Why does Japan have a low crime rate...it is a country of old people...

Twothumbsuphisownass made a stupid, ignorant statement and is now too embarrassed to just own up to it and move on. It speaks to his lack of character.
The UK has a very high rate of rapes and home invasions.

No, they don't. they just define them differently. For instance, American crime stats differentiate between burglary and home invasion. (The former being when no one is home.) The UK calls it home invasion whether someone is home or not.

Same thing with rape. America only calls it rape if there's penetration, all you got to do in the UK is cop a feel. Also, the UK has a higher percentage of reporting because they do less slut shaming than we do.

Now, on crimes you can ACTUALLY MEASURE- We have 11,000 gun murders and the UK only had 48.
The UK has a very high rate of rapes and home invasions.

No, they don't. they just define them differently. For instance, American crime stats differentiate between burglary and home invasion. (The former being when no one is home.) The UK calls it home invasion whether someone is home or not.

Same thing with rape. America only calls it rape if there's penetration, all you got to do in the UK is cop a feel. Also, the UK has a higher percentage of reporting because they do less slut shaming than we do.

Now, on crimes you can ACTUALLY MEASURE- We have 11,000 gun murders and the UK only had 48.
while require it be Gun murders, why not just compare intentional Homicide, or Murder. Who gives a fuck what weapon they were murdered with dead is dead.
It is a country of well educated people that values infrastructure, science, r&d and education over being a idiot.
they still have people learning to swing swords

So does everyone else, numb skull.
Really? they got samurai classes in the Ukraine?


Aside from some reinactors or larprs, not a lot of people still do that

actually, they do.....The old arts, Iaido, Kendo, Kenjutsu are practised around the world....and some of the Koryu, the old arts are still practised and taught the way they were........check out these arts....they are very interesting......While Europe abandoned their sword arts for guns, Japan never completely let go of their training methods. In fact, the Tokyo riot police learn Jodo, the art of the short staff.....a modern version of Jojutsu..........
The UK has a very high rate of rapes and home invasions.

No, they don't. they just define them differently. For instance, American crime stats differentiate between burglary and home invasion. (The former being when no one is home.) The UK calls it home invasion whether someone is home or not.

Same thing with rape. America only calls it rape if there's penetration, all you got to do in the UK is cop a feel. Also, the UK has a higher percentage of reporting because they do less slut shaming than we do.

Now, on crimes you can ACTUALLY MEASURE- We have 11,000 gun murders and the UK only had 48.

Yes...their criminals don't feel the need to commit murder...and the FBI puts the number at 8,124 gun murders for 2014.
Japan has given their police and prosecutors vast powers to convict criminals....searching and witness interrogation are just two things vastly different than here in the states.......then you add a culture of collective guilt for criminal behavior....another thing you won't see here in the states...that is how they keep all of their crime low, not just murder and not just gun murder...

And when the Yakuza decide to start killing each other, they get guns easily as well as grenades.....and the major point....the criminal bosses keep control of their lower level criminals.....they don't allow indiscriminate murdering the way our criminals do....money is the most important thing to Yakuza bosses....and they won't jepordize that with their people murdering each other over facebook slights......
I was cruising through extranosalley, a gun blog when I saw a question about Japan...and the answer mentioned the age of criminals and how crime is a young man's game...

so...that led me to look up some stats...and there it was.......Japan is a country of old people......

The majority of their population is over 25, the age where violent criminal behavior starts to end....

% of the population in the age of crime...15-24..... 9.7%

and that is probably the leading reason Japan has so little crime..besides their culture and their police powers....

Japan Demographics Profile 2014

Japan had a very low crime rate when it had a young population.


As usual.

Nope......I saw stats somewhere after the war.....a lot of violence...then it settled down.....and their police powers and culture kicked in.
2A is the guy who could chop off all four legs on a frog, yell "jump" and conclude that frogs with no legs are deaf.

Yes... not hard to follow the logic.

Japan and other countries limit or ban private gun ownership.

Japan and other countries have very low crime rates.

These two things are connected.

Wrong...again. Culture is the key and their willingness to give up individual freedom to the police and prosecutors, and to participate in group guilt over criminal behavior.
The UK has a very high rate of rapes and home invasions.

No, they don't. they just define them differently. For instance, American crime stats differentiate between burglary and home invasion. (The former being when no one is home.) The UK calls it home invasion whether someone is home or not.

Same thing with rape. America only calls it rape if there's penetration, all you got to do in the UK is cop a feel. Also, the UK has a higher percentage of reporting because they do less slut shaming than we do.

Now, on crimes you can ACTUALLY MEASURE- We have 11,000 gun murders and the UK only had 48.

See...for joe, we are all just barely controlled sociopaths. If you put normal people into a room, and then place a gun on a table in the room.....we will all scramble for that gun in order to start murdering people. Of course, he is completely wrong on that. Actual research shows that 90% of the people who commit gun murder, or any murder, have long histories of violence and criminal behavior that normal people do not have. And the victims in the United STates.....research shows that 90% of gun murder victims had at least one criminal conviction, and another 70% had more than one.....

So the people using guns to commit murder are not normal people who will simply murder their wives because dinner was late only because they have a gun. As I have posted time and again, the presence in the house of a violent person, with a history of violence, and usually a past criminal record or drug and acohol abuse in the home are the actual cause of murder. If you have a gun in a normal home that does not have a violent individual, an individual with a criminal record or someone with drug and alcohol problems or mental health issues....then that gun will not be used for murder.

We had 320 million guns in private hands in 2013. We had less than 8,454 guns used to commit murder...under the above parameters that 90% of the shooters had criminal records.

So 320 million guns were never used to commit murder....and the anti gunners ignore that number...and they ignore the actual people pulling the trigger....and then say we need to get rid of guns.

Guns are used on average, according to research commissioned by bill clinton and supported by research commissioned by barak obama, 1.5 million times a year to actually stop violent criminal attack and to often save lives.

So.....violent criminals use less than 8,124 guns a year (2014 FBI gun murder numbers) while normal people use guns to stop violent crime 1.5 million times a year.

And the anti gunners don't even take 1/2 a second to really think about those numbers.

IN this country our criminals, for some reason, commit more murder than in some other countries. You can use a gun to rape, rob and kidnap people........as they do in Europe....but for some reason our criminals take it one step further and actually pull the trigger.

The vast majority of that is they are killing rivals in their criminal industry....and they are killing people to settle grudges. Which is different from the criminals of Europe, Japan and Australia....although that is changing....

So no, we are not all sociopaths just waiting for the opportunity to get a gun to murder our wives......

In fact.....the truth is as More Americans now own and actually carry guns....13 million people now carry guns for self defense, our gun murder rate has gone down, not up. Our violent crime rate has gone down, not up.........

If access to guns is the issue....how is that possible?

And each time a state has begun the process to pass concealed or open carry....the anti gunners like joe have said it would cause more violence and more gun murder....and in the 50 states that now have concealed or open carry.....the gun crime rate has gone down, not up.
Wrong...again. Culture is the key and their willingness to give up individual freedom to the police and prosecutors, and to participate in group guilt over criminal behavior.

The Japanese are freer than we are. You don't hear about Japanese cops shooting people with no consequences. Heck, the Japanese get upset if cops merely unholster their weapons.
See...for joe, we are all just barely controlled sociopaths. If you put normal people into a room, and then place a gun on a table in the room.....we will all scramble for that gun in order to start murdering people. Of course, he is completely wrong on that. Actual research shows that 90% of the people who commit gun murder, or any murder, have long histories of violence and criminal behavior that normal people do not have. And the victims in the United STates.....research shows that 90% of gun murder victims had at least one criminal conviction, and another 70% had more than one.....

Guy when I see someone absolutely obsessed with guns and shooting people as you are, yes, I am fairly convinced most of you are barely controled sociopaths. Because only a sociopath would say shit like, "Well, they are dark people or suicides, so fuck them, I want to compensate for a tiny pecker!!"

So the people using guns to commit murder are not normal people who will simply murder their wives because dinner was late only because they have a gun. As I have posted time and again, the presence in the house of a violent person, with a history of violence, and usually a past criminal record or drug and acohol abuse in the home are the actual cause of murder. If you have a gun in a normal home that does not have a violent individual, an individual with a criminal record or someone with drug and alcohol problems or mental health issues....then that gun will not be used for murder.

Then we need to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and people with mental health problems. The thing is, you seem to be convinced that can't be done without foiling your need to compensate for a tiny Pecker. I don't care if you do or not. There's no compelling reason for you to have a gun that compells me to letting the Lanzas and Loughners and Holmeses of the world have them, too.

And the anti gunners don't even take 1/2 a second to really think about those numbers.

Because they are irrelevent. We banned lawn darts because a few children died. We banned side loading cribs because a few children died. We put controls on the sales of fertilizers because a few assholes mixed it with diesel fuel and made bombs.

33,000 or 11,000 or 8124 or whatever number you want to use is TOO MANY for a product with so few merits.

The problem with the gun culture is that it IS a culture of fear. you need the madman shooting up a school to rationalize why you need something that is far more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy.

And each time a state has begun the process to pass concealed or open carry....the anti gunners like joe have said it would cause more violence and more gun murder....and in the 50 states that now have concealed or open carry.....the gun crime rate has gone down, not up.

Yup, you got guys like George Zimmerman shooting children in the street, it's practically utopia...

Since I dont say this nearly enough... Fuck you.
See...for joe, we are all just barely controlled sociopaths. If you put normal people into a room, and then place a gun on a table in the room.....we will all scramble for that gun in order to start murdering people. Of course, he is completely wrong on that. Actual research shows that 90% of the people who commit gun murder, or any murder, have long histories of violence and criminal behavior that normal people do not have. And the victims in the United STates.....research shows that 90% of gun murder victims had at least one criminal conviction, and another 70% had more than one.....

Guy when I see someone absolutely obsessed with guns and shooting people as you are, yes, I am fairly convinced most of you are barely controled sociopaths. Because only a sociopath would say shit like, "Well, they are dark people or suicides, so fuck them, I want to compensate for a tiny pecker!!"

So the people using guns to commit murder are not normal people who will simply murder their wives because dinner was late only because they have a gun. As I have posted time and again, the presence in the house of a violent person, with a history of violence, and usually a past criminal record or drug and acohol abuse in the home are the actual cause of murder. If you have a gun in a normal home that does not have a violent individual, an individual with a criminal record or someone with drug and alcohol problems or mental health issues....then that gun will not be used for murder.

Then we need to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and people with mental health problems. The thing is, you seem to be convinced that can't be done without foiling your need to compensate for a tiny Pecker. I don't care if you do or not. There's no compelling reason for you to have a gun that compells me to letting the Lanzas and Loughners and Holmeses of the world have them, too.

And the anti gunners don't even take 1/2 a second to really think about those numbers.

Because they are irrelevent. We banned lawn darts because a few children died. We banned side loading cribs because a few children died. We put controls on the sales of fertilizers because a few assholes mixed it with diesel fuel and made bombs.

33,000 or 11,000 or 8124 or whatever number you want to use is TOO MANY for a product with so few merits.

The problem with the gun culture is that it IS a culture of fear. you need the madman shooting up a school to rationalize why you need something that is far more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy.

And each time a state has begun the process to pass concealed or open carry....the anti gunners like joe have said it would cause more violence and more gun murder....and in the 50 states that now have concealed or open carry.....the gun crime rate has gone down, not up.

Yup, you got guys like George Zimmerman shooting children in the street, it's practically utopia...

Since I dont say this nearly enough... Fuck you.

Wrong...again. Culture is the key and their willingness to give up individual freedom to the police and prosecutors, and to participate in group guilt over criminal behavior.

The Japanese are freer than we are. You don't hear about Japanese cops shooting people with no consequences. Heck, the Japanese get upset if cops merely unholster their weapons.

Yeah...right.....Japanese police can search you whenever they want, when they arrest you there is a 95% chance you will be found guilty........yeah....live in Japan sometime...see how free it is.
See...for joe, we are all just barely controlled sociopaths. If you put normal people into a room, and then place a gun on a table in the room.....we will all scramble for that gun in order to start murdering people. Of course, he is completely wrong on that. Actual research shows that 90% of the people who commit gun murder, or any murder, have long histories of violence and criminal behavior that normal people do not have. And the victims in the United STates.....research shows that 90% of gun murder victims had at least one criminal conviction, and another 70% had more than one.....

Guy when I see someone absolutely obsessed with guns and shooting people as you are, yes, I am fairly convinced most of you are barely controled sociopaths. Because only a sociopath would say shit like, "Well, they are dark people or suicides, so fuck them, I want to compensate for a tiny pecker!!"

So the people using guns to commit murder are not normal people who will simply murder their wives because dinner was late only because they have a gun. As I have posted time and again, the presence in the house of a violent person, with a history of violence, and usually a past criminal record or drug and acohol abuse in the home are the actual cause of murder. If you have a gun in a normal home that does not have a violent individual, an individual with a criminal record or someone with drug and alcohol problems or mental health issues....then that gun will not be used for murder.

Then we need to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and people with mental health problems. The thing is, you seem to be convinced that can't be done without foiling your need to compensate for a tiny Pecker. I don't care if you do or not. There's no compelling reason for you to have a gun that compells me to letting the Lanzas and Loughners and Holmeses of the world have them, too.

And the anti gunners don't even take 1/2 a second to really think about those numbers.

Because they are irrelevent. We banned lawn darts because a few children died. We banned side loading cribs because a few children died. We put controls on the sales of fertilizers because a few assholes mixed it with diesel fuel and made bombs.

33,000 or 11,000 or 8124 or whatever number you want to use is TOO MANY for a product with so few merits.

The problem with the gun culture is that it IS a culture of fear. you need the madman shooting up a school to rationalize why you need something that is far more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy.

And each time a state has begun the process to pass concealed or open carry....the anti gunners like joe have said it would cause more violence and more gun murder....and in the 50 states that now have concealed or open carry.....the gun crime rate has gone down, not up.

Yup, you got guys like George Zimmerman shooting children in the street, it's practically utopia...

Since I dont say this nearly enough... Fuck you.

Because they are irrelevent. We banned lawn darts because a few children died.

If that is your standard than cars need to go...accidental car deaths in 2013 were 35,000.

Accidental gun deaths in 2013.... 505.

According to your own standard cars would have to go....as would bath tubs, buckets, and pools......

Yup, you got guys like George Zimmerman shooting children in the street, it's practically utopia...

Nope....he shot a 6' tall thug in training who attacked him and was brutally beating his head against the sidewalk.....you can't tell the truth to save your life, can you joe....
See...for joe, we are all just barely controlled sociopaths. If you put normal people into a room, and then place a gun on a table in the room.....we will all scramble for that gun in order to start murdering people. Of course, he is completely wrong on that. Actual research shows that 90% of the people who commit gun murder, or any murder, have long histories of violence and criminal behavior that normal people do not have. And the victims in the United STates.....research shows that 90% of gun murder victims had at least one criminal conviction, and another 70% had more than one.....

Guy when I see someone absolutely obsessed with guns and shooting people as you are, yes, I am fairly convinced most of you are barely controled sociopaths. Because only a sociopath would say shit like, "Well, they are dark people or suicides, so fuck them, I want to compensate for a tiny pecker!!"

So the people using guns to commit murder are not normal people who will simply murder their wives because dinner was late only because they have a gun. As I have posted time and again, the presence in the house of a violent person, with a history of violence, and usually a past criminal record or drug and acohol abuse in the home are the actual cause of murder. If you have a gun in a normal home that does not have a violent individual, an individual with a criminal record or someone with drug and alcohol problems or mental health issues....then that gun will not be used for murder.

Then we need to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and people with mental health problems. The thing is, you seem to be convinced that can't be done without foiling your need to compensate for a tiny Pecker. I don't care if you do or not. There's no compelling reason for you to have a gun that compells me to letting the Lanzas and Loughners and Holmeses of the world have them, too.

And the anti gunners don't even take 1/2 a second to really think about those numbers.

Because they are irrelevent. We banned lawn darts because a few children died. We banned side loading cribs because a few children died. We put controls on the sales of fertilizers because a few assholes mixed it with diesel fuel and made bombs.

33,000 or 11,000 or 8124 or whatever number you want to use is TOO MANY for a product with so few merits.

The problem with the gun culture is that it IS a culture of fear. you need the madman shooting up a school to rationalize why you need something that is far more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy.

And each time a state has begun the process to pass concealed or open carry....the anti gunners like joe have said it would cause more violence and more gun murder....and in the 50 states that now have concealed or open carry.....the gun crime rate has gone down, not up.

Yup, you got guys like George Zimmerman shooting children in the street, it's practically utopia...

Since I dont say this nearly enough... Fuck you.

8124 or whatever number you want to use is TOO MANY for a product with so few merits.

Bill clinton, the rapist and obama the terrorist friend say the number is about 1.5 million defensive gun uses....

8,124 gun murders by criminals mostly murdering other criminals vs. 1,500,000 times a year normal Americans use guns to stop violent criminals.....

Can you tell which number is bigger...or which number represents more good being done....?

You can take your shoes off and count your toes if you have to.

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