Why does the left hate St Jude?

Nobody's begging for money. BTW, under your system, you just confiscate money from people. Unless of course in your world money magically grows on trees? Where does it come from if not from somebody else?

Well, you see, that's where you are confused. We aren't confiscating money, we are collecting the taxes required to maintain a civilized society.

I'm sorry you are confused on this point.
Gee, the RW'ers used to tell us we didn't need Obamacare because all Americans already had affordable healthcare.
Why give to St. Jude's if those families can already afford it?

Really? Prices have shot up (mine doubled last month) and actual coverage has shrunk. One of my nurses broke his hand in a softball game, had to pay 10,000 out of pocket before coverage kicked in. Even the clintons admit that ACA is a disaster. It's given us a little more who have coverage that didn't before, while shrinking everyone's amount of coverage across the board, and somehow still increasing the everyone's prices.

And nice straw man, who on the right was saying everyone already has coverage? No one was saying that, what was being said is no one gets denied treatment they need. It goes into a huge cost that the hospital has to eat.
Ahh... look at who's whining about "childish insults" , the USMB king of childish insults himself.

LOL, what's the matter Joe? you can dish it out but you can't take it?

Some day, little boy, you'll be able to engage in adult conversations... some day.
LOL, at least I have hope, unfortunately for you the empirical evidence strongly suggests that you will never be capable of such a thing, about the best you got and ever will have is screaming "racist" at anyone that doesn't share your warped view of the world.

*** Now back to your regularly scheduled caterwauling about being the unfortunate victim of the meanies hereabouts ***
LOL, at least I have hope, unfortunately for you the empirical evidence strongly suggests that you will never be capable of such a thing, about the best you got and ever will have is screaming "racist" at anyone that doesn't share your warped view of the world.

Wow, man, I must be pretty effective for you to be whining about me so much. I'm sorry I crushed your little self-esteem. Do you need a safe-space?
LOL, at least I have hope, unfortunately for you the empirical evidence strongly suggests that you will never be capable of such a thing, about the best you got and ever will have is screaming "racist" at anyone that doesn't share your warped view of the world.

Wow, man, I must be pretty effective for you to be whining about me so much. I'm sorry I crushed your little self-esteem. Do you need a safe-space?
LOL, who's whining? You're a delightful little specimen of the left winger, blowhard wind up toy since all it takes to get you unhinged is a quick little flame upside your empty noggin.

I have been watching their commercials and thinking of making a donation. I have already donated $5,000 this Christmas.

I have donated to St. Jude's as well as Wounded warriors and many other such charities.

I find it appalling that there is a need for places like St. Jude's and Wounded Warrior project. All children should have access to health care, regardless of income levels, and the government should be taking care of the wounded.

The lack of care and services for vets is shameful. These folks were injured in protecting their nation and we have an obligation to them, that our elected representatives are not honouring.

OMG idiots like you should suffer under a government run healthcare fiasco for a while before opening your ignorant mouth. The VA HELLO earth to clueless leftwit. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Gee, the RW'ers used to tell us we didn't need Obamacare because all Americans already had affordable healthcare.
Why give to St. Jude's if those families can already afford it?

You really are clueless.....
But hey we do have Obamacare, how isn't hag working out?????
I have been watching their commercials and thinking of making a donation. I have already donated $5,000 this Christmas.

I have donated to St. Jude's as well as Wounded warriors and many other such charities.

I find it appalling that there is a need for places like St. Jude's and Wounded Warrior project. All children should have access to health care, regardless of income levels, and the government should be taking care of the wounded.

The lack of care and services for vets is shameful. These folks were injured in protecting their nation and we have an obligation to them, that our elected representatives are not honouring.

They do its called.the VA...its run by greedy morons....
That'll change.
For kids healthcare is not a.right, it's a product, you have to.pay for the product. Unless you want to setup a monarchy and the king can take care of us.......no thanks.
I find it appalling that there is a need for places like St. Jude's and Wounded Warrior project. All children should have access to health care, regardless of income levels, and the government should be taking care of the wounded.

The lack of care and services for vets is shameful. These folks were injured in protecting their nation and we have an obligation to them, that our elected representatives are not honouring.
How the fuck are we denying Canadian veterans and children from anything? That's your country's responsibility, not ours! Are so left wing that you think the United States should have its' wealth confiscated and redistributed across the globe?
Everybody chipping in to a single source (government) to take care of our wounded vets and children in dire need is NOT confiscating and re-distributing YOUR wealth. In the case of vets, YOU got the benefit of their service (thru government), YOU promised (thru government) care for them and family if needed and YOU have a duty, an obligation, to fulfill that promise. I have never used a VA hospital, but I am told that most are very good. It is distance from care and overload that is the problem. If ALL hospitals and care facilities were open to vets, there would probably be little or no issue, or so I hear.

What is this strawman on vets....NOONE OPPOSES THAT! But we see how the govt runs VA and it sucks.

For example why do liberals oppose vets seeing private doctors if the VA is full?
Moderate downs children are so special, they do need extra care, and since many are given up, they are in AIS homes
If the left had its way, St. Jude charities wouldn't be necessary.

Why wouldn't they?

Because when you have universal healthcare your bills are paid without running off to beg rich people for charity.

Well said. The fact that we have to beg rich people to keep kids alive is kind of sad in and of itself.

Nobody's begging for money. BTW, under your system, you just confiscate money from people. Unless of course in your world money magically grows on trees? Where does it come from if not from somebody else?

They really have no idea how St Jude works....its fucking amazing.
Moderate downs children are so special, they do need extra care, and since many are given up, they are in AIS homes
If the left had its way, St. Jude charities wouldn't be necessary.

Why wouldn't they?

Because when you have universal healthcare your bills are paid without running off to beg rich people for charity.

Well said. The fact that we have to beg rich people to keep kids alive is kind of sad in and of itself.

Nobody's begging for money. BTW, under your system, you just confiscate money from people. Unless of course in your world money magically grows on trees? Where does it come from if not from somebody else?

They really have no idea how St Jude works....its fucking amazing.

Sure I do I send them a few bucks and they send me return addresses, and little note pads. Why I do not know.

I do not use St. Judes to get money for other causes. Matter of fact I don't have a front foundation. Not all the money they get in goes to St. Judes.
The Eric Trump Foundation has often claimed its fundraising benefits from significant donations of goods and services but its IRS filings show no such donations. When asked, Scardigli said the amount of donated good "considered reportable" was insignificant.

After Eric Trump's wife Lara joined her husband's charity board, her favorite groups also began receiving gifts. From 2012-2014, the foundation gave a total of $181,250 to five animal welfare groups where she had visited or volunteered. An animal welfare advocate and enthusiastic rider, she was pictured horseback riding at one of the locations, the Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue, in a 2014 Facebook posting by that group.

Similarly, the Eric Trump Foundation's largesse has landed at multiple Jewish organizations tied to Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner. In 2014, the foundation donated $10,000 to Chai Lifeline, a Jewish group for sick children and their families. That charity's co-chairman, Larry Spiewak, is a friend of Ivanka and her husband and attended their wedding. A Jewish community leader, he became an early and vocal supporter of Trump's run for president.

Also, there have been links between board members of the Eric Trump Foundation and Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

His father's campaign paid $14.2 million to the company of foundation board member Christl Mahfouz, Ace Specialties, L.L.C., for campaign paraphernalia. Other campaign payments went to foundation board members Scavino, Glick and Woolard.

Foundation executive board member Jerry Kaufman was paid $2,000 in rent. He is a car racer and real estate entrepreneur who served as master of ceremonies at a Trump campaign rally in July.

AP: Eric Trump Foundation flouts charity standards
What is this strawman on vets....NOONE OPPOSES THAT! But we see how the govt runs VA and it sucks.

For example why do liberals oppose vets seeing private doctors if the VA is full?

Who says they do? In fact, the VA already pays billions to private practitioners.

Here's what the real problem is. Because of the War, the aging of the Veteran population, (with Vietnam, Korea and WWII vets filling the system because the private system won't touch them) the VA has grown from a 60 Billion dollar agency in the 1990's to one close to 180 Billion today. Any agency that grows that fast and has that much demand put on it in a short time is going to fall short.
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns
Because their commercial says merry Christmas…
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

Michelle didn't do something likethis, that's the point.

Paying for access is what you guys accused the Clintons of doing, and here you are doing it.
No decent person would want to have coffee with the hildabeast... fact
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

Because it is not with a far left god...
Probably all bullshit IF and I say if they are really donating it's probably only as a tax deduction The Dumps are slime and will never change their spots

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