Why does the bible tend to contradict itself?

Inerrant Word, eh?

The King James Bible was translated by Edomite self professed Jews who hate Christians and their Elohim. That by itself is still causing problems.
Then, most American churches removed numerous books such as Daniel & Susana, Wisdom of Solomon, Eclesiasticus, and others.
Pile on top of these issues is millions of Christians deluded by the Leaven of the Pharisees (Edomites) that make the Word/logic of the Creator of none effect.
Inerrant Word, eh?

The King James Bible was translated by Edomite self professed Jews who hate Christians and their Elohim. That by itself is still causing problems.
Then, most American churches removed numerous books such as Daniel & Susana, Wisdom of Solomon, Eclesiasticus, and others.
Pile on top of these issues is millions of Christians deluded by the Leaven of the Pharisees (Edomites) that make the Word/logic of the Creator of none effect.
the original king james bible was written in english that you cannot read today so it has been re written often
the original king james bible was written in english that you cannot read today so it has been re written often
Get a Strong's Concordance and Bible Dictionary. I shows all the words added, and defines the ones not added. There are some errors in translation, but over all it is very valuable in figuring out the meaning of the various books.
you are right jews are a myth like the holocaust im sure
Interesting conclusion. Did you know that in the Catholic Duoay Bible produced before the King James bible, it defines the word holocaust as a burnt offering of your own sheep.
Like the bible is considered the inerrant word of God, but in the bible it calls a bat a bird and there are unicorns and dragons in the bible.

Inerrant does not mean literal.
Mark 7:19
I have no idea what your point is but that verse did not do away with God's law concerning UNCLEAN foods. Look for reasons to OBEY God, not EXCUSES TO SIN.

Even as late as Acts 10 Peter's vision, which most rebellious "christians " use to eat UNCLEAN, the honest person admits his dream has NOTHING to do with food, but PEOPLE
I have no idea what your point is but that verse did not do away with God's law concerning UNCLEAN foods. Look for reasons to OBEY God, not EXCUSES TO SIN.

Even as late as Acts 10 Peter's vision, which most rebellious "christians " use to eat UNCLEAN, the honest person admits his dream has NOTHING to do with food, but PEOPLE

Okay not arguing about specifics. The larger point in Mark 7 is the Pharisees being overly beholden to laws and putting those burdens on others. You are doing this here when Christians are free NOT to do that.

Why are you doing this? Standing in judgment of other Christians when we are indeed free not to do so?
The Bible won't make sense to everybody. When we look up into the sky, some of us can only see the moon and stars. Some of see the same moon and stars, but we can also see into the heavens. Not all of us are equipped to see what the Bible has to offer.
When we look up into the sky...some will see flying magical dogs and cats in the clouds, and others will see that they are just clouds.
It doesn't however mean literal, as I said. The passages of trees clapping their hands for example are not meant to be taken literally. Many Bible passages are similarly misinterpreted.

Yep.. Lots of figurative language in the Bible.
Okay not arguing about specifics. The larger point in Mark 7 is the Pharisees being overly beholden to laws and putting those burdens on others. You are doing this here when Christians are free NOT to do that.

Why are you doing this? Standing in judgment of other Christians when we are indeed free not to do so?
Sorry. NO.

Here's the beginning of Mark 7:

The Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus 2 and saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were defiled,(B) that is, unwashed

Mark 7 is not AT ALL about meat, but because the Pharisees judged Jesus disciples for not going thru the ceremonial WASHING before eating BREAD. It has NOTHING to do with clean and unclean meats.

Even in Peter's vision Peter understood the vision was not actually giving him permission to ear pork

The apostles were with Him for 3 years. They RECORDED the words you are using today to JUSTIFY doing away with God's Law -- yet these fisciples KEPT God's Law. Including the very law professing christians today WANT to violate
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Sorry. NO.

Here's the beginning of Mark 7:

The Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus 2 and saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were defiled,(B) that is, unwashed

Mark 7 is not AT ALL about meat, but because the Pharisees judged Jesus disciples for not going thru the ceremonial WASHING before eating BREAD. It has NOTHING to do with clean and unclean meats.

Even in Peter's vision Peter understood the vision was not actually giving him permission to ear pork

The apostles were with Him for 3 years. They RECORDED the words you are using today to JUSTIFY doing away with God's Law -- yet these fisciples KEPT God's Law. Including the very law professing christians today WANT to violate

I'm asking you why you accuse the Brethren over small issues like eating or not eating certain things when the Bible makes clear that this is not an issue. It seems to me you're gaining the very same the Pharisees did, right? Self-righteousness. YOU are doing it right and the rest of us are doing it wrong. I believe Paul preached strictly against this.

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