Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

I don't care. She's her mother. If my mom were still alive, she'd be living with me. Nothing in the rules says the first family is only husband, wife and kids.
Lonestar is a dishonest convict. He will start lying shortly. He learned nothing about moral integrity in the pen.

Go ahead and throw stones otherwise you'll get your ass kicked in another debate and then you'll once again slink away in shame.

You couldnt kick my ass in a debate even if I was hogged tied and you were a member of the Rockettes. You lie too much to even be considered serious enough to debate.



Weren't you the one that said you should ask people what they want to be called. I'm assuming to be politically correct and all.

But seriously, all you idiots have are the same tired lame-assed insults because you get your ass handed to you when it comes down to principles.

Now, I don't care what the fuck you call her, the fact is we the tax payers should not be providing for her. That responsibility falls on her family not on the taxpayers.

But hey, I understand you idiots think the government is made out of money and aren't smart enough to realize that while you're bitching about high taxes you are the ones voting for bigger government that you and/or you children will ultimately have to pay for.

You started the insults first. You lost your PC card when you did that. Seriously though it does not matter what you think. If you are serious about your displeasure then don't pay your taxes. Otherwise you are less than committed to your ideals. Just another big talker but with no action.

I do use insults, but the difference is I don't have to make shit up. It's all true. You people are straight up idiots.

BTW I never had nor do I ever need PC card. I leave that to the liberal pussies.

I am serious but not paying my taxes isn't a viable option. However voting them big government clowns out is. You will see that option being played out in November when conservatives retain the House and win the Senate.

If you use insults then don't whine and cry about people using them on you. If not paying your taxes is not a viable option then you are a wussy that doesn't stand behind his beliefs. Typical of the spineless, low hanging fruit you are. Get a backbone or shutup.
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You started the insults first. You lost your PC card when you did that. Seriously though it does not matter what you think. If you are serious about your displeasure then don't pay your taxes. Otherwise you are less than committed to your ideals. Just another big talker but with no action.

I do use insults, but the difference is I don't have to make shit up. It's all true. You people are straight up idiots.

BTW I never had nor do I ever need PC card. I leave that to the liberal pussies.

I am serious but not paying my taxes isn't a viable option. However voting them big government clowns out is. You will see that option being played out in November when conservatives retain the House and win the Senate.

If you use insults then don't whine and cry about people using them on you. If not paying your taxes is not a viable option then you are a wussy that doesn't stand behind his beliefs. Typical of the spineless, low hanging fruit you are. Get a backbone or shutup.

Good post

He thinks the repubs, who are addicted to defense spending like its nobody's business [> 1/2 of the discretionary budget], aren't corporatist/fascist tools looking to enrich themselves & stick the taxpayers (him) w/ the tab :rofl: See: Duke Cunningham (R) :thup:
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Lonestar is a dishonest convict. He will start lying shortly. He learned nothing about moral integrity in the pen.

Go ahead and throw stones otherwise you'll get your ass kicked in another debate and then you'll once again slink away in shame.

You couldnt kick my ass in a debate even if I was hogged tied and you were a member of the Rockettes. You lie too much to even be considered serious enough to debate.

We both know that's a lie. But hey, if it makes you feel better then go with it.
The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

I don't care. She's her mother. If my mom were still alive, she'd be living with me. Nothing in the rules says the first family is only husband, wife and kids.

Of course any rational person would want to care for their elderly parents. But as who's expense is the question.
Lonestar is a dishonest convict. He will start lying shortly. He learned nothing about moral integrity in the pen.

I have no problem with the convict part. But I have NO respect for people who are unable to admit when they are wrong. If he can admit it, we're back on equal footing. If not, - well, then I know what kind of man he is.

Being a convict is not the bad part. That just proves at one point in his life he did not have good judgement. His constant lying is breathtaking and indicative that he never learned to be honest.

I'm flattered that I've become the center of debate. No matter how wrong both of you are, it's still flattering.
You started the insults first. You lost your PC card when you did that. Seriously though it does not matter what you think. If you are serious about your displeasure then don't pay your taxes. Otherwise you are less than committed to your ideals. Just another big talker but with no action.

I do use insults, but the difference is I don't have to make shit up. It's all true. You people are straight up idiots.

BTW I never had nor do I ever need PC card. I leave that to the liberal pussies.

I am serious but not paying my taxes isn't a viable option. However voting them big government clowns out is. You will see that option being played out in November when conservatives retain the House and win the Senate.

If you use insults then don't whine and cry about people using them on you. If not paying your taxes is not a viable option then you are a wussy that doesn't stand behind his beliefs. Typical of the spineless, low hanging fruit you are. Get a backbone or shutup.

As long as they're honest insults then go for it. Just stop the lying.

Of course I know you won't
For the record I have no problem with the mother-in-law living at the white house. If it was a cousin or something like that then I would have a problem, but as it stands now, it's not an unusual arrangement for a family. There are much, much bigger issues that we can complain about when it comes to Obama.

I do use insults, but the difference is I don't have to make shit up. It's all true. You people are straight up idiots.

BTW I never had nor do I ever need PC card. I leave that to the liberal pussies.

I am serious but not paying my taxes isn't a viable option. However voting them big government clowns out is. You will see that option being played out in November when conservatives retain the House and win the Senate.

If you use insults then don't whine and cry about people using them on you. If not paying your taxes is not a viable option then you are a wussy that doesn't stand behind his beliefs. Typical of the spineless, low hanging fruit you are. Get a backbone or shutup.

As long as they're honest insults then go for it. Just stop the lying.

Of course I know you won't

All my insults are honest. You have been busted already lying. Must be part of that prison culture you cant let go.
For the record I have no problem with the mother-in-law living at the white house. If it was a cousin or something like that then I would have a problem, but as it stands now, it's not an unusual arrangement for a family. There are much, much bigger issues that we can complain about when it comes to Obama.


yep, its only a concern to SeanRush listeners who are easily-led, low-info, tools :tinfoil: anyway.
Moochelle's mom is at the WH so that Barrack doesn't beat his soon to be ex-wife anymore. True story.
If you use insults then don't whine and cry about people using them on you. If not paying your taxes is not a viable option then you are a wussy that doesn't stand behind his beliefs. Typical of the spineless, low hanging fruit you are. Get a backbone or shutup.

As long as they're honest insults then go for it. Just stop the lying.

Of course I know you won't

All my insults are honest. You have been busted already lying. Must be part of that prison culture you cant let go.

whats ironic is that it costs $35,000+ year to house convicts like him. The for-profit prisons love bilking the tax payers out of their money to house low-level, victimless, drug infractions. lonestar was prolly in for burglary. Amiright?
The Obama's have no shame in taking advantage of you taxpayers...this is something else I have never seen before
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March 21, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Here’s a question I’ll bet nobody ever asked Jay Carney at a White House press briefing: Why does Michelle Obama’s mother live at the White House at taxpayer expense? (If someone has asked, please send link for me to stand corrected.)

Now that Michelle Obama’s mother has caused a disruption on the latest exotic vacation for the first lady, perhaps it is time for some answers about why Marian Robinson is even on the trip to China. Worse, why is she appearing in official photographs with Chinese officials?

Drudge is reporting in big bold lead letters that Marian Robinson is barking orders at hotel staff and generally misbehaving.

How many Americans know that Michelle Obama’s mother is living at the White House at taxpayer expense? Not many, I’d guess.

all of it here

The PJ Tatler » Why Does Michelle Obama?s Mother Live at the White House?

Stephanie is offended when black people get free housing.
If you use insults then don't whine and cry about people using them on you. If not paying your taxes is not a viable option then you are a wussy that doesn't stand behind his beliefs. Typical of the spineless, low hanging fruit you are. Get a backbone or shutup.

As long as they're honest insults then go for it. Just stop the lying.

Of course I know you won't

All my insults are honest. You have been busted already lying. Must be part of that prison culture you cant let go.

I haven't lied but believe what you want.

I spent less than three years in the penitentiary over 30 years ago. I have no criminal record. But I know you don't understand what having one's record expunged means or even what a pardon is so I let you slide because of your willful ignorance.

What I learned in prison is that blacks are the most racist people in society with white liberals running a close second.
As long as they're honest insults then go for it. Just stop the lying.

Of course I know you won't

All my insults are honest. You have been busted already lying. Must be part of that prison culture you cant let go.

I haven't lied but believe what you want.

I spent less than three years in the penitentiary over 30 years ago. I have no criminal record. But I know you don't understand what having one's record expunged means or even what a pardon is so I let you slide because of your willful ignorance.

What I learned in prison is that blacks are the most racist people in society with white liberals running a close second.

You lie like you are still incarcerated. I bet you were saying you didnt do it like everyone else too.:lol: Either way you cant hold a honest conversation you bum. Did you pay the taxpayers the money back you owe them for giving you free room and board?
All my insults are honest. You have been busted already lying. Must be part of that prison culture you cant let go.

I haven't lied but believe what you want.

I spent less than three years in the penitentiary over 30 years ago. I have no criminal record. But I know you don't understand what having one's record expunged means or even what a pardon is so I let you slide because of your willful ignorance.

What I learned in prison is that blacks are the most racist people in society with white liberals running a close second.

You lie like you are still incarcerated. I bet you were saying you didnt do it like everyone else too.:lol: Either way you cant hold a honest conversation you bum. Did you pay the taxpayers the money back you owe them for giving you free room and board?

Whatever floats your boat assclown!

I actually pled guilty and the state actually paid me money. I don't know what you've been told I can only assume your ignorant since it's been on display for all to see, but uh, when you work as an inmate on a prison farm they actually pay you. Now it may be different now since a lot of the prison are no longer working farms but back in my day the prison was self sufficient relying very little on state dollars. We grew and raised our own beef, pork and vegetables, grew and ginned cotton with which we made our own clothes. Sadly it's not like that anymore.
I haven't lied but believe what you want.

I spent less than three years in the penitentiary over 30 years ago. I have no criminal record. But I know you don't understand what having one's record expunged means or even what a pardon is so I let you slide because of your willful ignorance.

What I learned in prison is that blacks are the most racist people in society with white liberals running a close second.

You lie like you are still incarcerated. I bet you were saying you didnt do it like everyone else too.:lol: Either way you cant hold a honest conversation you bum. Did you pay the taxpayers the money back you owe them for giving you free room and board?

Whatever floats your boat assclown!

I actually pled guilty and the state actually paid me money. I don't know what you've been told I can only assume your ignorant since it's been on display for all to see, but uh, when you work as an inmate on a prison farm they actually pay you. Now it may be different now since a lot of the prison are no longer working farms but back in my day the prison was self sufficient relying very little on state dollars. We grew and raised our own beef, pork and vegetables, grew and ginned cotton with which we made our own clothes. Sadly it's not like that anymore.

Dont give me some sad sob story. Just pay the tax payers back their money. I just wonder why you lie so much and cant admit it. Sort of a redundant question I guess. :lol:
As long as they're honest insults then go for it. Just stop the lying.

Of course I know you won't

All my insults are honest. You have been busted already lying. Must be part of that prison culture you cant let go.

I haven't lied but believe what you want.

I spent less than three years in the penitentiary over 30 years ago. I have no criminal record. But I know you don't understand what having one's record expunged means or even what a pardon is so I let you slide because of your willful ignorance.

What I learned in prison is that blacks are the most racist people in society with white liberals running a close second.

You still have a criminal record. If you paid a lawyer to have your record expunged and he told you upon the court making such an order you had no record you were lied to.

All felonies appear on the FBI and State criminal records (RAP Sheets) which will always exist, as will the police reports which are still maintained in the records of the agency which arrested you. Records of your arrest exist in the presentence report (PSI) held by the court and said PSI is included in your file at the prison and in the archives of the parole authority.

Even a governors pardon will not erase these records; they may on the state and local level be sealed, but they still existed and can be examined by a court order.

Let me add that blacks, whites and all other races, creeds, and ethnicities in prison do not reflect the attitudes of others like them in society. Convicts exist in a separate society and their behavior inside does not model the behavior of those outside the freedom door.
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Seriously, I don't know where you guys live where this is the case. I am conservative and most of my friends are as well. We have BOTH moms here. Mine is here because I found her in the fetal position on the bathroom floor unable to move and learned she'd been there 36 hours. His is here because her house is 3000 miles away and that's just too far. Both of them can afford to live alone. I can afford to live alone. Husband can afford to live alone. We don't even have children, so childcare has nothing to do with it. Two of my friends have one mother with them even though none of them are poor. This is not uncommon here. It wasn't uncommon in Whatcom County, WA, either. It is not about money. It is about family and actually wanting to be around them.

P.S. The taxpayer does not pay for her food, toilet paper, dry cleaning, etc. Hell, we don't even pay for our presidents' groceries. It comes out of his salary, which I think is silly.

P.P.S. When I'm president, both moms will be with me. How about that? 2 moms and a Canadian ... and one of the moms is kinda fussy, so may bark on occassion, too. I'd take them both to China with me, too, on my dime ... so they may actually be seen and photographed -gasp-.

[k quote=Lonestar_logic;8824282]

No, but I do object to extended family.

You can point to four examples where it has been done before but that doesn't mean it's right, it just means they were wrong four times before.

So then your issue comes down to what is a "real family" and that you don't consider a family with a grandma living with them to be a "real family"

Come on conservatives ...31 pages....you can do it
Just admit this is not a big deal and that you support extended families

No my issue is what us taxpayers should be on the hook for. I have no problem with the first family living in the Whitehouse at our expense, but beyond that they should take care of their own extended family members and not burden us with the expense.

Usually families that have extended members living with them do so because they can't afford alternatives.[/QUOTE]

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