Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

You think it was okay for us to break a long standing US tradition of not being a first strike country, and invading Iraq over ONE roadside bomb? Really?

First of all, we did not "invade" Iraq. Stop using that term just because you're a libertarian coward afraid of a fight. Germany invaded Poland - they marched in and took over the country.

We, on the other hand, conducted military operations to oust a vicious dictator who controlled WMD's. Once said dictator was removed, we immediately turned the county over to the Iraqi people. Only a "dipshit" would refer to that as an "invasion".


I would so love to hear you give this bizarre rationale to an Iraqi. It would be priceless!

"We did not invade your country!" POW!!


I guess we didn't invade Normandy, either. Oh wait...Normandy Invasion, June 1944

You better go back and check what Bush was actually claiming. He was not claiming one roadside bomb, dipshit.

He claimed WMD's - nothing less, nothing more. And that's exactly what was found in Iraq. It's not Bush's you choose to be ignorant about the world, your own government, and your own military. As I documented above - there were THOUSANDS of WMD's found and dozens of cases were they were used.

Show us those thousands, dipshit. Show us the thousands that were used. Should be a piece of cake since there were thousands used.

I can't show you information you make up because you're pissed off that I've made you my bitch on USMB. Sorry. As good as I am, even I can't do that.

Furthermore, I don't need to. Bush never said actions against Saddam Hussein were necessary because he "used" WMD's - he said actions were necessary because he "had" WMD's (which has now been proven as fact). Sorry cupcake, you lose again (your pride and anger are just killing you - perhaps if you would calm down and not be such a dick, you could read what is actually written and not make such an ass out of yourself - just a suggestion "dipshit").

You made up a claim and can't prove it when challenged. Why is NO ONE surprised?

Your best evidence was from a Hollywood screenwriter who left the service 14 years before the invasion! BWA-HA-HA-HA!
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The weapons the Bush administration claimed Saddam was actively producing were never found. Nor was any evidence found that the regime had pursued manufacturing of WMD of any kind since the end of the first gulf war.

You're an embarrassment to yourself and Rottweilers everywhere.

The Bush Administration claimed WMD's - nothing more, nothing less. And WMD's were found (you inability to accept reality because said reality is in direct conflict with your ideology and the false reality you created yourself, does not make that reality any less real)... :lmao:

They were claiming he was.....oh for fuck sake, let Dick explain it to ya.....

(Good thing they were never taped..........oh wait.......)

We know he's reconstituted these programs since the Gulf War. We know he's trying once again to produce nuclear weapons and we know that he has a long-standing relationship with various terrorist groups, including the al-Qaeda organization.

•"Well, I think I've just given it, Tim, in terms of the combination of his development and use of chemical weapons, his development of biological weapons, his pursuit of nuclear weapons."

[QUESTION:And even though the International Atomic Energy Agency said he does not have a nuclear program, we disagree?]

But we do know with absolute certainty that he is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapons."

What he wants is time and more time to husband his resources, to invest in his ongoing chemical and biological weapons programs, and to gain possession of nuclear arms

Or Donald

"Well, we know that Saddam Hussein has chemical and biological weapons. And we know he has an active program for the development of nuclear weapons.

They have given up tens of billions of dollars in oil revenues under the sanctions program so that they could in fact keep those weapons of mass destruction programs going.

He's amassed large, clandestine stockpiles of biological weapons, including Anthrax, botulism, toxins and possibly Smallpox."

•"He's amassed large, clandestine stockpiles of chemical weapons, including VX, Sarin and mustard gas."

•"His regime has an active program to acquire nuclear weapons."

And of course my favorite from Donnie....

We know where they [weapons of mass destruction] are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat."

Want more?:

Bush Administration Quotes on Iraq - US - Iraq War - ProCon.org

So first you people claim that their were no WMD's. When that is proven to be false, you people then claim that the Bush Administration was only talking about nuclear weapons. To "prove" this - you post quotes from the Bush Administration which specifically cites "sarin gas" - the very WMD I cited to start this thread... :cuckoo:

I would so love to hear you give this bizarre rationale to an Iraqi. It would be priceless!

"We did not invade your country!" POW!!

BWA-HA-HA-HA! Since the Iraqi people are a free and sovereign people now, they would be laughing at what a radical retard you are! POW!!!

When you conduct military operations to remove a dictator, turn the nation over to the people of that country, and then leave - that is the farthest thing from an "invasion" a rational person could imagine.

You made up a claim and can't prove it when challenged. Why is NO ONE surprised?

I didn't make up anything - everything posted included links, names, and verifiable sources. In fact, you're the only who hasn't posted one verifiable source or link. So, as usual, you look like the fuck'n idiot here. Why is NO ONE surprised?

Listen G-string, you've danced for me, you've bent over for me, I've made you my bitch. I started this thread with 3 different sources, so you just sitting here LYING that I don't have sources just makes you look like more of a bitch than you've already become. Why do you insist on doing this to yourself? Are you a masochist?
The bizarro world gets even more bizarre. Denying it was an invasion.



A bizarro claim that thousands of chemical weapons were used, then coming up empty with the evidence.

You really should stop publicly embarrassing yourself this way, Rott.
The majority of the chemical and biological weapons WERE destroyed by Saddam, and what was left was crappe.

My God - the first honest thing francoHFW has EVER said! This is a miracle!

But arguing that just plays into the Pub propaganda doubletalk. What really scared people was the total BS about Nukes. They were as close having a bomb as Niger is. Stupidest war EVER, and Alqaeda's best recruiting tool, AND wasted an early Afghan victory.

Don't worry franco - G-string is not a liberal. He's further right than any of us rational conservatives (he's an idiot Sovereign Citizen anarchist).

As far as Al Qaeda "recruiting tool", well that's just pure bullshit. You'll have to do MUCH better than that. Saddam Hussein had no religion - he was a political animal. In fact, he tried to form an alliance with Osama Bin Laden because of their mutual enemy (us) and could not do so because Saddam couldn't stand Osama's religious zealousness and Osama couldn't stand Saddam's disregard of religion in favor of extreme political focus. The Al Qaeda members and supporters applaud the fact that the "infidel" Saddam Hussein is gone - and this is all well documented.
The bizarro world gets even more bizarre. Denying it was an invasion.



A bizarro claim that thousands of chemical weapons were used, then coming up empty with the evidence.

You really should stop publicly embarrassing yourself this way, Rott.

G-string throws a tantrum like a small child when I own him.

Despite the fact that I have verifiable sources & links, he claims I have no "evidence". Meanwhile, he spews radical opinion 24x7 and provides nothing to back it up.

G-string, the entire post is here for people to see. No amount of lying on your part will confuse ANYONE who reads the first post and continues from there.

Thanks for playing though cupcake...
from the book American Sniper

Read the next two paragraphs after that part in the book. Kyle does not say large stockpiles were found. He makes an assumption that there had to be tons of the stuff...somewhere.

It says what it says.

Shhhh.... G-string hates facts. Please do not use facts with G-string. He prefers his lies and his version of reality over facts. You don't want to upset him - he's completely unhinged already and it does not take much to make him ape-shit in his parents basement (he starts throwing shit, screaming at his mom, etc.).
No one has any evidence of any WMDs of the "large stockpiles" needed to justify an invasion and full on war which lasted for years.

Simple fact.

If a couple barrels of chemicals and a homemade bomb are the standard you really want to set, then we better invade Canada, just to be safe.

G-string keeps moving the goalposts. First, his narrative was "there were no WMD's". Now that he was proven wrong (as always), his new narrative is "yeah, but there were not enough WMD's to justify this".

And you know what? There never will be in his mind. If we found 10,000 canisters of chemical weapons and 20,000 vials of biological weapons, he'll just move the goalposts again and claim that only 10,001 canisters and 20,001 viales would "justify" our actions. And why? Because G-string is a cross dressing coward. He's afraid of his enemies. He's afraid to fight. He's afraid of the world. He's so scared we might have pissed someone off by conduction operations in Iraq.

G-string... get over it you pussy. It happened. It's over. Iraq is a better country, the world is a safer place, and you'll just have to deal with your irrational fears. Stop crying like the little bitch that you are
Yesterday, it was a fact that no WMDs were found in Iraq.

Today, it is a fact that no WMDs were found in Iraq.

Tomorrow, it will be a fact that no WMDs were found in Iraq.
It is a FACT that large caches of WMD's were in fact located in Iraq.

An indisputable fact. That fact has been confirmed by none other than the radical left-wing propaganda machine of the dumbocrat party - MSNBC (see link below which was initially on MSNBC's website and has since been migrated to the NBC website since the split). It has also been confirmed by WikiLeak cables! It has been confirmed by former special forces operators, authors, reporters, and more. How the left can continue to deny the world is round, the sky is blue, and the sun is hot is simply absurd. They have ZERO credibility left when they try to deny fact.

From Chuck Pfarerr's book, Seal Target: Geronimo

It is a chilling fact that thousands of chemical weapons have been uncovered in Iraq. These weapons have been used by Al Qaeda against coalition and NATO forces on dozens of occasions. This has been confirmed by countless sources, most recently in the released WikiLeaks cables.

So why haven't the American people been told of the stock-piled caches of chemical WMD's uncovered in Iraq or of the chemical weapon attacks by Al Qaeda?

The Republicans won’t touch this because it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralize the danger of Iraqi WMD (instead of preventing Weapons of Mass Destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists, the 2003 invasion of Iraq has accelerated the acquisition, manufacture, and use of chemical weapons by Al Qaeda).

The Democrats won’t touch it because it would show President Bush was right to invade Iraq in the first place. It is an axis of embarrassment. And the press won't touch it because they had already convinced themselves, and most of the American public, that Saddam Hussein didn’t have any WMD's. The media turned a blind eye to continued reports of chemical weapon attacks because its own credibility was threatened. Several major outlets were deeply invested with the story line of an “unjustifiable war". Not many people can bear to admit they were wrong, especially in print, and especially if they have been very wrong for a very long time.

Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

NewsMax.com: Inside Cover Story
I've already proven to you that dog don't hunt, but you continue to repeat the same bullshit.

You got reality issues!

Well Rott, it's obvious you hate facts too. Here you are, making a fool out of yourself and you just keep on keeping on.
Have you forgotten about Saddam's WMD bluff?
FBI says Saddam's weapons bluff aimed at Iran
FBI says Saddam's weapons bluff aimed at Iran | Reuters

Here, instead of making shit up, try this:
Iraq Survey Group Final Report
Iraq Survey Group Final Report

I can't believe some people are so fucking stupid.
It is a FACT that large caches of WMD's were in fact located in Iraq.

An indisputable fact. That fact has been confirmed by none other than the radical left-wing propaganda machine of the dumbocrat party - MSNBC (see link below which was initially on MSNBC's website and has since been migrated to the NBC website since the split). It has also been confirmed by WikiLeak cables! It has been confirmed by former special forces operators, authors, reporters, and more. How the left can continue to deny the world is round, the sky is blue, and the sun is hot is simply absurd. They have ZERO credibility left when they try to deny fact.

From Chuck Pfarerr's book, Seal Target: Geronimo

It is a chilling fact that thousands of chemical weapons have been uncovered in Iraq. These weapons have been used by Al Qaeda against coalition and NATO forces on dozens of occasions. This has been confirmed by countless sources, most recently in the released WikiLeaks cables.

So why haven't the American people been told of the stock-piled caches of chemical WMD's uncovered in Iraq or of the chemical weapon attacks by Al Qaeda?

The Republicans won’t touch this because it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralize the danger of Iraqi WMD (instead of preventing Weapons of Mass Destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists, the 2003 invasion of Iraq has accelerated the acquisition, manufacture, and use of chemical weapons by Al Qaeda).

The Democrats won’t touch it because it would show President Bush was right to invade Iraq in the first place. It is an axis of embarrassment. And the press won't touch it because they had already convinced themselves, and most of the American public, that Saddam Hussein didn’t have any WMD's. The media turned a blind eye to continued reports of chemical weapon attacks because its own credibility was threatened. Several major outlets were deeply invested with the story line of an “unjustifiable war". Not many people can bear to admit they were wrong, especially in print, and especially if they have been very wrong for a very long time.

Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

NewsMax.com: Inside Cover Story
I've already proven to you that dog don't hunt, but you continue to repeat the same bullshit.

You got reality issues!

You know the wheels have completely come off when radicals like loinboy have to start ignoring even MSNBC to continue with their narrative.... :lmao:

There are 3 undeniable sources above. Game. Set. Match.
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Well Rott, it's obvious you hate facts too. Here you are, making a fool out of yourself and you just keep on keeping on.
Have you forgotten about Saddam's WMD bluff?
FBI says Saddam's weapons bluff aimed at Iran
FBI says Saddam's weapons bluff aimed at Iran | Reuters

Here, instead of making shit up, try this:
Iraq Survey Group Final Report
Iraq Survey Group Final Report

I can't believe some people are so fucking stupid.

I'm not sure I follow here. You seem to be attacking me (unless this is sarcasm) while posting links that supports what I'm saying.

Aside from what I've already posted, the fact that Saddam Hussein himself was claiming to have WMD's is further reason for the Bush Administration to have "intelligence" that he had them.

Also, people forget that Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurds in the North during the 80's (this is where "Chemical Ali" got his nickname). So there was NEVER a doubt that he WMD's unless your an idiot liberal desperate to attack Bush over Iraq.
The bizarro world gets even more bizarre. Denying it was an invasion.



A bizarro claim that thousands of chemical weapons were used, then coming up empty with the evidence.

You really should stop publicly embarrassing yourself this way, Rott.

G-string throws a tantrum like a small child when I own him.

Despite the fact that I have verifiable sources & links, he claims I have no "evidence". Meanwhile, he spews radical opinion 24x7 and provides nothing to back it up.

G-string, the entire post is here for people to see. No amount of lying on your part will confuse ANYONE who reads the first post and continues from there.

Thanks for playing though cupcake...


Multiples references to the INVASION of Iraq in that publication. That's a US Army publication.

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff

In planning for Iraq, traditional advocates of robust land power stressed that these changes enhanced the nation’s military superiority but did not alter the nature of war or the importance of
ground troop strength. On the other side, “transformationalists” argued that advanced technologies had made small forces operating jointly with air power both decisive and efficient. This debate went public before the invasion of Iraq as traditionalists and transformationalists diverged sharply on the size of the force that should be employed.

About the guy who wrote that:
The Author
Maj. W. Shane Story has been assigned to the Histories Division of the Center of Military History since November 2003. He was an instructor in the History Department at the U.S. Military Academy in 1996–98 and holds a doctorate in history from Rice University. He served in 2002 as the historian of the U.S. element of the multinational Kosovo Force and in April through November 2003 as a member of the Military history Group of the Combined Forces Land Component Command in Kuwait

But what the fuck does a bunch of Army experts know, right kid? Can you feel your ass hurting yet, or has it fallen completely off?

Seriously, stop humiliating yourself.

And whenever you want to post that evidence that thousands of chemical weapons were used, go right ahead.

This would have been more fun if you had been smarter. Too bad.

It just occurred to me I am debating with a kid. I will take that into account next time and tie 50 IQ points behind my back to give you a fighting chance.

Christ, I am arguing with a foolish child who thinks the invasion of Iraq was not an invasion! Doesn't seem fair to be beating on someone that young and stupid.
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And it appears you missed this earlier in the topic, Rott:

Author Chuck Pfarrer is taking flack over his account of the Osama bin Laden raid in his new revisionist history, SEAL Target Geronimo. But that’s overshadowed another big problem with the book: Pfarrer’s claims about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction are absolutely bananas.

To read SEAL Target Geronimo is to get sucked into a vortex of WMD insanity. Pfarrer says that Saddam Hussein had dangerous, active chemical, biological and nuclear programs up until the day of his downfall. Worse, those weapons made it into the hands of Osama himself. Why didn’t you know about it? Because craven politicians and the lying media hid the truth about what U.S. military weapons experts uncovered.

Well, sorry, Charlie. I was one of those military experts in Iraq. I learned the full, underwhelming truth about Saddam’s programs because I was there to help the Iraqis settle the issue once and for all. And SEAL Target Geronimo‘s claims are the literary equivalent of a smoking gun that could have been a mushroom cloud — a paranoid, evidence-free fantasy, fueled by ignorance.

Start with all that Iraqi WMD that U.S. forces found. Pfarrer gasps over an Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit’s 2003 discovery of an artillery shell filled with the nerve agent sarin, part of an early homemade bomb. To Pfarrer, that bomb would have “spread a mortal, invisible cloud over a dozen city blocks” where “death would have come quickly for ten thousand Iraqi civilians living near the airport and three thousand coalition troops stationed at nearby Camp Victory.” If two of those sarin-laced bombs went off in a crowded football stadium, it would have caused more casualties than “those suffered by the United States during the entire Vietnam War.” His emphasis.

Absolutely none of this is plausible. You’re talking about a piece of steel that needs to survive being fired out of an artillery piece, and then burst apart by explosives in order to disseminate the chemicals inside. Much of the chemical material is destroyed in the process. And it would take a lot of sarin to achieve any deadly effect. Saddam’s vicious gassing of the Kurds at Halabja in March 1988, for example, was a coordinated military campaign lasting for two days. During that time, the Iraqis murdered up to 5,000 people — nowhere near Pfarrer’s stadium scenario. An actual chemical artillery round might — might — kill dozens. Not thousands.

Yes, it’s true: U.S. troops found the remnants of chemical munitions in Iraq. But Pfarrer makes a conspiratorial mountain out of that molehill. Most amazingly, Pfarrer invents a scenario whereby these chemical rounds made their way to Osama’s Abbottabad hideout.

Don't Believe the WMD Hype in 'SEAL Target Geronimo' | Danger Room | Wired.com
You know the wheels have completely come off when radicals like loinboy have to start ignoring even MSNBC to continue with their narrative.... :lmao:

There are 3 undeniable sources above. Game. Set. Match.
I'm not ignoring them, I've already addressed them, to you, in another thread. But since you don't have the stones to deal with reality, you keep pushing this make-believe world onto others as if it will someday replace the truth. But it won't.

It is a FACT that large caches of WMD's were in fact located in Iraq.

An indisputable fact. That fact has been confirmed by none other than the radical left-wing propaganda machine of the dumbocrat party - MSNBC (see link below which was initially on MSNBC's website and has since been migrated to the NBC website since the split). It has also been confirmed by WikiLeak cables! It has been confirmed by former special forces operators, authors, reporters, and more. How the left can continue to deny the world is round, the sky is blue, and the sun is hot is simply absurd. They have ZERO credibility left when they try to deny fact.
That's a lot of words saying nothing at all.

From Chuck Pfarerr's book, Seal Target: Geronimo

It is a chilling fact that thousands of chemical weapons have been uncovered in Iraq. These weapons have been used by Al Qaeda against coalition and NATO forces on dozens of occasions. This has been confirmed by countless sources, most recently in the released WikiLeaks cables.
Oh look Marge, little Rotty Weiler is trying to resurrect the Iraqi/al Qaeda tie again.

Butter some popcorn, this might be fun!

So why haven't the American people been told of the stock-piled caches of chemical WMD's uncovered in Iraq or of the chemical weapon attacks by Al Qaeda?
Because they are not WMD's!

Since you really like getting bitch-slapped like a "tossed salad", I'm going to have to explain it to you again. And I'll use your own link to do it. But first things first...

...I think it's safe to say there is no argument on what WMD is:
"Weapons of Mass Destruction"​
Which means, when this weapon is detonated, is causes mass destruction. The most obvious WMD, is a nuclear bomb. With that being our base definition of a WMD, anything short of "mass destruction", cannot be classified as a WMD.

So according to your own link, when one of these weapons went off, it caused "minor injuries" to two soldiers and resulted in a very small dispersal.

Two members of a military bomb squad were treated for “minor exposure,” but no serious injuries were reported.

the bomb exploded “a couple of days ago” in the Iraqi capital and resulted in “very small dispersal” of the nerve agent.
Minor injuries and small dispersal, is not mass destruction.

Ergo, that's not a WMD.

You also claimed it was a "fact" there were "large stockpiles" of this weapon. Unfortunately for the dumbass that you are, your own source refutes this claim.

Two former weapons inspectors — Hans Blix and David Kay — said the shell was likely a stray weapon that had been scavenged by militants and did not signify that Iraq had large stockpiles of such weapons.
But you do deserve a "thank you", for saving me some time.

Maybe we should start a thread where everyone guesses the date you decide to repeat this non-sense again?
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Because they are not WMD's!

...I think it's safe to say there is no argument on what WMD is: "Weapons of Mass Destruction". Which means, when this weapon is detonated, is causes mass destruction. The most obvious WMD, is a nuclear bomb. With that being our base definition of a WMD, anything short of "mass destruction", cannot be classified as a WMD.

So according to your own link, when one of these weapons went off, it caused "minor injuries" to two soldiers and resulted in a very small dispersal.

Ergo, that's not a WMD.

Here we have loinboy making up his own definition of what constitutes a WMD... :lmao:

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better.

Lets start with why loinboy insists on refusing to accept reality. Because it would mean George W. Bush was right. And why does loinboy have a problem with that? Because George W. Bush doesn't support homosexuals. See - like most on that side of the aisle, for loinboy it all revolves around his homosexuality. Doesn't matter what the issu is (money, career, family, law, government, entertainment, technology) - if it's not sexual in nature and pro-homosexual, he can't stand it.

Now, lets try to work through his "logic". He has created his own defininition of WMD (which, in his mind - like most homosexuals dealing with self-loathing issues - he is empowered to do). And his new (asinine) definition states that (and I quote here) "Which means, when this weapon is detonated, is causes mass destruction". But the problem is, since he makes up his own definition, we have to ask him what his definition of "mass" means. Clearly two people injured and/or killed are not enough by his standard. But what about 3? 4? 70? Does it have to be a minimum of 1 million? No definition (he does this because he knows he's wrong and thus backed into a corner).

But here is the best part - despite posting links from even none other than MSBNC themselves acknowleding the weapons were in fact WMD's, here is a link to the FBI's own definition of WMD's. Enjoy loinboy :lol:....

In July 2006, the FBI created the Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate, or WMDD, to build a cohesive and coordinated approach to incidents involving nuclear, radiological, biological, or chemical weapons—with an overriding focus on prevention.

To do its job, the WMDD proactively seeks out and relies upon intelligence to drive preparedness, countermeasures, and investigations designed to keep threats from becoming reality. It also taps into the tactical and technical expertise of other FBI operational and support divisions, embedding personnel in these components as needed and coordinating investigations and initiatives. Throughout these efforts, the WMDD supports the broader work of the U.S. government as a leading partner and active contributor to policy decisions.

FBI ? Weapons of Mass Destruction

Uh-oh junior.... seems that the powers that be have indentified more than just "nuclear" as weapons that are classified as WMD's.

Since no nuclear weapons were found in Iraq, radical wing-nuts like loinboy continue to move the goalposts and now claim anything short of a nuclear weapon no longer constitutes a "WMD" (of course, if it comes out tomorrow that a nuclear weapon was in fact found in Iraq, they will claim that nukes too are not classified as "WMD's" :lol:).
And it appears you missed this earlier in the topic, Rott:


You should really read the full article of your links before posting them, "dude". Straight from your link:

  • Start with all that Iraqi WMD that U.S. forces found.

  • Yes, it’s true: U.S. troops found the remnants of chemical munitions in Iraq.

  • Saddam’s vicious gassing of the Kurds at Halabja in March 1988, for example, was a coordinated military campaign lasting for two days (wait a second - I thought the "official" dumbocrat narrative was that Saddam Hussein didn't have any WMD's - how odd that this use of chemical weapons is a well known, infamous historical event...???)

  • Basically, at the time of his death, bin Laden possessed some of Saddam’s hidden chemical weapons.

  • Pfarrer also relies on WikiLeaks — which I haven’t checked, because the Defense Department tells me not to

So your idea to dispute my facts is to post your FIRST link which actually confirms what I said. The author himself A.) refers to the weapons as WMD's, and B.) acknowledges they were in fact found in Iraq.

Furthermore, yet another piece of evidence I provided (the mention of the WikiLeaks cables which can be independently confirmed), the author acknowledges he hasn't read because.... because..... well, because the government told him not to. My, my, my - aren't we a good little brainwashed soldier? After all, Obama can't have his military read that Bush was right and Obama was wrong after all of the bashing Obama did as a Senator.

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