Why does it always take twice as many straight guys to beat up half as many gay guys?

Once, me and this Puerto Rican guy and this other white guy where walking back from the lower em club and we were staggering drunk. Not something I did very often. I don't even drink now but then, we were so drunk.

So we are staggering back to base camp and a group of Mexicans were walking towards us and one yelled out "If you speak Spanish you are a brother". I don't know why, but I yelled out, "But if you are Mexican you are a sister". Then me and my two friends started laughing so hard, we fell down on the ground on our backs just laughing and laughing.

So group walked over and I knew we were going get our asses kicked and one of the guys said something in Spanish and one of the other guys said, "No man, leave them alone. They are baracho (drunk)" and they did. They just left us lying there laughing.

I always wanted to thank that guy.
Why do you assume the attackers are straight?

Queers fight each other all the time. Ask any bouncer who has worked gay bars. Faggots are mentally unstable and prone to violence.
Gays are prone to violence? Really?
I wouldn't presume so. I suspect many straight men are jealous of gay men because gay guys tend to have better relationships with women.
I think, offhandedly, that compared to straight folks, gay folks, particularly gay men, get lots of "strange" -- call me crazy, but I think men, period, regardless of their sexual orientation, like "strange" -- and that's just not something that happens one is more frequently getting into fights.



Just looking at the charts above, it seems clear to me that the likelihood of getting some "strange" has everything to do with whether there's a woman involved. That suggests that gay men have to be somewhat more civil toward one another in order to increase their prospects of obtaining a "conquest." That "slap 'em and then they swoon for you" thing only works with women in old movies.

Not sure what you are trying to prove with these charts. Other than proving gay men typically have many partners. We all know that doesn’t lead to drama and fights amongst fags.
:meow: :gay:
Maybe not many, just more.
Like I said, if more women were willing, straight guys would have more partners. Pleasure fuking is something both girls and guys like, but girls are wired different. Most just aren't as promiscuous as most guys want to be.
its spelled F-U-CK dean....if you want to use the word spell it right.....we all know what the word means.....we have all seen and heard it before....
Why do you assume the attackers are straight?

Queers fight each other all the time. Ask any bouncer who has worked gay bars. Faggots are mentally unstable and prone to violence.
Gays are prone to violence? Really?
I wouldn't presume so. I suspect many straight men are jealous of gay men because gay guys tend to have better relationships with women.
I think, offhandedly, that compared to straight folks, gay folks, particularly gay men, get lots of "strange" -- call me crazy, but I think men, period, regardless of their sexual orientation, like "strange" -- and that's just not something that happens one is more frequently getting into fights.



Just looking at the charts above, it seems clear to me that the likelihood of getting some "strange" has everything to do with whether there's a woman involved. That suggests that gay men have to be somewhat more civil toward one another in order to increase their prospects of obtaining a "conquest." That "slap 'em and then they swoon for you" thing only works with women in old movies.

Not sure what you are trying to prove with these charts. Other than proving gay men typically have many partners. We all know that doesn’t lead to drama and fights amongst fags.
:meow: :gay:
Maybe not many, just more.
Like I said, if more women were willing, straight guys would have more partners. Pleasure fuking is something both girls and guys like, but girls are wired different. Most just aren't as promiscuous as most guys want to be.
its spelled F-U-CK dean....if you want to use the word spell it right.....we all know what the word means.....we have all seen and heard it before....
I know how it's spelled.

And I know how much it bothers you.
Why do you assume the attackers are straight?

Queers fight each other all the time. Ask any bouncer who has worked gay bars. Faggots are mentally unstable and prone to violence.
Gays are prone to violence? Really?
I wouldn't presume so. I suspect many straight men are jealous of gay men because gay guys tend to have better relationships with women.
I think, offhandedly, that compared to straight folks, gay folks, particularly gay men, get lots of "strange" -- call me crazy, but I think men, period, regardless of their sexual orientation, like "strange" -- and that's just not something that happens one is more frequently getting into fights.



Just looking at the charts above, it seems clear to me that the likelihood of getting some "strange" has everything to do with whether there's a woman involved. That suggests that gay men have to be somewhat more civil toward one another in order to increase their prospects of obtaining a "conquest." That "slap 'em and then they swoon for you" thing only works with women in old movies.
Who did this study? The Christian Right? It doesn't surprise me that young gay men would have more partners. Believe me, young straight men would have more partners if more women were willing.
But once you get passed 30 or 40, gay or straight, you just don't have the energy. If you aren't married or don't have a partner by then, then you will have loooong stretches of no nookie. Even if you are straight, you don't do it like you did at 20. I can tell you that for a fact.
Who did this study? The Christian Right?
  • Eric M. Russell of the Dept. of Psychology at UT Arlington did the study.
  • Who performed the study is irrelevant. What is relevant is the methodology used for it.

But once you get passed 30 or 40, gay or straight, you just don't have the energy.
I really wouldn't know.

I'm well past 40 and I have plenty of energy. But then I work out seven days a week, eat right, and keep fit, so it's not hard to have the energy; that's a big ancillary (to me) benefit of working out. I don't chase "strange" so much these days, but I have several lady friends, and that is good enough and makes for enough variety that, I suppose, keeps me from going "on the hunt" as much as I used to. I thus think it's a matter of it being convenient not to "hunt" than it is not wanting variety.
Why do you assume the attackers are straight?

Queers fight each other all the time. Ask any bouncer who has worked gay bars. Faggots are mentally unstable and prone to violence.
Gays are prone to violence? Really?
I wouldn't presume so. I suspect many straight men are jealous of gay men because gay guys tend to have better relationships with women.
I think, offhandedly, that compared to straight folks, gay folks, particularly gay men, get lots of "strange" -- call me crazy, but I think men, period, regardless of their sexual orientation, like "strange" -- and that's just not something that happens one is more frequently getting into fights.



Just looking at the charts above, it seems clear to me that the likelihood of getting some "strange" has everything to do with whether there's a woman involved. That suggests that gay men have to be somewhat more civil toward one another in order to increase their prospects of obtaining a "conquest." That "slap 'em and then they swoon for you" thing only works with women in old movies.

Not sure what you are trying to prove with these charts. Other than proving gay men typically have many partners. We all know that doesn’t lead to drama and fights amongst fags.
:meow: :gay:
Maybe not many, just more.
Like I said, if more women were willing, straight guys would have more partners. Pleasure fuking is something both girls and guys like, but girls are wired different. Most just aren't as promiscuous as most guys want to be.
its spelled F-U-CK dean....if you want to use the word spell it right.....we all know what the word means.....we have all seen and heard it before....
I know how it's spelled.

And I know how much it bothers you.
i get it, mommy is watching....i bet that pisses you off that you cant talk like you want to here.....get your own place and you can even sit around in your underpants...

Florida police search for suspects in beating of men during pride parade

Suspects in attack after gay pride parade could be charged with hate crime, cops say



It seems like when ever one of these attacks happen, it's always one or two gays and a bunch of straight guys. Why? Are gays so powerful the straight guys can't take one, one on one?
Well, they are caught now. They got a lot of 'splainin' to do.

I just don't get the hate.

If a fag is murdered in one of these team sprot gay smashing events .. is it homocide?

shouldn't make a gay jokes, butt fuck it Gay Jokes .... Cum On guys !!!! Gay guys are fucking assholes. Literally.
When I was in the service, I had to go to my battalion in the mail truck because they were out in the field on training. The different batteries stayed in these huge tents in base camp when not actually out in the field.

So I was sitting on my cot when this black guy walked into to the tent and laid his sleeping bag out on one of the cots, got in and went to sleep. A few minutes later, three white guys walked in and one of them walked over to the cot, turned it over and said get up faggot.

So the black guy jumped out of his bag and started kicking this guy's ass and the white guy started crying like a little girl screaming help, help me. So the other two guys grabbed the black guy by his arms and the screaming little girl said yea, hold him and reached back to take a swing.

So I jumped up and hooked his arm. And I said three white guys on one black guy? Not in front of me. So the little girl walked off and I asked the other two guys if they were crazy. You could go to the brig for a racist attack and one said, we couldn't let him get beat up by a fag and they walked off.

The black guy just set his cot up and went back to sleep.

So this little girl started talking about be behind my back and I eventually heard about it. So one night, I went to recreation room and he was there and I walked up to him and asked him if he wanted his ass kicked there or outside. He looked pussy scared and asked me why and I told him don't pretend you haven't been talking about me behind my back and he said he hadn't. So he lied and said he hadn't and the other guys called him a liar. He was about in tears and I just pushed him a little and told him to stay out of the rec room and don't talk about me anymore because I'll know and he took off and I never saw him in the rec room again. And he walked really quiet. And I always watched my back because guys like that will attack with weapons from behind. That's what a pussy does.

Remember, this was the guy who called the black guy a faggot and tried to get two other guys to hold him down to beat him up.

So this was back in 1976. And in all that time, it seems that whenever a gay guy is attacked, it's always by a group of so called straight guys.

Why does it always take a group? Why are guys that hate gays so scared of them, they have to attack in groups? Or with weapons? I've never been able to figure that out.

And what's funny, if you tell the same guys to leave that guy alone, they always say so you must be a faggot too.

You don't have to be gay to do what's right. But if you can only attack in groups then you are a pussy. Period!
When I was in the service, I had to go to my battalion in the mail truck because they were out in the field on training.
So, you know reading that opening sentence, I thought you were about to relate a story about you and "Miss Palmer." LOL I'm so glad you didn't.
Why do you assume the attackers are straight?

Queers fight each other all the time. Ask any bouncer who has worked gay bars. Faggots are mentally unstable and prone to violence.
Gays are prone to violence? Really?

Of course they are. Homosexuals make up a disproportionate amount of sexual molesters, pedophiles, and serial killers.
Actually, that's part of the right wing lie.
First, I wonder if anyone has committed more sexual molestations than Trump.

Most pedophiles are married with children of their own. Gays could be more but they don't have access to children.

Serial Killers are not only mostly straight, but Republican.
It happens because the straight guys don't want a fight, they want to bully. If it were a fair fight they might lose.
I can tell you for a fact that all straight guys aren't that way. In fact, most aren't. It seems more a Republican/right wing kind of thing. Something racists do. I don't know why.

Most straight guys don't care whether someone is gay or straight.
Most Democratic guys
Is this your coming out thread, deanrd?
About time :pinkygirly:
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Psychologists tell us that some (many?) gay bashers are actually gay or at least bisexual.

This applies to young gay bashers who are terrified that they may be gay.

It also applies to older men (such as some religious leaders) who preach anti-gay sermons during morning services and then go cruising at night.
Psychologists tell us that some (many?) gay bashers are actually gay or at least bisexual.

This applies to young gay bashers who are terrified that they may be gay.

It also applies to older men (such as some religious leaders) who preach anti-gay sermons during morning services and then go cruising at night.
evangies and fundies really have a problem with the gay sex, while the pentie preaches seem to go after the younger girls. Why is that?

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