Why does the left hate St Jude?

Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

She's not in government, if someone wants to donate to charity to drink coffee with a private citizen, who gives a holy shit?
Are you one of the nine blind guys describing an elephant? Methinks you sure are blind when it comes to who is part of the Trump admin and the old adage comes to mind.

Hey dumbass, it's illegal and would require a waiver from congress for her to serve in any official capacity, has that happened?
Blind Men and the Elephant - Word Information

Surrender noted.
Unsure of his life’s direction, a young Danny Thomas sought guidance from St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint of hopeless causes. If the saint would point to the path he should take, Danny vowed to build a shrine in his name. Success followed Danny’s plea and soon after, the legendary entertainer set about fulfilling his vow to St. Jude. The result was St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
I have been watching their commercials and thinking of making a donation. I have already donated $5,000 this Christmas.

I have donated to St. Jude's as well as Wounded warriors and many other such charities.

I find it appalling that there is a need for places like St. Jude's and Wounded Warrior project. All children should have access to health care, regardless of income levels, and the government should be taking care of the wounded.

The lack of care and services for vets is shameful. These folks were injured in protecting their nation and we have an obligation to them, that our elected representatives are not honouring.
I have been watching their commercials and thinking of making a donation. I have already donated $5,000 this Christmas.

I have donated to St. Jude's as well as Wounded warriors and many other such charities.

I find it appalling that there is a need for places like St. Jude's and Wounded Warrior project. All children should have access to health care, regardless of income levels, and the government should be taking care of the wounded.

The lack of care and services for vets is shameful. These folks were injured in protecting their nation and we have an obligation to them, that our elected representatives are not honouring.

LOL, you find the existence of private charities appalling? Yeah heaven help us when individuals VOLUNTARILY give of their bounty to help those less fortunate than they are... :rolleyes:

Much better we go with your solution where we have government thugs point a gun at everyone's heads, take their cut of the spoils and then distribute the remainder as inefficiently as possible, after all what fun is a world without society resorting to violence as much as possible?

BTW how's your career as a mafioso coming along? Been promoted to Capo yet?
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

Michelle didn't do something likethis, that's the point.

Paying for access is what you guys accused the Clintons of doing, and here you are doing it.
do you see any difference here at all?
personally, I would trust Michelle way more than I do hillary when it comes to matters of national security and I dont think I would question michelle raising money for charity in this way. If you think about it, what really is the difference between an auction to have a cup of coffee with her or paying 70,000 a plate for a charity dinner? I dont see any difference at all.
I have been watching their commercials and thinking of making a donation. I have already donated $5,000 this Christmas.

I have donated to St. Jude's as well as Wounded warriors and many other such charities.

I find it appalling that there is a need for places like St. Jude's and Wounded Warrior project. All children should have access to health care, regardless of income levels, and the government should be taking care of the wounded.

The lack of care and services for vets is shameful. These folks were injured in protecting their nation and we have an obligation to them, that our elected representatives are not honouring.

LOL, you find the existence of private charities appalling? Yeah heaven help us when individuals VOLUNTARILY give of their bounty to help those less fortunate than they are... :rolleyes:

Much better we go with your solution where we have government thugs point a gun at everyone's heads, take their cut of the spoils and then distribute the remainder as inefficiently as possible, after all what fun is a world without society resorting to violence as much as possible?

BTW how's your career as a mafioso coming along? Been promoted to Capo yet?
I dont think the poster finds the existence of private charities for these things appalling, I think the poster finds it appalling that there is a NEED to have a charity take care of these things.
There should not have to be a charity set up to care for wounded warriors, it should be covered and covered well by government. It is appalling that our own government refuses to care for those injured while protecting the country.
And I agree.
I find it appalling that there is a need for places like St. Jude's and Wounded Warrior project. All children should have access to health care, regardless of income levels, and the government should be taking care of the wounded.

The lack of care and services for vets is shameful. These folks were injured in protecting their nation and we have an obligation to them, that our elected representatives are not honouring.
How the fuck are we denying Canadian veterans and children from anything? That's your country's responsibility, not ours! Are so left wing that you think the United States should have its' wealth confiscated and redistributed across the globe?
There should not have to be a charity set up to care for wounded warriors, it should be covered and covered well by government. It is appalling that our own government refuses to care for those injured while protecting the country.
And I agree.
They do get cared for and the VA needs a good housecleaning but charity projects go above and beyond the call of duty. Nothing wrong with that.

The only thing I see here is the leftists are so deranged and spiteful they demonize everything about their political enemies, so much so they'll attack family and even family member's good works.

That's why you cannot reason with these people. All we can do is defeat them at every turn.
It is appalling that government programs to help the needy are necessary. With such a large population of the 'religious' in America, it should all be taken care of already.
I find the need for a Charity Hospital for children appalling. In the richest country in the world, there is a need for a charity hospital for children. There are no such hospitals where I live, and no need for them. All children are entitled, by law, to the best care available. You should be ashamed, not that you have such charities in your country, but that they are needed.

The Wounded Warriors Project is worse. I say this knowing that my country's record on wounded veterans is not much better. They served their country and their lives were shattered by that service. We all owe these men and women, but the government which they served and defended sent them into harm's way, and they should be taking proper care of them. These brave men and women and their families should not have to suffer for lack of care for those injuries, and the hardships they bring. These people were promised, and now the very government who put them in this situation is failing to live up to that promise, and doing so when they are least capable of dealing with the consequences of that failure. So very wrong.

By how you treat the least among us, so you will be judged.
There should not have to be a charity set up to care for wounded warriors, it should be covered and covered well by government. It is appalling that our own government refuses to care for those injured while protecting the country.
And I agree.

I disagree, the appalling part is that it's governments create the "wounded warriors" in the first place, the war mongers in government have been doing it since the institution was first conceived and government doesn't "cover" anything, it has no resources of it's own to do so, so the choice is help those in need efficiently and effectively through private charities or attempt to do it as inefficiently and ineffectively as possible through bureaucratic government "programs".

Why would anyone want to double down on attempting to follow the same pattern that has failed so miserably? Why would anyone want to expand on the disincentives and resource drain that said government "programs" inject into society against voluntary charity?

There's nothing appalling about the fact that individuals VOLUNTARILY give of themselves to help those less fortunate than they are (in fact the existence of such represents a virtuous cycle in society), whether they be "wounded warriors" or children in need of health care, the alternative is the confiscation of resources from individuals INVOLUNTARILY through the use of force which is appalling and immoral (a vicious cycle in society).
I find the need for a Charity Hospital for children appalling. In the richest country in the world, there is a need for a charity hospital for children.
Like I said, and as you ignored, your opinion as a Canadian is worthless.

You come here to try to ram socialism down our throats from across the border. The fact that you and your ilk think that charity organizations are proof that mother government is allowing it's subjects to keep too much of their earnings is sick. Fortunately, America has woken up to your underhanded game. It's always the children that get hurt if we resist tax increases.

I'd argue the opposite, government wastes too much of our money as it is.
I have been watching their commercials and thinking of making a donation. I have already donated $5,000 this Christmas.

You can mail it direct to St. Jude's. No need to make a donation , but Eric Trump still owes them about 18 million he pledged, or they should take his picture down. It was a scam operation anyway.

Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

Seems to me you had a problem with Clintons charity , I guess what is not ok for the Clintons is A ok for the Trumps.
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

Seems to me you had a problem with Clintons charity , I guess what is not ok for the Clintons is A ok for the Trumps.

That train goes both ways, it's hilarious how suddenly you loons are concerned about charity and foundations....given you defended Cankle's scam operation for years
...Ivanka trump does not hold public office, this is no more pay to play than it is a bachelor auction. What Clinton did was if you donated to her highly questionable charity paying for her private jet...she would then meet with you as our Secretary of State. False equivalency, god the left loves whatever logical fallacy benefits them the most

Well, her charity was actually a charity... so there's that.

But to the point, if St. Judes was a good cause, why would Ivanka be selling access to raise money for it?

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