Why does Japan have a low crime rate...it is a country of old people...

The gun study that I cite for that 1.5 million defensive gun uses was a study commissioned by bill clinton through his Department of Justice....to disprove Kleck's research....and they failed. They created their own study, the two anti gun researchers, they designed it and implemented it...and came up with 1.5 million defensive gun uses......

How could this have happened, when Congress banned all funding for gun studies after Kellerman? Was this Congress in the Evil Alternate Universe that gun nuts come from?

You are wrong again......congress took away money from the CDC that it was using to push an agenda and eventually they got it back. That never stopped the Department of Justice and other government agencies as well as private researchers from conducting research.......so do some research...you will learn something...maybe....
I have bill clinton and barak obama and their actual study by the Justice Department and the CDC.....the FBI only counts bodies and police reports. The research by the Justice Dept. takes into account self defense use that doesn't make it into police reports and police reports that don't make it to the FBI.

bill clinton says 1.5 million.....he isn't the only one either....40 years of research into the subject supports that claim.....

Actually, Clinton said nothing of the sort.

But let's clear this up once and for all. Let's fund a major league gun study that will study EVERY incident of gun violence in the country, and document every "DGU" that isn't just some redneck waiving his gun at his neighbor for playing the music too loud.

The point is, the NRA Cancelled gun studies for a reason. They didn't want them to tell people the truth. Guns aren't useful, they're dangerous to their owners.

The gun study that I cite for that 1.5 million defensive gun uses was a study commissioned by bill clinton through his Department of Justice....to disprove Kleck's research....and they failed. They created their own study, the two anti gun researchers, they designed it and implemented it...and came up with 1.5 million defensive gun uses......

And no, the NRA did not stop gun studies...in fact there were the same number or slightly more gun research studies after the CDC got their money back...they were not allowed to propagandize against gun rights......

Guns are incredibly useful.....you are lying.......
70% of gun deaths are suicide. Most being white guys in Red States. See? They aren't so bad after all.

And in Japan....100% of suicides are not committed with a gun....and they have more suicides than we do.......

And your stat is wrong........
Which one?
I was cruising through extranosalley, a gun blog when I saw a question about Japan...and the answer mentioned the age of criminals and how crime is a young man's game...

so...that led me to look up some stats...and there it was.......Japan is a country of old people......

The majority of their population is over 25, the age where violent criminal behavior starts to end....

% of the population in the age of crime...15-24..... 9.7%

and that is probably the leading reason Japan has so little crime..besides their culture and their police powers....

Japan Demographics Profile 2014

Doesn't seem to work for Florida that way
I have bill clinton and barak obama and their actual study by the Justice Department and the CDC.....the FBI only counts bodies and police reports. The research by the Justice Dept. takes into account self defense use that doesn't make it into police reports and police reports that don't make it to the FBI.

bill clinton says 1.5 million.....he isn't the only one either....40 years of research into the subject supports that claim.....

Actually, Clinton said nothing of the sort.

But let's clear this up once and for all. Let's fund a major league gun study that will study EVERY incident of gun violence in the country, and document every "DGU" that isn't just some redneck waiving his gun at his neighbor for playing the music too loud.

The point is, the NRA Cancelled gun studies for a reason. They didn't want them to tell people the truth. Guns aren't useful, they're dangerous to their owners.

The gun study that I cite for that 1.5 million defensive gun uses was a study commissioned by bill clinton through his Department of Justice....to disprove Kleck's research....and they failed. They created their own study, the two anti gun researchers, they designed it and implemented it...and came up with 1.5 million defensive gun uses......

And no, the NRA did not stop gun studies...in fact there were the same number or slightly more gun research studies after the CDC got their money back...they were not allowed to propagandize against gun rights......

Guns are incredibly useful.....you are lying.......
70% of gun deaths are suicide. Most being white guys in Red States. See? They aren't so bad after all.

And in Japan....100% of suicides are not committed with a gun....and they have more suicides than we do.......

And your stat is wrong........
Which one?

The 70% one.....suicide is only about 60%......
You are wrong again......congress took away money from the CDC that it was using to push an agenda and eventually they got it back. That never stopped the Department of Justice and other government agencies as well as private researchers from conducting research.......so do some research...you will learn something...maybe....

Guy, the governmetn pisses itself every time the NRA says "Jump".

It's really time we had someone stand up to these thugs and bullies.
You are wrong again......congress took away money from the CDC that it was using to push an agenda and eventually they got it back. That never stopped the Department of Justice and other government agencies as well as private researchers from conducting research.......so do some research...you will learn something...maybe....

Guy, the governmetn pisses itself every time the NRA says "Jump".

It's really time we had someone stand up to these thugs and bullies.

Not really, if they did we would already have universal concealed and open carry, no taxes on ammunition, guns or training and universal gun safety classes in all public schools.....
Not really, if they did we would already have universal concealed and open carry, no taxes on ammunition, guns or training and universal gun safety classes in all public schools.....

Again, Crazy people can walk into gun stores and buy machine guns. Most people realize this is insane. But it happens anyway.
Not really, if they did we would already have universal concealed and open carry, no taxes on ammunition, guns or training and universal gun safety classes in all public schools.....

Again, Crazy people can walk into gun stores and buy machine guns. Most people realize this is insane. But it happens anyway.

The terrorists and criminals in France, Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Britain and Australia also got fully automatic rifles easily.......and those weapons cannot be sold in gun stores, gun shows or through private sales.....and they are the preferred gun of the criminals in those countries.....and they also like grenades......

Gun control does not stop criminal access to guns....it does stop normal people, who do not commit crime with guns, from getting guns......
The terrorists and criminals in France, Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Britain and Australia also got fully automatic rifles easily.......and those weapons cannot be sold in gun stores, gun shows or through private sales.....and they are the preferred gun of the criminals in those countries.....and they also like grenades......

Gun control does not stop criminal access to guns....it does stop normal people, who do not commit crime with guns, from getting guns......

Yet they don't have hundrds of these incidents, like we do.

Hey, when was the last time they had a mass shooting in Japan? Oh, that's right. They don't.
What exactly is the percentage of blacks and Hispanics in Japan?
They are not a diverse country and it shows in their crime rate.
Not so much because they are a country of old people but rather because they
are a homogeneous country
What exactly is the percentage of blacks and Hispanics in Japan?
They are not a diverse country and it shows in their crime rate.
Not so much because they are a country of old people but rather because they
are a homogeneous country

blacks and hispanics without guns can't shoot people.

THis is not complicated. Countries that don't let average citizens own guns don't have high murder rates because it's just a lot harder to kill someone with your bare hands or a knife.
What exactly is the percentage of blacks and Hispanics in Japan?
They are not a diverse country and it shows in their crime rate.
Not so much because they are a country of old people but rather because they
are a homogeneous country

blacks and Hispanics without guns can't shoot people.

THis is not complicated. Countries that don't let average citizens own guns don't have high murder rates because it's just a lot harder to kill someone with your bare hands or a knife.
Blaming it on the guns again?
So you are saying that blacks and Hispanics cannot be trusted to have guns?
It is not the guns but it is the moral standards of the people.
Blaming it on the guns again?
So you are saying that blacks and Hispanics cannot be trusted to have guns?
It is not the guns but it is the moral standards of the people.

I'm saying most people can't be trusted to have guns. Most murderers are still white people. Most people on welfare are still white people.

There's no good reason for a regular citizen to own a gun.
The terrorists and criminals in France, Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Britain and Australia also got fully automatic rifles easily.......and those weapons cannot be sold in gun stores, gun shows or through private sales.....and they are the preferred gun of the criminals in those countries.....and they also like grenades......

Gun control does not stop criminal access to guns....it does stop normal people, who do not commit crime with guns, from getting guns......

Yet they don't have hundrds of these incidents, like we do.

Hey, when was the last time they had a mass shooting in Japan? Oh, that's right. They don't.

They don't because the Japanese people don't do it.....they can get guns if they want them the same way the 19 year old in Britain got the illegal gun on the Dark Web, and ammunition and plastic explosives...he wanted to shoot up his school, but got caught before he did it....

The Japanese use sarin gas to commit mass murder.......
Blaming it on the guns again?
So you are saying that blacks and Hispanics cannot be trusted to have guns?
It is not the guns but it is the moral standards of the people.

I'm saying most people can't be trusted to have guns. Most murderers are still white people. Most people on welfare are still white people.

There's no good reason for a regular citizen to own a gun.

Wrong on so many levels.......

357 million guns in private hands....

less than 8,124 guns used to commit gun murder....

356,991,876 million guns in private hands not used to commit murder..

less than 8,124 used to commit murder...

Your definition of most people needs a lot of fucking work.......
What exactly is the percentage of blacks and Hispanics in Japan?
They are not a diverse country and it shows in their crime rate.
Not so much because they are a country of old people but rather because they
are a homogeneous country

blacks and hispanics without guns can't shoot people.

THis is not complicated. Countries that don't let average citizens own guns don't have high murder rates because it's just a lot harder to kill someone with your bare hands or a knife.

You have failed the chicken and egg argument again joe. Most countries that don't have high gun murder rates have criminals who don't pull the trigger....but they still have guns. The preferred weapon of European criminals are fully automatic rifles, and often grenades....their terrorists on government terrorist watch lists also easily get fully automatic rifles.....

When Eurpean and Australian criminals want or need guns they get them, regardless of their extreme gun control laws...they just don't pull the trigger on each other or their victims as often...

Our criminals are more willing to murder, theirs are not......

Explore that and you will know the key difference.

Normal people owning guns do not increase the gun crime or murder rate.....more Americans now own guns and 13 million Americans now carry guns for self defense and our gun crime rate, our gun murder rate, our accidental gun death rate all have gone down...not up......the exact reverse of what you say.....

The truth, the facts and the reality do not support one thing you claim.....
The Japanese use sarin gas to commit mass murder.......

That was a dumb way to try and make a point.

but it is true, isn't it............

No, it's not. Your use of the simple present tense indicates habitual action, not reference to one subway attack 20 years ago.

It popped in my head as I was typing...I saw the documentary on the attack....and joe is annoyingly stupid.....so I pointed out that mass murder does not require guns........

Everything else stands though....Japan is a very crime free society for factors that are not connected with gun control.

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