Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

Where do you expect Moochelle's mom to live? In some multi-million dollar mansion all by herself?
Bedouin...I I don't think u even know the definition of "hypocrisy" if u see it in my argument or in this instance of the 1st family living together....and frankly, it is U whining about them doing it "at taxpayer expense"...

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i get it; i hit a nerve.

go cry
Bedouin...I I don't think u even know the definition of "hypocrisy" if u see it in my argument or in this instance of the 1st family living together....and frankly, it is U whining about them doing it "at taxpayer expense"...

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i get it; i hit a nerve.

go cry

Another irrelevant and knee-jerk ad-hominem response...Do u even THINK before u post?

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I am a strong supporter of people taking care of their parents, as well as other family members. I am strongly opposed to people making the taxpayers pay to take care of their parents and other family members, ESPECIALLY if they're millionaires like the Obama's.

If you are so upset, why don't you have Republicans pass a law that only the President, his wife and minor children are allowed to live in the White House?

Run on that one Republicans,,,,Dems will pick you apart
You've already blown your credibility on this one, RW, with your bogus point about family values. Move along now, ok?
Good Lord, will the pettiness and dishonesty ever end? With the Clintons it was accusations that they stole cutlery off of Air force 1 and Whitehouse Furniture ...With Obama, it's his playing golf to unwind and having Michelle's mom living with them "at taxpayer expense"...Hello? The prez DOES have a salary; I'm sure that's sufficient for any extra TP, electricity or food grandma uses...
After my mom passed, Dad moved in with us...and we noticed no increase in household expenses...and loved having him with us and he loved not living alone ...or in a "home"...
What's the matter with u people..and ur So-called Christian values?
Do u hate our prez so much that u even begrudge his wife having her mom live with them? What's next...demands that they put her out or the prez gets impeached?

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Good idea!!!!!
I wish Michelle would show some class and STFU about how blacks have been mistreated in America. The Chinese could tell her a thing or two about mistreatment.

You could shit in one hand and wish in the other. See which one gets filled first. You should STFU because the Chinese couldn't tell her anything about being brought across the ocean and enslaved for generations then subsequently mistreated. Get your facts together simpleton.
I wish Michelle would show some class and STFU about how blacks have been mistreated in America. The Chinese could tell her a thing or two about mistreatment.

You could shit in one hand and wish in the other. See which one gets filled first. You should STFU because the Chinese couldn't tell her anything about being brought across the ocean and enslaved for generations then subsequently mistreated. Get your facts together simpleton.

Oh, really?

Michelle was brought on a slave ship from Africa?

I've read her bio. When did this happen?
Wasn't Barbara Bush, George Bush Senior's mother? And she lived at the WH.

No but Mrs. Truman and Mrs. Eisenhower did. President Wilson kept sheep on the lawn..

A mother is still a member of the first family. only in the era of the nuclear age in the US did Americans expect that members of a family should live separately.
I wish Michelle would show some class and STFU about how blacks have been mistreated in America. The Chinese could tell her a thing or two about mistreatment.

You could shit in one hand and wish in the other. See which one gets filled first. You should STFU because the Chinese couldn't tell her anything about being brought across the ocean and enslaved for generations then subsequently mistreated. Get your facts together simpleton.

Oh, really?

Michelle was brought on a slave ship from Africa?

I've read her bio. When did this happen?

Feigning ignorance is not your strong suit. YOu should try another response.
You could shit in one hand and wish in the other. See which one gets filled first. You should STFU because the Chinese couldn't tell her anything about being brought across the ocean and enslaved for generations then subsequently mistreated. Get your facts together simpleton.

Oh, really?

Michelle was brought on a slave ship from Africa?

I've read her bio. When did this happen?

Feigning ignorance is not your strong suit. YOu should try another response.

Your statement was ignorant.

Michelle knows as much about being in chains on a slave ship as she knows about being a Green Beret. Just seeing it on TV and reading about it doesn't make you an authority on the subject. You have to experience it to be able to know what it was really like.
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Oh, really?

Michelle was brought on a slave ship from Africa?

I've read her bio. When did this happen?

Feigning ignorance is not your strong suit. YOu should try another response.

Your statement was ignorant.

Michelle knows as much about being in chains on a slave ship as she knows about being a Green Beret. Just seeing it on TV and reading about it doesn't make you an authority on the subject. You have to experience it to be able to know what it was really like.

Your statement was much more ignorant. How are the Chinese going to tell the FLOTUS more about mistreatment than she already knows? You are a stupid ass for that one.
Feigning ignorance is not your strong suit. YOu should try another response.

Your statement was ignorant.

Michelle knows as much about being in chains on a slave ship as she knows about being a Green Beret. Just seeing it on TV and reading about it doesn't make you an authority on the subject. You have to experience it to be able to know what it was really like.

Your statement was much more ignorant. How are the Chinese going to tell the FLOTUS more about mistreatment than she already knows? You are a stupid ass for that one.

The Chinese live under the thumb of a Totalitarian regime.

Michelle has been living the life of luxury for at least the last 5 years. Before her husband was POTUS she had a cushy 6 figure paying job. She went to some of our most prestigious universities in the country.

What does she know about the subject?

My wife can tell you about it. She grew up in Alabama towards the end of the Great Depression and lived in a shack with her mom and 12 other brother's and sisters. The only meat they ate was what they could catch in the woods or fishing. Her brother in law was damned near lynched. Her Grandfather was a slave. She got married when she was underage so she could get away from working in the fields. Strange thing is she never talks about that slavery bull shit. Ever.

Spare me.
Your statement was ignorant.

Michelle knows as much about being in chains on a slave ship as she knows about being a Green Beret. Just seeing it on TV and reading about it doesn't make you an authority on the subject. You have to experience it to be able to know what it was really like.

Your statement was much more ignorant. How are the Chinese going to tell the FLOTUS more about mistreatment than she already knows? You are a stupid ass for that one.

The Chinese live under the thumb of a Totalitarian regime.

Michelle has been living the life of luxury for at least the last 5 years. Before her husband was POTUS she had a cushy 6 figure paying job. She went to some of our most prestigious universities in the country.

What does she know about the subject?

My wife can tell you about it. She grew up in Alabama towards the end of the Great Depression and lived in a shack with her mom and 12 other brother's and sisters. The only meat they ate was what they could catch in the woods or fishing. Her brother in law was damned near lynched. Her Grandfather was a slave. She got married when she was underage so she could get away from working in the fields. Strange thing is she never talks about that slavery bull shit. Ever.

Spare me.

You are not too bright are you? Before I obtained my set up I grew up poor and in a racist society. I dont get your point. Why cant I refer to my and my ancestors experiences that were told to me. GTFO here with your BS. Please spare me.

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