Why does the American public not deserve to know that the DNC rigged their debates & primary???

Lmfao.....you were really that slow huh newbie?

This thread is funny how slow you were to adapt to the internet...

I was amazed the first time I sent a fax over the internet in 1988 and it worked...

You did not send a FAX over the internet in 1988. You can keep telling that story till the day you die, but I have history on my side and all you have is a bullshit story that keeps changing.

Why would I lie about something as significant as that to me? ...

It was a big deal to me I had subscriptions at the time to a few computer magizenes and bought my third Macintosh computer.

Why does anyone lie about anything? Who knows, maybe you are not lying, maybe you just are not smart enough to know the difference between the internet and a dedicated host-to-host connection. Perhaps you do not know the difference between the old BBS and the internet.

You seem to think you are the only one that was into computers early. From 1991-94 I was the co-sysop for a local BBS (what people dialed into before the internet). It was nothing more than a bank of modems in a guys house that people paid a monthly fee to be part of. At that time one of the best games ever made was in service on BBSs. It was called Tradewars and was on of the very first cooperative games.

All that to say your a newbie to the internet?
This thread is funny how slow you were to adapt to the internet...

I was amazed the first time I sent a fax over the internet in 1988 and it worked...

You did not send a FAX over the internet in 1988. You can keep telling that story till the day you die, but I have history on my side and all you have is a bullshit story that keeps changing.

Why would I lie about something as significant as that to me? ...

It was a big deal to me I had subscriptions at the time to a few computer magizenes and bought my third Macintosh computer.

Why does anyone lie about anything? Who knows, maybe you are not lying, maybe you just are not smart enough to know the difference between the internet and a dedicated host-to-host connection. Perhaps you do not know the difference between the old BBS and the internet.

You seem to think you are the only one that was into computers early. From 1991-94 I was the co-sysop for a local BBS (what people dialed into before the internet). It was nothing more than a bank of modems in a guys house that people paid a monthly fee to be part of. At that time one of the best games ever made was in service on BBSs. It was called Tradewars and was on of the very first cooperative games.

All that to say your a newbie to the internet?

All I am saying is that you are full of shit. whether that is because you are lying or stupid, I cannot prove. But one that that is beyond the shadow of a doubt, your story of total bullshit. Again, I have history on my side, you have nothing but a story that keeps changing.
I was amazed the first time I sent a fax over the internet in 1988 and it worked...

You did not send a FAX over the internet in 1988. You can keep telling that story till the day you die, but I have history on my side and all you have is a bullshit story that keeps changing.

Why would I lie about something as significant as that to me? ...

It was a big deal to me I had subscriptions at the time to a few computer magizenes and bought my third Macintosh computer.

Why does anyone lie about anything? Who knows, maybe you are not lying, maybe you just are not smart enough to know the difference between the internet and a dedicated host-to-host connection. Perhaps you do not know the difference between the old BBS and the internet.

You seem to think you are the only one that was into computers early. From 1991-94 I was the co-sysop for a local BBS (what people dialed into before the internet). It was nothing more than a bank of modems in a guys house that people paid a monthly fee to be part of. At that time one of the best games ever made was in service on BBSs. It was called Tradewars and was on of the very first cooperative games.

All that to say your a newbie to the internet?

All I am saying is that you are full of shit. whether that is because you are lying or stupid, I cannot prove. But one that that is beyond the shadow of a doubt, your story of total bullshit. Again, I have history on my side, you have nothing but a story that keeps changing.

All you are saying to me is your a fucking newbie.
Of course I was, I was using my Mac as a fax machine in 1988 because I was to lazy to write it out by hand and use the fax machine

Nope, you were not Faxing over the internet in 1988. You are either a liar or too stupid to know what the internet is.

Lmfao.....you were really that slow huh newbie?

This thread is funny how slow you were to adapt to the internet...

I was amazed the first time I sent a fax over the internet in 1988 and it worked...

You did not send a FAX over the internet in 1988. You can keep telling that story till the day you die, but I have history on my side and all you have is a bullshit story that keeps changing.

I have not read the history of this discussion, so pardon me if I am missing some nuance.

But the internet started around 1979, and was known often as the DarpaNet, since it was a Dept. of Defense project.
It was not privatized until 1991, but it was heavily used by universities for free and those commercial businesses willing to pay.

FAX is a little more vague since it was sort of a slow and continual progression staring around 1900 really.
But officially FAX is considered to have started in 1988, when the current protocols were standardized.

So then yes, lots of people were sending FAXs in 1988. It was just slow, expensive, and of questionable value since it was not possible to edit what you received.
And throwing a temper tantrum to boot .

God damn child I had three Macintosh computers before 1988 and bought my first lap top Macintosh in 1990..and that was over 5 grand...
Nope, you were not Faxing over the internet in 1988. You are either a liar or too stupid to know what the internet is.

Lmfao.....you were really that slow huh newbie?

This thread is funny how slow you were to adapt to the internet...

I was amazed the first time I sent a fax over the internet in 1988 and it worked...

You did not send a FAX over the internet in 1988. You can keep telling that story till the day you die, but I have history on my side and all you have is a bullshit story that keeps changing.

I have not read the history of this discussion, so pardon me if I am missing some nuance.

But the internet started around 1979, and was known often as the DarpaNet, since it was a Dept. of Defense project.
It was not privatized until 1991, but it was heavily used by universities for free and those commercial businesses willing to pay.

FAX is a little more vague since it was sort of a slow and continual progression staring around 1900 really.
But officially FAX is considered to have started in 1988, when the current protocols were standardized.

So then yes, lots of people were sending FAXs in 1988. It was just slow, expensive, and of questionable value since it was not possible to edit what you received.

I have not read the history of this discussion, so pardon me if I am missing some nuance.

But the internet started around 1979, and was known often as the DarpaNet, since it was a Dept. of Defense project.
It was not privatized until 1991, but it was heavily used by universities for free and those commercial businesses willing to pay.

Very true, but according to the other person in the discussion they have been on the internet since 1988 talking trash to people.

FAX is a little more vague since it was sort of a slow and continual progression staring around 1900 really.
But officially FAX is considered to have started in 1988, when the current protocols were standardized.

So then yes, lots of people were sending FAXs in 1988. It was just slow, expensive, and of questionable value since it was not possible to edit what you received.

Yes, a lot of people were sending FAXes, in 1988, but they were not sending them via the internet.
Why it's so fuking stupid, and I mean, really, really stupid for white wingernuts to keep saying illegals voted is because if they went to voting, the large number of accents would give them away.

As if people who are trying to hide would go do something like that anyway.

It's inane coming from the stupid.
It’s not that we’re powerless - At this point it’s all about Trump & most Rs not giving a rat’s ass. Should have taken at least 50 billion of that new military spending (or tax cuts for the Koch Bros) & invested in cyber security.
Yes, we are powerless. This "the Russians are hacking us" mantra has been going on over a year now and we are still hearing stories about them continuing to hack our voting system. Obviously, nothing has been done about it.
here are a few problems

1 - the pre-election stuff was centered around hacks of the DNC & not the American voting system

2 - all audits of voter system hacks or irregularities have not shown any breaches or irregularities

the DNC info may well have been hacked; but there is just as much (if not more) reason to believe that much of that info came out in the form of leaks, as opposed to, hacks

I am trying t find anything that even looks like an impropriety here on Trump's part - and I just do not see it

the fact that the DNC made sure to stack the deck to ensure that Hillary win SHOULD BE troubling to all Americans - that's not how the primary system is supposed to work

on Russia - they have been trying to disrupt us in any way they can for decades; there is zero new info on that.

The idea that Trump and his team was complicit in collusion with them is absurd & is actually hurting the media & democrat party
Actually, voting systems were indeed breached. That’s not to say votes were changed, but if they can get to voter rolls, mucho mischief could have been wrought.

Russians successfully hacked into U.S. voter systems, official says
I wouldn't trust that women. It is fake news. She and the establishment obviously are pushing an agenda.

That system is a close loop system, she said so herself.

The only comment on this video, where she herself told us how it worked, should clue you in that this is fake news.

"watch what you say because if its fake news you will be discredited if you havent been already.. the russians didnt touch a damn thing in a closed loop networked system.."

Because it never happened. It’s a lie spoon fed to you by the Russians via selective email releases.

You asked what the Russians did. That’s what they did. They lied to you on a daily basis about Hillary Clinton.

it never happened?

nevermind that they have admitted it & fired people over it

wow, just wow...

It didn’t happen. There was no need to rig the election. Clinton won the delegates, the Super Delegates and the popular vote.

It’s hardly surprising that the Democratic Party didn’t want to turn its organization and treasury over to Sanders for a Presidential run. Sanders, who sits as an independent today, was trying to do the same thing as Trump - highjack a mainstream party for an independent run at the Presidency.

Why didn’t the Russians release GOP emails about the Never Trump group or the attempt to have a brokered convention to stop Trump? Bet those were fun.
Mostly because the Russians never had any emails. They were on the sidelines watching the whole shit show. They had nothing to do with our election.
Why it's so fuking stupid, and I mean, really, really stupid for white wingernuts to keep saying illegals voted is because if they went to voting, the large number of accents would give them away.

As if people who are trying to hide would go do something like that anyway.

It's inane coming from the stupid.
Wow, you sound really racist.
Anyone that follows politics knows the DNC primary was fixed by the Democratic elites. We are fooling ourselves if we believe it wasn't. Hollywood, the MSM, the State level machines, everyone was all in for her.

Was the Democratic primary rigged?
Your guy alleged, illegals voted.

You have to prove they all voted blue and not red.

illegals did vote, they always have

was it a few million?

I don't know, but it is entirely possible (not anywhere near as ridiculous as our worthless media would have everyone believe)

di some red votes get cast illegally?

yes - absolutely

but most of the vote stuffing came from the blue side

and I will say this with great confidence - more illegal blue votes were cast than any illegal votes from Russian interference...
it means less in high population blue States; it doesn't take many illegals voting red to sway an election in low population red States.
Absolutely true

Most lower population red states have voter ID laws, so it is less likely in those states
Why it's so fuking stupid, and I mean, really, really stupid for white wingernuts to keep saying illegals voted is because if they went to voting, the large number of accents would give them away.

As if people who are trying to hide would go do something like that anyway.

It's inane coming from the stupid.
Wow, you sound really racist.
Why? I can't help it if Republicans are 90% white and hate all minorities.
Why it's so fuking stupid, and I mean, really, really stupid for white wingernuts to keep saying illegals voted is because if they went to voting, the large number of accents would give them away.

As if people who are trying to hide would go do something like that anyway.

It's inane coming from the stupid.
Wow, you sound really racist.
Why? I can't help it if Republicans are 90% white and hate all minorities.
See, you ARE racist. That is your perception. While it might be a fact that the party attracts mostly whites, you have no evidence that a large percentage of them "hate" minorities. That is only your racist perception.

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