Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

Here we have loinboy making up his own definition of what constitutes a WMD... :lmao:

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better.

Lets start with why loinboy insists on refusing to accept reality. Because it would mean George W. Bush was right. And why does loinboy have a problem with that? Because George W. Bush doesn't support homosexuals. See - like most on that side of the aisle, for loinboy it all revolves around his homosexuality. Doesn't matter what the issu is (money, career, family, law, government, entertainment, technology) - if it's not sexual in nature and pro-homosexual, he can't stand it.

Now, lets try to work through his "logic". He has created his own defininition of WMD (which, in his mind - like most homosexuals dealing with self-loathing issues - he is empowered to do). And his new (asinine) definition states that (and I quote here) "Which means, when this weapon is detonated, is causes mass destruction". But the problem is, since he makes up his own definition, we have to ask him what his definition of "mass" means. Clearly two people injured and/or killed are not enough by his standard. But what about 3? 4? 70? Does it have to be a minimum of 1 million? No definition (he does this because he knows he's wrong and thus backed into a corner).

But here is the best part - despite posting links from even none other than MSBNC themselves acknowleding the weapons were in fact WMD's, here is a link to the FBI's own definition of WMD's. Enjoy loinboy :lol:....

In July 2006, the FBI created the Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate, or WMDD, to build a cohesive and coordinated approach to incidents involving nuclear, radiological, biological, or chemical weapons—with an overriding focus on prevention.

To do its job, the WMDD proactively seeks out and relies upon intelligence to drive preparedness, countermeasures, and investigations designed to keep threats from becoming reality. It also taps into the tactical and technical expertise of other FBI operational and support divisions, embedding personnel in these components as needed and coordinating investigations and initiatives. Throughout these efforts, the WMDD supports the broader work of the U.S. government as a leading partner and active contributor to policy decisions.

FBI ? Weapons of Mass Destruction

Uh-oh junior.... seems that the powers that be have indentified more than just "nuclear" as weapons that are classified as WMD's.

Since no nuclear weapons were found in Iraq, radical wing-nuts like loinboy continue to move the goalposts and now claim anything short of a nuclear weapon no longer constitutes a "WMD" (of course, if it comes out tomorrow that a nuclear weapon was in fact found in Iraq, they will claim that nukes too are not classified as "WMD's" :lol:).
Don't stop digging that hole your in, it's fun watching go deeper and deeper and deeper...

...from your own link.............AGAIN.............the FBI's definition of a WMD:

What are Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) are defined in US law (18 USC §2332a) as:
These are weapons that have a relatively large-scale impact on people, property, and/or infrastructure
As I stated in my previous post, minor injuries to two soldiers, does not constitute a "large-scale impact on people".

You really need to read your links more thoroughly before posting.
Fact of the matter is,.....Sadaam himself, admitted during his interrogation, that he purposely faked the scale of his weapons programs, and mislead the inspectors because he feared Iran, and didn't think Bush would actually invade....He expected a Clinton style bombing campaign, that he absolutley did not fear, after all, why would he?

Only one man is responsible for what happened, Sadaam Hussein himself......He was given every opportunity to come clean. He continually played games, and chose to continually rattle his sword...That sword was firmly planted up his ass, once and for all........GOOD!
IRAQ/WMD: What did Clinton & Senate Dems know & when(HYPOCRISY=DEMS; SEE FOR YOURSELF)​

[ED. NOTE: Following are excerpts from the 1998 Congressional Record. They are EXTREMELY revealing as to who was wringing their hands over the danger posed to U.S. security by Iraq and its WMD just five years ago, and who was calling Iraq’s actions that year a "crisis." These debates led to passage of the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, WHICH MADE REGIME CHANGE IN IRAQ UNITED STATES POLICY.


Feb. 4, 1998, Message from President Clinton to the Senate:​

"The policies and actions of the Saddam Hussein regime continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, as well as to regional peace and security." (Signed William J. Clinton, President of the United States)

Feb. 25, 1998, Tom DASCHLE:​

"If fully implemented, this commitment will allow UNSCOM to fulfill its mission: First, to find and destroy all of Iraq’s chemical, biological and nuclear weapons; second, to find and destroy the missiles that could deliver these weapons; and, third, to institute a system for long-term monitoring to make sure Iraq doesn’t do it again."

Mar. 12, 1998, Joe BIDEN:​
"No one should doubt for a moment the resolve of the United States to respond with force, if necessary, to Iraq’s continued flagrant violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions."
"Left unchecked, Saddam Hussein would in short order be in a position to threaten and blackmail our regional allies, our troops, and, indeed, our nation."
"Questions have been asked about our objectives. The objectives have been defined precisely. They are to curtail and delay Saddam Hussein’s capacity to produce and deliver weapons of mass destruction and his ability to threaten his neighbors."

Mar. 12, 1998, written statement by Carl LEVIN:​
"I want to express my support for President Clinton, in consultation with Congress and consistent with the United States Constitution and laws, taking necessary and appropriate actions to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq’s refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."

Sept. 29, 1998, Bob KERREY:​

"One of three things will happen...Saddam Hussein will lose his job, I will lose my job, or I will keep talking about him on this floor."
[ED. NOTE: Sure enough, Hussein outlasted Kerrey’s tenure in the Senate.]

Terrorism may or may not actually be on the rise, but terrorists have recently shown the intention and ability to attack American targets overseas. As we confront organizations like that of Usama bin Laden, we come face to face with people who will go to great efforts to kill Americans, and we react strongly. In the aftermath of events like the bombing of Khobar Towers or the two embassies in Africa, we naturally move terrorism to the forefront of our threat concerns.

Oct. 9, 1998, Carl LEVIN:​

"Today, along with Senators McCain, Lieberman, Hutchison and 23 other Senators, I am sending a letter to the President [Clinton] to express our concern over Iraq’s actions and urging the President "after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq’s refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."

Read More:
IRAQ/WMD: What did Clinton & Senate Dems know & when(HYPOCRISY=DEMS; SEE FOR YOURSELF)

US Government Printing Office - FDsys - Search Results
Fact of the matter is,.....Sadaam himself, admitted during his interrogation, that he purposely faked the scale of his weapons programs, and mislead the inspectors because he feared Iran, and didn't think Bush would actually invade....He expected a Clinton style bombing campaign, that he absolutley did not fear, after all, why would he?

Only one man is responsible for what happened, Sadaam Hussein himself......He was given every opportunity to come clean. He continually played games, and chose to continually rattle his sword...That sword was firmly planted up his ass, once and for all........GOOD!
If he was given "every opportunity", we would've allowed UN inspectors to finish their mission.

You people say the most dumbass shit!
Fact of the matter is,.....Sadaam himself, admitted during his interrogation, that he purposely faked the scale of his weapons programs, and mislead the inspectors because he feared Iran, and didn't think Bush would actually invade....He expected a Clinton style bombing campaign, that he absolutley did not fear, after all, why would he?

Only one man is responsible for what happened, Sadaam Hussein himself......He was given every opportunity to come clean. He continually played games, and chose to continually rattle his sword...That sword was firmly planted up his ass, once and for all........GOOD!
If he was given "every opportunity", we would've allowed UN inspectors to finish their mission.

You people say the most dumbass shit!

Of course you now claim that it was not Bill Clinton , or other key Democrats in Congress and the Senate that claimed Sadaam had WMD and was also producing more. Hmm.. must have been Bush's fault then too.

Bush and Cheney have both said no WMD found in Iraq.
Fact of the matter is,.....Sadaam himself, admitted during his interrogation, that he purposely faked the scale of his weapons programs, and mislead the inspectors because he feared Iran, and didn't think Bush would actually invade....He expected a Clinton style bombing campaign, that he absolutley did not fear, after all, why would he?

Only one man is responsible for what happened, Sadaam Hussein himself......He was given every opportunity to come clean. He continually played games, and chose to continually rattle his sword...That sword was firmly planted up his ass, once and for all........GOOD!
If he was given "every opportunity", we would've allowed UN inspectors to finish their mission.

You people say the most dumbass shit!
What part of him admitting that he purposely continued to mislead the inspectors do you not understand?.....They were NEVER going to be allowed to complete their mission....Only a blind fucking Paulbot loon couldn't see it.

Enough was enough with that tyrannical Son Of A Bitch....He's dead, his even crazier sons are dead, and will never gain power as Sadaam had dreamed, his regime is no more, you're sad he and his sons are dead, too fucking bad, deal with it!.....Enough with that loony Paulbot crap already.
What part of him admitting that he purposely continued to mislead the inspectors do you not understand?.....They were NEVER going to be allowed to complete their mission....Only a blind fucking Paulbot loon couldn't see it.
If we weren't going to let UN inspectors finish their mission, then stop claiming we gave him "every opportunity".

Cutting one opportunity short, does not equal "every".

Enough was enough with that tyrannical Son Of A Bitch....He's dead, his even crazier sons are dead, and will never gain power as Sadaam had dreamed, his regime is no more, you're sad he and his sons are dead, too fucking bad, deal with it!.....Enough with that loony Paulbot crap already.
We new just how tyrannical he was 20 years before, when we were selling him arms to fight the Iranians.

If that argument was true, we would've taken him out back in the early '80's.
Of course you now claim that it was not Bill Clinton , or other key Democrats in Congress and the Senate that claimed Sadaam had WMD and was also producing more. Hmm.. must have been Bush's fault then too.
WTF do you mean "now"?

I've always claimed it was all their faults, except Bush takes the lions share of the blame.
Of course you now claim that it was not Bill Clinton , or other key Democrats in Congress and the Senate that claimed Sadaam had WMD and was also producing more. Hmm.. must have been Bush's fault then too.
WTF do you mean "now"?

I've always claimed it was all their faults, except Bush takes the lions share of the blame.
Nooooooo, Hussein himself shares 100% of the blame, period!

But, enough of this.....I TIVO'd the memorial service for the late, great, Dr. Jerry Buss....Gotta go see what all my beloved Lakers had to say.....From what I hear, it was pretty awesome.

But, enough of this.....I TIVO'd the memorial service for the late, great, Dr. Jerry Buss....Gotta go see what all my beloved Lakers had to say.....From what I hear, it was pretty awesome.

His passing didn't really hit me until tonight when I watched the memorial speakers and it started sinking in how many people he affected and they all had their special "Jerry moments" to share. The one thing I will always remember, was whenever you saw him on TV, he would have a couple of babes half his age at his side.

When I first became a Laker fan, Jerry West and Elgin Baylor were their stars; they played at the LA Sports Arena and Jack Kent Cooke was their owner. In '67, he wanted the Collisium Commission to renovate the arena and put in luxary boxes. They told him, "If you want luxary boxes, go build yourself your own arena!" So he went and built the Inglewood Forum, moved the team there and changed the color of their jersey's to purple. But the weird thing is, he didn't like the word "purple", so he told Chick Hearn, refer to the uniforms as "forum blue". As soon as Buss bought the team in '79, the first thing Chick said was, "These uniforms are P-U-R-P-L-E!"

He will be missed.
So you support throwing away trillions in these wars and then blame Obama and democrats for it?
Why does the left continue to HUMILIATE themselves on the WMD issue?

Truth needs no defenders. But ignorance must be challenged.

There were no nuclear weapons, not biological weapons and nothing but some standard non-lethal chemical antipersonnel wepons to be found.

Nothing they found was of the WMD class, lad.


You radicals just can't admit when you were wrong (and especially when it means Bush was right) :lol:

Sorry, it's illegal to move the goalposts. Chemical weapons are WMD's and thousands of chemical weapons were not only found, but they were actually also used.

You lose, stupid...

First, there is no clear definition of WMDs.

Tear gas, for example, is a chemical weapon but not one that is a WMD.

Now you can get all pissed off and call me stupid, but nevertheless NON_LETHAL chemical weapons are NOT part of anyones definition other than yours and the whackos who are apologists for BUSH II.

Ironically evenm BUSH II admitted there were no WMDs.

So he must stupid, too, eh?
What a child Rottweiler is.

I wonder if he has the balls to go through this thread and counter the number of posters who just told him he was wrong - and he very obviously IS wrong.
The weapons the Bush administration claimed Saddam was actively producing were never found. Nor was any evidence found that the regime had pursued manufacturing of WMD of any kind since the end of the first gulf war.

You're an embarrassment to yourself and Rottweilers everywhere.

an embarrassment to Terriers as well.

And wolves...
Fact of the matter is,.....Sadaam himself, admitted during his interrogation, that he purposely faked the scale of his weapons programs, and mislead the inspectors because he feared Iran, and didn't think Bush would actually invade....He expected a Clinton style bombing campaign, that he absolutley did not fear, after all, why would he?

Only one man is responsible for what happened, Sadaam Hussein himself......He was given every opportunity to come clean. He continually played games, and chose to continually rattle his sword...That sword was firmly planted up his ass, once and for all........GOOD!

You're very brave with the lives, limbs, minds, families and dollars of others.

By my count:

16 posters believe Rottweiler is wrong

2 posters believe Rottweiler is correct, or may be correct

However, Rottweiler will absolutely never admit that he is wrong. It's biologically impossible for him to do so. I am sure he knows he is wrong - but he is going to be as honest about this as Dick Cheney was.
By my count:

16 posters believe Rottweiler is wrong

2 posters believe Rottweiler is correct, or may be correct

However, Rottweiler will absolutely never admit that he is wrong. It's biologically impossible for him to do so. I am sure he knows he is wrong - but he is going to be as honest about this as Dick Cheney was.

I remain surprised that this thread even exists. Most reasonable people would rather see this whole horrible chapter in our history ignored forever. If only we could have a mulligan.

By my count:

16 posters believe Rottweiler is wrong

2 posters believe Rottweiler is correct, or may be correct

However, Rottweiler will absolutely never admit that he is wrong. It's biologically impossible for him to do so. I am sure he knows he is wrong - but he is going to be as honest about this as Dick Cheney was.

The discussion at hand is about WMDs, NOT Rottweiler.

It would behoove us all and this board if we stuck to the subject and stopped attacking each other personally.

I klnow that's difficult sometimes, but if the point of discussing issues is to arrive at a closer TRUTH, then attacking people just because they disagree with you ARGUMENT is counterproductive to the point of the discussion.

Now TROLLS are here for ego reasons.

they obviously don't care about truth, they're here to cause hard feelings.

Don't be a troll, and don't let the trolls drag you down to their level of egotistical childishness.

If your arguments have merit, they are your best defence against trolls.
Dog, you should not even bring WMDs up. Everyone knows it was Bush's lie to start a war that ended costing us too many lives, tons of money and disrespect all around the world.

Stop trying to blame Bill Clinton for the Bush/Cheney fuckups.

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