Why does God hide himself?

"Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean;"
History of Earth - Wikipedia

Volcanic. Started with a volcanic activity. Everything started with a volcanic activity. Volcanic.

If it has not sunk in yet:
  1. of, relating to, or produced by a volcano or volcanoes.
Okay. You disagree what that, I assume?
I have no idea what God did to create the universe in 6 days, nor do I care.
Oh, piss off with that bullshit. So, you do not disagree with that. So, The earth cooled, and created the conditions that made it possible for life to exist on Earth. That is a far cry from "We evolved from rocks". By the way. According to your Bible, God created plants, organisms that survive via photosynthesis a full day befor he created the sun. Further, he created "light" before creating the source of light, the sun. But, hey. The Bible is more believable than science.
Science begins with an open mind. Your refusal to be open to alternate theories shows why you are wrong.
And plants do live 24 hours without sun. And I have read books by starlight.

You are too closed minded.
"God did it" is not an "alternative theory". It is an attempt to replace science with mythology.
Of course He did. Beings that know and create arose through natural processes. Processes which were controlled by the laws of nature. Those laws existed before space and time itself existed. Mathematics existed before space and time were created. Music existed before space and time were created. Science existed before space and time were created. All waiting for time to pass so they could be realized by beings that know and create who were pre-ordained by the laws of nature which existed before space and time. Thus the universe became self aware and realized its intention. God does most certainly care.

“In my life as scientist I have come upon two major problems which, though rooted in science, though they would occur in this form only to a scientist, project beyond science, and are I think ultimately insoluble as science. That is hardly to be wondered at, since one involves consciousness and the other, cosmology.

The consciousness problem was hardly avoidable by one who has spent most of his life studying mechanisms of vision. We have learned a lot, we hope to learn much more; but none of it touches or even points, however tentatively, in the direction of what it means to see. Our observations in human eyes and nervous systems and in those of frogs are basically much alike. I know that I see; but does a frog see? It reacts to light; so do cameras, garage doors, any number of photoelectric devices. But does it see? Is it aware that it is reacting? There is nothing I can do as a scientist to answer that question, no way that I can identify either the presence or absence of consciousness. I believe consciousness to be a permanent condition that involves all sensation and perception. Consciousness seems to me to be wholly impervious to science.

The second problem involves the special properties of our universe. Life seems increasingly to be part of the order of nature. We have good reason to believe that we find ourselves in a universe permeated with life, in which life arises inevitably, given enough time, wherever the conditions exist that make it possible. Yet were any one of a number of the physical properties of our universe otherwise - some of them basic, others seemingly trivial, almost accidental - that life, which seems now to be so prevalent, would become impossible, here or anywhere. It takes no great imagination to conceive of other possible universes, each stable and workable in itself, yet lifeless. How is it that, with so many other apparent options, we are in a universe that possesses just that peculiar nexus of properties that breeds life?

It has occurred to me lately - I must confess with some shock at first to my scientific sensibilities - that both questions might be brought into some degree of congruence. This is with the assumption that Mind, rather than emerging as a late outgrowth in the evolution of life, has existed always as the matrix, the source and condition of physical reality - that the stuff of which physical reality is composed is mind-stuff. It is Mind that has composed a physical universe that breeds life, and so eventually evolves creatures that know and create.”

George Wald, 1984, “Life and Mind in the Universe”, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry: Quantum Biology Symposium 11, 1984: 1-15.
Simply put, I don't think there is a God.

I think there exist a God. And in my view he must be very powerful ,a juggernaut of dynamic untold range of raw pure energy; and his mind must be awesome in its sheer existence. It gives me the impression that God may have upwards of 7 minds into one mind. But that is speculation on my part; I have my reasons for thinking as such. After reading parts of the bible and intermixing my imagination, God creates with his mind and his mouth; or his voice. That is simply stunning!

Yet , in my view, life is stunning! We humans are stunning; animal life is stunning ; the Universe is stunning. The origin of all these things has to be even more stunning. I mean it all fits ; it points to a God ; a being of Great Ability. Conscious life is too deliberate in its existence ; it had to be deliberately done. Done with reason and purpose; and this is being held back from us , our knowledge of God is dim and seriously limited! The effort of humans to explain life and our origins , but then exclude God from those explanations , is incomplete in my conscious reasoning.

I think a God exist. I just think he is hiding himself from our view. And that is seriously affecting us and this world ; its not our fault.

And God knows that. He knows.
Simply put, I don't think there is a God.

I think there exist a God. And in my view he must be very powerful ,a juggernaut of dynamic untold range of raw pure energy; and his mind must be awesome in its sheer existence. It gives me the impression that God may have upwards of 7 minds into one mind. But that is speculation on my part; I have my reasons for thinking as such. After reading parts of the bible and intermixing my imagination, God creates with his mind and his mouth; or his voice. That is simply stunning!

Yet , in my view, life is stunning! We humans are stunning; animal life is stunning ; the Universe is stunning. The origin of all these things has to be even more stunning. I mean it all fits ; it points to a God ; a being of Great Ability. Conscious life is too deliberate in its existence ; it had to be deliberately done. Done with reason and purpose; and this is being held back from us , our knowledge of God is dim and seriously limited! The effort of humans to explain life and our origins , but then exclude God from those explanations , is incomplete in my conscious reasoning.

I think a God exist. I just think he is hiding himself from our view. And that is seriously affecting us and this world ; its not our fault.

And God knows that. He knows.
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

He is not hiding.
What is the evidence that God has not made himself known?

The world is the evidence. Why do you think so many people are spiritually blind? Why does sin abound so much? Why are there so many unbelievers? Why are people so attracted to evil? Why are humans so weak minded? Why do nations fight each other?

Its because God is not here.Some People want to do right , but they can't.. That Spirit is not there to help them. Darkness grows stronger because God moves away.
What is the real reason that Atheist exist? Where does that mindset come from? Rom. 11:32 , " For God has shut them all up in unbelief." An Atheist is an Atheist because they are supposed to be. I am a Theist because I am supposed to be one. We are what we are because we should be.
Will you think with me? Reason with me. Is not the world in the condition its in for a reason? Things are as they are , because OF God! I mean what can happen that God does not want to happen?

This great being , this God , has weaved reality to exist at his bidding. Human history is simply the unfolding of God's will.
I really don't know God that well , of course I would like to; but I have no need to pretend that I know God ; I mean God would want me to be honest about knowing him. Notice Isaiah 45:15, " Truly you are a God that hides himself; O God of Israel , the Saviour." Why would God hide himself?

Notice Job 36:26 " Behold , God is Great , and we know him not! Neither can the number of his years be searched out." Many believers in God like to claim that they know him , but his word says that we don't. They have been trained to" Assume they know God", and their pride has been swelled so much, they lack the humility to admit they do not know God.

God is Great, and we know him not! Most believers will simply ignore this teaching in the word of God. God is indeed Great, he must be! I think its unusual that God hides himself from , I think , all humans! There are no exceptions, unless God makes the exception.

But I want to look into some biblical reasons as to " Why" God actually does this.

It may just be that our 5 senses are designed to function in the physical world. There may be some laws of nature that we do not understand as well. We may be like the proverbial 4 year olds questioning the actions of our parents for things that may make absolutely no sense to us at that age.
I really don't know God that well , of course I would like to; but I have no need to pretend that I know God ; I mean God would want me to be honest about knowing him. Notice Isaiah 45:15, " Truly you are a God that hides himself; O God of Israel , the Saviour." Why would God hide himself?

Notice Job 36:26 " Behold , God is Great , and we know him not! Neither can the number of his years be searched out." Many believers in God like to claim that they know him , but his word says that we don't. They have been trained to" Assume they know God", and their pride has been swelled so much, they lack the humility to admit they do not know God.

God is Great, and we know him not! Most believers will simply ignore this teaching in the word of God. God is indeed Great, he must be! I think its unusual that God hides himself from , I think , all humans! There are no exceptions, unless God makes the exception.

But I want to look into some biblical reasons as to " Why" God actually does this.

It may just be that our 5 senses are designed to function in the physical world. There may be some laws of nature that we do not understand as well. We may be like the proverbial 4 year olds questioning the actions of our parents for things that may make absolutely no sense to us at that age.

I agree with that.
Maybe He hides himself because His face is in His palm from embarrassment.

Better question is...is why do people bow and scrape to some Roman dude that claims to speak for Him....and why are all of God's supposed houses always locked up tight?
What is the real reason that Atheist exist? Where does that mindset come from? Rom. 11:32 , " For God has shut them all up in unbelief." An Atheist is an Atheist because they are supposed to be. I am a Theist because I am supposed to be one. We are what we are because we should be.
Again in my view, which means this is the way I am impressed with understanding this , the population is configured in the manner in which God wanted it ; the male to female numerical outcome. All throughout history. Even further I think God wanted a certain amount of Theist and Atheist ratio. We are what we are , because we are supposed to be what we are. Its no mistake or random ratio. I think God wanted Atheism to exist. Just as he wanted the male to female mix in our populations throughout history , I think he influenced the way a certain amount of humans would believe in him. Which is why I do not believe that any Atheist is condemned ; God wanted Atheism to exist and thrive in humanity.
Again in my view, which means this is the way I am impressed with understanding this , the population is configured in the manner in which God wanted it ; the male to female numerical outcome. All throughout history. Even further I think God wanted a certain amount of Theist and Atheist ratio. We are what we are , because we are supposed to be what we are. Its no mistake or random ratio. I think God wanted Atheism to exist. Just as he wanted the male to female mix in our populations throughout history , I think he influenced the way a certain amount of humans would believe in him. Which is why I do not believe that any Atheist is condemned ; God wanted Atheism to exist and thrive in humanity.
Don't forget the Deists and the Agnostics as well.

Again in my view, which means this is the way I am impressed with understanding this , the population is configured in the manner in which God wanted it ; the male to female numerical outcome. All throughout history. Even further I think God wanted a certain amount of Theist and Atheist ratio. We are what we are , because we are supposed to be what we are. Its no mistake or random ratio. I think God wanted Atheism to exist. Just as he wanted the male to female mix in our populations throughout history , I think he influenced the way a certain amount of humans would believe in him. Which is why I do not believe that any Atheist is condemned ; God wanted Atheism to exist and thrive in humanity.
Don't forget the Deists and the Agnostics as well.


Well all of them , yes! The power of God , and Jesus his Son , is on display in our reality.. We just don't know it and see it , because they are so withdrawn. But they manipulate the movements of humanity, and our beliefs. In Hebrews 12:2 Jesus is described as the Author and finisher of our faith. In Rev. 22: 13 he is described as the beginning and the end. Or he is the complete cycle of our lives! They dictate everything from afar.

This again is why I believe in Universal Salvation . Human life is a load ; and often a load of pain and suffering , confusion and doubt , weakness and sorrow. And that is what God wanted! Or he knew that was how it would be ; human life in the flesh, is an example to all who live , how life would be if God was not a part of it. What we all have done , is exactly what we would do if we are left to ourselves. We would evolve into exactly what you see now!

We would be what we are! What humanity has evolved into now , is the example that God wants impressed into us all! He stood back and let us do our thing.

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