Why does it matter if Homosexuality is a choice or not?

This nation is secular. Start there.

That means zero. This nation is made up of 75% people who identify themselves as Christians.

Well if that 75% thinks God is Ok with gay marriage and abortion, then they are the naïve or careless ones I was speaking of. They are the fools bringing judgment upon us all. I do not expect those who do not believe in God or care one bit about him to be anything but wrong on issues such as this. Somehow we have to overcome your blindness.
You know, the bigots of the past thought the abolition of slavery would bring God's judgment down on us. Then, the descendants of those bigots thought interracial marriages and desegregation would bring God's judgment down on us. They made their fiery "mongrelization" speeches at the foot of a burning cross.

Same bullshit, different decade.

I will leave the decisions of which married people get government cash and prizes up to Caesar, and leave whether or not being gay or being a judgmental prig is a sin up to God.
You know, the bigots of the past thought the abolition of slavery would bring God's judgment down on us. Then, the descendants of those bigots thought interracial marriages and desegregation would bring God's judgment down on us. They made their fiery "mongrelization" speeches at the foot of a burning cross. Same bullshit, different decade.

I will leave the decisions of which married people get government cash and prizes up to Caesar, and leave whether or not being gay or being a judgmental prig is a sin up to God.
Your problem (as far as I am concerned) is that you take too much comfort and pleasure in the sins and faults of Christians. As though it gives you license to sin away and disregard any moral truth or evidence for God.

Sorry to shock you, but all Christians are sinners. So we can never win on that score. But as long as you and yours point out the worst of those sins and ignore the far greater virtue and charity found in the history of that faith, well, you will win.

But I am pretty certain most Christians did not believe giving up slavery will bring God’s judgment upon us. I am pretty certain most Christians did not believe mixed marriages will bring the wrath of God upon us. I am pretty certain the Catholic Church did not believe that either. So if you want to be a demagogue and make all these false, bold declarations of dubious veracity, be my guest. But you may need good council at some point.

Your final sentence is a good one. I can concur with most of that.
You know, the bigots of the past thought the abolition of slavery would bring God's judgment down on us. Then, the descendants of those bigots thought interracial marriages and desegregation would bring God's judgment down on us. They made their fiery "mongrelization" speeches at the foot of a burning cross. Same bullshit, different decade.

I will leave the decisions of which married people get government cash and prizes up to Caesar, and leave whether or not being gay or being a judgmental prig is a sin up to God.
Your problem (as far as I am concerned) is that you take too much comfort and pleasure in the sins and faults of Christians. As though it gives you license to sin away and disregard any moral truth or evidence for God.

Sorry to shock you, but all Christians are sinners. So we can never win on that score. But as long as you and yours point out the worst of those sins and ignore the far greater virtue and charity found in the history of that faith, well, you will win.

You seem to be under the impression I am not a Christian.

But I am pretty certain most Christians did not believe giving up slavery will bring God’s judgment upon us. I am pretty certain most Christians did not believe mixed marriages will bring the wrath of God upon us.

You must be very young.

I am pretty certain the Catholic Church did not believe that either. So if you want to be a demagogue and make all these false, bold declarations of dubious veracity, be my guest. But you may need good council at some point.

Your final sentence is a good one. I can concur with most of that.
Matthew 7:1-3
No, I'm a rather happy individual. I live my life on my terms and don't get bogged down trying to control anyone else's life when has no relevance to my own.

What I AM angry about are intolerant pricks who think that condemning young adults to living a life of lies and shame isn't complete bullshit. Stop hiding behind your "celestial North Korea" (to quote Hitch) as if he/she commanded you to spew filth in the general direction of anyone who looks, acts, sounds, or believes anything different than you. Last I checked, the Bible commands us to love our neighbors, not call them names and discriminate against them. Try living that life and let the rest work itself out, your "salvation" isn't going to be taken away because you didn't call someone a faggot or queer when the opportunity presented itself.
You, too, are a demagogue as far as I am concerned. I do not have the zeal to tackle all of your accusations which contain tiny grains of truth, at best, amongst the gross deceptions..
turzovka, take a moment and think about exactly what it is gay people are asking for.

It is all about government cash and prizes. If we heteros had not demanded government get all up in our marriages and give us these cash and prizes, the fight over giving gays those exact same government prizes would be completely moot. It would be a total non-issue.

So this matter has absolutely nothing to do with religion. None whatsoever. It's about tax returns and Social Security survivor benefits, none of which were established by God.

Understand now?
In a free country it shouldn't matter...but it seems to matter to the haters.

For the record, I never chose.

In a free country you should have the choice not to cater to a wedding without worrying about having your business shut down or threatened with violence.

You queers are the real haters.

Oregon bakery shuts down after gay rights attacks Deseret News National

Indiana pizza shop won t cater gay wedding gets over 50K from supporters - The Washington Post

Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Top Right News

Title II of the Civil Rights Act.

Aaahhhhh tyranny!!!! :lol:

If you're going to force someone to do business with you who doesn't want to through the threat of losing their business if they don't then the tyrannical act is being committed by you, not them. All of these gay couples who have sued have not done so out of a sense of justice, they've done so out of spite and a want for revenge.

And you know this how?

Repeal Title II of the CRA before you snivel and whine about local and state laws.

Good luck.
I feel that saying it is a choice somehow implies that something is fundamentally wrong with homosexual activity.
I think that's probably it. It's easier to oppose something when you can say it is a choice. Therefore, if homosexuality is (as I believe) the way a person is wired, then the only argument can be "then stop behaving the way you're wired", and that's not exactly compelling.

homosexuality has no sense...
Because of phrases like that, it is important that people understand that homosexuals were born that way (research "epigentics). If it has no sense, take it up with God (if you believe that God creates all life), and leave people alone.
In a free country it shouldn't matter...but it seems to matter to the haters.

For the record, I never chose.

In a free country you should have the choice not to cater to a wedding without worrying about having your business shut down or threatened with violence.

You queers are the real haters.

Oregon bakery shuts down after gay rights attacks Deseret News National

Indiana pizza shop won t cater gay wedding gets over 50K from supporters - The Washington Post

Gay Group Demands Christian Churches Be SHUT DOWN for Opposing Same-Sex Marriage Top Right News
We would also not have to serve assholes like you. Would you sue me? Of course you would, and you would whine to the media of discrimination... Oh, Idadunno is a bigot hater! Oh, she made me cry! Someone give me a tissue damnit!
I understand that you think you understand what it means to be Christian better than I do. I obviously disagree. It is important to me that you and anyone else reading your message of hate and ignorance understands that you don't speak for Christians but only yourself. We can argue back and forth whether or not you are actually loving your neighbor as yourself but I think it is pretty clear you are not even really trying so there is little reason to argue.
>>It is important to me that you and anyone else reading your message of hate and ignorance understands that you don't speak for Christians but only yourself.<<

Well for one, your definition of “hate and ignorance” are so flawed there is no starting point of a debate. Secondly, I am not speaking for “christians” (like you for instance), but I am speaking for Christianity. And on that I would challenge you.

>>We can argue back and forth whether or not you are actually loving your neighbor as yourself but I think it is pretty clear you are not even really trying so there is little reason to argue.<<

We can also argue back and forth whether you even know what it means to “love your neighbor as yourself.”

You don't speak for Christianity. Your voice is the voice of hate and ignorance.

End of story.
Is it an actual question for anybody else? I feel that saying it is a choice somehow implies that something is fundamentally wrong with homosexual activity. If you were born loving dudes or one day woke up to find you only wanted to sleep with men, I fail to understand how either can justify persecution. Of course this applies to lesbians as well.
Having choice or not homosexuality has no sense...

There is something fundamentally wrong with homosexuality. The colon is a dangerous part of the lower digestive tract that is highly susceptible to passing on STDs, most pernicious of which is the HIV virus which finds the colon like a superhighway directly into the bloodstream. It isn't a sex organ in other words. So, having sex with the digestive tract is abnormal and dangerous. And it's spreading one of the largest epidemics in our country.

Whether it is a choice or not matters a lot legally. Behaviors are not the same as a static state of being. You could just as easily justify a penchant to commit burglary if you are a cleptomaniac (an actual mental syndrome) "since your earliest memory".. Between theft and the HIV virus, I'll take someone stealing from me, thanks. At least that I can recover from and live a long life.
Is it an actual question for anybody else? I feel that saying it is a choice somehow implies that something is fundamentally wrong with homosexual activity. If you were born loving dudes or one day woke up to find you only wanted to sleep with men, I fail to understand how either can justify persecution. Of course this applies to lesbians as well.
Having choice or not homosexuality has no sense...

There is something fundamentally wrong with homosexuality. The colon is a dangerous part of the lower digestive tract that is highly susceptible to passing on STDs, most pernicious of which is the HIV virus which finds the colon like a superhighway directly into the bloodstream. It isn't a sex organ in other words. So, having sex with the digestive tract is abnormal and dangerous. And it's spreading one of the largest epidemics in our country.

Whether it is a choice or not matters a lot legally. Behaviors are not the same as a static state of being. You could just as easily justify a penchant to commit burglary if you are a cleptomaniac (an actual mental syndrome) "since your earliest memory".. Between theft and the HIV virus, I'll take someone stealing from me, thanks. At least that I can recover from and live a long life.
We didn't invent condoms because sex was safe...
I've always wondered how people can think it's a choice.
I don't CHOOSE to be attracted to women, and often, it would be helpful not to be attracted to women, but I can't help it.
Why would it be any different for homosexuals?
What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.

If weapons grade stupid bed wetting libtards weren't kept alive by redundant safety measures the world would be a better place.

This nation is secular. Start there.

That means zero. This nation is made up of 75% people who identify themselves as Christians.

Well if that 75% thinks God is Ok with gay marriage and abortion, then they are the naïve or careless ones I was speaking of. They are the fools bringing judgment upon us all. I do not expect those who do not believe in God or care one bit about him to be anything but wrong on issues such as this. Somehow we have to overcome your blindness.
Won't happen here as this is a secular nation, by law. If you wish to live in a theocracy, or a religious democracy (mob rule for Jesus), then get the fuck out of my country because you are an American in name only.
partially correct.
Freemasons took seriously the principle that men should worship according to their own conscience. Masonry welcomed anyone from any religion or non-religion, as long as they believed in a Supreme Being. Washington, Franklin, Hancock, Hamilton, Lafayette, and many others accepted Freemasonry, and as such they incorporated Freemason ideals into the constitution when written.
So where it is correct to say that the country was not actually founded as a Christian country, it is just as correct to say that it was founded with a basis on a Supreme Being, a God and the ability to worship that God of your choice.
The fact that Masonry welcomed all as long as the believed in a supreme being disclaims that notion that we were founded as a secular nation. The U.S was in fact founded with a theological belief system. Christianity just happened to be the most prevalent at the time. and still is.
Is it an actual question for anybody else? I feel that saying it is a choice somehow implies that something is fundamentally wrong with homosexual activity. If you were born loving dudes or one day woke up to find you only wanted to sleep with men, I fail to understand how either can justify persecution. Of course this applies to lesbians as well.
Having choice or not homosexuality has no sense...

There is something fundamentally wrong with homosexuality. The colon is a dangerous part of the lower digestive tract that is highly susceptible to passing on STDs, most pernicious of which is the HIV virus which finds the colon like a superhighway directly into the bloodstream. It isn't a sex organ in other words. So, having sex with the digestive tract is abnormal and dangerous. And it's spreading one of the largest epidemics in our country.

Whether it is a choice or not matters a lot legally. Behaviors are not the same as a static state of being. You could just as easily justify a penchant to commit burglary if you are a cleptomaniac (an actual mental syndrome) "since your earliest memory".. Between theft and the HIV virus, I'll take someone stealing from me, thanks. At least that I can recover from and live a long life.
We didn't invent condoms because sex was safe...
evidently they didn't invent them soon enough, or didn't supply the required education to use them soon enough. You are living proof of that.
Is it an actual question for anybody else? I feel that saying it is a choice somehow implies that something is fundamentally wrong with homosexual activity. If you were born loving dudes or one day woke up to find you only wanted to sleep with men, I fail to understand how either can justify persecution. Of course this applies to lesbians as well.
Having choice or not homosexuality has no sense...

Whether it is a choice or not is irrelevant

You should be able to choose who your partner is
Is it an actual question for anybody else? I feel that saying it is a choice somehow implies that something is fundamentally wrong with homosexual activity. If you were born loving dudes or one day woke up to find you only wanted to sleep with men, I fail to understand how either can justify persecution. Of course this applies to lesbians as well.
Having choice or not homosexuality has no sense...

Whether it is a choice or not is irrelevant

You should be able to choose who your partner is
I agree,
I doubt God is going to turn me away because I didn't stone some gay guy to death.
I've always wondered how people can think it's a choice.
I don't CHOOSE to be attracted to women, and often, it would be helpful not to be attracted to women, but I can't help it.
Why would it be any different for homosexuals?

Simple. If we ALL were attracted to the same sex most likely we all wouldn't be here.
A very very few people are "genetically" disposed to same sex.
The vast vast majority of homosexuals are learned behavior.
FACTs support this in that if it were the reverse, i.e. vast vast majority disposed to the same sex humankind wouldn't exist!
Now for some birds and bees for people like you:
It takes historically one man to have sex with a woman to reproduce.
Historically the ONLY way humans were reproduced was through sexual reproduction i.e. a male and woman having sex.
It is that simple.

Now that you've had the birds and bees lesson, here are some more facts...
Men are more promiscuous then women because now read closely:
Men have millions of sperm: women less. Only 300 to 400 will be ovulated during a woman's reproductive lifetime. Fertility can drop as a woman ages due to decreasing number and quality of the remaining eggs.
So again men don't need to protect their genetic lineage as women do with their limited supply.
As a result a man can basically have sex with his hand. Or another man's mouth. Makes NO difference to most men!
Why would that famous line in "Full Metal Jacket" be said by the Gunnery Sergeant Hartman:
"I bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around."
So tell me if homosexual behavior by these marines was generated by "I gotta be me" genes???
Full Metal Jacket 1987 - Quotes - IMDb
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