Why does the bible tend to contradict itself?

I'm asking you why you accuse the Brethren over small issues like eating or not eating certain things when the Bible makes clear that this is not an issue. It seems to me you're gaining the very same the Pharisees did, right? Self-righteousness. YOU are doing it right and the rest of us are doing it wrong. I believe Paul preached strictly against this.
I'm asking why you make light of God's Law. A true Christian is fully willing to HANGE when they are presented with the truth.

Sadly, most professing Christians have not truly REPENTED. They will make EXCUSES to sin rather than CHANGE (Repent)

God COMMANDS that people not kill and eat certain animals. Why is YOUR way more important to you than God's COMMANDS?

If eating pig is more important to you than obeying God, have at it.

But if you insist on teaching LIES, expect me to be there to challenge you
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pork is unclean because you cant herd a pig so jews could not keep them

that is not correct, being unclean - hogs can be grazed as is their natural habitat.

placed in pens, swine - is what humans do - to make them unclean is the correct interpretation for what should not be eaten. - - treat them fairly is what is missing.

deliberately misleading in the desert dialogues is the overall natural relationship of Garden Earth than any role for humanity.
that is not correct, being unclean - hogs can be grazed as is their natural habitat.

placed in pens, swine - is what humans do - to make them unclean is the correct interpretation for what should not be eaten. - - treat them fairly is what is missing.

deliberately misleading in the desert dialogues is the overall natural relationship of Garden Earth than any role for humanity.
They are UNCLEAN because your Creator TOLD YOU they are UNFIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION
They are UNCLEAN because your Creator TOLD YOU they are UNFIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION
placed in pens, swine - is what humans do - to make them unclean is the correct interpretation for what should not be eaten. - - treat them fairly is what is missing.

no, try recognizing the forgeries and fallacies of the desert books and you might find the path of sinlessness or at least any path would be better than the one you are on. good luck "death angle".
no, try recognizing the forgeries and fallacies of the desert books and you might find the path of sinlessness or at least any path would be better than the one you are on. good luck "death angle".
You reject the God of Israel. You have no place in this conversation

Your silliness belongs in its own thread
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'Bible' literally translates to 'many books' m-wolf, none of which was in 'print' until 3-400AD, and had to suffer the politicization of the council of Nicaea

So much of the message lost.......

Yes they translated in false council teachings like a trinity God. Satan beat the majority centuries ago. The lazy ones dont bother listening to Jesus. They just believe whatever a man with a white collar says is true. These have lost. Jesus was 1005 clear--Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God. OT-NT over and over, it never stops, One still finds new points each time. But they cannot by themselves understand alot of it. They need Jesus real teachers to teach them.
I'm asking why you make light of God's Law. A true Christian is fully willing to HANGE when they are presented with the truth.

Sadly, most professing Christians have not truly REPENTED. They will make EXCUSES to sin rather than CHANGE (Repent)

God COMMANDS that people not kill and eat certain animals. Why is YOUR way more important to you than God's COMMANDS?

If eating pig is more important to you than obeying God, have at it.

But if you insist on teaching LIES, expect me to be there to challenge you

Are you Jewish? Why would you follow Jewish dietary laws?
They are UNCLEAN because your Creator TOLD YOU they are UNFIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION

Genesis 18:8 Then Abraham brought curds and milk and the ...
Abraham took cheese and milk, as well as the meat, and set these in front of them. Then he stood by them under the tree as they ate. International Standard Version Then he took curds, milk, and
Like the bible is considered the inerrant word of God, but in the bible it calls a bat a bird and there are unicorns and dragons in the bible.

In the NT, just like in the OT, every fantastical story or assertion that offends rational thinking or outright contradicts reality is like a giant red X on a treasure map marking the exact place where something of great value, the treasures of the kingdom of God, are buried by figurative language, the subjects hidden - and not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again." (Jesus H. Christ!)

This is something that anyone with a second grade education should be able to grasp.
pork is unclean because you cant herd a pig so jews could not keep them
According to scripture the reason given by God for listing swine as unclean is, specifically, because they do not ruminate. This is a direct implication for and condemnation of people who swallow any garbage peddled by talking serpents without ruminating, thinking deeply about it. "Just believing" anything without ruminating is not kosher. The law has nothing to do with food.

I'll give you one guess what type of humans are called 'teeming vermin who go down on all fours' and are condemned by God as unclean creatures according to the law.

Pretentious actors and lying frauds seeing themselves disparagingly described in great detail as unclean foul and loathsome beasts and birds by God on the forbidden menu was the impetus for both the rebellion against Moses and the condemnation and murder of Jesus.
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I'm asking why you make light of God's Law. A true Christian is fully willing to HANGE when they are presented with the truth.

Sadly, most professing Christians have not truly REPENTED. They will make EXCUSES to sin rather than CHANGE (Repent)

God COMMANDS that people not kill and eat certain animals. Why is YOUR way more important to you than God's COMMANDS?

If eating pig is more important to you than obeying God, have at it.

But if you insist on teaching LIES, expect me to be there to challenge you

You're putting burdens on the Brethren we don't need. I don't know why, probably pride. Okay
I'm asking why you make light of God's Law. A true Christian is fully willing to HANGE when they are presented with the truth.

Sadly, most professing Christians have not truly REPENTED. They will make EXCUSES to sin rather than CHANGE (Repent)

God COMMANDS that people not kill and eat certain animals. Why is YOUR way more important to you than God's COMMANDS?

If eating pig is more important to you than obeying God, have at it.

But if you insist on teaching LIES, expect me to be there to challenge you

I have a better question.

What does this have to do with the thread topic?
Like the bible is considered the inerrant word of God, but in the bible it calls a bat a bird and there are unicorns and dragons in the bible.

The only thing correct in it is the page numbers.
When it started that immaculate conception and miracle bullshit, I burnt the bloody thing.
You reject the God of Israel. You have no place in this conversation

Your silliness belongs in its own thread

Really? "You don't believe as I do, so you're WRONG and SINFUL!!!" is in keeping with this thread conversation about presumed Biblical contradictions?

Your fanatical soapbox belongs in its own thread. Please stop trying to shoehorn your bulldozer approach to evangelism into every other thread.
You're putting burdens on the Brethren we don't need. I don't know why, probably pride. Okay
It's a "burden" to follow God?

"Oh that there were such a heart in them, that they would obey Me and keep My commandments"

Do as you wish, but you are "teaching" ERROR. Expect to be challenged. You are on a public message board.

Why is it a "burden" to follow God.

A true Christians has the attitude of the "nobel" Bereans. They didn't think it was a "burden" to follow God.

Oh the SUFFERING I've caused you because I showed you that bacon you're eating is condemned throughout the Scriptures and you failed at refuting this. 😄
Really? "You don't believe as I do, so you're WRONG and SINFUL!!!" is in keeping with this thread conversation about presumed Biblical contradictions?

Your fanatical soapbox belongs in its own thread. Please stop trying to shoehorn your bulldozer approach to evangelism into every other thread.
I respond to others just as you do. I have no obligation to agree with error just to get along.

If you don't like what I'm saying, REFUTE IT WITH SCRIPTURE. We both know you can't and your anger is not my concern.
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I have a better question.

What does this have to do with the thread topic?
YOU brought up the topic on what is legitimate food way back in post #9.
Then again in post #12.

I AGREED with you. That upset you and Sue. Sue spread false information and I corrected her. That upset you.

This is one of the subjects that people feel the Bible contradicts itself. It does not. The only contradiction comes when people try to force their OPINIONS into the Scriptures.

People, including "christians," want a god who agrees with THEM. They aren't interested in accepting a GOD who may not conform to their beliefs.

I will now place you on ignore. You only want to bicker
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Really? "You don't believe as I do, so you're WRONG and SINFUL!!!" is in keeping with this thread conversation about presumed Biblical contradictions?

Your fanatical soapbox belongs in its own thread. Please stop trying to shoehorn your bulldozer approach to evangelism into every other thread.

It's a "burden" to follow God?

"Oh that there were such a heart in them, that they would obey Me and keep My commandments"

Do as you wish, but you are "teaching" ERROR. Expect to be challenged. You are on a public message board.

Why is it a "burden" to follow God.

A true Christians has the attitude of the "nobel" Bereans. They didn't think it was a "burden" to follow God.

Oh the SUFFERING I've caused you because I showed you that bacon you're eating is condemned throughout the Scriptures and you failed at refuting this. 😄

I respond to others just as you do. I have no obligation to agree with error just to get along.

If you don't like what I'm saying, REFUTE IT WITH SCRIPTURE. We both know you can't and your anger is not my concern.

Just two passages below. Now let me ask you: are you doing this nonsense on your own, or have you actually found some non-denominational sect that supports this nonsense somewhere?

Acts 10:9-16

About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. 10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. 11 He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. 12 It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. 13 Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”

14 “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”

15 The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”

16 This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven.

1 Cor 8:8

But food does not bring us closer to God: We are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do.
Just two passages below. Now let me ask you: are you doing this nonsense on your own, or have you actually found some non-denominational sect that supports this nonsense somewhere?

Acts 10:9-16

About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. 10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. 11 He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. 12 It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. 13 Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”

14 “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”

15 The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”

16 This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven.

1 Cor 8:8

But food does not bring us closer to God: We are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do.
I'll respond when I get home this evening. But we both know it won't matter even though you can't refute anything I say. You will just attack me personally

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