Why does God hide himself?

Speaking of red herrings... just because one guy says "God did it," is meaningless. Meanwhile, you have still not acknowledged that you completely misrepresented the theory of evolution by claiming that it, in any way, claims that humans evolved from rocks.
You also lack any knowledge of biology. If you did, you would know there is not enough timeto go from a super heated rock to Beethoven in 4 billion years.
You're right. It isn't. Because there is no theory that said that is what happened. There is no theory that said we came from rocks.
Rock. Rock which they programed you to believe became Beethoven.
View attachment 114889
Demonstrate that. Show me the theory that claims that. As in, show me the theory, with references, that says rocks evolved into man.
OK, you can't see the trees through the forest. Let's try something else.
What is your computer, Windows 10? Go into the program and randomly change some code and let us know how much more improved your computer is. That is basically the theory of evolution.
Nope. Even if your simplistic example of mutation was an accurate explanation of evolution - which it is not - you are still changing the subject. You have repeatedly implied that the theory claims man evolved from rocks, and ridiculed me for "not knowing" this, and have yet to demonstrate it, with any reference from any evolutionary scientist making, or even alluding to such a ridiculous notion. I'm still waiting.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You also lack any knowledge of biology. If you did, you would know there is not enough timeto go from a super heated rock to Beethoven in 4 billion years.
You're right. It isn't. Because there is no theory that said that is what happened. There is no theory that said we came from rocks.
Rock. Rock which they programed you to believe became Beethoven.
View attachment 114889
Demonstrate that. Show me the theory that claims that. As in, show me the theory, with references, that says rocks evolved into man.
OK, you can't see the trees through the forest. Let's try something else.
What is your computer, Windows 10? Go into the program and randomly change some code and let us know how much more improved your computer is. That is basically the theory of evolution.
Nope. Even I'd your simplistic example of mutation was an accurate explanation of evolution, you are still changing the subject. You have repeatedly implied that the theory claims man evolved from rocks, and ridiculed me for "not knowing" this, and have yet to demonstrate it, with any reference from any evolutionary scientist making, or even alluding to such a ridiculous notion. I'm still waiting.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You want to claim the oceans and atmosphere always existed as the earth formed from the big bang is too funny. Well, not funny in the sense it shows how bad our education system is but funny in the way you insist it was that way.
You're right. It isn't. Because there is no theory that said that is what happened. There is no theory that said we came from rocks.
Rock. Rock which they programed you to believe became Beethoven.
View attachment 114889
Demonstrate that. Show me the theory that claims that. As in, show me the theory, with references, that says rocks evolved into man.
OK, you can't see the trees through the forest. Let's try something else.
What is your computer, Windows 10? Go into the program and randomly change some code and let us know how much more improved your computer is. That is basically the theory of evolution.
Nope. Even I'd your simplistic example of mutation was an accurate explanation of evolution, you are still changing the subject. You have repeatedly implied that the theory claims man evolved from rocks, and ridiculed me for "not knowing" this, and have yet to demonstrate it, with any reference from any evolutionary scientist making, or even alluding to such a ridiculous notion. I'm still waiting.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You want to claim the oceans and atmosphere always existed as the earth formed from the big bang is too funny. Well, not funny in the sense it shows how bad our education system is but funny in the way you insist it was that way.
Still not an answer to my challenge. I accept your concession that you are talking out of your ass. You are dismissed.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Rock. Rock which they programed you to believe became Beethoven.
View attachment 114889
Demonstrate that. Show me the theory that claims that. As in, show me the theory, with references, that says rocks evolved into man.
OK, you can't see the trees through the forest. Let's try something else.
What is your computer, Windows 10? Go into the program and randomly change some code and let us know how much more improved your computer is. That is basically the theory of evolution.
Nope. Even I'd your simplistic example of mutation was an accurate explanation of evolution, you are still changing the subject. You have repeatedly implied that the theory claims man evolved from rocks, and ridiculed me for "not knowing" this, and have yet to demonstrate it, with any reference from any evolutionary scientist making, or even alluding to such a ridiculous notion. I'm still waiting.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You want to claim the oceans and atmosphere always existed as the earth formed from the big bang is too funny. Well, not funny in the sense it shows how bad our education system is but funny in the way you insist it was that way.
Still not an answer to my challenge. I accept your concession that you are talking out of your ass. You are dismissed.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Don't runaway, I promise to not go above 8th grade level so you can understand.
Demonstrate that. Show me the theory that claims that. As in, show me the theory, with references, that says rocks evolved into man.
OK, you can't see the trees through the forest. Let's try something else.
What is your computer, Windows 10? Go into the program and randomly change some code and let us know how much more improved your computer is. That is basically the theory of evolution.
Nope. Even I'd your simplistic example of mutation was an accurate explanation of evolution, you are still changing the subject. You have repeatedly implied that the theory claims man evolved from rocks, and ridiculed me for "not knowing" this, and have yet to demonstrate it, with any reference from any evolutionary scientist making, or even alluding to such a ridiculous notion. I'm still waiting.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You want to claim the oceans and atmosphere always existed as the earth formed from the big bang is too funny. Well, not funny in the sense it shows how bad our education system is but funny in the way you insist it was that way.
Still not an answer to my challenge. I accept your concession that you are talking out of your ass. You are dismissed.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Don't runaway, I promise to not go above 8th grade level so you can understand.
I'm not running away. I am dismissing you, because you keep running away. I have challenged you, three times, to support your claim, and three times, you have, instead, tried to change the subject.
OK, you can't see the trees through the forest. Let's try something else.
What is your computer, Windows 10? Go into the program and randomly change some code and let us know how much more improved your computer is. That is basically the theory of evolution.
Nope. Even I'd your simplistic example of mutation was an accurate explanation of evolution, you are still changing the subject. You have repeatedly implied that the theory claims man evolved from rocks, and ridiculed me for "not knowing" this, and have yet to demonstrate it, with any reference from any evolutionary scientist making, or even alluding to such a ridiculous notion. I'm still waiting.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You want to claim the oceans and atmosphere always existed as the earth formed from the big bang is too funny. Well, not funny in the sense it shows how bad our education system is but funny in the way you insist it was that way.
Still not an answer to my challenge. I accept your concession that you are talking out of your ass. You are dismissed.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Don't runaway, I promise to not go above 8th grade level so you can understand.
I'm not running away. I am dismissing you, because you keep running away. I have challenged you, three times, to support your claim, and three times, you have, instead, tried to change the subject.
You will always have me. I'm your Huckleberry.
You obviously have no knowledge of the theory on how the earth formed. Again, you're just parroting what someone told you to parrot.
The theory of how the Earth was formed is one of Geology, and has nothing to do with Evolution, which is one of Biology. No where in the theory of Evolution does it suggest tat we evolved from rocks.
Can I assume that you believe beings that know and create arose through natural processes? Processes which were controlled by the laws of nature which existed before space and time existed, and given enough time and the right conditions will inevitably result in beings that know and create? And that the potential for beings that know and create existed before space and time were created?
I am not going to allow you to hijack this into another discussion about your theories about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. If you have any opinions on Evolution, and biology, feel free to join us. If not, go off, and hijack some other thread.
Where in physics does it say chaos naturally evolves into order? I missed that day in class.
What does that have to do with what we were discussing? You said the theory is we evolved from rocks. I'm waiting for you to demonstrate that. Now you're trying to change the subject.
I understood his point. It wasn't that complicated.
OK, you can't see the trees through the forest. Let's try something else.
What is your computer, Windows 10? Go into the program and randomly change some code and let us know how much more improved your computer is. That is basically the theory of evolution.
Nope. Even I'd your simplistic example of mutation was an accurate explanation of evolution, you are still changing the subject. You have repeatedly implied that the theory claims man evolved from rocks, and ridiculed me for "not knowing" this, and have yet to demonstrate it, with any reference from any evolutionary scientist making, or even alluding to such a ridiculous notion. I'm still waiting.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You want to claim the oceans and atmosphere always existed as the earth formed from the big bang is too funny. Well, not funny in the sense it shows how bad our education system is but funny in the way you insist it was that way.
Still not an answer to my challenge. I accept your concession that you are talking out of your ass. You are dismissed.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Don't runaway, I promise to not go above 8th grade level so you can understand.
I'm not running away. I am dismissing you, because you keep running away. I have challenged you, three times, to support your claim, and three times, you have, instead, tried to change the subject.
"Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean;"
History of Earth - Wikipedia

Volcanic. Started with a volcanic activity. Everything started with a volcanic activity. Volcanic.

If it has not sunk in yet:
  1. of, relating to, or produced by a volcano or volcanoes.
Nope. Even I'd your simplistic example of mutation was an accurate explanation of evolution, you are still changing the subject. You have repeatedly implied that the theory claims man evolved from rocks, and ridiculed me for "not knowing" this, and have yet to demonstrate it, with any reference from any evolutionary scientist making, or even alluding to such a ridiculous notion. I'm still waiting.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You want to claim the oceans and atmosphere always existed as the earth formed from the big bang is too funny. Well, not funny in the sense it shows how bad our education system is but funny in the way you insist it was that way.
Still not an answer to my challenge. I accept your concession that you are talking out of your ass. You are dismissed.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Don't runaway, I promise to not go above 8th grade level so you can understand.
I'm not running away. I am dismissing you, because you keep running away. I have challenged you, three times, to support your claim, and three times, you have, instead, tried to change the subject.
"Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean;"
History of Earth - Wikipedia

Volcanic. Started with a volcanic activity. Everything started with a volcanic activity. Volcanic.

If it has not sunk in yet:
  1. of, relating to, or produced by a volcano or volcanoes.
Okay. You disagree what that, I assume?
You want to claim the oceans and atmosphere always existed as the earth formed from the big bang is too funny. Well, not funny in the sense it shows how bad our education system is but funny in the way you insist it was that way.
Still not an answer to my challenge. I accept your concession that you are talking out of your ass. You are dismissed.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Don't runaway, I promise to not go above 8th grade level so you can understand.
I'm not running away. I am dismissing you, because you keep running away. I have challenged you, three times, to support your claim, and three times, you have, instead, tried to change the subject.
"Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean;"
History of Earth - Wikipedia

Volcanic. Started with a volcanic activity. Everything started with a volcanic activity. Volcanic.

If it has not sunk in yet:
  1. of, relating to, or produced by a volcano or volcanoes.
Okay. You disagree what that, I assume?
I have no idea what God did to create the universe in 6 days, nor do I care.
"When it comes to the origin of life, we have only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution; the other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility...Spontaneous generation was scientifically disproved one hundred years ago by Louis Pasteur, Spellanzani, Reddy and others. That leads us scientifically to only one possible conclusion -- that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God...I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation arising to evolution." - George Wald, Nobel Laureate in Physiology / Medicine, Scientific American, August, 1954.
You also lack any knowledge of biology. If you did, you would know there is not enough timeto go from a super heated rock to Beethoven in 4 billion years.
You're right. It isn't. Because there is no theory that said that is what happened. There is no theory that said we came from rocks.
Rock. Rock which they programed you to believe became Beethoven.
View attachment 114889
Demonstrate that. Show me the theory that claims that. As in, show me the theory, with references, that says rocks evolved into man.
OK, you can't see the trees through the forest. Let's try something else.
What is your computer, Windows 10? Go into the program and randomly change some code and let us know how much more improved your computer is. That is basically the theory of evolution.
Nope. Even if your simplistic example of mutation was an accurate explanation of evolution - which it is not - you are still changing the subject. You have repeatedly implied that the theory claims man evolved from rocks, and ridiculed me for "not knowing" this, and have yet to demonstrate it, with any reference from any evolutionary scientist making, or even alluding to such a ridiculous notion. I'm still waiting.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And my example of you randomly changing your Windows 10 program code is a perfect example of evolution. Chaos does not naturally evolve into a higher order. Order only decays into chaos, it is a one way street.
Still not an answer to my challenge. I accept your concession that you are talking out of your ass. You are dismissed.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Don't runaway, I promise to not go above 8th grade level so you can understand.
I'm not running away. I am dismissing you, because you keep running away. I have challenged you, three times, to support your claim, and three times, you have, instead, tried to change the subject.
"Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean;"
History of Earth - Wikipedia

Volcanic. Started with a volcanic activity. Everything started with a volcanic activity. Volcanic.

If it has not sunk in yet:
  1. of, relating to, or produced by a volcano or volcanoes.
Okay. You disagree what that, I assume?
I have no idea what God did to create the universe in 6 days, nor do I care.
Oh, piss off with that bullshit. So, you do not disagree with that. So, The earth cooled, and created the conditions that made it possible for life to exist on Earth. That is a far cry from "We evolved from rocks". By the way. According to your Bible, God created plants, organisms that survive via photosynthesis a full day befor he created the sun. Further, he created "light" before creating the source of light, the sun. But, hey. The Bible is more believable than science.
You're right. It isn't. Because there is no theory that said that is what happened. There is no theory that said we came from rocks.
Rock. Rock which they programed you to believe became Beethoven.
View attachment 114889
Demonstrate that. Show me the theory that claims that. As in, show me the theory, with references, that says rocks evolved into man.
OK, you can't see the trees through the forest. Let's try something else.
What is your computer, Windows 10? Go into the program and randomly change some code and let us know how much more improved your computer is. That is basically the theory of evolution.
Nope. Even if your simplistic example of mutation was an accurate explanation of evolution - which it is not - you are still changing the subject. You have repeatedly implied that the theory claims man evolved from rocks, and ridiculed me for "not knowing" this, and have yet to demonstrate it, with any reference from any evolutionary scientist making, or even alluding to such a ridiculous notion. I'm still waiting.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And my example of you randomly changing your Windows 10 program code is a perfect example of evolution. Chaos does not naturally evolve into a higher order. Order only decays into chaos, it is a one way street.
No. It is an imperfect example of random mutation. However, evolution involves more than just mutation.
The flesh and the blood of the Son of Man (as he called himself).

Saved through work?
Many people were toilet trained into perpetuating what they were taught to believe without ever thinking very deeply at all about it. They couldn't go against that training however irrational and crap in their pants in public if they wanted to without going through a great conflict.

So yes, rising from the dead by cleansing the mind and then bodily ascending into heaven by standing guard over the purity of ones own mind, day by day every day for the rest of your life is very difficult work.....
So you've resigned yourself to going to hell?


hell is for cowards sissy boy.
If heaven takes someone like you, then it's not a very worthwhile place to get into because they let any riff raff in. Like a whorehouse.

lol...If you can't get into a place with such low standards just imagine how smelly and repulsive you must have to be to be left outside in the dark....
If you can get in, hitler must be there. Me, I don't want to go there.
Don't runaway, I promise to not go above 8th grade level so you can understand.
I'm not running away. I am dismissing you, because you keep running away. I have challenged you, three times, to support your claim, and three times, you have, instead, tried to change the subject.
"Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean;"
History of Earth - Wikipedia

Volcanic. Started with a volcanic activity. Everything started with a volcanic activity. Volcanic.

If it has not sunk in yet:
  1. of, relating to, or produced by a volcano or volcanoes.
Okay. You disagree what that, I assume?
I have no idea what God did to create the universe in 6 days, nor do I care.
Oh, piss off with that bullshit. So, you do not disagree with that. So, The earth cooled, and created the conditions that made it possible for life to exist on Earth. That is a far cry from "We evolved from rocks". By the way. According to your Bible, God created plants, organisms that survive via photosynthesis a full day befor he created the sun. Further, he created "light" before creating the source of light, the sun. But, hey. The Bible is more believable than science.
Science begins with an open mind. Your refusal to be open to alternate theories shows why you are wrong.
And plants do live 24 hours without sun. And I have read books by starlight.

You are too closed minded.
I'm not running away. I am dismissing you, because you keep running away. I have challenged you, three times, to support your claim, and three times, you have, instead, tried to change the subject.
"Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean;"
History of Earth - Wikipedia

Volcanic. Started with a volcanic activity. Everything started with a volcanic activity. Volcanic.

If it has not sunk in yet:
  1. of, relating to, or produced by a volcano or volcanoes.
Okay. You disagree what that, I assume?
I have no idea what God did to create the universe in 6 days, nor do I care.
Oh, piss off with that bullshit. So, you do not disagree with that. So, The earth cooled, and created the conditions that made it possible for life to exist on Earth. That is a far cry from "We evolved from rocks". By the way. According to your Bible, God created plants, organisms that survive via photosynthesis a full day befor he created the sun. Further, he created "light" before creating the source of light, the sun. But, hey. The Bible is more believable than science.
Science begins with an open mind. Your refusal to be open to alternate theories shows why you are wrong.
And plants do live 24 hours without sun. And I have read books by starlight.

You are too closed minded.
"God did it" is not an "alternative theory". It is an attempt to replace science with mythology.
Rock. Rock which they programed you to believe became Beethoven.
View attachment 114889
Demonstrate that. Show me the theory that claims that. As in, show me the theory, with references, that says rocks evolved into man.
OK, you can't see the trees through the forest. Let's try something else.
What is your computer, Windows 10? Go into the program and randomly change some code and let us know how much more improved your computer is. That is basically the theory of evolution.
Nope. Even if your simplistic example of mutation was an accurate explanation of evolution - which it is not - you are still changing the subject. You have repeatedly implied that the theory claims man evolved from rocks, and ridiculed me for "not knowing" this, and have yet to demonstrate it, with any reference from any evolutionary scientist making, or even alluding to such a ridiculous notion. I'm still waiting.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And my example of you randomly changing your Windows 10 program code is a perfect example of evolution. Chaos does not naturally evolve into a higher order. Order only decays into chaos, it is a one way street.
No. It is an imperfect example of random mutation. However, evolution involves more than just mutation.
If you ever feel the urge to be open minded, here is a short video by the late great Frank Pastore on our discussion.

"Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean;"
History of Earth - Wikipedia

Volcanic. Started with a volcanic activity. Everything started with a volcanic activity. Volcanic.

If it has not sunk in yet:
  1. of, relating to, or produced by a volcano or volcanoes.
Okay. You disagree what that, I assume?
I have no idea what God did to create the universe in 6 days, nor do I care.
Oh, piss off with that bullshit. So, you do not disagree with that. So, The earth cooled, and created the conditions that made it possible for life to exist on Earth. That is a far cry from "We evolved from rocks". By the way. According to your Bible, God created plants, organisms that survive via photosynthesis a full day befor he created the sun. Further, he created "light" before creating the source of light, the sun. But, hey. The Bible is more believable than science.
Science begins with an open mind. Your refusal to be open to alternate theories shows why you are wrong.
And plants do live 24 hours without sun. And I have read books by starlight.

You are too closed minded.
"God did it" is not an "alternative theory". It is an attempt to replace science with mythology.
Is there anything to would prove to you God did it?
Your answer is obviously no.
So you are A) being unscientific; B) you're being a pawn parroting the lies; and C) cheating yourself out of a lot of great things.

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