Why Does Michelle Obama’s Mother Live at the White House?

What is your definition of an "extended" family?

Oh I do pay my taxes asshole!! Otherwise your ilk would starve.

Anyone that has had a hand in raising me, my wife, or my children is considered immediate family. Stop lying asshole. You don't pay taxes you bum convict.

Weren't you the one that said you should ask people what they want to be called. I'm assuming to be politically correct and all.

But seriously, all you idiots have are the same tired lame-assed insults because you get your ass handed to you when it comes down to principles.

Now, I don't care what the fuck you call her, the fact is we the tax payers should not be providing for her. That responsibility falls on her family not on the taxpayers.

But hey, I understand you idiots think the government is made out of money and aren't smart enough to realize that while you're bitching about high taxes you are the ones voting for bigger government that you and/or you children will ultimately have to pay for.

Case rested.

Congratulations, you have my pity.
And what about the dog?

He's not related to anyone and yet he gets to live there scot free while us taxpayers pay for his dogfood and one or more of the Whitehouse staff to walk him no doubt.

Why aren't the righties bitching about that?

They probably did.
Can't afford alternatives? Is that how conservatives look at extended families? You never consider that they may love their mother and want to take care of her? Or that they want their mother in their daughters lives?

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with the concept of family? We know you have issues with gay families....but bitching about grandma is creeping me out

I don't speak for all conservatives. I speak for myself.

You can spin it any way you want. I'm telling you what I believe and have experienced. My mother lived with me with when could no longer care for herself, now I could have put her in a convalescent home as some people choose to do, but I chose to have a live in nurse there to tend to her because I had the money and could afford it.

Now had I been a poor Democrat then I would probably let the state i.e. the taxpayers provide for her needs. Much like what the Obama's are doing.

Don't be an ass. It has nothing to do with Mrs. Robinson's health. She is Michelle's immediate family. They were living together after she was widowed. She helps with the girls, and I doubt anybody is paying her to do so, as a nanny would be paid. My mom took care of my daughter at no charge. That's what family does. And family doesn't STOP being family just because the man of the house landed the highest office in the land.
Did the taxpayers pick up the tab for your daughter?
And what about the dog?

He's not related to anyone and yet he gets to live there scot free while us taxpayers pay for his dogfood and one or more of the Whitehouse staff to walk him no doubt.

Why aren't the righties bitching about that?

I consider a pet (cat/dog) an immediate family member.

Anyone that has had a hand in raising me, my wife, or my children is considered immediate family. Stop lying asshole. You don't pay taxes you bum convict.

Weren't you the one that said you should ask people what they want to be called. I'm assuming to be politically correct and all.

But seriously, all you idiots have are the same tired lame-assed insults because you get your ass handed to you when it comes down to principles.

Now, I don't care what the fuck you call her, the fact is we the tax payers should not be providing for her. That responsibility falls on her family not on the taxpayers.

But hey, I understand you idiots think the government is made out of money and aren't smart enough to realize that while you're bitching about high taxes you are the ones voting for bigger government that you and/or you children will ultimately have to pay for.

Case rested.

Congratulations, you have my pity.

You need to save that for you and yours.

Lord knows you need it more than I.
No my issue is what us taxpayers should be on the hook for. I have no problem with the first family living in the Whitehouse at our expense, but beyond that they should take care of their own extended family members and not burden us with the expense.

Usually families that have extended members living with them do so because they can't afford alternatives.

Can't afford alternatives? Is that how conservatives look at extended families? You never consider that they may love their mother and want to take care of her? Or that they want their mother in their daughters lives?

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with the concept of family? We know you have issues with gay families....but bitching about grandma is creeping me out

I don't speak for all conservatives. I speak for myself.

You can spin it any way you want. I'm telling you what I believe and have experienced. My mother lived with me with when could no longer care for herself, now I could have put her in a convalescent home as some people choose to do, but I chose to have a live in nurse there to tend to her because I had the money and could afford it.

Now had I been a poor Democrat then I would probably let the state i.e. the taxpayers provide for her needs. Much like what the Obama's are doing.

My dad lived with us when he turned 89 for three years before we had to put him in an old folks home. He just knew I was his brother, not his son. It took me a few months to accept it and then decided what the hey. If he wants me to be his brother Fred, and it makes him happy, I will answer to Fred.

One day he decided he wanted to go back to the little town where he was born and raised and just went out the door to walk the 900 miles. It got too difficult for my wife to get in the car every day and find him before he got ran over so it was time to take him home.

We took him home to the only old folks home in that little town of 3200 people and talk about hitting the jackpot. When we checked him in he shared a room with the one friend he had left alive in that little town. With a ratio of 10 old women to each old man, they both thought they had died and gone to heaven.

BTW, I made up the difference between his paltry $300 a month Soc Sec check and the $1200 to pay the home out of my pocket. I told him when he moved in that since he took care of me for 18 years and then sent me off to college, I owed him 22 years of room and board. After that, he was on his own.
Weren't you the one that said you should ask people what they want to be called. I'm assuming to be politically correct and all.

But seriously, all you idiots have are the same tired lame-assed insults because you get your ass handed to you when it comes down to principles.

Now, I don't care what the fuck you call her, the fact is we the tax payers should not be providing for her. That responsibility falls on her family not on the taxpayers.

But hey, I understand you idiots think the government is made out of money and aren't smart enough to realize that while you're bitching about high taxes you are the ones voting for bigger government that you and/or you children will ultimately have to pay for.

Case rested.

Congratulations, you have my pity.

You need to save that for you and yours.

Lord knows you need it more than I.

Why is the word Logic in your user name? Oh, yeah!! It's TEXAS logic. In other words, completely illogical. :thup:
What is your definition of an "extended" family?

Oh I do pay my taxes asshole!! Otherwise your ilk would starve.

Anyone that has had a hand in raising me, my wife, or my children is considered immediate family. Stop lying asshole. You don't pay taxes you bum convict.

Weren't you the one that said you should ask people what they want to be called. I'm assuming to be politically correct and all.

But seriously, all you idiots have are the same tired lame-assed insults because you get your ass handed to you when it comes down to principles.

Now, I don't care what the fuck you call her, the fact is we the tax payers should not be providing for her. That responsibility falls on her family not on the taxpayers.

But hey, I understand you idiots think the government is made out of money and aren't smart enough to realize that while you're bitching about high taxes you are the ones voting for bigger government that you and/or you children will ultimately have to pay for.

You started the insults first. You lost your PC card when you did that. Seriously though it does not matter what you think. If you are serious about your displeasure then don't pay your taxes. Otherwise you are less than committed to your ideals. Just another big talker but with no action.
Can't afford alternatives? Is that how conservatives look at extended families? You never consider that they may love their mother and want to take care of her? Or that they want their mother in their daughters lives?

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with the concept of family? We know you have issues with gay families....but bitching about grandma is creeping me out

I don't speak for all conservatives. I speak for myself.

You can spin it any way you want. I'm telling you what I believe and have experienced. My mother lived with me with when could no longer care for herself, now I could have put her in a convalescent home as some people choose to do, but I chose to have a live in nurse there to tend to her because I had the money and could afford it.

Now had I been a poor Democrat then I would probably let the state i.e. the taxpayers provide for her needs. Much like what the Obama's are doing.

My dad lived with us when he turned 89 for three years before we had to put him in an old folks home. He just knew I was his brother, not his son. It took me a few months to accept it and then decided what the hey. If he wants me to be his brother Fred, and it makes him happy, I will answer to Fred.

One day he decided he wanted to go back to the little town where he was born and raised and just went out the door to walk the 900 miles. It got too difficult for my wife to get in the car every day and find him before he got ran over so it was time to take him home.

We took him home to the only old folks home in that little town of 3200 people and talk about hitting the jackpot. When we checked him in he shared a room with the one friend he had left alive in that little town. With a ratio of 10 old women to each old man, they both thought they had died and gone to heaven.

BTW, I made up the difference between his paltry $300 a month Soc Sec check and the $1200 to pay the home out of my pocket. I told him when he moved in that since he took care of me for 18 years and then sent me off to college, I owed him 22 years of room and board. After that, he was on his own.

I think that's only fair. Personally I would feel less of a man if I allowed anyone other than myself or family to support family members who are elderly and can no longer do for themselves. I would never ask or expect the tax paying citizens to provide for that support. But then again, I'm not a liberal.
Look up one post. :thup:

Lonestar is a dishonest convict. He will start lying shortly. He learned nothing about moral integrity in the pen.

I have no problem with the convict part. But I have NO respect for people who are unable to admit when they are wrong. If he can admit it, we're back on equal footing. If not, - well, then I know what kind of man he is.

Being a convict is not the bad part. That just proves at one point in his life he did not have good judgement. His constant lying is breathtaking and indicative that he never learned to be honest.
Look up one post. :thup:

Lonestar is a dishonest convict. He will start lying shortly. He learned nothing about moral integrity in the pen.

Go ahead and throw stones otherwise you'll get your ass kicked in another debate and then you'll once again slink away in shame.

You couldnt kick my ass in a debate even if I was hogged tied and you were a member of the Rockettes. You lie too much to even be considered serious enough to debate.
Anyone that has had a hand in raising me, my wife, or my children is considered immediate family. Stop lying asshole. You don't pay taxes you bum convict.

Weren't you the one that said you should ask people what they want to be called. I'm assuming to be politically correct and all.

But seriously, all you idiots have are the same tired lame-assed insults because you get your ass handed to you when it comes down to principles.

Now, I don't care what the fuck you call her, the fact is we the tax payers should not be providing for her. That responsibility falls on her family not on the taxpayers.

But hey, I understand you idiots think the government is made out of money and aren't smart enough to realize that while you're bitching about high taxes you are the ones voting for bigger government that you and/or you children will ultimately have to pay for.

You started the insults first. You lost your PC card when you did that. Seriously though it does not matter what you think. If you are serious about your displeasure then don't pay your taxes. Otherwise you are less than committed to your ideals. Just another big talker but with no action.

I do use insults, but the difference is I don't have to make shit up. It's all true. You people are straight up idiots.

BTW I never had nor do I ever need PC card. I leave that to the liberal pussies.

I am serious but not paying my taxes isn't a viable option. However voting them big government clowns out is. You will see that option being played out in November when conservatives retain the House and win the Senate.

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