create the original building blocks for life. That is not the same thing as "evolving from rocks".
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
There you go with your preprogrammed ASSumptions again.
4 billion years is not enough time for life to evolve from rocks.
You're right. Because the theory of evolution does not, nor has it ever, stated, suggested, inferred, or implied that man evolved from rocks. Rocks have never, and will never, evolve into anything other than rocks. Your understanding of evolution is not just juvenile; it is clearly non-existent.
Darwin came up with his theory when mankind knew nothing about microbiology. We know a lot now. The discoverer of the human genome went into his work an atheist. He concluded his work saying God did it.
Speaking of red herrings... just because one guy says "God did it," is meaningless. Meanwhile, you have still not acknowledged that you completely misrepresented the theory of evolution by claiming that it, in any way, claims that humans evolved from rocks.
You also lack any knowledge of biology. If you did, you would know there is not enough timeto go from a super heated rock to Beethoven in 4 billion years.
You're right. It isn't. Because there is no theory that said that is what happened. There is no theory that said we came from rocks.
How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
Do you believe in the conservation of energy/matter?
Red herring. We're still dealing with Weatherman's apparent belief that the theory of evolution claims we evolved from rocks. Care to comment on this belief of his?
Actually it isn't as the conservation of energy/matter tells us that all energy and matter existed when space and time were created and since that time has only changed form. So there is no telling what path the matter/energy in your body has taken to get to this point. You are literally made up of star dust. You came from dust and you shall return to dust. So says science and the Bible.
Okay...that's an entirely different issue. Do w share many of the same chemical components with inanimate objects? Sure. However, no part of the theory of evolution ever suggested that we evolved from inanimate objects. What you are referring to is the theory that, in the p[primordial ooze, the chemicals that occur inanimate objects combined in such a way to create the original building blocks for life. That is not the same thing as "evolving from rocks".
It is your ignorance in geology and microbiology that allows you to believe such fantasy.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
You obviously have no knowledge of the theory on how the earth formed. Again, you're just parroting what someone told you to parrot.
The theory of how the Earth was formed is one of Geology, and has nothing to do with Evolution, which is one of Biology. No where in the theory of Evolution does it suggest tat we evolved from rocks.
Again with the ignorance. Geology has everything to do with life supposedly creating itself.
The ignorance is yours. Not one scientist comes close to suggesting that we come from rocks. At least, not one that anyone takes seriously.
A. There is no evidence of evolution.
B. There is not enough time for evolution to have occurred.

You are simply parroting what they told you to parrot. Learn to do critical analysis, question everything, and think for yourself.
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
You obviously have no knowledge of the theory on how the earth formed. Again, you're just parroting what someone told you to parrot.
The theory of how the Earth was formed is one of Geology, and has nothing to do with Evolution, which is one of Biology. No where in the theory of Evolution does it suggest tat we evolved from rocks.
Can I assume that you believe beings that know and create arose through natural processes? Processes which were controlled by the laws of nature which existed before space and time existed, and given enough time and the right conditions will inevitably result in beings that know and create? And that the potential for beings that know and create existed before space and time were created?
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
Do you believe in the conservation of energy/matter?
Red herring. We're still dealing with Weatherman's apparent belief that the theory of evolution claims we evolved from rocks. Care to comment on this belief of his?
Actually it isn't as the conservation of energy/matter tells us that all energy and matter existed when space and time were created and since that time has only changed form. So there is no telling what path the matter/energy in your body has taken to get to this point. You are literally made up of star dust. You came from dust and you shall return to dust. So says science and the Bible.
Okay...that's an entirely different issue. Do w share many of the same chemical components with inanimate objects? Sure. However, no part of the theory of evolution ever suggested that we evolved from inanimate objects. What you are referring to is the theory that, in the p[primordial ooze, the chemicals that occur inanimate objects combined in such a way to create the original building blocks for life. That is not the same thing as "evolving from rocks".
It is your ignorance in geology and microbiology that allows you to believe such fantasy.
Oh, please. Enlighten me. Please show me the theories of microbiology that say we are rocks.
There you go with your preprogrammed ASSumptions again.
4 billion years is not enough time for life to evolve from rocks.
You're right. Because the theory of evolution does not, nor has it ever, stated, suggested, inferred, or implied that man evolved from rocks. Rocks have never, and will never, evolve into anything other than rocks. Your understanding of evolution is not just juvenile; it is clearly non-existent.
Darwin came up with his theory when mankind knew nothing about microbiology. We know a lot now. The discoverer of the human genome went into his work an atheist. He concluded his work saying God did it.
Speaking of red herrings... just because one guy says "God did it," is meaningless. Meanwhile, you have still not acknowledged that you completely misrepresented the theory of evolution by claiming that it, in any way, claims that humans evolved from rocks.
You also lack any knowledge of biology. If you did, you would know there is not enough timeto go from a super heated rock to Beethoven in 4 billion years.
You're right. It isn't. Because there is no theory that said that is what happened. There is no theory that said we came from rocks.
Rock. Rock which they programed you to believe became Beethoven.
Do you believe in the conservation of energy/matter?
Red herring. We're still dealing with Weatherman's apparent belief that the theory of evolution claims we evolved from rocks. Care to comment on this belief of his?
Actually it isn't as the conservation of energy/matter tells us that all energy and matter existed when space and time were created and since that time has only changed form. So there is no telling what path the matter/energy in your body has taken to get to this point. You are literally made up of star dust. You came from dust and you shall return to dust. So says science and the Bible.
Okay...that's an entirely different issue. Do w share many of the same chemical components with inanimate objects? Sure. However, no part of the theory of evolution ever suggested that we evolved from inanimate objects. What you are referring to is the theory that, in the p[primordial ooze, the chemicals that occur inanimate objects combined in such a way to create the original building blocks for life. That is not the same thing as "evolving from rocks".
It is your ignorance in geology and microbiology that allows you to believe such fantasy.
Oh, please. Enlighten me. Please show me the theories of microbiology that say we are rocks.
I just explained that possibility to you. Were you not listening?
LMMFAO. you're one of those "Young Earth" creationists who really thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, aren't you?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
You obviously have no knowledge of the theory on how the earth formed. Again, you're just parroting what someone told you to parrot.
The theory of how the Earth was formed is one of Geology, and has nothing to do with Evolution, which is one of Biology. No where in the theory of Evolution does it suggest tat we evolved from rocks.
Can I assume that you believe beings that know and create arose through natural processes? Processes which were controlled by the laws of nature which existed before space and time existed, and given enough time and the right conditions will inevitably result in beings that know and create? And that the potential for beings that know and create existed before space and time were created?
I am not going to allow you to hijack this into another discussion about your theories about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. If you have any opinions on Evolution, and biology, feel free to join us. If not, go off, and hijack some other thread.
You're right. Because the theory of evolution does not, nor has it ever, stated, suggested, inferred, or implied that man evolved from rocks. Rocks have never, and will never, evolve into anything other than rocks. Your understanding of evolution is not just juvenile; it is clearly non-existent.
Darwin came up with his theory when mankind knew nothing about microbiology. We know a lot now. The discoverer of the human genome went into his work an atheist. He concluded his work saying God did it.
Speaking of red herrings... just because one guy says "God did it," is meaningless. Meanwhile, you have still not acknowledged that you completely misrepresented the theory of evolution by claiming that it, in any way, claims that humans evolved from rocks.
You also lack any knowledge of biology. If you did, you would know there is not enough timeto go from a super heated rock to Beethoven in 4 billion years.
You're right. It isn't. Because there is no theory that said that is what happened. There is no theory that said we came from rocks.
Rock. Rock which they programed you to believe became Beethoven.
View attachment 114889
Demonstrate that. Show me the theory that claims that. As in, show me the theory, with references, that says rocks evolved into man.
How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
You obviously have no knowledge of the theory on how the earth formed. Again, you're just parroting what someone told you to parrot.
The theory of how the Earth was formed is one of Geology, and has nothing to do with Evolution, which is one of Biology. No where in the theory of Evolution does it suggest tat we evolved from rocks.
Can I assume that you believe beings that know and create arose through natural processes? Processes which were controlled by the laws of nature which existed before space and time existed, and given enough time and the right conditions will inevitably result in beings that know and create? And that the potential for beings that know and create existed before space and time were created?
I am not going to allow you to hijack this into another discussion about your theories about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. If you have any opinions on Evolution, and biology, feel free to join us. If not, go off, and hijack some other thread.
I have been discussing evolution, Einstein. It started with the beginning of the universe. Why do reject science?
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
You obviously have no knowledge of the theory on how the earth formed. Again, you're just parroting what someone told you to parrot.
The theory of how the Earth was formed is one of Geology, and has nothing to do with Evolution, which is one of Biology. No where in the theory of Evolution does it suggest tat we evolved from rocks.
Can I assume that you believe beings that know and create arose through natural processes? Processes which were controlled by the laws of nature which existed before space and time existed, and given enough time and the right conditions will inevitably result in beings that know and create? And that the potential for beings that know and create existed before space and time were created?
I am not going to allow you to hijack this into another discussion about your theories about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. If you have any opinions on Evolution, and biology, feel free to join us. If not, go off, and hijack some other thread.
I have been discussing evolution, Einstein. It started with the beginning of the universe. Why do reject science?
Okay. Sure. I agree. Know this. If you start going off into the "God must have done it, because there isn't enough energy", I'm going to tell you to fuck off.
Darwin came up with his theory when mankind knew nothing about microbiology. We know a lot now. The discoverer of the human genome went into his work an atheist. He concluded his work saying God did it.
Speaking of red herrings... just because one guy says "God did it," is meaningless. Meanwhile, you have still not acknowledged that you completely misrepresented the theory of evolution by claiming that it, in any way, claims that humans evolved from rocks.
You also lack any knowledge of biology. If you did, you would know there is not enough timeto go from a super heated rock to Beethoven in 4 billion years.
You're right. It isn't. Because there is no theory that said that is what happened. There is no theory that said we came from rocks.
Rock. Rock which they programed you to believe became Beethoven.
View attachment 114889
Demonstrate that. Show me the theory that claims that. As in, show me the theory, with references, that says rocks evolved into man.
You are the one claiming the earth formed from the big bang 4 billion years ago, you want me to fill you in?
Speaking of red herrings... just because one guy says "God did it," is meaningless. Meanwhile, you have still not acknowledged that you completely misrepresented the theory of evolution by claiming that it, in any way, claims that humans evolved from rocks.
You also lack any knowledge of biology. If you did, you would know there is not enough timeto go from a super heated rock to Beethoven in 4 billion years.
You're right. It isn't. Because there is no theory that said that is what happened. There is no theory that said we came from rocks.
Rock. Rock which they programed you to believe became Beethoven.
View attachment 114889
Demonstrate that. Show me the theory that claims that. As in, show me the theory, with references, that says rocks evolved into man.
You are the one claiming the earth formed from the big bang 4 billion years ago, you want me to fill you in?
Yeah. Take me through the theory that man evolved from rocks.
How many millions of years do you think it took for these canyons to be carved out?
View attachment 114880
View attachment 114881
It took about a month for the top canyon to be carved out, about a week for the one above.
How far back do you think these layers In the ground go?
View attachment 114882
About 3 weeks.
You look at any layers in the earth and you note two things are missing in any dig any place on earth.
1. A transition period. Each layer ends in a distinct and abrupt line.
2. Each layer there is one thing always missing - no streams. If you assumed there was a slow buildup of sediment that caused these layers, at some place on earth you should find evidence of a stream or river.
View attachment 114883
I have my theories but my point is question and don't parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
You obviously have no knowledge of the theory on how the earth formed. Again, you're just parroting what someone told you to parrot.
The theory of how the Earth was formed is one of Geology, and has nothing to do with Evolution, which is one of Biology. No where in the theory of Evolution does it suggest tat we evolved from rocks.
Can I assume that you believe beings that know and create arose through natural processes? Processes which were controlled by the laws of nature which existed before space and time existed, and given enough time and the right conditions will inevitably result in beings that know and create? And that the potential for beings that know and create existed before space and time were created?
I am not going to allow you to hijack this into another discussion about your theories about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. If you have any opinions on Evolution, and biology, feel free to join us. If not, go off, and hijack some other thread.
Where in physics does it say chaos naturally evolves into order? I missed that day in class.
You obviously have no knowledge of the theory on how the earth formed. Again, you're just parroting what someone told you to parrot.
The theory of how the Earth was formed is one of Geology, and has nothing to do with Evolution, which is one of Biology. No where in the theory of Evolution does it suggest tat we evolved from rocks.
Can I assume that you believe beings that know and create arose through natural processes? Processes which were controlled by the laws of nature which existed before space and time existed, and given enough time and the right conditions will inevitably result in beings that know and create? And that the potential for beings that know and create existed before space and time were created?
I am not going to allow you to hijack this into another discussion about your theories about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. If you have any opinions on Evolution, and biology, feel free to join us. If not, go off, and hijack some other thread.
I have been discussing evolution, Einstein. It started with the beginning of the universe. Why do reject science?
Okay. Sure. I agree. Know this. If you start going off into the "God must have done it, because there isn't enough energy", I'm going to tell you to fuck off.
Who else do you believe created the laws of nature? Albert Einstein, lol. The only solution to the first cause is the eternal.
You also lack any knowledge of biology. If you did, you would know there is not enough timeto go from a super heated rock to Beethoven in 4 billion years.
You're right. It isn't. Because there is no theory that said that is what happened. There is no theory that said we came from rocks.
Rock. Rock which they programed you to believe became Beethoven.
View attachment 114889
Demonstrate that. Show me the theory that claims that. As in, show me the theory, with references, that says rocks evolved into man.
You are the one claiming the earth formed from the big bang 4 billion years ago, you want me to fill you in?
Yeah. Take me through the theory that man evolved from rocks.
The earth started as a molten ball of rock according to you. If you can't make the connections it is obvious why you feel comfortable parroting what they told you to parrot.
What you are talking about isn't evolution, it is erosion. that is entirely different. Since I am not a geologist, I cannot answer your question with any authority. However, I am certain that there are solid, scientific answers to your questions. Since you just suggested that the theory of evolution suggests that we "evolved' from rocks, the only thing I question is your ability to rationally examine any scientific theory, or evidence.
You obviously have no knowledge of the theory on how the earth formed. Again, you're just parroting what someone told you to parrot.
The theory of how the Earth was formed is one of Geology, and has nothing to do with Evolution, which is one of Biology. No where in the theory of Evolution does it suggest tat we evolved from rocks.
Can I assume that you believe beings that know and create arose through natural processes? Processes which were controlled by the laws of nature which existed before space and time existed, and given enough time and the right conditions will inevitably result in beings that know and create? And that the potential for beings that know and create existed before space and time were created?
I am not going to allow you to hijack this into another discussion about your theories about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. If you have any opinions on Evolution, and biology, feel free to join us. If not, go off, and hijack some other thread.
Where in physics does it say chaos naturally evolves into order? I missed that day in class.
What does that have to do with what we were discussing? You said the theory is we evolved from rocks. I'm waiting for you to demonstrate that. Now you're trying to change the subject.
The theory of how the Earth was formed is one of Geology, and has nothing to do with Evolution, which is one of Biology. No where in the theory of Evolution does it suggest tat we evolved from rocks.
Can I assume that you believe beings that know and create arose through natural processes? Processes which were controlled by the laws of nature which existed before space and time existed, and given enough time and the right conditions will inevitably result in beings that know and create? And that the potential for beings that know and create existed before space and time were created?
I am not going to allow you to hijack this into another discussion about your theories about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. If you have any opinions on Evolution, and biology, feel free to join us. If not, go off, and hijack some other thread.
I have been discussing evolution, Einstein. It started with the beginning of the universe. Why do reject science?
Okay. Sure. I agree. Know this. If you start going off into the "God must have done it, because there isn't enough energy", I'm going to tell you to fuck off.
Who else do you believe created the laws of nature? Albert Einstein, lol. The only solution to the first cause is the eternal.
Fuck off. Not the discussion. The discussion is Weatherman's lack of understanding of the Theory of Evolution.
Darwin came up with his theory when mankind knew nothing about microbiology. We know a lot now. The discoverer of the human genome went into his work an atheist. He concluded his work saying God did it.
Speaking of red herrings... just because one guy says "God did it," is meaningless. Meanwhile, you have still not acknowledged that you completely misrepresented the theory of evolution by claiming that it, in any way, claims that humans evolved from rocks.
You also lack any knowledge of biology. If you did, you would know there is not enough timeto go from a super heated rock to Beethoven in 4 billion years.
You're right. It isn't. Because there is no theory that said that is what happened. There is no theory that said we came from rocks.
Rock. Rock which they programed you to believe became Beethoven.
View attachment 114889
Demonstrate that. Show me the theory that claims that. As in, show me the theory, with references, that says rocks evolved into man.
OK, you can't see the trees through the forest. Let's try something else.
What is your computer, Windows 10? Go into the program and randomly change some code and let us know how much more improved your computer is. That is basically the theory of evolution.

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