Why does our press call Vester flanagan "troubled" but Dylan Roof was a "hatefilled racist"?

Used to I didn't care one way or another and my thoughts were if they wanted to be pretend married who cares? But after the attacks on Christian businesses and it's obvious they are targeting them I've had it. They can't be tolerant than neither can I. They can go to hell. Bunch of mental misfits

And also remember that the queers do NOT want equal rights. They want affirmative action - special treatment for themselves at the expense of others. That's why i hate the queers so much.
Now it's only fair, if it's true they found a homo battle flag in his apartment then the flag needs to be banned, it promotes hate, violence and murder. Right. loons?


The Daily Telegraph has learned that “police reportedly confiscated a gay pride flag” from the apartment of Vester Lee Flanagan Wednesday. In an apparent hate crime, Flanagan is the 41 year-old black journalist who murdered two white Virginia reporters on live television Wednesday morning before turning his gun on himself.

In a manifesto faxed to ABC News, Flanagan, an Obama-supporter, claimed that his motive involved a “race war.” Flanagan was black and gay and apparently angered by the fact that he had been a victim of racism and homophobia at the hands of “black men and white women.”

Both of Flanagan’s intended victims were straight.

The gay pride rainbow flag reportedly found in Flanagan’s apartment is seen by many as a symbol of anti-Christian hate.

After a white racist terrorist in South Carolina murdered nine innocent black churchgoers, photos of the racist with the Confederate Flag resulted in a media frenzy to ban the flag.

Report: LGBT Rainbow Hate-Flag Found In WDBJ Killer's Virginia Apartment - Breitbart

It is becoming a symbol of hate. Just look at them trampling all over us over gawddam cakes, pizzas, etc. Fining people 100thousand dollars for not BOWING to the homosexual.
we should demand that Flag: be BANNED, ripped down, dug up and buried somewhere no one will see it so it doesn't offend everyone in the country.
what's good for the Goose is good for the Gander they say

This is literally the excuse used on all minorities. Its not your fault you're racist or a bigot....its THEIRS!! I cant control myself!

Small minded little mental midgets use bigot and racist at every turn, ever notice the left on this very forum spew them constantly? Think about it

Stop allowing yourself to be used then
What do you mean hands up dont shoot didnt happen? The saying or the action?

So what youre saying is that they are making it up?

Yes, hands up don't shoot never happened. It was never said, it was never done. It was made up by blacks and by the media as a rallying cry to push their agenda against cops.

‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ did not happen in Ferguson

Really? Then why did witnesses on scene say differently? Were all of them in on it too?

SEE IT: 2 men react as Michael Brown is shot by cops

VIDEO: 2 men react after seeing Michael Brown shooting: 'He had his f---ing hands up'

The conspiracy runs all the way down to construction workers who were given the notice to say he had his hands up before the shooting happened?
Used to I didn't care one way or another and my thoughts were if they wanted to be pretend married who cares? But after the attacks on Christian businesses and it's obvious they are targeting them I've had it. They can't be tolerant than neither can I. They can go to hell. Bunch of mental misfits

And also remember that the queers do NOT want equal rights. They want affirmative action - special treatment for themselves at the expense of others. That's why i hate the queers so much.

I don't hate them but they sure annoy the hell out of me. I'm just sick of their infantile demands and want of special treatment
Yeah like, Ok ok ok enough already about being able to visit your dying spouse....Sheesh, just drop it already!
Here is a couple of "hate filled racists", nothing two head shots from a nine won't cure

Video Shows Savage Beating of Woman Outside of Gas Station: ‘Wrong Hood, B***h!’

A shocking video recently posted online shows a black man and woman viciously beating a white womanoutside of a Milwaukee gas station.

Though the cause of the violent assault isn’t entirely clear, one of the attackers repeatedly tells the woman she’s in the “wrong hood.”

“Wrong hood, b***h!” the attacker screams as he stomps on the victim’s head.

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Shock Video Shows Savage Beating of Woman Outside of Gas Station: ‘Wrong Hood, B***h!’
Dylan Roof said he wanted a Race war and you guys are still like "I'm not sure what motivated him. Was it racism? Who knows!"
Roof is a racist. So is this guy. What's hard to understand about that? Racism knows no ideological boundaries. Now, the press may not get that, but it's true.

The part I dont understand is that the OP said something that isnt true and somehow all the conservatives saw it too but there isnt any links, evidence or proof of that thing happening.

I mean they are literally using the information they got from the press to say that the press wont say it. Why the urge to lie just to be outraged at the lie you created?
I suspect it is very similar to "hands up, don't shoot", which didn't happen, yet became a rallying cry for those who think it DOES happen far too often.

What do you mean hands up dont shoot didnt happen? The saying or the action?

It didn't happen in the case that made it a popular expression.

So what youre saying is that they are making it up?

I'm saying that they're expressing discontent over bias in the press. Now, in a few weeks it will be possible to compare the press coverage on this case to that of other cases and make a determination as to whether the press focused as much on the racial aspects as they did on cases where the killer was white and targeted black people.

It is not even controversial that the press displays a bias in what it reports and how it reports it. For example, the party affiliation of Republican officials caught in scandal is often prominently noted and time is spent wondering what will be the impact on the party, while that of democrats caught in like scandals are not prominently identified and the impact on the party is ignored.

Again, based on what? Feelings! Some more stories that dont have links, evidence or proof. You just say it and viola, its supposed to be true.

Well, except for these:

The press spent far more time on Cecil the lion than they did on the Planned Parenthood videos. Agree or disagree?

They routinely ignore hundreds of thousands of pro-life protestors who gather in DC every year on the anniversary of Roe. Agree or disagree?

They often demand that Republicans defend their positions on abortion and characterize any restriction as "extreme", yet do not even question democrat politicians about their party's platform stance, which is out of sync with most Americans. Agree or disagree?

They portray attempts to ensure only those eligible to vote are allowed to vote as racist, even though they apply to everyone, regardless of skin color. Agree or disagree?

They spent a great deal of time and effort exposing and castigating Christian bakers who don't want to get involved in a gay wedding, yet can't be bothered to seek out a Muslim owned bakery to get their perspective.

Do you disagree with any of those? If so, why?

Republicans are called upon by the press to distance themselves from those caught in scandal while democrats are not. Strong conservatives are labeled as "extreme" while equally strong liberals are labeled as "moderate". White assailants are prominently identified as such while black assailants are not, and on it goes.

:blahblah: Its the same old shit. Yes, when Dems get caught in scandals no one is asked to distance themselves :blahblah:

How? Cause this guy just said so

When was the last time democrats were asked to denounce one of their own?
What do you mean hands up dont shoot didnt happen? The saying or the action?

So what youre saying is that they are making it up?

Yes, hands up don't shoot never happened. It was never said, it was never done. It was made up by blacks and by the media as a rallying cry to push their agenda against cops.

‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ did not happen in Ferguson

Really? Then why did witnesses on scene say differently? Were all of them in on it too?

SEE IT: 2 men react as Michael Brown is shot by cops

VIDEO: 2 men react after seeing Michael Brown shooting: 'He had his f---ing hands up'

The conspiracy runs all the way down to construction workers who were given the notice to say he had his hands up before the shooting happened?
l, coming from someone who watches a video about baby parts being sold and calls bullshit, but still believes two witnesses that has been proven wrong. You only believe what you are told to believe by Huffington.
The PP videos were manipulated...sorry, reality is real. The witnesses on scene as it happened said he had his hands up. I bet you think Obama made them
Great, a fight that no one knows why they were fighting. That proves something I'm sure!

It does prove something. If it were two preppy white kids kicking a downed black girl...in a Lilly white suburb while screaming "Wrong hood bitch" it would be lead story on all networks but Fox for the next week. And riots.
Everyone knows Vester was a hate-filled racist.
Sounds like most of the right wingers on USMB...

YOU are the evildoer who supports affirmative action , the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america. That means YOU are the miserable hate-filled america-loathing racist. Conservatives are the anti-racists. THINK.
Since you know so much about me, does my azz smell good or bad.....???
For all you stupid Teabaggers trying to equate the two people, Vesper Flanagan was a victim of hatred and abuse that eventually cracked. Words have consequences you bigots.

New evidence has come out he was harassed online for months prior to the shooting. Targeted by a White supremacist HaTE group called Million Dollar Extreme, and specifically their leader, Sam Hyde. Apparently #Gamergate, a group of Misogynist right winger gamers, took part in this targeted harassment as well.

As Malcolm X says, the chickens come home to roost. He obviously had mental issues, and when you verbally and mentally abuse such people they can flip out. Free speech has consequences.

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