Why Does The Left Hate Israel?

How much tax have you paid for Obamacare?
So spending is taxation,
And it is still a free country, taxes are part the social contract;

Social Contract Theory*[Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]

Sure they are, but that doesn't mean I want to pay 50% plus like the failed Euro-plans that obama is forming our future with.

The man gets elected telling us he will cut the deficit in half, and promptly looks for a way to double it. He tells you whatever he thinks you want to hear and then does whatever he wants to do. ...and you still drink the kool-aid...

Can you state anything but bumper sticker ad hominem?

Please, I have refuted everything you have posted with hard facts and good logic. If I want to throw the common talking points in there - I've earned it --- You can't topple them either....
Sure they are, but that doesn't mean I want to pay 50% plus like the failed Euro-plans that obama is forming our future with.

The man gets elected telling us he will cut the deficit in half, and promptly looks for a way to double it. He tells you whatever he thinks you want to hear and then does whatever he wants to do. ...and you still drink the kool-aid...

Oblama inherited a huge deficit from BushII, Look:
U.S. Federal Deficits, Presidents, and Congress

do you have a point? We know that. We also know that Obama said he would cut THAT deficit in half in one term. Instead, he spent our future earnings at twice the rate of Bush2.
Proof? Or are you jsut opinionated, and you can't find anything to back your position?
Anyone who reads this thread can see that you got owned at every step Moonglow - and your final act is to challange common knowledge facts undeputed by even the left (attempting to get me to research what you already know to be facts) -- alluding to me as dilusional and crazy --- and accusining me of being condesending...

So you lost on every front and resort to attacking me personally. Typical left -- you could have written Obama's acceptance speech -- soon you will be listening to his concession speech.
Vanishing the Palestinians


When the Zionists decided in 1897 to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews of Vienna despatched a delegation to examine the country for its suitability. The delegation reported back as follows: "the bride is beautiful but she is married to another man". They had found that Palestine to their dismay was already inhabited by another people. And this has been Zionism’s central problem ever since. How to "vanish the Palestinians" and get an empty land? The latest manifestation of this imperative is the barrier wall, which Israel is currently building to separate and enclose Palestinian towns and villages in the lands it occupied after 1967. There are those who rightly point to the wall’s illegality and infringement of human rights. And the International Court of Justice has just affirmed this view resoundingly in its ruling, passed on 9.7.04 by 14 of the 15 judges, that the wall was an illegal structure when in the occupied Palestinian territories and that Israel would have to tear it down and make restitution for the damage it has caused to thousands of Palestinians. This position is entirely valid, but critics, in my view, have missed one crucial aspect of the wall’s purpose, which is, to "vanish" the Palestinians, to make them so invisible that Israelis can go on pretending that there is no "other man".

More: Vanishing the Palestinians » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

A Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict


Israel/Palestine: Refugees and Ethnic Cleansing

Jewish State: What it means & why all the controversy

Terrorism in Israel and Palestine

Religion in the Holy Land

The History of US-Israel Relations

The New Fusion: The Likud And The GOP - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

Jordan is not Palestine - Focus - Al Jazeera English

True Torah Jews Against Zionism

A Website for Seekers of Truth

Book review: "Married to Another Man" | The Electronic Intifada
Likewise, Obama took office in the middle of, by far, the biggest-deficit year in history, dealing with two wars and the most severe recession since the 1930's; it would have been remarkable if the deficit hadn't decreased during his term. What is surprising in Obama's case is that the decrease in deficits has continued, and even accelerated, rather than being a one-year "blip" due to repayment of bailout loans and the like. The deficit decrease of 2011 may be due in part to the debt-ceiling standoff in April and May and the short-term measures taken at that time to avoid default; we'll see whether it continues in 2012.

U.S. Federal Deficits, Presidents, and Congress
The first two full fiscal years of the Obama presidency have seen unprecedented decreases in deficits: more in two years, after adjusting for inflation, than in Truman's eight years, and twice as much as in Clinton's eight years. If this trend were to continue -- and I don't know how likely that is -- the Federal budget would run a substantial surplus in fiscal 2014-2015.

U.S. Federal Deficits, Presidents, and Congress
The first seven years of the G.W. Bush presidency increased the deficit by almost twice as much as the 32 years from JFK through G.H.W.Bush combined, and somewhat more than the 24 years from Harding through FDR combined (in inflation-adjusted dollars).

If one includes fiscal year 2008-2009 as part of the G.W. Bush administration (consistent with my treatment of all other administrations), that administration oversaw 3.5 times as much increase in Federal budget deficits as Presidents Kennedy through G.H.W.Bush put together.

U.S. Federal Deficits, Presidents, and Congress
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Why does the left always parse truth in an attempt to try to make themselves look good?

Obama promised to cut the national debt in half added over 5 trillion to it, and then blamed bush...

Nice, but didn't Obama know what the national debt was when he made the promise? You can claim for him stupidity, or failure --- whichever is fine as long as he owns up to it. It true liberal form though - he shows ZERO accounability.
The first two full fiscal years of the Obama presidency have seen unprecedented decreases in deficits: more in two years, after adjusting for inflation, than in Truman's eight years, and twice as much as in Clinton's eight years. If this trend were to continue -- and I don't know how likely that is -- the Federal budget would run a substantial surplus in fiscal 2014-2015.

U.S. Federal Deficits, Presidents, and Congress

He's doing a damn better job than republicants
The first two full fiscal years of the Obama presidency have seen unprecedented decreases in deficits: more in two years, after adjusting for inflation, than in Truman's eight years, and twice as much as in Clinton's eight years. If this trend were to continue -- and I don't know how likely that is -- the Federal budget would run a substantial surplus in fiscal 2014-2015.

U.S. Federal Deficits, Presidents, and Congress

He's doing a damn better job than republicants

So, it's ok that he made a list a mile long and kept virtually NONE of his promises --- as long as you can attack Bush2... I see

Also, it's pretty funny that you got your butt whipped on the God/Israel topic so you attempted to change it something you thought you could win...

Well, I'm not defending Bush --- for sure not defending him on spending like a liberal - but to suggest Obama has done better on spending than the right is just out and out foolishness and you know it as well as EVERYONE else - It's like trying to argue that the moon is bigger than the sun. You may be able to find a picture that suggests there is some truth to it but when push comes to shove we all know the moon is smaller.

Did you know that politifact is a left-wing creation?


1. "PolitiFact’s liberal bias, yet again (Arizona law; Climategate)
By: barrypopik (Diary) | May 13th at 04:43 AM | 0

PolitiFact this week judged statements about the Arizona immigration law and Climategate. Guess what side these fact-checkers chose? If you guessed “Progressive/Democrat,” you’re a winner!
PolitiFact’s liberal bias, yet again (Arizona law; Climategate) | RedState

2. 'PolitiFact is not that honest fact-checker. And these aren’t isolated cases. Once widely regarded as a unique, rigorous and reasonably independent investigator of political claims, PolitiFact now declares conservatives wrong three times more often than liberals. More pointedly, the journalism organization concludes that conservatives have flat out lied nine times more often than liberals.'
PolitiFact bias: Does the GOP tell nine times more lies than left? Really? - Conservative News

3. PolitiFact.com is a project operated by the Tampa Bay Times,...also known as the St. Petersburg Times,
"The Tampa Bay Times, previously named the St. Petersburg Times,..."
Tampa Bay Times - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. 'In 2003, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette described the St. Petersburg Times as a "usually liberal" newspaper.'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tampa_Bay_Times
Left Wing nutters just hate those mean ole Christians & Jews. You know, Crucifixes soaked in urine and all that? But oddly enough, they're madly in love with Muslims. It's weird. But i'm willing to listen to a USMB Leftist explain it to us. I'm open-minded.

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a leftist to offer an honest explanation. Bottom line, their position is clearly about appeasement. They mistakenly believe that if we just give these people what they want, they'll stop harassing the rest of the planet. They won't.

The Muslim world doesn't give a rat's ass about the Palestinian people. If they did, they'd be working for peaceful resolution with Israel instead of rabble-rousing all the time. And they do it for the same reason Hitler did. Not because there's something intrinsically wrong with being Jewish, but because it's a focal point for negativity and hatred which can be used to unite the mob. That's the way mobs work. You've got to harness people's emotional energy in order to get them to follow you, and negative energy works best. It doesn't require rational thinking.

How would you like it if the Native Americans got a large chunk of the USA returned to them?
Why am I not surprised that this question was COMPLETELY ignored?
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a leftist to offer an honest explanation. Bottom line, their position is clearly about appeasement. They mistakenly believe that if we just give these people what they want, they'll stop harassing the rest of the planet. They won't.

The Muslim world doesn't give a rat's ass about the Palestinian people. If they did, they'd be working for peaceful resolution with Israel instead of rabble-rousing all the time. And they do it for the same reason Hitler did. Not because there's something intrinsically wrong with being Jewish, but because it's a focal point for negativity and hatred which can be used to unite the mob. That's the way mobs work. You've got to harness people's emotional energy in order to get them to follow you, and negative energy works best. It doesn't require rational thinking.

How would you like it if the Native Americans got a large chunk of the USA returned to them?
Why am I not surprised that this question was COMPLETELY ignored?

Shoot, I'd give them New York and Cali in a heart beat. One caveat - New Yorkers have to move out eastward and californians have to move out westward, to create empty land for them.
The left doesn't hate. The left is filled with people from all faiths and backgrounds. Most of the hate I've seen has come from the right.
The left doesn't hate. The left is filled with people from all faiths and backgrounds. Most of the hate I've seen has come from the right.

Cool - I'd love to hear examples please! Tell me about all that Christians "hate"!

He didn't say Christian - he said Right. The two words are not syonnyms.

I don't think this board lacks for examples of right wing hatred...towards blacks, towards Muslims, towards liberals, towards gays..some threads here are just Stormfront minus the willingness to admit to being a crypto-fascist.

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