Why does it matter if Homosexuality is a choice or not?

I just discovered that Im going to hell.
Im having dinner with some lesbians tonight, or are lesbians ok because its more expected from femles. Or maybe they make better porn for straight guys.
Hope nobody at another table notices and starts throwing stuff at us like rocks or Bibles.

Or Bibles made of rocks. lol.
Dylan Roof is gay. .

Once again demonstrating that Silhouette literally has gay on her brain.

When Silhouette hears hoofbeats, she doesn't presume that she is hearing horses- she presumes she is hearing gay unicorns wearing tutu's coming to attack children.

Ad hominems, diversions, strawmen....this topic must really bother you. I know how nervous you get when someone starts looking into what makes gays gay...the behavior thing and the extremely shakey legal ground of promoting a behavior "as a class" of people that the Constitution's provisions about self-governing flies directly in contradiction thereof.

I know how nervous that makes you because if some sharp lawyer for conservatives figures out that what SCOTUS did this June was an addition to the Constitution which defies or suppresses other parts of it (the right of the majority to regulate behaviors) then your house of cards will come tumbling down.

The topic doesn't bother me- what I do get irritated about is your constant attack on Americans who happen to be gay.
I just discovered that Im going to hell.
Im having dinner with some lesbians tonight, or are lesbians ok because its more expected from femles. Or maybe they make better porn for straight guys.
Hope nobody at another table notices and starts throwing stuff at us like rocks or Bibles.

Or Bibles made of rocks. lol.
those damn things hurt, you ever been pummeled by a rock bible?
leaves marks.
Dylan Roof is gay. .

Once again demonstrating that Silhouette literally has gay on her brain.

When Silhouette hears hoofbeats, she doesn't presume that she is hearing horses- she presumes she is hearing gay unicorns wearing tutu's coming to attack children.

Ad hominems, diversions, strawmen....this topic must really bother you. I know how nervous you get when someone starts looking into what makes gays gay...the behavior thing and the extremely shakey legal ground of promoting a behavior "as a class" of people that the Constitution's provisions about self-governing flies directly in contradiction thereof.

I know how nervous that makes you because if some sharp lawyer for conservatives figures out that what SCOTUS did this June was an addition to the Constitution which defies or suppresses other parts of it (the right of the majority to regulate behaviors) then your house of cards will come tumbling down.

The topic doesn't bother me- what I do get irritated about is your constant attack on Americans who happen to be gay.
I just discovered that Im going to hell.
Im having dinner with some lesbians tonight, or are lesbians ok because its more expected from femles. Or maybe they make better porn for straight guys.
Hope nobody at another table notices and starts throwing stuff at us like rocks or Bibles.

Or Bibles made of rocks. lol.
those damn things hurt, you ever been pummeled by a rock bible?
leaves marks.

It fell out of my fanny pack and landed on my foot. I always keep a few on hand in the case the urge to throw one arises. I like to be prepared. lol
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What I don't get about queers in general is how that one aspect of their life is what defines them, it is the the focal point of how they live their lives. Even other perverts keep their deviance to themselves, why the queers have to demand acceptance and participation in their ceremonies is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose their agenda. If they would just shut the fuck up no one would care what they did.

What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.
If they force me to be a part of their wedding. Then they are affecting my life.
What I don't get about queers in general is how that one aspect of their life is what defines them, it is the the focal point of how they live their lives. Even other perverts keep their deviance to themselves, why the queers have to demand acceptance and participation in their ceremonies is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose their agenda. If they would just shut the fuck up no one would care what they did.

What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.
If they force me to be a part of their wedding. Then they are affecting my life.

And who is forcing you to be a part of a gay wedding? Last I checked, unless contracts are signed, you can still decline to participate in any wedding you choose.
What I don't get about queers in general is how that one aspect of their life is what defines them, it is the the focal point of how they live their lives. Even other perverts keep their deviance to themselves, why the queers have to demand acceptance and participation in their ceremonies is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose their agenda. If they would just shut the fuck up no one would care what they did.

What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.
If they force me to be a part of their wedding. Then they are affecting my life.

Nobody forces you into the wedding business. Argument fail.
What I don't get about queers in general is how that one aspect of their life is what defines them, it is the the focal point of how they live their lives. Even other perverts keep their deviance to themselves, why the queers have to demand acceptance and participation in their ceremonies is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose their agenda. If they would just shut the fuck up no one would care what they did.

What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.
If they force me to be a part of their wedding. Then they are affecting my life.

And who is forcing you to be a part of a gay wedding? Last I checked, unless contracts are signed, you can still decline to participate in any wedding you choose.
A baker would disagree. He sold the queers goods like everyone else. When they wanted him to cater their wedding. He said his religious beliefs say that gay marriage is wrong so he couldn't do it. Well he is out of business. Even though he sold them stuff in the past. Fuck them.
What I don't get about queers in general is how that one aspect of their life is what defines them, it is the the focal point of how they live their lives. Even other perverts keep their deviance to themselves, why the queers have to demand acceptance and participation in their ceremonies is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose their agenda. If they would just shut the fuck up no one would care what they did.

What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.
If they force me to be a part of their wedding. Then they are affecting my life.

Nobody forces you into the wedding business. Argument fail.
Tell that to the baker.
What I don't get about queers in general is how that one aspect of their life is what defines them, it is the the focal point of how they live their lives. Even other perverts keep their deviance to themselves, why the queers have to demand acceptance and participation in their ceremonies is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose their agenda. If they would just shut the fuck up no one would care what they did.

What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.
If they force me to be a part of their wedding. Then they are affecting my life.

And who is forcing you to be a part of a gay wedding? Last I checked, unless contracts are signed, you can still decline to participate in any wedding you choose.
A baker would disagree. He sold the queers goods like everyone else. When they wanted him to cater their wedding. He said his religious beliefs say that gay marriage is wrong so he couldn't do it. Well he is out of business. Even though he sold them stuff in the past. Fuck them.

So the homosexual community as a whole is to blame because other Americans exercised their right not to patronize a company based on the beliefs of the owner? Um no. If I don't like the practices of a private business owner, I have the right not to spend my money there and no one is to blame as that is my right.

He made his personal beliefs public knowledge and now has to face the consequences for doing so just like anyone else.

No one FORCED him to participate in that wedding just like no one is forcing you to participate as you claimed when you initially responded.
What I don't get about queers in general is how that one aspect of their life is what defines them, it is the the focal point of how they live their lives. Even other perverts keep their deviance to themselves, why the queers have to demand acceptance and participation in their ceremonies is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose their agenda. If they would just shut the fuck up no one would care what they did.

What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.
If they force me to be a part of their wedding. Then they are affecting my life.

And who is forcing you to be a part of a gay wedding? Last I checked, unless contracts are signed, you can still decline to participate in any wedding you choose.
A baker would disagree. He sold the queers goods like everyone else. When they wanted him to cater their wedding. He said his religious beliefs say that gay marriage is wrong so he couldn't do it. Well he is out of business. Even though he sold them stuff in the past. Fuck them.

So the homosexual community as a whole is to blame because other Americans exercised their right not to patronize a company based on the beliefs of the owner? Um no. If I don't like the practices of a private business owner, I have the right not to spend my money there and no one is to blame as that is my right.

He made his personal beliefs public knowledge and now has to face the consequences for doing so just like anyone else.

No one FORCED him to participate in that wedding just like no one is forcing you to participate as you claimed when you initially responded.
So you are okay with him losing his business? Even though he sold them every day items and thought of them as friends?
Is it an actual question for anybody else? I feel that saying it is a choice somehow implies that something is fundamentally wrong with homosexual activity. If you were born loving dudes or one day woke up to find you only wanted to sleep with men, I fail to understand how either can justify persecution. Of course this applies to lesbians as well.
Having choice or not homosexuality has no sense...

No one advocated persecuting gays. The idea that not giving gays paper and tax breaks is "persecution" is blatantly retarded. At least have an honest discussion. Liberals are so soft and weak, you would die of starvation if you had to make it on your own. Not granting governmental favors is "persecution." My God
I've always wondered how people can think it's a choice.
I don't CHOOSE to be attracted to women, and often, it would be helpful not to be attracted to women, but I can't help it.
Why would it be any different for homosexuals?

Simple. If we ALL were attracted to the same sex most likely we all wouldn't be here.
A very very few people are "genetically" disposed to same sex.
The vast vast majority of homosexuals are learned behavior.

Well thank you for your opinion- which is not anything similar to a fact.

The fact is that we don't know why persons are sexually oriented to the same gender- epigenetics seems to be the most likely answer right now- but its just a promising theory.

I have not seen any evidence at all that homosexuality is a 'learned behavior'

And back to the original question- why does it matter?

Just treat people like people.

The EVIDENCE is history!
If homosexuality was entirely genetics based there would be no human reproduction right????
I mean seriously how would mankind reproduce if we were ALL GENETICALLY predisposed to same sex?
NOW there are those that are genetically predisposed. I've NEVER NEVER said there weren't!
I'm saying that the gay population has increased simply because it is not considered rape to get a blow job from another guy! Simple as that!
Lot easier.
What I don't get about homophobic assholes is how any aspect of someone else's life is what defines them, it is the focal point of how they live their own lives. Many other assholes keep their douchebag beliefs to themselves, why homophobic assholes have to spew hatred and demand national intolerance for ceremonies and lifestyles that do not impact their lives in any way is beyond comprehension. It's because of that that I oppose homophobic assholes and frequently find myself sad that there isn't a hell for them to burn in. If homophobic assholes would just shut the fuck up and live their own lives everyone of every race, gender, creed, and sexual orientation could live their own lives happily and in peace.
If they force me to be a part of their wedding. Then they are affecting my life.

And who is forcing you to be a part of a gay wedding? Last I checked, unless contracts are signed, you can still decline to participate in any wedding you choose.
A baker would disagree. He sold the queers goods like everyone else. When they wanted him to cater their wedding. He said his religious beliefs say that gay marriage is wrong so he couldn't do it. Well he is out of business. Even though he sold them stuff in the past. Fuck them.

So the homosexual community as a whole is to blame because other Americans exercised their right not to patronize a company based on the beliefs of the owner? Um no. If I don't like the practices of a private business owner, I have the right not to spend my money there and no one is to blame as that is my right.

He made his personal beliefs public knowledge and now has to face the consequences for doing so just like anyone else.

No one FORCED him to participate in that wedding just like no one is forcing you to participate as you claimed when you initially responded.
So you are okay with him losing his business? Even though he sold them every day items and thought of them as friends?

Since he chooses to "lose" his business, yeah I'm okay with it.

He is choosing to do business. If he chooses to also not obey the law, he suffers the consequences. He has choices if he must be anti gay.

1) Operate your business where PA laws don't protect gays.

2) Don't bake wedding cakes
So you are okay with him losing his business? Even though he sold them every day items and thought of them as friends?

ETA: I wrote this with Jack Phillips in mind, forgive me if I'm speaking about a different incident than that which you are referencing.

1) If he sold to them on a regular basis, why the discrimination in the first place?

2) As far as I've seen, he's not losing his business. He's choosing not to make wedding cakes any longer.

Do you not understand that it is illegal for a public entity to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, creed, or sexual orientation? Illegal. That's Colorado state law and if he had a problem operating his business while abiding by the law then he probably shouldn't have opened in the first place.

Either way, he's making a choice to stop doing wedding cakes. A CHOICE. No one is forcing him to stop, he's doing that all on his own.

And, for the record, the Mullins couple was married in Massachusetts, he was not participating in ANY wedding. They wanted a cake for a reception back in Colorado after the fact. He discriminated against two people and now he is complaining about facing those consequences.
If they force me to be a part of their wedding. Then they are affecting my life.

And who is forcing you to be a part of a gay wedding? Last I checked, unless contracts are signed, you can still decline to participate in any wedding you choose.
A baker would disagree. He sold the queers goods like everyone else. When they wanted him to cater their wedding. He said his religious beliefs say that gay marriage is wrong so he couldn't do it. Well he is out of business. Even though he sold them stuff in the past. Fuck them.

So the homosexual community as a whole is to blame because other Americans exercised their right not to patronize a company based on the beliefs of the owner? Um no. If I don't like the practices of a private business owner, I have the right not to spend my money there and no one is to blame as that is my right.

He made his personal beliefs public knowledge and now has to face the consequences for doing so just like anyone else.

No one FORCED him to participate in that wedding just like no one is forcing you to participate as you claimed when you initially responded.
So you are okay with him losing his business? Even though he sold them every day items and thought of them as friends?

Since he chooses to "lose" his business, yeah I'm okay with it.

He is choosing to do business. If he chooses to also not obey the law, he suffers the consequences. He has choices if he must be anti gay.

1) Operate your business where PA laws don't protect gays.

2) Don't bake wedding cakes

PA? I thought he meant the clown in Colorado.
I've always wondered how people can think it's a choice.
I don't CHOOSE to be attracted to women, and often, it would be helpful not to be attracted to women, but I can't help it.
Why would it be any different for homosexuals?

Simple. If we ALL were attracted to the same sex most likely we all wouldn't be here.
A very very few people are "genetically" disposed to same sex.
The vast vast majority of homosexuals are learned behavior.

Well thank you for your opinion- which is not anything similar to a fact.

The fact is that we don't know why persons are sexually oriented to the same gender- epigenetics seems to be the most likely answer right now- but its just a promising theory.

I have not seen any evidence at all that homosexuality is a 'learned behavior'

And back to the original question- why does it matter?

Just treat people like people.

The EVIDENCE is history!
If homosexuality was entirely genetics based there would be no human reproduction right????
I mean seriously how would mankind reproduce if we were ALL GENETICALLY predisposed to same sex?

You have never actually gone to a science class or read a science book have you? Or read much?

If homosexuality was genetic, the estimated 3% of the population that is homosexual would not prevent the estimated 97% of the population that is heterosexual from reproducing.

Your claim is as logical as saying if 'blue eyes' were entirely genetics based, everyone would have blue eyes.

I do not claim that homosexuality is genetic- though it could be. If it is, it is probably due to some combination of genetic factors, because there is no obvious link.

There is no evidence at all that homosexuality is 'learned' or 'choice'- though there is some indication that some homosexuality could be the result of childhood sexual abuse.

The best evidence so far is that epigenetics may be the answer- and I can't remember enough about it to summarize epigenetics here- but in essence it would mean that children are born that way- but not due to genetics.
I've always wondered how people can think it's a choice.
I don't CHOOSE to be attracted to women, and often, it would be helpful not to be attracted to women, but I can't help it.
Why would it be any different for homosexuals?

Simple. If we ALL were attracted to the same sex most likely we all wouldn't be here.
A very very few people are "genetically" disposed to same sex.
The vast vast majority of homosexuals are learned behavior.

Well thank you for your opinion- which is not anything similar to a fact.

The fact is that we don't know why persons are sexually oriented to the same gender- epigenetics seems to be the most likely answer right now- but its just a promising theory.

I have not seen any evidence at all that homosexuality is a 'learned behavior'

And back to the original question- why does it matter?

Just treat people like people.

The EVIDENCE is history!
If homosexuality was entirely genetics based there would be no human reproduction right????
I mean seriously how would mankind reproduce if we were ALL GENETICALLY predisposed to same sex?
NOW there are those that are genetically predisposed. I've NEVER NEVER said there weren't!
I'm saying that the gay population has increased simply because it is not considered rape to get a blow job from another guy! Simple as that!
Lot easier.
They came out of the closet now that the straights can't kill them anymore without a life in prison...

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