Why does it matter if Homosexuality is a choice or not?

What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.

If weapons grade stupid bed wetting libtards weren't kept alive by redundant safety measures the world would be a better place.

Aww, you hurt my feelings.

We "libtards" aren't the idiots running around hating on and discriminating against, picking fights with, and killing fellow Americans now are we? No, that is the far right wing of what was once known as the Republican party but could now accurately be called the American Taliban.
Aww, you hurt my feelings.

We "libtards" aren't the idiots running around hating on and discriminating against, picking fights with, and killing fellow Americans now are we? No, that is the far right wing of what was once known as the Republican party but could now accurately be called the American Taliban.

The kid who shot the 9 black churchgoers in SC is gay. The LA shooter was a poster here who advocated unemployment and wealth redistribution.

Hardly conservative or "right wing" values...though it is disturbing that the left seems to be in unison on those false talking points when the facts are obvious those two domestic terrorists leaned left...
What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.

If weapons grade stupid bed wetting libtards weren't kept alive by redundant safety measures the world would be a better place.

Aww, you hurt my feelings.

We "libtards" aren't the idiots running around hating on and discriminating against, picking fights with, and killing fellow Americans now are we? No, that is the far right wing of what was once known as the Republican party but could now accurately be called the American Taliban.
actually, it is the homosexauls trying to force people to accept their way. not the other way around.
as far as the liberals running around killing people? the majority of crimes in this country are by the hands of liberals. How is it ok if blacks kill 20 people today but not ok if one white conservative blows away some people in a church.
could you please bring up some examples of this "American Taliban" doing their terrorist attacks.
Aww, you hurt my feelings.

We "libtards" aren't the idiots running around hating on and discriminating against, picking fights with, and killing fellow Americans now are we? No, that is the far right wing of what was once known as the Republican party but could now accurately be called the American Taliban.

The kid who shot the 9 black churchgoers in SC is gay. The LA shooter was a poster here who advocated unemployment and wealth redistribution.

Hardly conservative or "right wing" values...though it is disturbing that the left seems to be in unison on those false talking points when the facts are obvious those two domestic terrorists leaned left...
let me guess, the LA shooter that posted here was also in favor of more gun control.
He was obviously before my time.
Is it an actual question for anybody else? I feel that saying it is a choice somehow implies that something is fundamentally wrong with homosexual activity. If you were born loving dudes or one day woke up to find you only wanted to sleep with men, I fail to understand how either can justify persecution. Of course this applies to lesbians as well.
Having choice or not homosexuality has no sense...

There is something fundamentally wrong with homosexuality. .

And that believe of yours is why you keep on your campaign to promote persecution of homosexuals.

Why is it that bigots like yourself always use the same laughable tactic?

"Homosexuals are bad because anal sex is bad"

Meaning somehow you think lesbians are bad because gay men have anal sex?

How in the hell does that even make any sense in your teeny tiny bigot brains?
What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.

If weapons grade stupid bed wetting libtards weren't kept alive by redundant safety measures the world would be a better place.

Aww, you hurt my feelings.

We "libtards" aren't the idiots running around hating on and discriminating against, picking fights with, and killing fellow Americans now are we? No, that is the far right wing of what was once known as the Republican party but could now accurately be called the American Taliban.
actually, it is the homosexauls trying to force people to accept their way. not the other way around..

Christian conservatives have spent the last two hundred years attempting to force their opinion on homosexuals through laws and public condemnation.

Homosexuals have done nothing compared to the efforts of Christian Americans.
Is it an actual question for anybody else? I feel that saying it is a choice somehow implies that something is fundamentally wrong with homosexual activity. If you were born loving dudes or one day woke up to find you only wanted to sleep with men, I fail to understand how either can justify persecution. Of course this applies to lesbians as well.
Having choice or not homosexuality has no sense...

They should not be persecuted. No one should
It is God's will we all come to a saving knowledge of Him, and live for Him and His Kingdom.
You have a choice to live for God or Self.
If you live for Self, you can make your own rules
If you live or God, God's rules (the Bible)....
I've always wondered how people can think it's a choice.
I don't CHOOSE to be attracted to women, and often, it would be helpful not to be attracted to women, but I can't help it.
Why would it be any different for homosexuals?

Simple. If we ALL were attracted to the same sex most likely we all wouldn't be here.
A very very few people are "genetically" disposed to same sex.
The vast vast majority of homosexuals are learned behavior.

Well thank you for your opinion- which is not anything similar to a fact.

The fact is that we don't know why persons are sexually oriented to the same gender- epigenetics seems to be the most likely answer right now- but its just a promising theory.

I have not seen any evidence at all that homosexuality is a 'learned behavior'

And back to the original question- why does it matter?

Just treat people like people.
Aww, you hurt my feelings.

We "libtards" aren't the idiots running around hating on and discriminating against, picking fights with, and killing fellow Americans now are we? No, that is the far right wing of what was once known as the Republican party but could now accurately be called the American Taliban.

The kid who shot the 9 black churchgoers in SC is gay. The LA shooter was a poster here who advocated unemployment and wealth redistribution.

Hardly conservative or "right wing" values...though it is disturbing that the left seems to be in unison on those false talking points when the facts are obvious those two domestic terrorists leaned left...

Hogwash! Your proof that Dylan Roof is gay is a picture of him wearing a Gold's Gym t-shirt and a wrist watch. This evidence of yours is hardly compelling.
Dylan Roof is gay. If this was a question of whether or not the boy was gay on any other topic, you folks would be screaming to the rooftops about all the signs in the photos and his sweet looking black boyfriend that he was gayer than AIDS.. And you know it. Your selective gaydar is sickening when 9 lives were taken from the earth and you're now using that incident to say this lavender limp wristed boy-lover was "a typical southern conservative".

There's your "hogwash"..
Dylan Roof is gay. If this was a question of whether or not the boy was gay on any other topic, you folks would be screaming to the rooftops about all the signs in the photos and his sweet looking black boyfriend that he was gayer than AIDS.. And you know it. Your selective gaydar is sickening when 9 lives were taken from the earth and you're now using that incident to say this lavender limp wristed boy-lover was "a typical southern conservative".

There's your "hogwash"..

What a total crock of bullshit. You have not presented a single shred of evidence that Roof is gay. Claiming that wearing a Gold's Gym tank top and a wrist watch makes him a homosexual is beyond laughable, even for you. You only hope Roof is gay so you can use this terrible tragedy to smear gay people. Oh...and I never said he was 'typical southern conservative' that is just you making shit up as you go along again. Roof being gay is just another one of your wild and unprovable conspiracy theories you use to justify your rabidly anti-gay narrative.
Dylan Roof is gay. .

Once again demonstrating that Silhouette literally has gay on her brain.

When Silhouette hears hoofbeats, she doesn't presume that she is hearing horses- she presumes she is hearing gay unicorns wearing tutu's coming to attack children.

Ad hominems, diversions, strawmen....this topic must really bother you. I know how nervous you get when someone starts looking into what makes gays gay...the behavior thing and the extremely shakey legal ground of promoting a behavior "as a class" of people that the Constitution's provisions about self-governing flies directly in contradiction thereof.

I know how nervous that makes you because if some sharp lawyer for conservatives figures out that what SCOTUS did this June was an addition to the Constitution which defies or suppresses other parts of it (the right of the majority to regulate behaviors) then your house of cards will come tumbling down.
Dylan Roof is gay. If this was a question of whether or not the boy was gay on any other topic, you folks would be screaming to the rooftops about all the signs in the photos and his sweet looking black boyfriend that he was gayer than AIDS.. And you know it. Your selective gaydar is sickening when 9 lives were taken from the earth and you're now using that incident to say this lavender limp wristed boy-lover was "a typical southern conservative".

There's your "hogwash"..

What a total crock of bullshit. You have not presented a single shred of evidence that Roof is gay. Claiming that wearing a Gold's Gym tank top and a wrist watch makes him a homosexual is beyond laughable, even for you. You only hope Roof is gay so you can use this terrible tragedy to smear gay people. Oh...and I never said he was 'typical southern conservative' that is just you making shit up as you go along again. Roof being gay is just another one of your wild and unprovable conspiracy theories you use to justify your rabidly anti-gay narrative.
Yeah, did you see the video on youtube of his sweet black boyfriend? You should watch it when you get a chance and then you can lie to the folks here about how there isn't a single whit of a sign that Dylan Roof is gay.. :lmao:
Dylan Roof is gay. If this was a question of whether or not the boy was gay on any other topic, you folks would be screaming to the rooftops about all the signs in the photos and his sweet looking black boyfriend that he was gayer than AIDS.. And you know it. Your selective gaydar is sickening when 9 lives were taken from the earth and you're now using that incident to say this lavender limp wristed boy-lover was "a typical southern conservative".

There's your "hogwash"..

What a total crock of bullshit. You have not presented a single shred of evidence that Roof is gay. Claiming that wearing a Gold's Gym tank top and a wrist watch makes him a homosexual is beyond laughable, even for you. You only hope Roof is gay so you can use this terrible tragedy to smear gay people. Oh...and I never said he was 'typical southern conservative' that is just you making shit up as you go along again. Roof being gay is just another one of your wild and unprovable conspiracy theories you use to justify your rabidly anti-gay narrative.
Yeah, did you see the video on youtube of his sweet black boyfriend? You should watch it when you get a chance and then you can lie to the folks here about how there isn't a single whit of a sign that Dylan Roof is gay.. :lmao:

Another one of your baseless and bogus claims. What evidence do you have this was his boyfriend? Hint: Your imagination ins't evidence and you have presented zero evidence that Roof is gay. You tried this bullshit several months ago and you got resoundingly lambasted then as well.
What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.

If weapons grade stupid bed wetting libtards weren't kept alive by redundant safety measures the world would be a better place.

Aww, you hurt my feelings.

We "libtards" aren't the idiots running around hating on and discriminating against, picking fights with, and killing fellow Americans now are we? No, that is the far right wing of what was once known as the Republican party but could now accurately be called the American Taliban.
actually, it is the homosexauls trying to force people to accept their way. not the other way around..

Christian conservatives have spent the last two hundred years attempting to force their opinion on homosexuals through laws and public condemnation.

Homosexuals have done nothing compared to the efforts of Christian Americans.
I know right?
Christian Conservatives should be more open armed and loving, they could learn a lot from the muslims in this matter.
its all the Christians, no other religion, only the Christians.
I just discovered that Im going to hell.
Im having dinner with some lesbians tonight, or are lesbians ok because its more expected from femles. Or maybe they make better porn for straight guys.
Hope nobody at another table notices and starts throwing stuff at us like rocks or Bibles.
What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.

If weapons grade stupid bed wetting libtards weren't kept alive by redundant safety measures the world would be a better place.

Aww, you hurt my feelings.

We "libtards" aren't the idiots running around hating on and discriminating against, picking fights with, and killing fellow Americans now are we? No, that is the far right wing of what was once known as the Republican party but could now accurately be called the American Taliban.
actually, it is the homosexauls trying to force people to accept their way. not the other way around..

Christian conservatives have spent the last two hundred years attempting to force their opinion on homosexuals through laws and public condemnation.

Homosexuals have done nothing compared to the efforts of Christian Americans.
I know right?
Christian Conservatives should be more open armed and loving, they could learn a lot from the muslims in this matter.
its all the Christians, no other religion, only the Christians.

Hmmmm it hasn't been Muslims in the United States who have been pushing legislation through to persecute homosexuals.

It has been Christians.

If you want to argue who demonizes gays more- the followers of Christ or Mohammed - well you can have that argument.

But since I was responding to claim that said that homosexuals were the ones trying to force their ways upon everyone else- it is appropriate to point out that for the last 200 years, Christians have attempted to force their opinions about homosexuals on everyone else- to the point of throwing them in jail.
What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.

If weapons grade stupid bed wetting libtards weren't kept alive by redundant safety measures the world would be a better place.

Aww, you hurt my feelings.

We "libtards" aren't the idiots running around hating on and discriminating against, picking fights with, and killing fellow Americans now are we? No, that is the far right wing of what was once known as the Republican party but could now accurately be called the American Taliban.
actually, it is the homosexauls trying to force people to accept their way. not the other way around..

Christian conservatives have spent the last two hundred years attempting to force their opinion on homosexuals through laws and public condemnation.

Homosexuals have done nothing compared to the efforts of Christian Americans.
I know right?
Christian Conservatives should be more open armed and loving, they could learn a lot from the muslims in this matter.
its all the Christians, no other religion, only the Christians.

In the United States? Yes, it was just the Christians.
Dylan Roof is gay. If this was a question of whether or not the boy was gay on any other topic, you folks would be screaming to the rooftops about all the signs in the photos and his sweet looking black boyfriend that he was gayer than AIDS.. And you know it. Your selective gaydar is sickening when 9 lives were taken from the earth and you're now using that incident to say this lavender limp wristed boy-lover was "a typical southern conservative".

There's your "hogwash"..

What a total crock of bullshit. You have not presented a single shred of evidence that Roof is gay. Claiming that wearing a Gold's Gym tank top and a wrist watch makes him a homosexual is beyond laughable, even for you. You only hope Roof is gay so you can use this terrible tragedy to smear gay people. Oh...and I never said he was 'typical southern conservative' that is just you making shit up as you go along again. Roof being gay is just another one of your wild and unprovable conspiracy theories you use to justify your rabidly anti-gay narrative.
Yeah, did you see the video on youtube of his sweet black boyfriend?

More of your gay on the brain.

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