Why does God hide himself?

Psalms 14 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
For the Leader. [A Psalm] of David.
The fool says in his heart: 'There is no God';
they have dealt corruptly, they have done abominably; there is none that doeth good.

Apparently, lack of belief in a God goes back a long time.
It is as old as man, but these jack-a-napes think they invented it. Oy Vey! They think if they had been around 3000 years ago everyone would think as they do now. They have no clue that belief in God has been hardwired into us by our Creator, nor do they have a clue that belief in God has functional advantages. Belief in God will never go away despite their beliefs, objections and efforts. They don't even realize what a tiny minority they are.
What is the real reason that Atheist exist? Where does that mindset come from? Rom. 11:32 , " For God has shut them all up in unbelief." An Atheist is an Atheist because they are supposed to be. I am a Theist because I am supposed to be one. We are what we are because we should be.
How about:

1. Don't understand how there can be a God if the world is not a utopia.
2. Blame God for the actions of men.
3. Blame religion for the actions of men.
4. Too busy deifying themselves.
5. Cannot accept that they are not the center of the universe.
6. Are intellectually dead.
7. Seek equality through uniformity and communal ownership.
8. Are materialists.
9. Prefer moral relativism.
10. Focused on earthly happiness and primitive needs.
11. Would prevent them from having an external locus of control.
12. Would prevent them from practicing critical theory.
Jesus died for Atheist and rose for them ; they have all the benefits of salvation that believers have. And no blood thirsty Christian can subtract them from the forgiveness of God and his great Love. God is a magnificent being : I don't know him , but his capacity to forgive is amazing. Human salvation is based on his grace.

He will come out of his withdrawal.
Jesus died for Atheist and rose for them ; they have all the benefits of salvation that believers have. And no blood thirsty Christian can subtract them from the forgiveness of God and his great Love. God is a magnificent being : I don't know him , but his capacity to forgive is amazing. Human salvation is based on his grace.

He will come out of his withdrawal.
Well if you are counting people seeing Holy Mary in their cheese sandwiches, then yes, maybe.

Otherwise I suspect that God has no reason nor inclination to become more known to humankind other than sending a special messenger every few thousand years. And we are overdue maybe too, for that.
God hides because he is really embarrassed about what humans say and do in his name.
God hides because he is really embarrassed about what humans say and do in his name.

Humans cannot embarrass God , but I would say he strongly dislikes what we say and do in his name.
Why does God hide himself , so that religion can do what he intended for it to do ; confuse this world.
Job 36:26 " God is Great , we know him not." You can't tell the Christians this , they all think they know God. Believers are so full of pride , that they cannot be honest about God, because honesty is an old school thing; better to lie and be with the crowd.

Atheist do not believe because they cannot see God , and believers are afraid to admit they cannot see God either.
Why does God hide himself , so that religion can do what he intended for it to do ; confuse this world.
Religion originally evolved from superstition to then solidify the rule of the king.

Now it is self sustaining as long as they can collect offerings and tithes.
God hides himself because he has close ties to himself.
God hides himself because he has close ties to himself.

He hides himself that is mysterious. I think it adds to his mystique. His ways are strange to me at times. As in Ecclesiastes 7:13, " Consider the work of God; for who can make that straight , which he has made crooked?" Stunning ; simply stunning!

At first glance here , we are considering " A Work of God !" We are told right off that this is something that God works at; so this thing is a Holy Thing. This principle a Holy One. " For who can make straight that which he has made crooked?" This is incredible! This is saying that God " Makes humans crooked!" And goes on to suggest that when he does that , no body else can straighten that person up; not even themselves! This is incredible , in my view. In Lam.3:32 it reveals that God can " Cause grief."

This is God " Working." But it is a work even most of his followers shy away from and fear. And I don't blame those who fear God ; I mean the things that he could do if he takes a mind to do it. These things are mysterious to us , just as God is mysterious!

Sometimes God hides that he is doing these things.

Its just strange. Its like looking at this through a dark lens. I can't hardly see it ; barely understand it.
Everything God does for humanity, is done out of Love .The respect in heaven for God's Love is legendary. Heaven knows how God is. Heaven knows the pure gift that the Love of God is in reality ; they know the true heart of God , how he loves us all so much!
Everything God does for humanity, is done out of Love .The respect in heaven for God's Love is legendary. Heaven knows how God is. Heaven knows the pure gift that the Love of God is in reality ; they know the true heart of God , how he loves us all so much!

With that in mind, as we consider God , the unknown one; and now his Son; notice what they planned in Heb.9:26 , " For then he often have suffered since the foundation of the world , but now once in the end of the world has he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." Hey they actually planned on Jesus suffering for us ; they planned it before they even created the earth , hey you talk about being particular and knowing what you want to do.

We may not know them , but they know us! And Love us!!
Everything God does for humanity, is done out of Love .The respect in heaven for God's Love is legendary. Heaven knows how God is. Heaven knows the pure gift that the Love of God is in reality ; they know the true heart of God , how he loves us all so much!

Everything God does for humanity, is done out of Love .The respect in heaven for God's Love is legendary. Heaven knows how God is. Heaven knows the pure gift that the Love of God is in reality ; they know the true heart of God , how he loves us all so much!

With that in mind, as we consider God , the unknown one; and now his Son; notice what they planned in Heb.9:26 , " For then he often have suffered since the foundation of the world , but now once in the end of the world has he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." Hey they actually planned on Jesus suffering for us ; they planned it before they even created the earth , hey you talk about being particular and knowing what you want to do.

We may not know them , but they know us! And Love us!!

With that in mind, as we consider God , the unknown one; and now his Son; notice what they planned in Heb.9:26 , " For then he often have suffered since the foundation of the world , but now once in the end of the world has he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." Hey they actually planned on Jesus suffering for us ; they planned it before they even created the earth , hey you talk about being particular and knowing what you want to do.

We may not know them , but they know us! And Love us!!

Buy that one offering he has perfected forever them that are sanctified. Heb. 10:14, " And I will put my laws into their hearts", Vs.16." And their sins I will remember no more!" Vs. 17"Having a High Priest in the house of God!" Interesting , God withdrew, Jesus stepped up, now we have a Priest of God until the times of refreshing. And that Priest shall lead the return of the Almighty God to earth.
You might get a free visit from Lucifer if you keep up this obsession with God.

In my view this name "Lucifer" is an obsession , that name is unbiblical. Its a mythical name.
Agreed -- the name is the adaptation by St. Gerome to Satan (Hebrew) or Diabolos (Greek) for the Devil (English translation of the Greek) in Latin. Gerome is famous for translating the Greek and Hebrew into Latin. He made a few mistakes. Some of them were really big mistakes.

In the Greek New Testament we meet evil spirits all the time in the narrative, and even Jesus speaks of their chief.

In the Hebrew Tenakh (you seem to be an Old Testament scholar of sorts) we meet Ha Satan in the Book (scroll) of Job.

I have no doubt he is a real being.

He serves the purpose of providing the trials that Jews and Christians must endure in order to be found worthy of God's Kingdom in Heaven.

To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.
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