Why Does The Left Hate Israel?

Left Wing nutters just hate those mean ole Christians & Jews. You know, Crucifixes soaked in urine and all that? But oddly enough, they're madly in love with Muslims. It's weird. But i'm willing to listen to a USMB Leftist explain it to us. I'm open-minded.

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a leftist to offer an honest explanation. Bottom line, their position is clearly about appeasement. They mistakenly believe that if we just give these people what they want, they'll stop harassing the rest of the planet. They won't.

The Muslim world doesn't give a rat's ass about the Palestinian people. If they did, they'd be working for peaceful resolution with Israel instead of rabble-rousing all the time. And they do it for the same reason Hitler did. Not because there's something intrinsically wrong with being Jewish, but because it's a focal point for negativity and hatred which can be used to unite the mob. That's the way mobs work. You've got to harness people's emotional energy in order to get them to follow you, and negative energy works best. It doesn't require rational thinking.

How would you like it if the Native Americans got a large chunk of the USA returned to them?
It's simple. Because half of them don't believe in God, and they sure aren't going to help in the defense of an ally whose entire basis for existing is God. Shoot, they barely show an interest in helping in the defense of freedom.
It's simple. Because half of them don't believe in God, and they sure aren't going to help in the defense of an ally whose entire basis for existing is God. Shoot, they barely show an interest in helping in the defense of freedom.

Are you a defender of freedom also?If so, how are you a defender of freedom?
It's simple. Because half of them don't believe in God, and they sure aren't going to help in the defense of an ally whose entire basis for existing is God. Shoot, they barely show an interest in helping in the defense of freedom.

Israel does not exist to please god.

Israel exists as a home for the Israeli people.
It's simple. Because half of them don't believe in God, and they sure aren't going to help in the defense of an ally whose entire basis for existing is God. Shoot, they barely show an interest in helping in the defense of freedom.

Are you a defender of freedom also?If so, how are you a defender of freedom?

I'm not playing your silly baiting games. If you have something to say come out and say it.
It's simple. Because half of them don't believe in God, and they sure aren't going to help in the defense of an ally whose entire basis for existing is God. Shoot, they barely show an interest in helping in the defense of freedom.

Are you a defender of freedom also?If so, how are you a defender of freedom?

I'm not playing your silly baiting games. If you have something to say come out and say it.

i did.
Well, you will get no free lesson in Freedom from me. Perhaps if you understood Freedom, you wouldn't be so progressive.
Palestininans strap suicide bombs onto their own children. So while it is true that palestinian children are dying, it's also true that the palestinians are the ones killing them. Can there be anything more disgusting than a palestinian father holding his son so that the child could be shot by a palestinian sniper and blamed on Israel? No. But that is exactly what happened to Mohammed Al-Dura.

This is a war to the death. It will not stop until one side or the other is wiped out. The arabs understand this very well. Israel must be annihilated. Wiped off the face of the earth. Their apologists not so much.

What is, after the OK City Murrah Building bombing (which housed a daycare center), non-Americans said:

Americans set off bombs at their own daycare centers, killing their own children. So while it is true that American children are dying, it's also true that the Americans are the ones killing them.

Would that be a fair and accurate statement?

Not really, because the parents of the children at the daycare center didn't strap suicide bombs on their own children. Palestinian parents DO. And not once, but many, many, MANY times. I would not condemn the palestinian people because a deranged palestinian blew up a pizza place. He was deranged. It wasn't supported by the majority of palestinians. But that's not what happens. What happened was daily bombs until palestine was put on lock down. It happened to pizza places, stores, buses, and even parks. These acts are supported by the palestinians who praise the bombers and make them national heroes. Every time a suicide bomber killed Jews, parents would bring in five more children to take their place. And that did not happen in the Murrah bombing.

How many times have the Palestinians been offered a two state solution?? They don't want an Israeli state, period. They never will, and their sole reason for existance is to eventually annhilate the state of Israel and any Jews that live there. Otherwise, there would have been peace 30 to 40 years ago, peace is not the goal, not for the Palestinians or any of their supporters.

And as far as the op goes, it's right on target, the left sides with the Palestinians in every way.
The Pals have accepted a two state solution, it's the Israeli's who don't want it.
How many times have the Palestinians been offered a two state solution?? They don't want an Israeli state, period. They never will, and their sole reason for existance is to eventually annhilate the state of Israel and any Jews that live there. Otherwise, there would have been peace 30 to 40 years ago, peace is not the goal, not for the Palestinians or any of their supporters.

And as far as the op goes, it's right on target, the left sides with the Palestinians in every way.
The Pals have accepted a two state solution, it's the Israeli's who don't want it.

Yeah, a two-state solution that gives pals geographically high ground to make it easier to kill Jews and destroy Israel. Awful nice of them to be for peace and all...

Well, you will get no free lesson in Freedom from me. Perhaps if you understood Freedom, you wouldn't be so progressive.

I have no doubt then that you fear avering your position.Are you here not to post anything but a position that is contrary to the thesis of the thread?

I have and always will defend freedom, but as far as Israel goes they are doing fine, and I have never dissed them to the point of not supporting them.
I am a veteran of the US Army and am very pro America, why, cause we are still a becon of hope and freedom in a world that seems to want to get here to enjoy the fruits of our system, and I support anyone that wishes to do so.
I defend the victims of bullies, and believe that opppression is best destroyed by force.
Why can't you express youself in the same manner and get over your stage fright?
Well, you will get no free lesson in Freedom from me. Perhaps if you understood Freedom, you wouldn't be so progressive.

I have no doubt then that you fear avering your position.Are you here not to post anything but a position that is contrary to the thesis of the thread?

I have and always will defend freedom, but as far as Israel goes they are doing fine, and I have never dissed them to the point of not supporting them.
I am a veteran of the US Army and am very pro America, why, cause we are still a becon of hope and freedom in a world that seems to want to get here to enjoy the fruits of our system, and I support anyone that wishes to do so.
I defend the victims of bullies, and believe that opppression is best destroyed by force.
Why can't you express youself in the same manner and get over your stage fright?

Well, as you can see by the fact that I have posted strong opinons in many threads snce joining this site tonight, that stage fright is not an issue that I have. Refusing to be baited by a lefty is a different deal all together.

If you think Israel is doing fine you may want to ask the people of Israel how they feel, as they watch their neighbor's develop nukes and threaten to remove them from the face of the Earth.

I too am an Army Vet, who agrees with you on your fluff, but would never agree with totally open boarders. Besides, that has nothing to do with Freedom...
Well Oblamanation, do you need money to tell me how you defend freedom??

I'm not looking for money in payment. I was looking for you to be earnest in your approach. Tough for liberals I know....

I was just asking you a question, and you have proven to me that you have no idea what you are talking about, and are for some reason skirting the issue. Do as you like it is a free country.

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