Why does Japan have a low crime rate...it is a country of old people...

Wrong again....

Suicides don't count, since Japan, South Korea and China have zero access to guns and higher suicide rates than we do...as do many countries in Europe....

Except the Europeans don't have our suicide rates. Japan and China have a culture where they think you are going to get a better life if you commit sucide. Westerners think you are going to hell if you kill yourself. so, yeah, us having an only slightly lower suicide rate than Japan is actually kind of a bad thing, given our "culture".

No guns- less crime. This isn't hard to figure out.
Who disagrees with you moron....yes...most criminals who murder each other know each other, and they also murder their girlfreinds and other family members....criminals have behavior control issues.........

It is the democrats who only care about minorities on voting days...

We want gun criminals locked up for a long time so they can't keep killing....

Guy, we lock up 2 million people, most of them people of color. If locking people up and arming people were really deterents to crime, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the free world, not the highest.

Wrong...we let gun criminals out repeatedly....I have posted the actual stories and complaints of law enforcement about prosecutors and judges who do not take illegal gun possession and illegal gun trafficking seriously.......if you see a gang banger shooting someone....odds are he was arrested in the past with an illegal gun as felon and was released......

We need to lock up the right thugs, the violent killers......I have also posted that even in the criminal community in democrat cities, the actual killers are a tiny proportion of the criminal groups......arrest them and keep them locked up and the city will have more peace....
Wrong again....

Suicides don't count, since Japan, South Korea and China have zero access to guns and higher suicide rates than we do...as do many countries in Europe....

Except the Europeans don't have our suicide rates. Japan and China have a culture where they think you are going to get a better life if you commit sucide. Westerners think you are going to hell if you kill yourself. so, yeah, us having an only slightly lower suicide rate than Japan is actually kind of a bad thing, given our "culture".

No guns- less crime. This isn't hard to figure out.

No...Japan and several countries in Europe have higher suicide rates, way higher rates than we do........
out of what 230 million guns or whatever that number quoted was? It's penny anny shit.

tell the mother of someone who was killed by a drive-by shooting or shot himself with the gun they kept for protection that.

And then tell the mother of woman who wasn't raped because she had a gun, or the mother of a victim who wasn't murdered because they or someone in the area had a gun....

That happens 1,500,000 times a year. gun murder.....8,124 times in 2014....

How many more lives were saved with guns.......?
I agree...but I enjoy showing him the truth....

With all due respect, you're not showing him anything. He's playing you like a sap. He's a sh#t-flinging monkey at the zoo.

You can't "show him the truth". He's not here for that. But you can show him a one-way ticket to ignore island. Starve the troll of oxygen. You'll raise the IQ level of your discussions.

joe is a punching bag...by debating him I find all sorts of new information as I comb through the internet.....In response to his claims about Japan recently I discovered a bunch of news articles about the Yakuza wars, those in the 80s and the most recent that started in 2006.....the Yakuza had no trouble getting guns in Japan...and they called it the season of the pineapples....because they were throwing so many grenades at each other........I never would have found that information if I ignored this twit....

I don't take him seriously, but I do take the research seriously...there is a fundamental freedom at stake and people need to learn the truth.
Wrong again....

Suicides don't count, since Japan, South Korea and China have zero access to guns and higher suicide rates than we do...as do many countries in Europe....

Except the Europeans don't have our suicide rates. Japan and China have a culture where they think you are going to get a better life if you commit sucide. Westerners think you are going to hell if you kill yourself. so, yeah, us having an only slightly lower suicide rate than Japan is actually kind of a bad thing, given our "culture".

No guns- less crime. This isn't hard to figure out.

Except the Europeans don't have our suicide rates

You mean Belguim...has a higher suicide rate.....You mean France...has a higher suicide rate......Iceland...not European but not asian...higher suicide rate, Finland, higher suicide rate, Poland, Ukraine, higher suicide rates....

Do you actually try to do any research or is it all just pulling it out of your ass?
Wrong again....

Suicides don't count, since Japan, South Korea and China have zero access to guns and higher suicide rates than we do...as do many countries in Europe....

Except the Europeans don't have our suicide rates. Japan and China have a culture where they think you are going to get a better life if you commit sucide. Westerners think you are going to hell if you kill yourself. so, yeah, us having an only slightly lower suicide rate than Japan is actually kind of a bad thing, given our "culture".

No guns- less crime. This isn't hard to figure out.

Hungary, lithuania..........and the other European countries don't have that much lower a rate than we do.....Austria for example......
Wrong again....

Suicides don't count, since Japan, South Korea and China have zero access to guns and higher suicide rates than we do...as do many countries in Europe....

Except the Europeans don't have our suicide rates. Japan and China have a culture where they think you are going to get a better life if you commit sucide. Westerners think you are going to hell if you kill yourself. so, yeah, us having an only slightly lower suicide rate than Japan is actually kind of a bad thing, given our "culture".

No guns- less crime. This isn't hard to figure out.

Except the Europeans don't have our suicide rates

Hmmmm...suicide rates by country...from the Washington post.........

World suicide rates by country

Per 100,000

Hungary ... 21.0
Belgium .... 18.4
Finland... 16.5
Poland... 13.8
Austria... 13.8
Czech Republic... 12.7
New Zealand.... 11.9
Denmark... 11.3

United States.......10.1

You were saying joe?

Which of those countries are in Asia?

These stats are from 2005....but it shows quite clearly that you have no idea what you are talking about.....
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I agree...but I enjoy showing him the truth....

With all due respect, you're not showing him anything. He's playing you like a sap. He's a sh#t-flinging monkey at the zoo.

You can't "show him the truth". He's not here for that. But you can show him a one-way ticket to ignore island. Starve the troll of oxygen. You'll raise the IQ level of your discussions.

See...if I ignored joe, then I wouldn't have looked up suicide rates by country to show that he had no idea what he was talking about...and he would just keep posting his ignorance of reality over and over again.....now I can show everyone else the truth, the facts and the reality.....all things joe can't understand....
Wrong again....

Suicides don't count, since Japan, South Korea and China have zero access to guns and higher suicide rates than we do...as do many countries in Europe....

Except the Europeans don't have our suicide rates. Japan and China have a culture where they think you are going to get a better life if you commit sucide. Westerners think you are going to hell if you kill yourself. so, yeah, us having an only slightly lower suicide rate than Japan is actually kind of a bad thing, given our "culture".

No guns- less crime. This isn't hard to figure out.

Yeah...on this list...France beats us, as does Switzerland.....you are so wrong and you don't even know it...

Here Are The Countries With The Worst Suicide Rates

New Zealand......they have all those Hobbits running around, why would they have a higher suicide rate than we do?

France, Belgium, Switzerland...but...but...they aren't even Japanese, chinese or South Korean...why do they commit suicide at higher rates than we do...?

Finland, Austria, Ireland.......higher than us....
Wrong...we let gun criminals out repeatedly....I have posted the actual stories and complaints of law enforcement about prosecutors and judges who do not take illegal gun possession and illegal gun trafficking seriously.......if you see a gang banger shooting someone....odds are he was arrested in the past with an illegal gun as felon and was released......

We need to lock up the right thugs, the violent killers......I have also posted that even in the criminal community in democrat cities, the actual killers are a tiny proportion of the criminal groups......arrest them and keep them locked up and the city will have more peace....

again, most killers are people who just had a bad day. A gun in the house makes it a really bad day.
Hey, Dick Tiny, Scalia is taking that WELL DESERVED DIRT NAP. Buh-bye crazy interpretations of the Militia Amendment.
Wrong again....

Suicides don't count, since Japan, South Korea and China have zero access to guns and higher suicide rates than we do...as do many countries in Europe....

Except the Europeans don't have our suicide rates. Japan and China have a culture where they think you are going to get a better life if you commit sucide. Westerners think you are going to hell if you kill yourself. .

You are a fucking moron.

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