Why does it matter if Homosexuality is a choice or not?

Is it an actual question for anybody else? I feel that saying it is a choice somehow implies that something is fundamentally wrong with homosexual activity. If you were born loving dudes or one day woke up to find you only wanted to sleep with men, I fail to understand how either can justify persecution. Of course this applies to lesbians as well.
Having choice or not homosexuality has no sense...

Who is trying the hardest to prove this one way or another?.... those who are pushing hard for gay acceptance or those concerned about all this 'gay is ok' push? (I say it is the gay activist group.)

I think most Christians opposed are mostly concerned about formally institutionalizing gay marriage as an accepted and proper norm for our nation. Now this endorsement puts us in a different light and a judgment upon the nation’s soul. Not unlike legalization of abortion. Who are we fooling? Not God. This is a seriously bad development and affront to the One who has blessed us in so many ways hitherto.

So that is why it is a big deal. Make it a legal contract with govt benefits similar to married couples and it is far less of an offense from my perspective.

I very much resent the govt involved in schools telling young kids gay sex is perfectly ok and ok for them to choose. As well as the grotesque message if you want to change your gender that is fine, too. This nation is immoral and uncaring towards its Creator. How blind.
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Is it an actual question for anybody else? I feel that saying it is a choice somehow implies that something is fundamentally wrong with homosexual activity. If you were born loving dudes or one day woke up to find you only wanted to sleep with men, I fail to understand how either can justify persecution. Of course this applies to lesbians as well.
Having choice or not homosexuality has no sense...

Who is trying the hardest to prove this one way or another?.... those who are pushing hard for gay acceptance or those concerned about all this? (I say it is the gay activist group.)

I think most Christians opposed are mostly concerned about formally institutionalizing gay marriage as an accepted and proper norm for our nation. Now this endorsement puts us in a different light and a judgment upon the nation’s soul. Not unlike legalization of abortion. Who are we fooling? Not God. This is a seriously bad development and affront to the One who has blessed us in so many ways hitherto.

So that is why it is a big deal. Make it a legal contract with govt benefits similar to married couples and it is far less of an offense from my perspective.

I very much resent the govt involved in schools telling young kids gay sex is perfectly ok and ok for them to choose. As well as the grotesque message if you want to change your gender that is fine, too. This nation is immoral and uncaring towards its Creator. How blind.
This nation is secular. Start there.
What I don't get about queers in general is how that one aspect of their life is what defines them

It is the bigots who define them by that one aspect of their lives. It is the bigots who oppress just because of that one aspect of their lives.
If they would just shut the fuck up no one would care what they did.

You would like that, wouldn't you. You would like the gays to just roll over and continue to take oppression by the likes of you and not complain.

The fact is, you bigots DO care what gays do. That's the whole problem!
This nation is secular. Start there.

That means zero. This nation is made up of 75% people who identify themselves as Christians.

Well if that 75% thinks God is Ok with gay marriage and abortion, then they are the naïve or careless ones I was speaking of. They are the fools bringing judgment upon us all. I do not expect those who do not believe in God or care one bit about him to be anything but wrong on issues such as this. Somehow we have to overcome your blindness.
Is it an actual question for anybody else? I feel that saying it is a choice somehow implies that something is fundamentally wrong with homosexual activity. If you were born loving dudes or one day woke up to find you only wanted to sleep with men, I fail to understand how either can justify persecution. Of course this applies to lesbians as well.
Having choice or not homosexuality has no sense...

Who is trying the hardest to prove this one way or another?.... those who are pushing hard for gay acceptance or those concerned about all this? (I say it is the gay activist group.)

I think most Christians opposed are mostly concerned about formally institutionalizing gay marriage as an accepted and proper norm for our nation. Now this endorsement puts us in a different light and a judgment upon the nation’s soul. Not unlike legalization of abortion. Who are we fooling? Not God. This is a seriously bad development and affront to the One who has blessed us in so many ways hitherto.

So that is why it is a big deal. Make it a legal contract with govt benefits similar to married couples and it is far less of an offense from my perspective.

I very much resent the govt involved in schools telling young kids gay sex is perfectly ok and ok for them to choose. As well as the grotesque message if you want to change your gender that is fine, too. This nation is immoral and uncaring towards its Creator. How blind.

As a Christian I find your brand of Christianity to be terrible. You do not speak for me.
As a Christian I find your brand of Christianity to be terrible. You do not speak for me.

We do not choose brands of Christianity. You want to say abortion is ok or gay sex is not sinful, fine. But you telling me that is a brand of Christianity means nothing to me.

all sex outside of marriage is sinful in one degree or another.
What I don't get about queers in general is how that one aspect of their life is what defines them, it is the the focal point of how they live their lives. Even other perverts keep their deviance to themselves, why the queers have to demand acceptance and participation in their ceremonies is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose their agenda. If they would just shut the fuck up no one would care what they did.

What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.
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I just think butt piracy is gross, not that the pillow biters deserve contempt.

If I was a woman I'd be a raging bulldyke.

What I don't get about queers in general is how that one aspect of their life is what defines them, it is the the focal point of how they live their lives. Even other perverts keep their deviance to themselves, why the queers have to demand acceptance and participation in their ceremonies is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose their agenda. If they would just shut the fuck up no one would care what they did.

Well for hundreds of years- people like yourself passed laws to criminalize what they did in private, and passed laws to fire homosexuals, and then people just targeted people who were thought to be homosexuals and beat them or murdered them.

What you call 'shut the fuck up' is just that you want the good old days- when homosexuals were terrorized and targeted.
This nation is secular. Start there.

That means zero. This nation is made up of 75% people who identify themselves as Christians.

Well if that 75% thinks God is Ok with gay marriage and abortion, then they are the naïve or careless ones I was speaking of. They are the fools bringing judgment upon us all. I do not expect those who do not believe in God or care one bit about him to be anything but wrong on issues such as this. Somehow we have to overcome your blindness.

If your God wants to bring judgement on all of us because we are treating homosexuals equally- then fine- fuck that God.
Is it an actual question for anybody else? I feel that saying it is a choice somehow implies that something is fundamentally wrong with homosexual activity. If you were born loving dudes or one day woke up to find you only wanted to sleep with men, I fail to understand how either can justify persecution. Of course this applies to lesbians as well.
Having choice or not homosexuality has no sense...

Who is trying the hardest to prove this one way or another?.... those who are pushing hard for gay acceptance or those concerned about all this? (I say it is the gay activist group.)

I think most Christians opposed are mostly concerned about formally institutionalizing gay marriage as an accepted and proper norm for our nation. Now this endorsement puts us in a different light and a judgment upon the nation’s soul. Not unlike legalization of abortion. Who are we fooling? Not God. This is a seriously bad development and affront to the One who has blessed us in so many ways hitherto.

So that is why it is a big deal. Make it a legal contract with govt benefits similar to married couples and it is far less of an offense from my perspective.

I very much resent the govt involved in schools telling young kids gay sex is perfectly ok and ok for them to choose. As well as the grotesque message if you want to change your gender that is fine, too. This nation is immoral and uncaring towards its Creator. How blind.

As a Christian I find your brand of Christianity to be terrible. You do not speak for me.

We do not choose brands of Christianity. You want to say abortion is ok or gay sex is not sinful, fine. But you telling me that is a brand of Christianity means nothing to me.

I understand that you think you understand what it means to be Christian better than I do. I obviously disagree. It is important to me that you and anyone else reading your message of hate and ignorance understands that you don't speak for Christians but only yourself. We can argue back and forth whether or not you are actually loving your neighbor as yourself but I think it is pretty clear you are not even really trying so there is little reason to argue.
OK! Why don't WE ALL BECOME GAY!!!
That seems to be the objective right?
But wait... how will we reproduce? Artificially right? OK sounds like a plan!

That does appear to be the objective to the brain dead of far right.
What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.

They'd probably get laid more frequently too, which I believe is probably at the root of all this anger.

You appear to be the one with all the anger.

As long as you do not believe in sin or judgment, then we have no case or cause.
I understand that you think you understand what it means to be Christian better than I do. I obviously disagree. It is important to me that you and anyone else reading your message of hate and ignorance understands that you don't speak for Christians but only yourself. We can argue back and forth whether or not you are actually loving your neighbor as yourself but I think it is pretty clear you are not even really trying so there is little reason to argue.
>>It is important to me that you and anyone else reading your message of hate and ignorance understands that you don't speak for Christians but only yourself.<<

Well for one, your definition of “hate and ignorance” are so flawed there is no starting point of a debate. Secondly, I am not speaking for “christians” (like you for instance), but I am speaking for Christianity. And on that I would challenge you.

>>We can argue back and forth whether or not you are actually loving your neighbor as yourself but I think it is pretty clear you are not even really trying so there is little reason to argue.<<

We can also argue back and forth whether you even know what it means to “love your neighbor as yourself.”
This nation is secular. Start there.

That means zero. This nation is made up of 75% people who identify themselves as Christians.

Well if that 75% thinks God is Ok with gay marriage and abortion, then they are the naïve or careless ones I was speaking of. They are the fools bringing judgment upon us all. I do not expect those who do not believe in God or care one bit about him to be anything but wrong on issues such as this. Somehow we have to overcome your blindness.
Won't happen here as this is a secular nation, by law. If you wish to live in a theocracy, or a religious democracy (mob rule for Jesus), then get the fuck out of my country because you are an American in name only.
What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.

They'd probably get laid more frequently too, which I believe is probably at the root of all this anger.

You appear to be the one with all the anger.

As long as you do not believe in sin or judgment, then we have no case or cause.

No, I'm a rather happy individual. I live my life on my terms and don't get bogged down trying to control anyone else's life when has no relevance to my own.

What I AM angry about are intolerant pricks who think that condemning young adults to living a life of lies and shame isn't complete bullshit. Stop hiding behind your "celestial North Korea" (to quote Hitch) as if he/she commanded you to spew filth in the general direction of anyone who looks, acts, sounds, or believes anything different than you. Last I checked, the Bible commands us to love our neighbors, not call them names and discriminate against them. Try living that life and let the rest work itself out, your "salvation" isn't going to be taken away because you didn't call someone a faggot or queer when the opportunity presented itself.
Won't happen here as this is a secular nation, by law. If you wish to live in a theocracy, or a religious democracy (mob rule for Jesus), then get the fuck out of my country because you are an American in name only.
Just because I upset you is no reason to sound so ignorant.

This nation, in more legal terms, is neither secular nor Christian, It is a democratic republic. Where do you come off calling it secular? I call it Christian because of the great majority make up of its citizens. Albeit they do not act Christian enough, and in that way you would be more correct, they are secular to their demise.

But to the main point --- If these 75% Christians want to vote for representatives that will vote against gay marriage or legal abortion or prostitution or booze on Sunday -- then they will prevail. You see what just happened? The democratic republic just voted in a law that has a Christian moral teaching as its base and as its reason the congressmen voted for it. Don't like it? Move.
Won't happen here as this is a secular nation, by law. If you wish to live in a theocracy, or a religious democracy (mob rule for Jesus), then get the fuck out of my country because you are an American in name only.
Just because I upset you is no reason to sound so ignorant.

This nation, in more legal terms, is neither secular nor Christian, It is a democratic republic. Where do you come off calling it secular? I call it Christian because of the great majority make up of its citizens. Albeit they do not act Christian enough, and in that way you would be more correct, they are secular to their demise.

But to the main point --- If these 75% Christians want to vote for representatives that will vote against gay marriage or legal abortion or prostitution or booze on Sunday -- then they will prevail. You see what just happened? The democratic republic just voted in a law that has a Christian moral teaching as its base and as its reason the congressmen voted for it. Don't like it? Move.

Now you're going too far. No booze on Sunday? You're a loony.

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