Why Does The Left Hate Israel?

Well Oblamanation, do you need money to tell me how you defend freedom??

I'm not looking for money in payment. I was looking for you to be earnest in your approach. Tough for liberals I know....

I was just asking you a question, and you have proven to me that you have no idea what you are talking about, and are for some reason skirting the issue. Do as you like it is a free country.

Pretty sure it isn't a free Country, I have to to pay more and more every time your Lord Obama raises taxes on the middle class with another social program. Pretty sad, whe nthe President claims he is helping the middle class when in reality he is just helping the middle class join the poor.
I'm not looking for money in payment. I was looking for you to be earnest in your approach. Tough for liberals I know....

I was just asking you a question, and you have proven to me that you have no idea what you are talking about, and are for some reason skirting the issue. Do as you like it is a free country.

Pretty sure it isn't a free Country, I have to to pay more and more every time your Lord Obama raises taxes on the middle class with another social program. Pretty sad, whe nthe President claims he is helping the middle class when in reality he is just helping the middle class join the poor.

What new tax have you had to pay lately, or you won't answer?
I believe that Israel has a tiger by the tail and is afraid to let go.

Pretty sure that palastinians aren;t even the immediate threat. Israel needs a strong show of support on many fronts, and they are getting no help from the current president at all. Obama once again talks out of both sides of his mouth --- or more honestly, tells his constituants that he is pro-Israel, but NONE of his actions support that.
I was just asking you a question, and you have proven to me that you have no idea what you are talking about, and are for some reason skirting the issue. Do as you like it is a free country.

Pretty sure it isn't a free Country, I have to to pay more and more every time your Lord Obama raises taxes on the middle class with another social program. Pretty sad, whe nthe President claims he is helping the middle class when in reality he is just helping the middle class join the poor.

What new tax have you had to pay lately, or you won't answer?

Obamacare is nothing but a tax on the middle class...

I don;t know why it is so difficult for liberals to understand --- EVERY penny the gov't spends is a tax on the middle class.
I believe that Israel has a tiger by the tail and is afraid to let go.

Pretty sure that palastinians aren;t even the immediate threat. Israel needs a strong show of support on many fronts, and they are getting no help from the current president at all. Obama once again talks out of both sides of his mouth --- or more honestly, tells his constituants that he is pro-Israel, but NONE of his actions support that.

60 bilion in aid is a show of no support? I am correct in my analysis that you are not very clear on your position.
Pretty sure it isn't a free Country, I have to to pay more and more every time your Lord Obama raises taxes on the middle class with another social program. Pretty sad, whe nthe President claims he is helping the middle class when in reality he is just helping the middle class join the poor.

What new tax have you had to pay lately, or you won't answer?

Obamacare is nothing but a tax on the middle class...

I don;t know why it is so difficult for liberals to understand --- EVERY penny the gov't spends is a tax on the middle class.

How much tax have you paid for Obamacare?
So spending is taxation,
And it is still a free country, taxes are part the social contract;
Social contract theory, nearly as old as philosophy itself, is the view that persons’ moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live.

Social Contract Theory [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
Pretty sure it isn't a free Country, I have to to pay more and more every time your Lord Obama raises taxes on the middle class with another social program. Pretty sad, whe nthe President claims he is helping the middle class when in reality he is just helping the middle class join the poor.

What new tax have you had to pay lately, or you won't answer?

Obamacare is nothing but a tax on the middle class...

I don;t know why it is so difficult for liberals to understand --- EVERY penny the gov't spends is a tax on the middle class.

you can speak to people without being condensending. It's okay.
I believe that Israel has a tiger by the tail and is afraid to let go.

Pretty sure that palastinians aren;t even the immediate threat. Israel needs a strong show of support on many fronts, and they are getting no help from the current president at all. Obama once again talks out of both sides of his mouth --- or more honestly, tells his constituants that he is pro-Israel, but NONE of his actions support that.

So the 10 foot high wall that surround Gaza was built for the vista?
I believe that Israel has a tiger by the tail and is afraid to let go.

Pretty sure that palastinians aren;t even the immediate threat. Israel needs a strong show of support on many fronts, and they are getting no help from the current president at all. Obama once again talks out of both sides of his mouth --- or more honestly, tells his constituants that he is pro-Israel, but NONE of his actions support that.

60 bilion in aid is a show of no support? I am correct in my analysis that you are not very clear on your position.

Yeah, Obama cuts aid to Israel for 2 years, then right before Romney heads there he offers new aid --- ironically -- during a presidential campaign. All this while starting up the infamous Obamaganda machines to suggest that Republicans would cut financial support to Israel entirely.

...and they called Clinton "slick willy"...
What new tax have you had to pay lately, or you won't answer?

Obamacare is nothing but a tax on the middle class...

I don;t know why it is so difficult for liberals to understand --- EVERY penny the gov't spends is a tax on the middle class.

you can speak to people without being condensending. It's okay.

I could, but YOU won't... lol

I can tell you are not used to debating with people who not only know your games, but how to play them...
What new tax have you had to pay lately, or you won't answer?

Obamacare is nothing but a tax on the middle class...

I don;t know why it is so difficult for liberals to understand --- EVERY penny the gov't spends is a tax on the middle class.

How much tax have you paid for Obamacare?
So spending is taxation,
And it is still a free country, taxes are part the social contract;
Social contract theory, nearly as old as philosophy itself, is the view that persons’ moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live.

Social Contract Theory*[Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]

Sure they are, but that doesn't mean I want to pay 50% plus like the failed Euro-plans that obama is forming our future with.

The man gets elected telling us he will cut the deficit in half, and promptly looks for a way to double it. He tells you whatever he thinks you want to hear and then does whatever he wants to do. ...and you still drink the kool-aid...
Obamacare is nothing but a tax on the middle class...

I don;t know why it is so difficult for liberals to understand --- EVERY penny the gov't spends is a tax on the middle class.

How much tax have you paid for Obamacare?
So spending is taxation,
And it is still a free country, taxes are part the social contract;
Social contract theory, nearly as old as philosophy itself, is the view that persons’ moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live.

Social Contract Theory*[Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]

Sure they are, but that doesn't mean I want to pay 50% plus like the failed Euro-plans that obama is forming our future with.

The man gets elected telling us he will cut the deficit in half, and promptly looks for a way to double it. He tells you whatever he thinks you want to hear and then does whatever he wants to do. ...and you still drink the kool-aid...

Oblama inherited a huge deficit from BushII, Look:
U.S. Federal Deficits, Presidents, and Congress
Obamacare is nothing but a tax on the middle class...

I don;t know why it is so difficult for liberals to understand --- EVERY penny the gov't spends is a tax on the middle class.

How much tax have you paid for Obamacare?
So spending is taxation,
And it is still a free country, taxes are part the social contract;
Social contract theory, nearly as old as philosophy itself, is the view that persons’ moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live.

Social Contract Theory*[Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]

Sure they are, but that doesn't mean I want to pay 50% plus like the failed Euro-plans that obama is forming our future with.

The man gets elected telling us he will cut the deficit in half, and promptly looks for a way to double it. He tells you whatever he thinks you want to hear and then does whatever he wants to do. ...and you still drink the kool-aid...

Can you state anything but bumper sticker ad hominem?
George Washington wouldn't want us fighting wars for other nations. Israel should fight for themselves.

...and you want to act like Isael wouldn;t fight for themselves... lol

Oh my....

Yeah, because it's not like we went to France looking for help or anything?? You are obvously way out of your realm here. You support your allies --- and I am not looking for a war at all. When you are America, just a firm talking to does the trick very often. Of course when your president is more concerned with breaking bread with your enemies than sticking up for you allies it's easy to lose your cred.
How much tax have you paid for Obamacare?
So spending is taxation,
And it is still a free country, taxes are part the social contract;

Social Contract Theory*[Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]

Sure they are, but that doesn't mean I want to pay 50% plus like the failed Euro-plans that obama is forming our future with.

The man gets elected telling us he will cut the deficit in half, and promptly looks for a way to double it. He tells you whatever he thinks you want to hear and then does whatever he wants to do. ...and you still drink the kool-aid...

Oblama inherited a huge deficit from BushII, Look:
U.S. Federal Deficits, Presidents, and Congress

do you have a point? We know that. We also know that Obama said he would cut THAT deficit in half in one term. Instead, he spent our future earnings at twice the rate of Bush2.

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